Days of Our Lives - Mon., Sept. 4, 2023

@WW..............Season 258 ended last Friday. Today is supposed to be Season 59, episode 1. But, as DaysD noted, he got episode 6 early this a.m.
Currently there are NO Days episodes available at all, last I tried. Maybe by noon???
Thanks for clearing that up, Poirot! I guess I wasn't helpful after all:head scratch:
You mean Season 58, Episode 1? We are still in Season 58, and it is available if you click on All Episodes for Season 58, you will note there are 245 Episodes available. I hope this helps
I'm totally confused because I read that according to Twitter, you need to change it to Season 59 which doesn't even make any sense because aren't we still in Season 58? Doesn't Season 59 start in September? Forgive me if I sound completely confused, because I am.
Poirot explained it in post #21:
@WW..............Season 258 ended last Friday. Today is supposed to be Season 59, episode 1. But, as DaysD noted, he got episode 6 early this a.m.
Currently there are NO Days episodes available at all, last I tried. Maybe by noon???
It's really helpful to read all the posts to see if your questions have already been addressed.

It appears there was a snafu and NBC/Peacock is working on it. When we know something, we'll update it on the board.
Bill Hayes, who plays Doug, is 98 yrs. old. Probably cannot get around well anymore. Maybe there had to be an excuse for him not to be dancing with his wife, so Dick Van Dyke could do so?????
In a sane not Salem world, couldn't Xander have taken the paper EJ wrote the amount he was willing to pay for Ava's untimely death and gone to the police?

Given that Salem has some issues with Xander, I'm guessing no one would believe him.

Wonder how old Tate is these days that missing a couple of days to attend his great-grandfather's funeral would upend his education? More than likely Theresa wanted Brady to herself, and having their kid tag along would be messy for her.

Thanks DaysD for the write up.
I would have thought Brady's first question would be where's Tate? Dangit. Wanted to see him. I would love for Brady and Theresa to reunite. Loved them and love the actress.

Could John Doe be Tommy Horton? I didn't watch then but I always heard he just disappeared even though Julie now says he died years ago. Personally I think him being John's father is lame.

Ava, yeah, figured. I mean I think we have all known Susan was alive. But who has been taking care of her?
I didn't watch then but I always heard he just disappeared even though Julie now says he died years ago.
Tommy left Salem in 1979. A few years later, Alice mentioned that he lived in Hawaii. Julie making the comment that he died years ago is the first confirmation we've had that he died.
Different writers change things a lot......but Tom & Alice Horton married in 1930. Tommy was their first born, so possibly was born in 1931 or '32. currently, once a character gets to 21, their age is never mentioned, thus they can become younger very easily. (that was not the case back when Days began)
Tea for Two is an old, old song, usually done by the song and dance couples/duos back before TV I think. You know, back in the 20s and 30s. LOL

Somehow it seems the kind of song Fred Astaire would dance to with a partner, just like Julie & Dick Van Dyke did.......
It was a great show with Dick Van Dyke, Doug, and Julie doing their old-time song and dance routine. If Days lasts long enough, maybe John and Marlena could do something similar with a Beatles or Beach Boys song. As for the talk of Dick being John’s father, that was to be expected, but John definitely needs a paternal upgrade from the demented Yo-Daddy.

Fie on the wretched EJ, asking Xander to kill Ava. Stefano would be shaking his head. No DiMera should be offering to pay a Kiriakis to do his dirty work. It would be a fine joke on Elvis if he’s arrested for trying to have Ava murdered only to find out that his dear mother is very much alive.

Fie also on Brady for spurning Jeannie T.’s reunion offer. Sure, their relationship had its problems, but it’s not like Brady’s has had any better offers lately. In fact, the way things are going Brady could soon be as kissless as Roman used to be.
Thanks, DaysD.

Julie, Doug and Mr. Doe (whose name is Mr. Bell) man were the best part of the show.

No one should be surprised Susan is alive.

Did Susan have a psychic connection with EJ in his dream?

Xander was smart not touching the gun.

John learns that Mr. Bell was with his father (what number is John on for fathers?) during the war.

So, Theresa wants Brady back. Brady told her no way. Hopefully, he won't change his mind.