Days of Our Lives - Mon., Sept. 14, 2020


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, September 14, 2020

Would not have thought scenes could be dragged out the way these were today, but...Kristen opens the door to Eli, who walks in, intending to arrest her. She protests, talking of how she was person who encouraged Lani to fight for him, blah, blah. She tries to talk of taking her away from Rachel, he knows what that feels like, having lost a baby. Don't you dare use that to try and sway me. Meanwhile, Lani is packing up Rachel, to take her to her mommy & daddy. And of course, knock knock at Kristen's door, tis Lani, who gets upset over Eli being there. He is cuffing Kristen, she is protesting, to no avail. Down to the station, Eli leaves Kristen in that all purpose room, giving her his phone. He walks out, angry Lani waiting, gives him a hard time for betraying their personal life, since she is one who told him about Kristen being in town.

Hope comes into that interrogation room, Eve anxiously asking if she found Vincent. Hope very slowly, and emotionally, tells of how they traced to the house, the car to the airport, Vince runs, Ben goes to car, it explodes. All they found left is Ciara's rings.

Marlena & Brady at John's bedside as he finally awakens, but has no idea who either of them are. Marlena explains some things, yes she is a doctor, also his wife, they have daughter Isabella they call Belle, after his first wife, who died young. That young man is Brady, your son with Isabella.

Evidently the doctors want to check John, Marlena & Brady leave the room, Brady tells her of Kristen & Rachel being in town. Eventually, Marlena goes back in, tells him a bit more, talking of being shot at their wedding, going into coma, John never leaving her side. She came back & is now not leaving his side. He smiles, asks if he ever called her Doc? She smiles, he grins, yes, memory has returned. She asks to bring him something, clear liquids only, but he wants her to sneak out, bring back strawberries & whipped cream. Brady returns, happy Dad knows who he is, hugs, etc. Brady leaves the room, Marlena tells of how she worried the aneurysm might have affected his brain, she is so happy she has her John back. She lays on his shoulder, his arms around her. He is smiling, but it seems to turn to a frown.

Brady notices some strange number calling his phone, finally answers it, tis Kristen, he thinks she is using a burner phone. Tells her Dad woke up, memory problem for a bit, but fine. She says she is at police station, was arrested.

And now to the long drawn out dreams of Ben, who first dreams Ciara is right there, they are talking, laughing, hugging, etc. And then room is empty & he dreams of their future life....going on honeymoon, having plane delayed, then she is telling him she is pregnant, they are so happy, baby son is born, they are talking of names, Ben thinks Bo Brady Weston would be good, knows how much she loved her dad, would like their son to have name he could look up to, of someone to be proud of. She nods yes. Then they are home, talking diapers, baby stuff. Ben is smiling in his sleep. Now he is gifting Ciara, a ring box, it opens, contains wedding/engagement ring. She is shocked, why this, you gave this to me before. He stammers, not what he intended. Ben wakes with a start......opens his fist where Ciara's rings were clenched in his hand.
Eli: He deserves a big round of applause for actually doing his job and arresting a notorious career criminal. Wherever he is, Bo Brady is smiling. Eli also gets kudos for saying that the Salem P.D. is not "a daycare service for fugitives." As for Lani, she should get over herself. Eli wasn't guilty of any betrayal. It was Lani herself who betrayed her responsibilities to the people of Salem by aiding a wanted felon.

Kristen: It was good to see her to finally get was she richly deserves. Her arrest is another bit of good news for John and Marlena. And fie on her for blaming her victim, Victor, for her crime. This is a ploy used by lawyers who have little else going for their hopelessly guilty clients.

Doll-in-Blanket: Cheers also go to this fan favorite for doing a fine job in the coveted role of Beauregard Aurelius Weston. DiB has been slighted lately as the foolish writers have insisted on using real infants to play baby roles so its good to see this popular performer back in action.
Doll-in-Blanket: Cheers also go to this fan favorite for doing a fine job in the coveted role of Beauregard Aurelius Weston. DiB has been slighted lately as the foolish writers have insisted on using real infants to play baby roles so its good to see this popular performer back in action.
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Thanks for this. The president landed in Phoenix so we got to watch them land, jabber till he walked down the stairs talk to the press pool then, wait for it, drive off the tarmac.
Thanks, Poirot.

I'm so happy John's soap opera illness amnesia didn't last very long.

It was funny when John called Brady "Bob".

Are we supposed to believe Ciara is dead and all that is left are her rings?
I'm not buying it.

Lani should give Kristen her striped jacket to wear in prison.

Eli had said to Lani "he didn't realize the Salem PD offered daycare to fugitives".

Today was the first day in months I saw the whole show via my local station. My governor is
only giving a weekly report as of now about COVID. I didn't realize that until after I tuned the
TV back on and I hit the record button on my VCR really fast.
Lani said to Eli you traded our relationship so you could feel like a hero. She did the same thing. Harboring her "best friend" fugitive! Putting Eli in a really bad spot that thankfully he came to his senses. She has no right to be mad at him for doing his job.

Seriously, the only thing left were Ciara's rings? There are are no remains whatsoever in the car? People don't burn that way. It is insane that they are saying Ciara is dead. Wouldn't you hold out until you had concrete evidence? Frustrating.
I got through this episode pretty fast. I skipped all of Ben's dreams. Skipped some of Kristen and all of Hope's wailing, and the scenes where people were being told of Ciara's demise. It's so silly that they've been assuming Ciara is dead. Watching Lani blame the Kristen situation on Eli just made me irritated. I've put up with her and tried hard to like her but this is too much. I see why there is so much bad behavior in Salem. Too many people have their priorities mixed up!

I did enjoy watching John wake up.
Seriously, the only thing left were Ciara's rings? There are are no remains whatsoever in the car? People don't burn that way. It is insane that they are saying Ciara is dead. Wouldn't you hold out until you had concrete evidence? Frustrating.

It's particularly strange considering that in the 80s Hope was supposedly killed in an explosion, but wasn't dead because she wasn't actually caught in the explosion. Hope, of all people, should know better.
The people of Salem are not too bright. They tend to make a lot of assumptions when there are no facts to back up that claim. Ciara's "death" is only the latest in a long line of such assumptions that turn out to be false. Since the time jump, we have had:

Eve blamed for pushing Jennifer so that she was in a coma for a year

Will assuming and everyone following along that he was the one that killed Adrienne with no forensic evidence that his car was involved in that crash.

Ben accused of killing Jordan without following any other leads that may have led them to Evan (Christian) sooner.

Ben assuming Claire was to blame for Ciara's ruined wedding dress and missing ring.

Chad and Abigail assuming Gabi drugged Abby when there was no evidence that Gabi was involved.

In the past few days, we have found out that Salem's fire department is just as incompetent as the Salem PD.
Darn it, I wanted John's amnesia to last longer. It's been a while since we had a good soapy amnesia case, and since John had a good meaty plotline.