Days of Our Lives - Monday, 8/29/16


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2012
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An OK episode.

In the Pub at a booth, Paul is chatting John about how PIs are supposed to be invisible, but he's famous. John tells him that because of his fame, nobody will ever know he's trailing a suspect. Paul tells him about helping Belle with her case by going after Jennifer, feels guilty, isn't sure if he can do this line of work. John admits it can take its toll, but tells Paul not to sell himself short, take the good with the bad, mentions what a great job he did helping find Tate.

Sonny shows up and they soap stare, John says he is "meeting Doc on her lunch break", Sonny sits down and they small talk, decide to "do lunch", small talk about Paul's career, Will, Victor, etc. Sonny talks of going into the family business eventually, Paul notes that he has changed. Sonny says yes, he is alone after Will died. Everything changed. Small talk, Sonny pays and says they should do it again sometime.

At the Hernandez house, Gabi arrives, as it seems there's a family meeting. (And she does mention going to class!) Eduardo has already told everyone else the news: he is leaving town. Gabi starts getting upset, but of course Dario is glad Eduardo is moving away. Eduardo says he needs to go because of the threats, Gabi's mugging, Gabi doesn't want him to run away, thinks he needs to see Arianna grow up. He thinks the best and only thing to do is say goodbye, Mami thinks it's a mistake.

Hugs and tears, Rafe wants him to stay and offers his help in dealing with those who are making threats against Eduardo. Mami leaves the room, can't do this. Gabi and Dario start arguing about Eduardo's departure, Dario gets a phone call and leaves, Rafe comforts Gabi, tells her Dario is selfish and pigheaded, Gabi seems to think it's more. They continue to bash Dario, but Rafe reminds her he was the same way towards Eduardo at first, Gabi reminds him that he came around.

Outside, Dario is talking to the goon that assaulted Gabi, told him to leave Salem; what does he want? The dude needs money, blackmails Dario. Dario comes back inside briefly, then rushes out after saying he must "take care of something". Mami and Eduardo come back out, Gabi is still upset, eventually leaves after hugs, Rafe says he'll take care of the family, leaves too. Mami and Eduardo says their goodbyes (emotional scenes).

Dario meets the goon in the park, pays the guy, says it's the last time, he won't keep doing this. The dude says he will unless he wants his family to know the truth. Gabi is alone in the Square, the guy comes up and grabs her, tells the "bit**" to shut her mouth, has had it with her stupid family, then leaves. Bizarre.

Joey is walking through the Square, and Jade comes up to him, it's been a while, chit-chat, she's living with her parents. Apparently her dad cooled down, she thanks him for standing up for her before, but asks if he is avoiding her. Joey says he isn't, but is dealing with a lot; however, he doesn't want to go into details. Jade is annoyed that he doesn't want to open up to her, wonders if he doesn't want her anymore, he says it's not the case.

He mentions how his parents forced him into this "awful therapy", he can't quit, all his emotions all come out during the sessions. Jade tells Joey she's there for him, she won't get upset. Joey admits that Marlena tells him he's so mad and confused because he is always around her. Jade doesn't want him if he doesn't want her, Joey assures her he does, they go back and forth about who Joey is, how he's lost himself. She thinks he is blaming her, asks if he told Marlena about Ava, as she wasn't around for that. More back and forth, awkwardness.

Jade gets frustrated and leaves as Joey's parents walk up, ask if there's something they can do to help. Joey says therapy is making things worse, Kayla tells him things take time, reassures him, says she and his dad are going to couples therapy. She leaves, Joey tells his dad he'll hate therapy more than he does. Patch is surprised, thought it was Joey's idea, Joey blames Marlena for the problems between him and Jade.

Patch says he and his mother are there for Joey, therapy is just there to find some answers. He also says Joey has to be true to himself, doesn't have to listen to a psychiatrist. Joey thanks him, goes to find Jade, wishes him good luck. Kayla texts Patch, session starts in 20 minutes. Joey finds Jade in the park, apologizes, he shouldn't have listened to Marlena, he loves her and being with her is right. Jade thinks maybe it is a mistake, but Joey holds her hands, isn't ready to let go.

Earlier, Patch invites Kayla into his hotel room, mentions how Joey allowed her to ask Marlena questions about his sessions, says he is making progress. It's awkward, but Kayla says Joey encouraged her and Patch to do couples' therapy, asks what he thinks (she seems to agree). Patch admits therapy can work for some people and is glad it's helping their son, but "it's not his thing". Kayla seems surprised, Patch doesn't want some "therapist who doesn't care" to bring back his past.

Kayla assures him Marlena does care, Patch still isn't sure, and Kayla is about to leave. He stops her, they argue about if it can be effective or not, Kayla thinks they can talk and work things out but Patch isn't so sure, thinks he can find his way back to her on his own; Kayla is the one pushing him away. Kayla thinks he is blaming her, but he says he isn't. They start arguing about the therapy and their relationship. Patch eventually agrees to go to therapy, Kayla sees if they can start this afternoon. Kayla is waiting outside, John arrives, she updates him on everything, Patch hasn't called her or returned her texts.

Patch shows up at the bar, looks at the text, remembers his conversation earlier with Kayla. He ultimately calls Kayla and leaves a message, and says something came up at work (a fib), he won't make therapy, is sorry. He starts drinking, a woman in a red dress comes up to him. Her name is Robin, just moved here, is looking for new friends. He says he is involved with someone, but she doubts it because he looks miserable. He takes a drink as John enters and sees from afar. In the waiting room, Kayla is telling Marlena on the phone that Steve is a no show, there isn't hope, he doesn't wanna change, she may have to call it quits.
Oh, wow, have no idea what a help this was today. I had sent a note to JS that something happened and so the summary was going to be very late today.......and she let me know it was already up!

Bless your heart, it was a lifesaver for me today for sure.

That said, sooooooo, Marlena has indicated Joey's problems stem from his involvement with Jade.....DUH!!! Maybe it is about time Jade took a long look at herself for a change, instead of whining about Joey trying to help himself.

And then, perhaps that goes for Kayla as well. She fell in love with Steve as he was. He has more than come half way for her, and exactly what has SHE done to help resolve their issues? Make an appt. for them with Marlena?

I hope either Dario fesses up to making the threats to his father, or gets caught.
Glad to help, Poirot. I felt like watching today, and figured I would get it up early.

I wonder if Gabi will learn the truth about Dario after what the goon said to her today? She did seem to notice something has been off with her brother.

I also echo your sentiments (and Patch's) about Kayla. He gave up so much for her, and in return sees her flirting with and kissing Fynn, while continuing to berate him for his "misbehavior". But I do wish that he at least would have given therapy a try.
Well, he had a horrible young life, but because of his penchant for being able to overcome obstacles, danger, etc., he was able to find her ill brother and bring him home. Does that not count for something? He also brought the runaway Joey back home, not once, but twice. I don't get Kayla being so immovable about everything. Steve has done a lot of good for his family, for his friends, and Kayla, being a doctor, has also done so.

Is she really going to be happy with Steve being a bartender? With a change in personality? Does she really want a milquetoast Steve?

And why is he sitting drinking if he is supposed to be bartending? LOL
Family dysfunction was front and center today. Over at the loving Hernandez home, slimy Dario has succeeded in running Eduardo out of town, but God help him if Rafe discovers his plot (as he surely will). Speaking of Dario, somebody should tell his hired thug about what happens to such people (e.g., Sy and Fake Rafe) who overstay their welcome. And then there was the Johnson family circus. If Marlena ever does sort out Steve, Kayla, and Joey's multiple problems, she should be named psychiatrist of the year. Finally, a few questions:
  • Why is John so sure that Paul's PI career will remain unknown? The press is always interested in what happens to superstar athletes whose careers ended prematurely.
  • Why didn't Paul and the "changed" Sonny have Wanchai Ferry for lunch? Caroline's tasty frozen Chinese entrees would have lightened their mood.
  • If Teen Ciara is hot for bad boys, why isn't she after Joey. After all he's pretty "bad." He was involved in the brief kidnapping of the pathetic Chase, vandalized a judge's car; skipped out on a court date, was involved in an armed robbery in California, and wears the scorpion brand of Aunt Simone's nest of teen criminals on the back of one hand?
Joey and Jade: I've tried being patient but these two just aren't doing it for me. It's been a while since we've seen them and I thought the old saying "Absence makes the heart grow fonder" would come into play but sadly that is not the case. Although I did get a chuckle out of Joey telling Jade that Marlena thinks so much of his anger is due to hanging him out with Jade. Why is that? Because I flashed back to an episode of "The Simpsons" where Homer and Marge are in counseling and Homer says to the psychiatrist (voiced by Anne Bancroft) "I bet you think this all my fault," and she says "Homer this is not about placing blame." The camera does a close-up of her notepad and she has "the husband" underlined and circled in red ink. I can just see Marlena doing the same with Jade's name in her notes. LOL

Sonny and Paul: I can see that Paul wasn't too impressed with the new Sonny and neither am I. To be fair I can't really blame him for being a bit more cynical but I just liked the human Care Bear version of Sonny. LOL

With this talk of him joining the "family business" makes me think they're going the Michael Corleone (from The Godfather) with Sonny. I'm not sure how I feel about that.

The Hernandez family: Oh my gosh, My poor Gabi. I just wanted to give her a big old hug. :( She so wants her family together. *sigh* Although when she was saying that when she was in prison she had the family behind her and I couldn't help thinking "Did you really?" I only remember Rafe being there. I'm sure Mami and Scuzzy McScuzzface (who I wanted to thump alongside the head with a 2 X 4 is that wrong?) sent her cards and letters but that's not really the same thing.

I mean I love the Hernandez family but coming together in times of turmoil so far doesn't really seem to be their jam.

And finally how DARE that scumbag put his filthy hands on Gabi again. Although I thought she said she couldn't describe him when she was attacked but she recognized him today? It's called consistency writers, you might want to look it up.

Anyway hopefully, with all Gabi was saying about how weird Scuzzy has been acting and now this it won't be long before the truth comes out.
Did I finally just hear Joey make a straight comparison of Ava to Jade. BINGO! If anyone is who needs therapy is Jade. Like mentioned she does need to take a good look at herself.

Dario is getting on my last nerve I swear! But ya know what I was happy to see Dario squirming not knowing how to handle the thug who is now blackmailing him for more money. With once again the thug running into Gabi saying keywords "I'm getting tired of your family!". Think this will lead to Gabi figuring out Dario is behind all of this. Rafe will likely throw Dario out I am sure. Dario may want to ask Deimos what it's like to be a family outcast lol!

Are they writing something new involving Steve's past that hasn't been addressed. It didn't seem like he was stubborn it seems like there is something he doesn't want anyone to know.

KathyLu LOL I know right I mean in some part of the backwoods in the south sometimes "There's nothing like loving like marrying your cousin!" Just kidding of course, can you imagine? Oh gosh!
Jade still had her brand on her hand. Joey needs to take responsibility for his own actions and SORAS past these antics.

Dario is the worst. I wonder if he will be forced to reveal his fumble to Papa Hernandez or Rafe for help first.

Steve did leave a message eventually but it never showed Kayla acknowledging receipt. Will that make any difference once she finds that he was working?
Thank you for the summary. I just couldn't bring myself to watch the show when I got home.

Joey sniffing after Jade doesn't even come close to must watch tv for me. :sick:

I can't stand to see or hear Dario after he had his little sister mugged. Plus his constant harping for his dad to leave has grown tiresome.
@Eras....this sounds convoluted a bit......but bear with me. My next door neighbor worked with a gal (who lived just a few blocks away. They were friends, drove to work together every day, I met her, parties, etc. This gal was married, but after about 15 years, shehad gotten divorced.So she was single, couple of kids, etc. After a couple of years, she began dating this guy, who was also divorced. They got along so well......eventually got married. I think they are married for 20-25 years now. Yep, they are lst cousins.......NO children, (probably by choice) but evidently very happy. My next door neighbor told me all this, she was a bit disconcerted by it all, but it was their lives. I have no idea WHERE they married, or if they just did not disclose their relationship when they got a wedding license. Because I know it is not legal in IL. But, shows it DOES happen. :)
Thanks, DaysD.

I couldn't believe Joey told Jade she was his Ava, since he was comparing himself
to his dad.

It was interesting to learn Paul doesn't like getting paid to be a peeper or following
people and take pictures. Will Paul quit and do something else? What will John say?

So Sonny changed. That happens a lot in Salem. I'm glad he and Paul got to talk
about things.

Poor Gabi, she's so unhappy with Eduardo leaving. Then she saw the man who
attacked her.

What is wrong with Kayla and Steve? I can understand why Steve may not want to
go to therapy. And isn't there someone else in Salem they can talk to besides Marlena?
I don't think Marlena can be objective because John kept running off over the years
like Steve did.
If Teen Ciara is hot for bad boys, why isn't she after Joey.
Thankfully, they're first cousins, so this will never happen. (This isn't The Guiding Light, after all!!)

I know I'm far in the minority here but Joey is not screwed up because of Jade. He screwed around with Ava, then messed up his parents' lives, then murdered Ava before Jade even entered the picture. Sure, that turned her on a bit (speaking of...does Kate need a protégé?), but we've had opportunity to see growth with her and she can deliver. Unfortunately she's usually written with fewer dimensions than your average line segment and placed opposite Judge Kayla or Gloomy Joe. I actually wouldn't mind if Joey left town and Jade stuck around. But she needs to get some character development outside of the horrid Johnson clan.

Speaking of which...I can't believe how much pain I'm in watching the Steve/Kayla scenes. Think of the magic when Steve stepped off that elevator...or when they rekindled their love. That's all shot to Hades now, as Steve has given up his Patch-ness to please Kayla, and she wants to drag them to therapy. (What's she going to say? He cheated on me when he had amnesia for 10 years?) having Marlena as a therapist really a good idea? Aside from the fact that she's about due for her biennial kidnapping, she knows these two way too well. Steve is (was?) Marlena's fiancé's business partner. I'm all for Marlena having story, but there's got to be another therapist who wasn't also kidnapped and tortured by the same families of villains as Steve.

I like that Paul mentioned his not being an inconspicuous person. But I'm not feeling him and Sonny. And I, too, did not like Sonny today. I'm wondering if we've somehow slipped into the East Wing of the Martin Mansion and we're in an alternate Salem*. Everyone looks the same, even though I haven't seen some of these people in awhile, but nothing they are doing makes any sense.

I did like the flow attempt today, with lunch breaking up some of the scenes.

And I'll say it again...I do not understand Kayla. But I really don't understand Steve. Quit my job? No problem. Move out? Okie dokey. Talk to an old family friend who happens to be a therapist? NEVER!!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek:

I want Dario to get caught red-handed and be disowned by everyone but Eduardo. Eduardo may not leave Salem. He's the only one producing any story, anyway.

**-This is a reference to an old soap called Dark Shadows which featured a storyline in a parallel universe. (Long story.) The main protagonist of the series accidentally wound up there by getting lost in the East Wing of the show's setting, a family mansion. The main cast played mostly the same characters, but everyone's personality and background were different. Many days this is how Days of Our Lives feels to I missed the episode where Chad went through the looking glass and we're still in Salem, but not quite....
What a snoozefest today. I watched this live and still had no idea what happened until I read the summary.

I'm sick of the back and forth between Steve and Kayla. It's starting to remind me of the make up/break up between Daniel and Jennifer. At this point, it just comes off as contrived because these writers seem to have no clue as to what else to write for them. I don't know maybe bring back Stephanie, have it turn out that Joey didn't murder Ava, deal with Kayla's hematoma, etc. But I guess these writers don't know that.

Dario can leave Salem anytime now. Talk about a useless character.