Days Of Our Lives Monday Dec 22 2008


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Dec 31, 1969
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Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Chloe is dressed in a red teddy at the door kissing Dr Dan. He enters the room and they move over to the sofa and fall down on it while still kissing. Chloe brings Dr. Dan to the present. Wants him gone as Lucas is coming. Dan tries to tell her that he has something from Kate, but she slams the door on his hand. Chloe is now dressed in clothes and Dan is in the house wrapping his finger. Chloe is sorry about his hand and gives him help in wrapping the finger. They stop and look at each other. Chloe gets upset and wants to know why he is there. He is not her doctor anymore and she wants him to leave her alone. They start to fight. Lucas arrives home and wants to know what is going on. Chloe wants to know why he is so late. Lucas explains that the tow truck took two hours to come. He asks Dan if Kate is ok. Dan says yes that he came to the island for another reason. Dan gives Chloe the gift from Kate and leaves. Lucas wants to know what is going on with her and Dan as she seemed upset with him. She puts it too him being upset because she left the hospital without checking it out with him first. She opens the gift and Lucas is happy when he sees what it is. He tells her the meaning of the necklace, wants her to try it on. Chloe refuses and says she has to return the necklace. She calls Kate and Kate talks her into keeping it. She now has the necklace on and Lucas and her are talking about their future. Lucas says he has never loved her more. They start to make love and she has a flashback of the exam with Dr. Dan.

Brady and Victor and talking about Titan. Victor tills Brady that Titan is doing well and that is surprising in the economical times we are in. Victor wants Brady back working at Titan. Brady is surprised because of his past with drugs. Just out of rehab ect. Victor is offering him vice CEO. Wants to know if he will take the job. Brady is shocked that Victor trusts him. Says he will have to think hard about it and let him know.

Nicole is at the door with Dr. Baker. He wants the money now. EJ finds them and wants to know what is wrong. Nicole says that she called him because she knows that EJ has concerns about Dr Baker being her Dr. Wants them to talk so that EJ will feel more confident with Dr. Baker. She points out that he does house calls. Dr. Baker says that he is proud of his practice and will not defend it. Wants to talk to Nicole in private. EJ is worried and Nicole says it will be fine and that Dr. Baker will talk to him after the exam. They go off to the bedroom. Dr. Baker wants the money. Nicole says she does not have it. Dr. Baker tells her that he does not believe her. She lives in a mansion with lots of expensive things. Nicole talks about the loss of the baby and how she thinks about her daughter all the time. Wants to be a mother. Asks that he goes along with her. He refuses and Nicole says she will have the money tomorrow. She is about to show Dr. Baker out the door when they run into EJ. EJ remarks that Dr. Baker was to talk with him. He wants to know if everything is ok. Dr. Baker says they will know more tomorrow, and leaves. Nicole tells EJ that he is giving them one more day to decide if they want him as her doctor. She tells EJ that she has a craving for hamburgers to get him out of the house. She then makes a call and says that she needs help now.

Max and Chelsea go to visit Kate. They tell her about Charlie the dog and Theo. Charlie and Theo are always together now. Kate sends Max out to get ice chips. She wants to know from Chelsea what is going on between her and Max. Chelsea tries to tell Kate that they are just friends that nothing is going on. Kate replies “Me thinks the lady does protest too much” She says she is not protesting she is telling the truth. Max comes back with the ice chips. They get ready to go. Chelsea was going to go Christmas shopping and Max talks her into going for coffee. At the pub they are having lattes. Chelsea is going over her list and feels she is forgetting someone. Max says it is him. They have an uncomfortable moment. Chelsea then gets after Max for not being ready for the party. Max wants to know why she is on his case. She says that is what friends do. They get on each others case and watch each others back

EJ runs into Victor at the pub while waiting for the hamburgers. Victor advises EJ about Nicole saying that he should throw the b-word out. EJ is upset and warns Victor not to talk about Nicole like that again. Victor warns him that Nicole is poison and will make his life a living hell. They talk about Nicole when she married Victor.

Brady shows up at the mansion. Nicole is upset that he came. She wanted to talk to him on the phone as EJ will be back soon. Brady answers excuse me for being a friend. Wants to know if EJ knows the truth. Nicole answers by asking for a loan for a million dollars. Brady wants to know why she needs the money. She says that Dr. Baker knows that she is faking the pregnancy and that he will tell if she does not pay him. Brady tells her that he does not have the money. She says she will figure out something. Brady suggest that she tell the truth. He leaves and Nicole picks up the phone and calls Dr. Baker. She is holding a vase in her hands and says that he is right there is a lot of expensive things in the house asks if he will take a deposit. He says yes if it is a big one.

Dan returns to Kate’s room. He tells Kate that she is doing better than expected. Lets her know that the gift was delivered. Dan also says he will try to get her home for Christmas. Kate is happy that Chloe has the necklace. Says she thinks they will make it as a couple. He is about to go when she sees his hand. She is worried because he is a surgeon. He assures her that the hand is ok and that he will never let it happen again.
I am not liking the Chloe and Dr. Dan thing. I mean he already had the grandaughter, now the grandmom/mom, then he is chasing after the future daughter in law. Just gross. If they are going to split up Chloe and Lucas they could have used Brady, Philip, her career anything else, but Dan!
Dr. Perv is being written into a corner now, and they injured two fingers on his right hand this day, to boot. Not good for a man who is reknown for delicate surgery. Maybe he will be leaving town, back to continuing his search for the "perfect wave".
Thanks for the recap DJM.
Yeah a Melanie free day. Thanks my blood pressure needed it.
I can't beleive the nerve of Nicole. Where did she think Brady was going to get a million dollars to lend her. She really is losing it.
As I said yesterday, PLEASE end Dr. Dan's s/l soon. Every time I read about him he has gotten worse. (I read the recaps cuz I don't get to watch). He is making me sick.
:smile:Just wanted to say thanks again to all who help here. I really appreciate it.:clap:
E.J. Tells Victor...

I can't wait to see E.J. tell Victor what to do. I think it's hilarious that E.J. thinks Victor would be worried about a threat from DiMera Spawn when he isn't threatened by Papa Nutjob in the least. Needless to say, I'm glad to see Victor interacting with someone who isn't trying to be/or is working for Titan.

Victor's meddling with Brady and Philip should be fun, too. Merry Christmas, viewers, here are some characters that are worth watching! I keep trying to give Melanie the benefit of the doubt, but she does make it difficult.
I am surprised that Victor bothers to tell EJ to throw Nicole out. He should just consider her somebody elses problem. Nicole has really boxed herself in. She either needs to come clean, fake a miscarriage or get that baby come "that really hot place" or high water.

Victor needs to meddle with Philip because Philip doesn't make sound business decisions. If Philip doesn't shape up, Brady may be put in charge of the company especially if he stays sober.

I can see an odd relationship building between Melanie and Victor. I think he will be amused ant her spunk, chutzpah and drive. I hope they don't turn it into a Chelsea/Daniel storyline that would make me quite ill but it would be awesome if he became fond of the little witch in training and she did end up being Nicole's daughter. Victor might even consider her a step daughter despite the invalid marriage and whisk her right into the company.

As always Daniel continues to slither in sleaze. Believe it or not I have found that lately Lucas and Chloe have been more believable together. I think it isn't as passionate as we would like but they are starting to grow on me. I am thinking a steady stable relationship is good. I think Chloe is very disturbed by Daniels behavior and I don't think she likes it at all.

Thanks for the write up Donna!
O, gad, I pray Victor sees right thru the little witch. LOL. I remember when Philip told Victor "this is business".....but Victor would not buy it, gave him what for. This is when John was trying to take over the shipping end, and negating the Stefano/Victor deal (you get yours, I get mine, we leave each other alone).
Thanks, DJM, for the preview. It does sound like Victor might be trying to get Brady into place, in case he doesn't like the way Philip is handling things. Please, please do not let Victor be in any way beguiled by Melanie, not even in the sense of a father-daughter fondness! It would make him look weak and foolish, and that's the last thing I'd want to see in Victor!
could not agree more.........and I don't think Phil is gonna be too thrilled when he learns Vic made Brady this huge job offer.
Brady at Titan....Philip will have a conniption fit for sure...!!! Should make for some good drama.....can't wait....I want to see Brady anywhere with anyone...what a great character....
Victor won't be fooled by Melanie....he may like her and cut her some slack and keep her around for her/Nick's project, but I really don't think he will be fooled by her....
AND OH MY GOSH...we have to endure another replay of the "exam"...????!!!! But of course, I won't, I skip the good doctor's scenes....!!!
Can't Daniel have some sort of golfing accident with his putter? :evillaugh:
:OT:Just watched a movie on Lifetime channel called Undercover Christmas staring guess who? Shawn Christian (Daniel) that's who. I must admit I found it a little hard to watch because I kept picturing him feeling up Chloe. But it was a good movie and he did a real good job. :back:
Sorry if I put this in the wrong place but don't know how to start new threads.