Days of Our Lives - Mon. Sept. 20, 2010

Also loving Brady

I agree with those who love the "darker" Brady. I was so sick of his wishy-washy "I love Nicole; wait! No I don't" storyline. Love to see Vivian get what's coming to her & glad that it's Brady who is giving it to her!
Dark Brady is hot I just wish they were using him in a more serious storyline. I guess this is why I never was a full on Days viewer all my life...they shy away from the gritty and pull the campy card far too much for my tastes. The changes in Brady, on another that would be awesome...sigh...

But as long as Brady, Nicole, Philip and Melanie are on the show....I am watching...just wish they would take things a bit emotionally darker.

Thanks for the write up
Lil0-I'm thinking that with Will and Sami talking about Sami shooting him, he's got an idea as to what happened.
Dark Brady is hot I just wish they were using him in a more serious storyline. I guess this is why I never was a full on Days viewer all my life...they shy away from the gritty and pull the campy card far too much for my tastes.

I don't like shallow characters, storylines or campy stuff either as a rule and there is too much of all of that on Days ... but... in the Brady/Vivian story, I believe campy is why its working. Usually I'm all for deeper emotions in a story too but Days desperately needs some comic relief and I would absolutely not want the Brady/Vivian story to be done in a serious way. That would take it from funny to sick in a hurry. Eric and Louise are playing these scenes perfectly. Vivian's facial expressions are priceless, she's showing a bit of nervousness at times but she's doing it so theatrically and as part of her overall innocence act that the audience doesn't feel like she is in any real distress or fear. And even though Brady is threatening her and saying menacing things, he isn't truly scary, just funny. I would have a very hard time even watching much less enjoying these scenes if I felt like Brady was really going to do something violent or if Vivian was truly going to be harmed. Days frequently has scenes that make me feel angry or anxious and that is the exact opposite of entertaining to me. I welcome the change of pace where there is at least a hint of justice rather than the villains constantly winning, and the over-the-top comedy of Brady/Vivian adds a nice balance to the otherwise dark mood of the whole show.
I love brady

I can't wait to see Victor's reaction to Vivian being gone. Get that divorce quick, Victor, before Vivian somehow gets out of that sarcophagus and manages to ruin everything for everyone she hates which is almost everyone.

I LOVE seeing Maggie with Victor and yesterday's show was great! I cheered at Brady and I loved Maggie finally telling Victor part of how she feels. I want to see them together! Not that I don't like Sami with Rafe because I do (I LOVE Rafe) but Days needs an older romantic couple like John and Marlena used to be. Alice and Tom are gone a long while now and there are no stable, older couples in Salem who can act as voices of reason and integrity for all the 'kids' in Salem who partake of the Salem Stupid Juice far too much. I would almost say I would like to see Victor with Caroline, but she's too prim and proper for Victor I think.
DaysFan-I used to want a Caroline/Victor romance after Shawn Sr. died (esp. as you say there's no older couple featured as a stable couple), but then the sparks between Maggie and Victor are WOW!

I'd also be happy with Doug/Julie coming back on a more regular basis to take over the moral compass route since they are stable and you can just see the magic.
I appreciate the preview, Poirot. Glad you are on the mend. I'm still loving the Brady/Vivian scenes. I am thoroughly enjoying the comic aspect of it. Brady had been excessively serious for way too long!

I have to say it made me cringe to read and think about EJ speaking Sami's name. I hadn't realized the relief and "stress-less" enjoyment I've been experiencing the past week or so was due in part to the fact that EJ hasn't been interacting with Sami. It seems probable that he heard the comments made by Will and Sami at his bedside, and will know Sami is the one who shot him. I do wonder what he will do with that information but really, I don't look forward to seeing it play out.
I am loving the Brady/Vivian scenes also, so glad that they didnt' let Viv put Maggie in there. Much better stroy line.

Thanks for these wonderful write ups!! They are easier to take than actually watching, you don't have to be bounced around and dramatic stops for comercial breaks. When I do get to watch the show, I am reminded of this. And you make it more interesting than the actual show is. I look forward to it also in the mornings, but TRY to make myself wait longer, the longer I wait, the more comments are posted. They make it even better to read the summery, it is like watching it with a bunch of friends.
But I don't see how he could know who shot him. He was not conscious. Oh, silly me. This is Salem. Anything is possible.

The last sense to leave you when you are in a coma is hearing. (That is why we always talk to patients even if the are not able to answer back to us.) He may have heard Sami yelling at him and then the shot.
i think more and more it is Daniel or Nathan that changed the results... i think Daniel may know more than he lets on
Whose going to point out my posting indiscretions while your gone Poirot? Just kidding of course, enjoy your R & R. I think we can all do with a little break away from our Days obsession now and then.

Now on to today's show. Yet another great episode. Although I know Rafe is suspicious/curious of was very uncomfortable watching Rafe give Will the 3rd degree out in the boonies. But I did enjoy how Will responded to Rafe...bring it on!

I thought I would split a gut watching Victor be so joyful about Vivian's leaving town. This was better than the best writing for Vic and Brady. I loved how Brady would look straight into the camera while Vic was talking knowing Vivian was watching. One comment, other than where is Viv going to pee, it doesn't appear Brady is feeding poor ole Viv. I guess he hasn't tried the straw to see if it works either to feed her or to relieve her....I just had to say it!

Stephanie is definitely bonkers and that's all there is to say about that! Also today I took a good look at Ian with a little make up he would be prettier than Stephanie.

Chloe stop rubbing your belly please, we all know you pregnant. And, Daniel Chloe doesn't need you to prop her up with your arm every minute of the day, she can stand on her own two feet.

And finally cough it up EJ, give us a big Samanter I love you or not!