Days of Our Lives - Mon., Sept. 10, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, September 10, 2018

There is trouble right here in River City, with a capital T!! Belle is talking with Eric, showing him the paper, which is their mother’s Do Not Resuscitate. They talk, argue, both are upset. Neither want to invoke it, but it is their mom’s wish. Belle is in tears, she also found another paper, in which her mother designated her as her health proxy. It is her duty.

John is with Roman, at the Pub, taking a small break. Roman wants him to eat something, John is too worried about Marlena, Roman talks positively, she is going to make it. Everything will be fine. John is about to call Steve, Roman stops him, makes excuses, but finally tells him all that happened. Shane is working currently on getting Steve’s name cleared. John wants to go to hospital, Roman is going with him, will go check on Paul for him.

Roman is trying to assure Kayla that Shane is doing everything he can for Steve. She is beside herself, this is her fault, she has told Roman her entire deal with Stefan, so he has imparted all that to Shane. He tells Kayla to focus now on her patients, while Shane stays on top on the whole situation.

Maggie is talking with Chloe, who seems worried about Lucas. Maggie is giving positive feedback, telling Chloe that while she may be worried, she cannot show Lucas that she is. Chloe knows Lucas said one day at a time for this recovery, has done very well, but she remembers (flashback) him telling her about waking up next to the dead Anjelica…being so drunk, not remembering. She fears that having to go talk with Bonnie might be a setback for him. Maggie tells her not to let Lucas know she is so concerned, trust him.

Bonnie is telling Lucas she doesn’t want to go back to prison, he is not all that sympathetic. So she drops the bomb on him, that he should not let the mother of his child go to prison. He doesn’t believe it, they never had sex, she reminds him of waking up with the dead Anjelica in her bed in her room…….she insists they did, he denies, but as they talk, he has flashbacks (he was drunk which is why he did not remember). She goes on about how hot he was, how much they enjoyed it, on and on. He does remember telling her she is different, she is not Adrienne. But still having sex. He cannot believe that resulted in her having a kid. Oh, but it did she claims.

Will has told Paul of getting memory back, of remembering Sonny, etc. Paul asks what does that mean for us? Will, of course, has this whole big flashback of him & Sonny, and talking of being together, and Will finding a way to tell Paul. But before he can answer, Kayla arrives to check on Paul. Small talk, then she checks Paul over, checks hands, movements, etc. She moves to the foot of the bed, as Paul starts talking with Will, not noticing she is touching his feet, she is looking concerned. She has the reflex hammer, taps his leg, asks if he feels that. No, he doesn’t, she does both the knees, nope. He cannot feel either of his legs. She is going to run some tests, Will has to leave, promises to be right outside, will be back.

But next, Will is in the park, Sonny rushing up, Will tells him he told Paul about getting memory back, and then about him having no feeling in his legs. Sonny is sorry, gives Will a hug. Back at the hospital, Roman comes in to see Paul, who kids around a bit about a major league game he played a few years ago. Kayla comes in, asks Roman to leave, No, since his dad cannot be there, Paul would like Roman to stay. Kayla breaks the news, she is sorry, but she does not have good news.

Lucas doesn’t believe Bonnie, who insists there is a child, he says she always lies, is lying now. He opens the door to leave, and there is Sheila, carrying this darling little baby girl, gives her to Bonnie, who oohs, and ahs, gushing away, then asking the baby if she wants to meet her daddy. D

Eric is insisting that before Belle talks with Kayla, she tell John about the paper. Belle says o.k. Eric says he has a right to know. John walks in at this……What is it that I should know?
Lawyer opinion please. Isn't there a difference between not hooking up to the "tubes" in the first place and removing them once they are in place? It has been my understanding that once a person is hooked up to life support, it is VERY difficult to undo this. ?????
OMG moments abounded in Salem today.

Belle: She should be required to go back to law school to learn how to interpret a legal document. Marlena's opposition to life-support would apply to situations where all hope was gone and/or she was brain dead. Here, she may be on life support, but her brain function is presumably normal and there is a chance of recovery.

Bonnie: Why hasn't she been shipped back to prison? And why does she think having a child with Lucas will help her escape the slammer? Even in Salem mothers of small children go to prison. Just ask Gabi.

Roman: Why is he putting his faith in Shane, a man who can't even control his daughter, Jeannie T. Instead, Roman should get poor Steve a good lawyer. Ted would get the case against him dismissed in a Salem second.

Stefan Zero: Why would anyone think that Stefano would be proud of him? This guy is simply an amoral lump without a trace of the DiMera panache. In addition, the Phoenix would surely be appalled by Pervy O. McBarf's obsession with an alter of Abigail Deveraux who is married to another DiMera.

Finally, one high point was that John finally changed his shirt. :clap::clap::clap:
Thanks, Poirot.

Sway, I noticed Will changed his shirt too. He probably went to this
apartment to change clothes and call Sonny. He had the white shirt
on since before the wedding.

Will Roman become John's new best friend since Steve is gone? I think
at one time they were.

IF Lucas is the father of Bonnie's baby, that doesn't mean he'll help Bonnie
get of jail. He could get custody of the baby and raise her by himself.

So Marlena had papers done so she would be put on artificial equipment
when she wasn't with John. Why didn't she tell him later when they got
back together?
After all the mean, hatful, bizarrely unorthodoxed, and downright perverted atrocities
Stefano Sr. and his collection of offspring have showered on the Salem elite,
I’m pretty sure in his sick twisted mind he would be proud of disgusting Stefan Jr.
Lawyer opinion please. Isn't there a difference between not hooking up to the "tubes" in the first place and removing them once they are in place? It has been my understanding that once a person is hooked up to life support, it is VERY difficult to undo this. ?????

Belle: She should be required to go back to law school to learn how to interpret a legal document. Marlena's opposition to life-support would apply to situations where all hope was gone and/or she was brain dead. Here, she may be on life support, but her brain function is presumably normal and there is a chance of recovery.

I'm not a lawyer but my grandmother had an order like this before she died and it specifically said she wasn't to be kept alive by any artificial means. That's what I took Marlena's directive to mean as well. Right now she can't survive without being intubated so I actually thought Belle explained this pretty well.

Terrific scenes between Belle and Eric. I've been waiting so long to see their connection and it didn't disappoint. This actually didn't play out the way I was expecting it to. It was good to see Belle struggle with this. HOW IS SHE NOT ON CONTRACT?

The show really needs to find a purpose for Maggie because right now she comes off as an annoying busybody in any scene she is in. Great to see Chloe 2 days in a row.

I'm guessing Bonnie is lying and this is really her grandchild. I did love Lucas' reactions though. ANOTHER ONE WHO SHOULD BE ON CONTRACT.

I liked the John/Roman stuff. I'm guessing Roman will be John's new "partner". I did find it awkward that Roman went to Paul instead of John.

I find it very odd that we haven't seen Sami in a week. That's unusual for one of her return stints.
I find it very odd that we haven't seen Sami in a week.
Shhhhh. She might hear you. :)

I agree with you, Heather. I think the baby will be Bonnie's grandbaby. Please don't let it be Bonnie's!
I don't mind if it belongs to Bonnie; I just don't want it to belong to Lucas.