Days of Our Lives - Monday, Feb.7, 2011



Bo is sitting in the interrogation room when Hope walks in with a cop. She advises that Commander Brady will arrive shortly. Bo asks Hope how she is holding up. Hope says now that they are out of danger all she can think of is Ciara. Bo promises she will not be going back to prison. Hope says Bo should be getting an award, not jail time. Roman enters and says Hope is right, but while he doesn't think there is a medal in his future, neither is a prison sentence. He is a free man. Everyone is relieved. Roman advises him that Governor Ford has agreed not to press charges as long as Bo doesn't talk to the press. Governor Ford is doing major damage control. Bo asks Roman if Hope is free to go as well. Roman says nope, he is afraid not.

Carly is visiting with Jennifer. Jenn says she is ok, but asks Carly if Jack has called yet and Carly advises her that Julie hasn't been able to reach him yet. Jennifer says that means no. She is clearly upset.

Sami and Nicole are still at the loft. Sami offers her another beer. Nicole declines. Wonders what is taking them so long to get the cake. Sami tells Nicole that her bracelet is pretty. Nicole says yeah, its beautiful, its sparkly and goes with everything she wears which is a good thing cause she can never take it off. Sami asks her why not and Nicole tells her nevermind. Sami asks her again why and Nicole tells her that it is a tracking device. EJ makes her wear it every where she goes so that EJ knows where she is every minute of every day.

Rafe is sleeping in his cot. He is dreaming about being at Sydney's birthday party. Allie, Sydney and Johnny are all there and Allie is wondering what Sydney is wishing for and Sami says nothing cause they got everything they need right there and hugs the three of them. Rafe is subconsciously saying Sami, what about me? Can't you hear me calling? What about me?

EJ and Rafe2 are at the pier and have the cake in hand. Rafe2 tells EJ that he wants a refresher course as to who was there cause there are too many names to remember. EJ tells him not to worry about it. If he messes up he can blame it on the accident. EJ also advises him to avoid talking to Gabi. Rafe2 says he wishes he had more time to memorize. EJ tells him that he is doing fine. Trust him. He has captured Rafe's dullness. There is not a chance in the world that anyone would think that he is some kind of imposter. All of a sudden we see a man's hand that is wearing a pinky ring and a wedding ring.

Sami is absolutely stunned at Nicole's confession. Nicole asks her why is she so shocked. Sami says she is not shocked that EJ would do that, it is totally classic EJ but she is shocked that Nicole would tolerate that. Sami tells her she is doing this for Sydney and if she has to give up her freedom to be a part of her life then that is a price that she is willing to say. Sami tells her that is really touching. But completely INSANE. Nicole asks her why is loving someone insane? Sami says it's someone who isn't hers. She already has a mother. Nicole says that doesn't mean that she cannot be an important part of Sydney's life. Sydney is important to her. Sami says fine, she can give her that, but has she really considered her future with her? Someday Sydney is going to grow up and someday she is going to find out what Nicole did and how she became a part of her life, how she stole her from Sami. Has Nicole really considered how she is going to react to that? If she is going to think that Nicole is worthy of her love? Sami says she is just saying. Nicole has a very fragile relationship with Sydney. Is it really worth throwing her entire life away for it? EJ doesn't love her. He doesn't trust her. He never will. Why would she want to marry him?

EJ asks Rafe2 if he has any other issues? Rafe2 says EJ is right. He will be fine. Rafe2 talks about his adrenaline pumping pretending to be someone else and they are paying him a ton of money. There will be no complaints from him. Stefano appears and asks are you sure about that? He would be complaining his *** off if he had to live with Samantha Brady. Rafe2 asks what he means by that? Is there something about Sami that he needs to know?

Rafe is talking in his sleep saying Sami! Don't trust him. Not EJ! Don't trust him.

Bo says if Hope is not allowed out then neither is he. Hope tries to stop him. Roman says that is not going to help anything. Hope's situation is different and Bo knows that. Bo says if it wasn't for Hope, that Warden would still be chopping up inmates for their body parts and selling them for money. Hope risked her life to bring that maniac to justice and that has to account for something. Roman agrees bus says it is not up to him, it is up to a Judge. Bo says yeah well, she is not going back to that prison. She is not safe there. Hope insists she will be fine. Bo says it is not ok. Hope asks for a minute alone with Bo. She tells him he can;t do this. Ciara needs him. He needs to go home and help her. That is what Hope wants. She is also sure that Carly is anxious for him to get home. Bo tells her no. Hope asks why. He tells her that Carly is moving out. He says that Carly knows his heart belongs to someone else.

Carly tells Jennifer that she feels terrible about what happened. Jennifer says she is fine. All back together in one piece. Carly says she shouldn't have left her alone. Jennifer tells her to not dare blame herself. Carly says if she gets her hands on that maniac or Dr. Ben Walters. She cannot believe he was involved. Jennifer says she knows. She thought he was a real stand up person. She thought he was the greatest guy. When will she ever learn.

Nicole tells Sami that EJ is letting her be around Johnny and Sydney and that is all she needs. Sami says it doesn't bother her that that sounds totally pathetic and sad? Nicole says she doesn't have to listen to this. She prepares to leave and Sami tells her she will miss the party. Nicole says she will come back when everyone else is there. Sami tells her to stop. Apologizes and says she didn't need to attack her self-respect but the Nicole that she knows would take that bracelet and shove it down EJ' throat. Nicole says how convenient for Sami. She cuts all ties with EJ and then she never gets to see his kids again. Sami says they are her kids too. Nicole says that is just so happens that she doesn't care whos DNA they have or don't have, she loves them and she needs them and they make her feel whole and human and whatever else you need to push forward in this life so she is sorry but she is NOT going anywhere.

Stefano laughs. He tells Rafe2 what isn't wrong with her will take him less time to tell him. Rafe2 says he is just saying, she doesn't seem that bad to him. She got a smokin' hot body and she is warm and affectionate. Stefano laughs some more. Rafe2 asks what is he missing here? EJ says nothing at all. Stefano is still laughing and tells Rafe2 that he should spend more time with her first and then come talk to him. EJ says they should hurry back with the cake. Rafe2 says he should probably warn him that he gets a long with kids but babies not so much. They just don't really dig him. Not sure why. EJ says that would be perfect. He doesn't want his kids to like Rafe2.

Rafe wakes up and says Sami needs him. He tries to get out of bed.

Sami tells her I know you are not going anywhere and I am ok with it. Nicole asks her if it is because she doesn't have a choice? Sami says Rafe2 sent her a text and they are on their way back. Sami says they need to get Sydney up and get her dressed. Nicole hands her a dress and Sami says you got her a dress? Nicole says yeah, custom made in Paris. Cute hey? Sami says if she were a dancer at the moulin rogue. She already got her a dress. An appropriate one. Nicole says it is certainly economical, but it is so cute and pretends to fall and spills beer on it. Sami says she did it on purpose and Nicole plays stupid. Sami rushes to clean it and says I cannot believe you spilt beer on my daughter's birthday dress and Nicole says good thing I have a backup!

Rafe stands up and says EJ said Sami and the kids wouldn't miss him? How is that possible. He gets a headache.

Bo pours a cup of coffee and Hope asks why is Carly moving out? Bo tells her because he cannot give her what she needs. She deserves someone who can love her completely and he cannot do that. Roman comes in and says he hopes that he gave them enough time. Hope says yeah. Roman has to go to Sami's. Hope tells him to give her best. Roman tells Bo to go home and see his daughter. Get some rest. Bo says no. Not until Hope gets a pardon too.

Jennifer says as grateful as she is to be alive right now she feels dillusional or disoriented. Carly asks her how she feels . Jennifer says her brush with death has made her think about so many things. She has two children who are almost grown. She has a husband who she doesn't even know where he is. She doesn't have a job. She has to start her life over and has no idea how to. Carly tells her she will figure it out. Jennifer says she will, she just has a lot of tough decisions around her but she can't live in limbo forever. Carly agrees.

Bo tells Hope they have a lot of things to talk about and a lot of things they need to figure out. Bo assures her she is not going to go to prison again. He will figure out a way. Hope smiles and tells him not to tell her it involves another prison break. He says as fun as that was, no. From now on, they will face things together and he takes her hand.
Sami enters with Sydney and Gabi says oh Sydney! That is such a cute dress. Rafe2 and EJ come back with the cake. Stefano comes in the door behind EJ and Sami says who invited you and looks up at Rafe2? Will leaves the room with the kids. Sami says they don't want Stefano in their home. Stefano says yes, your quaint little home. Reminds me of a nursery rhyme. There was an old woman who lived in a shoe. EJ says that they are all just going to get along today. Sami says that Nicole is one thing, but Stefano is another. Roman knocks on the door. He seems shocked that Stefano is there. What da hell is he doing there. EJ says he has just as much right as Roman does and Sami says actually no, this is their house and they get to decide who is invited there and who isn't. EJ says this is a party for Johnny and Sydney and they would like to have both of their grandparents there. Sydney cries from the other room. Nicole offers to get her, Sami says no, Nicole again tries and Sami says no, you are a guest in my house, sit down. Will comes out of the room followed by Rafe2 and Sami asks Will why is she crying and he says he doesn't know, she took one look at Rafe2 and started crying. Sami says that is so weird. She loves Rafe2. Meanwhile real Rafe is calling out for help. Collapsing from the pain in his head.

Carly tells Jennifer that her and Bo are over.

There is a knock at the interrogation room door. A cop comes in and says it is time to bring Hope back to holding. Hope gets up and asks Bo to give Ciara a big hug and kiss and tell her that she loves her. She goes to leave and turns back and says only you tell her that all the time don't you? Bo says she always likes hearing it and soon you can tell her yourself. Hope leaves.

Sami says she knows why Sydney was cranky. She wanted cake. Gabi says that she is like her brother. Will gets cranky when he doesn't get sugar too. Will wipes icing on Gabi's nose. Gabi is embarassed. Rafe2 approaches EJ and Stefano and asks something. EJ tells Rafe2 to go away before anyone gets suspicious. Rafe2 whispers sure, no problem and goes over to Sami and Sydney. Sami goes on how happy she is they are all together. Look at Johnny. You wouldn't even say anything was wrong and Rafe2 says yeah except for the eye patch he has to wear. Sami gives him a strange look and goes on about all he has been through. Then she offers Rafe2 some cake and feeds it to him. Meanwhile real Rafe is collapsed on the floor of the basement.

Roman tells Sami and Rafe2 he has some good news. He got reinstated to the force. They are very happy. He hopes that Rafe2 doesn't mind being demoted back to Detective. Rafe2 says no, that's great. A relief. A lot less stress for him and he can use this time to recover from the accident. Stefano interrupts and says he heard what is going on at the prison. Thank God Hope made it out alive. Sami says sure it was hard for him to sleep at night. Stefano says he has a soft spot when it comes to Hope. He is talking about the Warden and what she put her through. Killing inmates and selling body parts? My God! Who would do such a thing.

Justin is waiting in the interrogation room and Hope enters and they are happy to see each other. They hug. Thank God she is ok. Hope sits and Justin says he went over the Police Report a dozen times and can't believe what they went through. She says its over now. Thank God. Because of Bo. Justin tells her he is doing everything he can to make sure she doesn't have to go back to prison. At the very least, she can stay there until the Judge reviews her case. He asks her what she is thinking? She says as much as she is terrified to go back to prison, she is almost as scared to go back home.

Jennifer tells Carly she is sorry to hear. Carly says she thinks it was naive of her to think that her and Bo could capture the past. Jennifer says she is sure Bo thought that too. She is not naive and foolish. She loved him and he loved her. Even if it wasn't meant to be forever, it was a relationship that was meaningful for both of them and Carly should know that. Carly will find someone to love again. She is so beautiful and giving. Carly tells her she is the sweetest friend trying to make her feel better.

EJ says they should probably get going. Sami asks him where are the kids going to sleep? EJ replies that Johnny said he wanted to sleep his first night back with Sami and he doesn't think that he should be denied that wish. Sami asks about Sydney. He thinks it makes sense for them to stay together. Sami thanks EJ. Rafe2 tells him it was real kind of EJ. EJ leaves to room to say bye to the kids. Sami tells Rafe2 this day could not get any better. She is so lucky. Rafe2 tells her it is nice to see her smile like that. She says you know what makes me even luckier? That she has her husband back. At home with her. In bed with her, They kiss. Real Rafe is still on the floor when Stefano enters and says he has a treat for Rafe. He sees Rafe on the floor and rushes to see what's wrong. Shouting his name and shaking him.

Will and Gabi put their coats. Gabi tells Rafe2 she is really glad he is out of the hospital and doing good. She kisses his cheek. He says thank you. She says love you and he says yeah, you too. They leave. Sami says the kids are napping and Rafe2 should rest up too and Sami will clean. He opens another beer and says he feels fine. Sami says she doesn't want him to over do it. He says don't worry about me. She says she can't help it. Feeling guilty. He asks her what she did? She says what do you mean? I ran out, you followed me. The accident was totally her fault.

Will and Gabi are at the pier chatting about the party. Will asks her what she is thinking. She says she is kind of worried about Rafe2. He seems kind of off. A little bit distracted. Cold. Will says he did just get out of the hospital. He probably still on pain killers. Gabi agrees. Probably just not himself yet.

Stefano is in the cell trying to get Rafe to take some pills as they will help his head. Rafe asks for a doctor. Stefano tells him he doesn't need one. Just eat up. Look, he has for him what he promised him. A piece of cake from the party. Rafe tells him he is not hungry. Stefano laughs. Wonders if Rafe thinks it is poisoned. Stefano takes a bite to prove it isn't and offers it back to Rafe. Rafe tells him that he shouldn't eat it . He is a diabetic. Stefano says that the cake is more dangerous for him to eat then it is for Rafe. He tells him to eat. He needs his strength and Rafe asks why.

EJ gives Nicole a martini. They are sitting on the couch. EJ thanks Nicole for the great way she handled Samantha. Nicole says it wasn't easy, but worth it for the kids. It was very generous of him to allow the kids to stay at Sami's. EJ jokes he is very well known for his generosity. They toast to kindness and happiness for the both of them. Nicole says it is surreal being there with him. Not trying to kill each other. They laugh. She never thought she would be back in this house. He asks her if she was happy. She says actually she is. Life can't get any better then this. Not for her anyway.

Hope and Justin are looking at papers when Bo walks in. Hope wonders why he is there and he says he has a surprise for her. Justin is smiling and says he will come back later. Hope asks Bo what is the big surprise and he tells her to just wait. Ciara comes running in yelling mommy and jumps up in Hope's arms.

Carly is telling Jennifer that she thinks that she did the right thing for Bo and Hope but for her, how is it right when she has never loved anyone the way she loves Bo and no, she didn't think it would go on forever, she just never felt so cherished in her life and she hopes she made him feel the same way. She is sorry for feeling sorry for herself to Jennifer. She will be ok.

Bo tells Hope that Ciara is getting A's in all her classes. Hope notices that Ciara is wearing her necklace and Ciara says that when she misses Hope it makes her feel better. Hope tells her that is why she wanted her to have it. Ciara asks Hope when she is coming home?

Stefano locks Rafe in the cage and Rafe asks him for some milk. Stefano says he will see what he can do. Rafe says he is the nicest kidnapper ever. Steafno says nice to see you have your sense of humor back. Rafe says they are taking a huge risk keeping him alive down there. Why.

EJ and Nicole finish their drinks and EJ tells Nicole that as a reward for how she conducted herself today...he removes her tracking bracelet. He says he knows they are a long way from trusting each other but he thought he would take the first step. She says it is funny cause most girls are happy to be given jewelry and she is so happy that he just took that back. It is the best gift that he could give her. He moves closer to Nicole and says that that now they took the bracelet, maybe they could take something else off too and begins to unbutton her shirt. She asks what is he doing, as he starts to kiss her. She kisses him back.

Rafe2 tells Sami that he has never blamed her for anything. Sami says she knows he doesn't but she blames herself. He says check this out, we are here. The kids are here. Even though his memory isn't 100%. Sami says even though things are cloudy right now, maybe things will come back to him and starts to kiss him.

Next on DAYS:
Daniel tells Chloe that she will NOT use that baby as a weapon.
Nicole tells EJ that he still hates her for what happened and that hasn't changed.
Sami tells Rafe2 that he is lying.
Oh, wow, this is terrific! thank you, missvicki. Right now, I truly hate I have to wait til Monday to see this........but you know what they says about.......Anticipation.....
Thanks a big huge bunch Miss Vicki! I can't wait to see this show. It looks like the some of the things I wanted to hear Bo & Carly say in the last episode are being said now...... I can't wait to see this episode!
I just loved the birthday party. I think Sami should clue in that Sydney did not like Rafe or want him near her. Had to laugh when Stefano had to remind Rafe 2 to spend time with Sami.
Thanks so much, Missvicki. What a nice treat for a Saturday! It sounds like Jennifer is recovering nicely and VERY quickly. The people I've known who've had open heart surgery would not have had the strength to have such a long-winded conversation, like five minutes after waking up. lol....guess it fits with the rest of the heart surgery, as far as reality goes. Sounds like a good episode though.
OMG I got such chills just reading the part where Ciara jumps into Hope's arms. I can't wait to see those scenes.

Thank you for the great summary missvicki!
Thamk you so much for the great summary for Monday's game. Can't wait until tomorrow to see it!!!:smile::smile::smile:
Thanks missvicki!

Oh I can't wait to see the Bo/Hope scenes and Ciara reuniting with her mommy and daddy! Sounds good!

Blech on this Rafe 2 stuff. So horrible. I can just guess where all that kissing between Sami and Rafe 2 is going to lead. :mad: Shame on you writers for doing this!
What I can't figure out is why has Lexie not spoken with Nicole about being obsessed with another woman's child. I'll admit that when Lexie was running with Isaac/Zack I felt somewhat sorry for her, she did not know from the beginning he was Hope's son. I don't feel badly at all for Nicole she knowingly stole Sami's child and now acts all put out that Sami doesn't want to allow her a place in Sydney's life. It is also worrisome that Nicole's obsession seems to not only be focusing on Sydney anymore, but also including Johnny.
Thank you MissVicki. I missed large chunks of today and you filled in the pieces nicely. When Hope scooped up Ciara, I had tears in my eyes. It was such a sweet scene.
Oh, it was a good show for sure. And EJ, as repulsive as ever, he takes off Nicole's bracelet, for which she is very grateful, and good turn deserves another, and he unbuttons her top.
Loved Ciara's reunion with her mom, and even the conversation between Carly & Jen, as they shared a bowl of jello. Too bad it just was not believable for one day after not one, but two major surgeries for Jennifer. She must be one strong lady to bounce back so fast.
I was choking back tears when Ciara ran into Hope's arms. And later when she was sitting on Hope's lap, Ciara was playing with her mother's hair, just the way Hope plays with Ciara's hair. You got the impression that Ciara wanted to touch Hope to make sure that Hope was really there. It was very touching, no pun intended. Really well acted and directed.
I'm right there with you kpatch. I started crying the moment Ciara jumped into Hope's arms. Definately a well done scene.