Days of Our Lives - Monday, February 5, 2024


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
41 minutes long, bouncing from one bedroom set to another.

Chanel and Johnny are sitting on the couch with the fire crackling, talking about the DiMera curse. Chanel is amazed Johnny is afraid of getting married.

Abe and Paulina come home from somewhere. Abe kisses Paulina in the hallway. She invites Abe in, but he hesitates.

Stephanie and Everett in Everett's bed as he blah blahs about the coma and dreaming about Stephanie appearing and they’d rip off clothes and whatever. They talk fantasies (because I got to hear it you get to read it, Everett’s fantasy is he’s a rugged sea captain and Stephanie is a sexy viking). He cheers to be out of the friend zone.

Tripp and Wendy discuss a movie they watched about a murder in a family. Wendy says she knows about meddling moms.

Ava and Stefan in the aftermath of doing it twice.

John and Konstantin in the park with a replay of what we saw on Friday. John calls Konstantin “Konny”. John wants Konny to tell him everything about the Pawn. Konny only knows about Victor and his Pawn; he doesn’t know anything about a Stefano.

Johnny talks of Italian superstitions. Upside down bread, bad luck. Keeping a bird in the house, bad luck. Newlywed couple moves into a new house and it has to be exorcised or at least blessed to ward off evil spirits. A cat sneezing in your presence is good luck. Johnny loves Chanel too much to marry her and put her in harm's way with the DiMera woman’s curse.

Stephanie and Everett continue to talk of his deep love. He’s very creepy and he would watch videos of her before he’d go to bed every night. Stephanie was so happy to see him again because she was so deeply in love with him. She was relieved that he found her again. But she was committed to Chad at the time. They decide to get room service.

Tripp wants to know about what his mom has done now? Wendy tells of Ava cornering her in the apartment and grilling Wendy about her love for Tripp. Threatened Wendy if any harm comes to Tripp. He says he doesn’t understand why Ava does half the things she does.

Stefan is yelling at himself for sleeping with Ava. Apparently, Ava is the only one suffering with a headache. No one can ever know about this.

Chanel and Johnny continue to talk about getting married, a mention of Johnny being possessed by the devil.

Abe and Paulina are in bed, Paulina says she’s having deja vu. Abe says the good thing about losing his memory is that he gets to fall in love with her all over again, then they kiss.

Wendy and Tripp continue the Ava conversation. Ava does want them to move out of town or take a vacation. They talk of Ava and Stefan.

Stefan and Ava agree the night of sex never happened.

John and Konny snarl at each other. John ends up pulling a gun on Konstantin and demanding to know what Konstantin knows about him?

Everett and Stephanie are chowing down on food, Everett pulled the shirtless card today. Apparently, Stephanie’s go-to food after a night of passion to recharge is pasta with meat sauce, something that isn’t on the hotel’s menu. Really?? Anyway, nothing beats a good grilled cheese on a cold winter’s night according to Stephanie.

Stephanie's also happy to know Everett ordered ranch for her fries. Everett has remembered all of her loves and not loves. He nuzzles her neck saying he also remembers every inch of her. The creep factor has risen to above 10 and I don’t even care what happens to Stephanie.

Wendy sees the sign in the town square about their geo-caching event. They did go with Cache Cupid. A lot of tech talk which turns on Tripp, so they head back to their place to take advantage of their hormones because we need another couple in bed for today’s show.

Ava and Stefan remind each other yet again, because a whole minute has passed, that no one can know about tonight while ripping up Ava’s room looking for Stefan’s shirt.

John, with the gun still pointed on Konstantin, demands again to know what Konny knows about the pawn? John threatens, Konstantin tells John that John won’t hesitate to put a bullet through the eyes of a woman. You came at me and Katerina got in the way. John can’t believe that he came at Konstantin.

Konstantin shows John the pawn card, John drops the gun backs away, like he’s powered down. Konstantin asks John if he is okay? John asks "Who is John?" Konstantin asks "Are you the Pawn?" John replies he’s been called that. Konstantin crosses himself and is happy that finally after all these years he has found the Pawn, the man who killed Katerina. Flashback that we have never seen in Greece, in the town of Aria, of a pretty woman standing in front of a wall with bougainvillea on it.

But before we can learn more, we must revisit Abe and Paulina in bed talking about the adult activity they have completed. Abe does not remember what Paulina likes and Paulina says she’s not shy. They kiss.

Johnny and Chanel continue to discuss the evil that is DiMera. Johnny is worried about his sister. Chanel is upset that Allie was her first choice.

Back to the hotel room with Everett. He hasn’t been with anyone since Stephanie, while she’s been with 2 or 3 other guys. Everett is more in love with her than possible, he’s never going to let her go. They should pick up where they left off. Stephanie is shocked.

Ava and Stefan have taken the search for a shirt to the living room, as Tripp and Wendy walk in. Tripp threatens Stefan, and Stefan threatens Tripp. It’s a short useless scene.

Abe and Paulina talk of her worrying about her panic attacks. Paulina thinks the lump is getting bigger. While they were adulting she forgot about the lump and the cancer. Abe says it’s overwhelming trying to navigate life without memories. He pledges to be with Paulina every step of the way.

Johnny is not questioning Chanel's sexual orientation. Why are we having this conversation again? They both declare their love for each other.

Stephanie tells Everett to slow his roll, move in together? Stephanie says I moved in with Chad too soon but Everett knows that she’s the one.

Konstantin with the pawn card asks John to move the trash can over here, so John moves the trash can. Konstantin is thrilled his Katerina will be avenged. John says Katerina will be avenged. Konstantin does some parlor tricks with John. He then hands John the gun and asks John to put the gun to his head and pull the trigger. John puts the gun to his head.

Chanel and Johnny talk on the couch. Chanel wants to know if Johnny is ready to be Mr. DuPree? Chanel says enough, talk let's seal our love with a kiss. Johnny is thinking that they should seal their love with more than a kiss so they dash upstairs.

Paulina and Abe continue pillow talk. Abe makes a loving declaration to Paulina but she’s fallen asleep and doesn’t hear it.

Stephanie and Everett talk. Well, Stephanie talks of taking it slow and of appreciating the fact they have found each other again. Everett wants to get some sleep. He has to meet Chad in a few hours, and Stephanie wants to continue in bed.

Tripp orders Stefan out. Stefan leaves but first he kisses Ava deeply, then storms out. Tripp starts in on his mom who says, nope I’m not going to talk about this with my son and storms back to her bedroom

Konstantin stops John from blowing his brains across the Salem secret portion of the park, saying you will serve a purpose. John will become Konstantin’s pawn. Konstantin leaves. John wakes, having lost time and not knowing what just happened.
No, originally he was just brainwashed to be the pawn. He was triggered by a card with a picture of a pagoda on it.

The microchip was in Steve's brain to make him think he was Stefano. Well, actually it was Stefano's "essence" on a microchip in his brain.

But at a different time, when John was what we refer to as RoboJohn, somehow Stefano downloaded John's memories to a CD, then wiped his memory clean. He might've had a chip in his brain then, but I don't remember without looking it up.

Hope also had a microchip to make her think she was Princess Gina.
Thank you, Robin!

I laughed when John called Konstantin "Konny." Well, he IS a "con" man. I, too, thought John was faking being under Konny's control, but after Konny left, John seemed to "snap back" to himself. That card is like a professional snapping their fingers and putting someone under and then out of the "trance." Konny could ask John to kill Steve and/or others. Konny wants revenge. It sounds as if Katerina was accidentally shot and killed, when she got in the way, when the bullet was meant for Konny?

It's not Valentine's Day yet, but there were a lot of couples on screen today.

I like Everett the way he is so sweet with Stephanie and almost acting "perfect," not pushing her. But we do know he has a questionable past with Jada, and that just has to rear its ugly head. They can't co-exist in Salem and avoid each other forever. I hope this doesn't drag out before they are living together. Taking it slow in Salem means waiting two weeks.

Of course Stefan's shirt was in the living room and Tripp and Wendy would come back while he was there. Duh plot, duh plot.

I did enjoy the scenes between Johnny/Chanel and Abe/Paulina.

After watching today's show, I really wanted grilled cheese with french fries.:sad:
It sounds as if Katerina was accidentally shot and killed, when she got in the way, when the bullet was meant for Konny?
That's how original-recipe Roman killed Orpheus' wife, Rebecca. He meant to shoot Orpheus and accidentally shot Rebecca. This happened off-screen before Roman was ever shown as the police officer assigned to protect Marlena during the Salem Strangler storyline. He worked for the ISA before returning to Salem and working for the Salem PD.
Current story lines that I am not loving:

The Pawn and Konstantin is so forced and overplayed.

Stephanie and Everett in bed makes my skin crawl. (I just cannot like Everett). And Stephanie, do you know the definition of stalker?
There was a lot of bedroom activity today. Ugh, they really did it. Stupid Stefan. Gabi ain't gonna like this. I know Ava has to be in her 50's but I can just see her getting pregnant.

Johnny is driving me crazy with all this curse garbage. I like Johnny & Chanel. Please let me like them.

Glad Stephanie put the kibosh on moving in with Everett. A little fast.

I am still not an Abe/Paulina fan. Lexie really needs to come back from the dead.
To this day I still hope this is all stuff that Jennifer is dreaming in her coma, she wakes up at some point and we're back years ago and she finds out the show has been cancelled.
I still hope we go back to when the disgruntled cop shot up the Brady Pub and they say Sami was shot and everything since then has been all hallucinations while she was in a coma.
If Johnny wants to frighten Chanel out of wanting to marry him, he should tell her stories about Sami, not the DiMeras. And if he knows about the evil eye, he should use it on the awful Konstantin. Everyone would thank him.

Fie on Zero for yelling at Ava. Biboo would have been appalled.

If we have to hear about Everett’s dreams how about one in which he is mocked as a nerd by Jett Carver and Jeremy Horton.

So now we learn that Abe is a bedroom artiste. Maybe he could help Alex up his luv game with a few tips.

Somebody (Xander?) should take creepy Konstantin’s pawn card and make him eat it. As for John, he needs a bigger gun, not that little thing he was carrying today.