Days of Our Lives - Monday, April 28, 2008


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Monday, April 28, 2008

Episode #10,814 Taped 4/2 Director – Noel Maxam

The Pub has a lot of activity today, as the Vitali thug pokes his knife in Stephanie’s ribs, tells her to smile, gather her things, and nicely leave with him, or she is dead. She does as she is told, and they leave. Max comes out, wondering where Stephanie went. Pete says she just left, so Max goes after her.

Chloe is stunned at Nicole’s reveal – that Victor has known all along the whereabouts of Brady. Prove it, she insists. Seems Nicole hacked into Vic’s computer, wanting to check on his assets, noticed several checks made out to a place in Switzerland. So she hired a private detective, and sure enough, he was able to get a picture (she shows it to Chloe) of the still handsome Brady, who is in rehab. Nicole is surprised, as Brady was never much of a drinker, but Chloe says it was not alcohol, but drugs, and she tried to help him. In walks Victor & Philip, with Vic raking Chloe over the coals for her part in this. She gives it right back, with him allowing her to be suspected of foul play in regards to Brady, but he holds her responsible. Chloe says (sorry, but this sounds so lame) that Brady was lonely, missing all his friends and family in Salem, so she introduced him to a few of her friends…….Victor interjects that they were all low life junkies, she says not…..but nevertheless, he got hooked on a variety of drugs. Chloe is angry that Victor actually arranged to have Brady kidnapped, have the scene look like a crime scene, and cause her to become suspect. Philip hustles her out of there. Nicole smiles at Victor _ I warned you, didn’t I, that I would reveal your dirty little secret. Victor tells her that now there is no secret, and she still has to leave his house. She leaves.

At the cop shop, Ava is making a lot of loud noises about them not realizing who they are dealing with, and when her daddy hears about this, there will be hell to pay. Abe tells Steve that when the squad car got to the Pub, Stephanie had left, and not with Max, who has gone out looking for her. Steve & Kayla take off. Now Abe lets Bo & Hope know about Chelsea being in the hospital, and they take off. Steve & Kayla arrive at the Pub, see Victor, tell him Bo & Hope are back & have gone to the hospital, and then talk to Pete about what happened. Steve calls Abe telling him to put an APB out on Stephanie now.

The goon hustles Stephanie along the docks, worried that the car isn’t there yet. We hear Max far off, calling Stephanie’s name. She yells for help, and he comes upon the duo. The thug holds his knife to Steph’s throat, threatening to kill her, but Max says if he wanted her dead, he would have done it. Max wraps his jacket around his hand, coming closer, talking, saying cops are on the way, and we hear the wail of sirens. The guy pushes Stephanie at Max and takes off. Steve & Kayla comes rushing off, family hugs, and reassurances that everyone is o.k. Kayla has a short flashback to seeing Steve in bed with Ava, but only says it was rough, and they are fine. Max is giving a description to one cop, when another comes along with the goon, asking if he is the culprit. Yep. More group hugs, and they all go back to the Pub. Kayla & Stephanie have tea, a beer for Max & Steve, as they toast they are all well, thank Max for taking care of his little girl, but then Steve says it is not over, Ava’s dad is still out there, and they have to still be very careful.

Abe & Roman want Ava to make a statement, but she is talking of her father suing the P.D. and them losing their jobs. She wants to call her lawyer, they leave to let her. She calls someone, says it is Ava and to call her daddy. When Abe & Roman return, she begins a big long rant about wanting Patch, they are soul mates, he is her life, she needs him, she wants him there NOW. Suddenly, she collapses with a seizure.

Sami & EJ have come downstairs in the DiMera mansion, exhausted from trying to get the twins to sleep. EJ blames Allie, Sami takes umbrage, they go back and forth about whether it was Allie’s fault for fussing, Sami makes accusations of his favoritism, he denies it, she knows he loves both kids…..they just bicker. She wants to go to bed, he says she can’t, they have to “fall in love”. Huh? They have the immigration hearing tomorrow and must get their facts together for all the personal questions that will get thrown at them. Does she snore (no), Democrat or Republican, Any phobias? Sami’s is anything that is DiMera. Favorite food, she knows he likes bangers and mash. (sausages & mashed potatoes), favorite actor…..he rattles off Gene Hackman, Gene Kelly, then Grace Kelly. Favorite movie….To Catch a Thief. She drools a bit over suave Cary Grant. The Bickersons continue to exchange info and insults, (including his choice of clients) she assures him she does not want to share living quarters with him, wants to live as far away from him as possible. EJ tells her she always shows her true feelings, he is done, to go to bed. Cue Nicole to come waltzing in, with the news Victor has kicked her out of the house. EJ wants to know what brought this on, she admits telling a juicy secret, and after some prodding, announces that Brady is alive & well in a rehab center in Switzerland.

Chelsea is brought back to her bed, and we have a lot of repetitious conversation, about her infection, getting well, and the standard soap opera stall when he says he has something else to tell her, and she wants to know what it is. Bo & Hope rush in, Chelsea happy to see them, assures them she is fine, Doc is taking good care of her. Dr. Dan assures them her infection is responding to the boatload of antibiotics they have her on. Victor arrives, more assurances. Just as Dr. Dan is about to reveal the down side of this infection….yelling out in the hall, Bo & Hope rush out to see Ava being brought in. Abe & Roman explain how she had a seizure and collapsed, Ava is saying she & Patch would be together if it wasn’t for Hope, (pretending to be Kayla), Roman tells the orderlies to take Ava into the room with restraints, and to be put on suicide watch.

Later, Philip & Chloe rush into Abe’s office, she wants her passport back, so she can make a trip to Europe. Abe tells her that perhaps the Austrian consulate might have something to say about that. She announces she wants to press charges against Victor.

Bo, Hope & Victor return to Chelsea’s room, where Dr. Dan tells Chelsea that her Peritonitis infection has caused some scarring in the pelvic area, the Fallopian tubes in particular…..and as a result, she will not ever be able to have children.

Thanks Barb...Great write up!

I'm with Sami - Cary Grant is drool worthy - One of my all time favorite actors!
so she can't have kids? whatcha wanna bet that she accidently somehow gets pregnant in the next five or so years? lololol
Thanks Poirot, I will be watching in about two hours. I bet Tamara Braun (Ava) is just wonderful as Ava today. Her acting has been amazing. So glad that Stephanie's kidnapping is very short lived. If it is the tubes that a damaged with the infection Chelsea could always have IVF to have children. (She just needs to find a good man to be the father )
Well Stephanies kidnapping was short & sweet. What was the point of all that??
I hope Kayla & Steve will be ok after all this stuff with Ava.
I am gald we know where Brady is, but I really dont like the way the story is going. Dont like that Vic kept it from everyone. I dont think its a big deal that he didnt tell John..John wont remember him & wont care. I just dont want Victor becomming the bad guy again. I like that he is not someone to be messed with, but I dont want him to be evil again!!

Ava needs to be locked up in the looney bin!! I still think her dad is totally responsible for her delusions of grandure :). But he is super daddy to her. I think it might blow up in his face when all is said & done!! At least I hope so!

Chelsea...this storyline is a little blahhhh!! Not so much carring for her story right now. & I am a Chelsea fan!! Oh well
Thanks for the write up! Sounds like a good show.

Leigh Ann
I'm glad Stephanie's kidnapping didn't go any longer. Sheeeesh!!! The other one dragged way too long.

Who's looking forward to seeing Hope and Steve in different outfits? Ummmm....strike that. Steve will probably be wearing his "Steve" suit.
Chelsea...this storyline is a little blahhhh!! Not so much caring for her story right now. & I am a Chelsea fan!! Oh well
Thanks for the write up! Sounds like a good show.

I agree that the story is moving along too slowly, but love the whole crush on the Doc. I think he has a crush on Chelsea too. This could get good, but I feel bad for Nick
Thank goodness I'm not the only one liking the Chelsea/Daniel storyline. She is over 18, and he is probably in his late 30's... crushing on a smart, good looking, confident hero isn't all that bad - I would probably be the same way! I doubt they will go any farther than flirting and making out or something. Poor Nick, getting kicked to the curb for a crush. Not fair. Nick is a stand-up guy, and I think Doc Dan is a player. However, I think he is digging on the fact that he's still got it to turn on and catch 21 year old (since she was drinking in a bar, I have to assume she is 21 or older). I don't know, it won't last long, and then Chelsea will be pining after Nick again. Maybe this time he won't get stuck in her web again.
Thank goodness I'm not the only one liking the Chelsea/Daniel storyline. She is over 18, and he is probably in his late 30's... crushing on a smart, good looking, confident hero isn't all that bad - I would probably be the same way! I doubt they will go any farther than flirting and making out or something. Poor Nick, getting kicked to the curb for a crush. Not fair. Nick is a stand-up guy, and I think Doc Dan is a player. However, I think he is digging on the fact that he's still got it to turn on and catch 21 year old (since she was drinking in a bar, I have to assume she is 21 or older). I don't know, it won't last long, and then Chelsea will be pining after Nick again. Maybe this time he won't get stuck in her web again.

You better believe I would be trying to make the moves on Dr. Dan! Rawr! lol (sorry)
I don't see anything wrong with it except for Chelsea's immaturity. It's obvious to me that she doesn't really love Nick. Wouldn't it be better to let him down now than after they get married?
I don't see anything wrong with it except for Chelsea's immaturity. It's obvious to me that she doesn't really love Nick. Wouldn't it be better to let him down now than after they get married?

for some reason I do not think Nick is as blind to Chelsea as he acts sometimes. He did notice the Doc and Chelsea getting close while she was recovering and said sometime to the Doc about it. I think he knows that Chelsea will do whatever she wants and right now that is the :hot: Doc... I love Nick and I love Chelsea, but don't think they will ever make it to Marriage together. As for letting him down, I think she has done that so many times in the past that Nick should be use to it. Deja vu
You know, I reeeeeeeeeally think Chelsea needs to let Nick go if she's going to continue her insane fantasies about McSurferDude. It's the only fair thing to do, as much as I love the two of them together. He doesn't deserve that after all he's done for her. The good doc saved her life because it was his job to. Nick has been there for her on countless occasions just because he loves her. Where is Chelsea's romantic brain nowadays?

So very glad we know where Brady is, although I'm really disappointed after all the buildup. It took forever to reveal something that I think is completely out of character for Brady, to be honest. It's hard to believe that he'd get hooked on a bunch of drugs and then disappear without telling anyone he was safe. So not like him.

And we're FINALLY out of the Vitale compound. All the storylines need to pick up a bit; can't wait for May sweeps :)
You know, I reeeeeeeeeally think Chelsea needs to let Nick go if she's going to continue her insane fantasies about McSurferDude. It's the only fair thing to do, as much as I love the two of them together. He doesn't deserve that after all he's done for her. The good doc saved her life because it was his job to. Nick has been there for her on countless occasions just because he loves her. Where is Chelsea's romantic brain nowadays?

That's my thing. It's just a shame that Nick is being treated with such contempt and disregard that is an insult to the character, the actor and his fans. I hope that when Chelsea does wind up breaking up with him, the show will write in a good breakup scene where Nick can at least act upset and agnsty. If there is one thing Chick can do, it's a good break up scene.
Right on, Kathy :)

I'm glad Stephanie's kidnapping didn't go any longer. Sheeeesh!!! The other one dragged way too long.

Who's looking forward to seeing Hope and Steve in different outfits? Ummmm....strike that. Steve will probably be wearing his "Steve" suit.

I agree. I was 100% pleasantly surprised to read that Stephanie's kidnapping didn't take.
In the preview for Tuesday, John is really ticked at victor about "my son". He tells Victor he crossed a line.
I don't understand why people want Nick and Chelsea together when it's obvious that his feelings are stronger than hers. They both deserve to love and be loved in return.
You better believe I would be trying to make the moves on Dr. Dan! Rawr! lol (sorry)

I'm with ya, blueyz! Rawr! LOL!
Also, if Chelsea's fallopian tubes are damaged, that doesn't mean she is totally infertile. Can't she just harvest some eggs, find a guy, then do invitro? Her uterus is intact, yes? I mean, it isn't ideal, but it isn't impossible.

And I really think that Kayla needs to sit Steve down and yell at him for a little while. Yell about keeping the secret after she asked him a trillion times to tell, then yell at him for being naked with Ava, then yell a little more. I think it would make her feel better...and Steve could really do some explaining.
And I don't condone violence or abuse, but I was happy today when Steve smacked Ava. I am glad Ava is no longer in control and maybe she can be rehabbed because I love her on screen.

Sounds like a great episode! Thanks for the writeup, Poirot!
I loved the slap too and she surely deserved it...........but...

I wonder if Steve slapped her because he was furious and needed to get the gun or because he felt guilty for almost scrumping Ava. I think he really wanted to because his actions were far more than "doing it" out of duty or desperation. If he had really wanted to fool Ava, he would have tried to bargain about letting the others go first.

Yep, me thinks Steve would have...if Kayla hadn't walked in.

Anyone else???