Days of Our Lives Monday Jan 19 2009


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Dec 31, 1969
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Montreal, Quebec, Canada
EJ and Nicole are talking. EJ wants to know why she is working at the youth center and why he had to find out from Tony. He doesn’t like hearing about her through his brother. Nicole wants to know if he thinks she is hiding things from him. He says yes. Nicole says that she was going to tell him, but he is not around very much. That it is new. She just started a few days ago. Nicole points out that that Tony is jealous and wants to make trouble. EJ says that Tony only told him the facts. He tells Nicole that he loves her and is proud of her. Lets her know that he has been keeping things from her. That he has been doing negotiations for father and feels guilty about it so does not tell her everything about his day. Nicole lets EJ know that she has been keeping things from him as well. Shows him the ultrasound picture. EJ is upset he was not there for it. Nicole says he was busy working. The second thing is that she will be traveling to other youth centers to give talks. EJ is not too happy, but agrees to let her go, but he will go with her. EJ goes to take a call and Nicole goes to get something to eat. Nicole is upset that Tony is getting involved. She gets a call.

Mia is doubled over in pain. She calls Nicole and tells her that she is in labour and going to the Clinic.

Dr Taylor is in her office and sees that the computer has been used. Kevin from tech support comes to her office to check the computer for her. He lets her know that she needs to update the computer. Finds the file of John session was E Mailed. She says she did not do that. Kevin finds out that it was sent to Dr. Marlena Evans. Kevin leaves and John arrives and wants to know what the fight between her and Blondie was about. Dr. Taylor says that Marlena wanted information about the sessions and when she refused she got angry. John lets her know that Kayla told him about the fight and also that she could not be trusted. That he is going to end the sessions. Dr. Taylor tries to get him to change his mind, but he refuses and leaves. Dr. Taylor is very upset.

Brady and Marlena are looking at the video. They know that John is remembering. Marlena is upset about how he got the video. Brady points out that what Dr. Taylor is doing is just as unethical. He wants to go and confront her. Marlena says they have to proceed carefully and that she will take care of it. When she is finished Dr. Taylor will be begging for her life back. She makes calls to get more information on Dr. Taylor. She then goes to Dr. Taylor and wants to talk.

Sami and Rafe are at the safe house. They get the news that Hilda has been killed. Sami wants to know if she was working on another high risk case. Is very upset about Hilda dying. Goes on about how they said she was so cold and that, but she had a very soft heart. Making booties for her baby ect. Rafe says it is not her fault that anything happened. Hilda was not working her case anymore. Sami says she just saw Hilda a few days ago. Rafe noted that was the day she was killed. Not too far from the safe house. Wants to know if anything else happened that day. Sami tells him about going out to see Sister Theresa. She asks for the lecture, but Rafe says no lecture you will not be alive that long just wrote your own death warrant. They are about to move to another safe house. Rafe says they will be safe and he is going to take care of the ******* so she will not have to keep living like this. As they are about to leave Rafe gets a call is told that the FBI computer has been hacked. Rafe has them leave very quickly. Just as they leave the killer arrives at the safe house.
While this was happening at the safe house the killer is on a computer getting into Hilda’s files. Says she was working the case some info must be there. He in the end finds the file with Sami’s picture. (She is dressed very pretty in the picture hair well done) Finds the address of the house and says Got you Sami.

Kayla and John are talking and she lets him know about the fight between Marlena and Dr. Taylor. She warns him that Dr. Taylor is not to be trusted,

EJ goes to see Brady. Wants to know how much he has been hanging about the mansion. Brady says nothing except he is through with Nicole.

Nicole is at the Clinic with Mia. She is crying. Nicole is asking if she is ok. Mia says no. The baby is fine tho. Dr. Baker comes in and lets them know that Mia is not in labour. Brackens Hicks (sp) That it is just practice for the real thing. Tell Mia she can go home. Nicole is not happy about it. Dr. Baker says they have to be careful and take no chances. Better for her to be home. Baby can come anytime now.

Nicole is back at home. Getting ready to leave again. EJ sees her and wants to know where she is going.

Rafe and Sami arrive at the convent. Sami wants to know about the safe house that they were to go to. Rafe says that all the safe houses are in the computer. They are going to hide in the convent. She asks if they are safe. He says no one is safe till the killer is found. Tells her to look at the bright side she will have lots to time to work out with Sister Theresa how to keep her baby safe from the Dimera’s. You see flashes of pictures of Sami and Rafe and the Killer,

Uh, oh, things are closing in now....
I've been worried all along that Nicole will end up with Sami's baby--I hope the writers can work something else out--how about a car accident with Nicole and at the hospital they find the fake baby belly??? :evillaugh:
You are all probably going to kill me for this one but I was thinking those belly's aren't cheap she should get more mileage from it, steal another baby in a couple of years and pull the wool over EJ's eyes so bad it will make his head spin. I would enjoy her in the role of giving the male DiMera's a run for their money! EJ is still a dog in my eyes.
Just adding that
the killer arrives at the empty safe house, and has a fit when he finds a piece of packed luggage. Brady talks to his dad at the Pub, telling him that Charlotte is not on the up and up. Marlena talked to someone in Minneapolis, hangs up, says, just as I thought. and later, Charlotte arrives at Marlena's door, wanting to talk. Marlena is on the phone, but invites her in, saying they do need to have a long chat.
You are all probably going to kill me for this one but I was thinking those belly's aren't cheap she should get more mileage from it, steal another baby in a couple of years and pull the wool over EJ's eyes so bad it will make his head spin. I would enjoy her in the role of giving the male DiMera's a run for their money! EJ is still a dog in my eyes.

You are too funny! or Nicole can rent it out to others; she could help perpetuate even more recycled storylines, giving tips on how not to be caught, etc.! (joking, of course!)
Just a reminder that Days will not be shown on Tuesday, because of the Inaugeration. So, there will not be another summary until Wednesday.
We are not getting Days today (because no show on tuesday in the States) and Tuesday as NTV is showing the Inaugeration.
So will we all get a lot of work done since there is no days and nothing to talk about or will we be glued to our TV set?
It wil be great to get shopping done --- half the country will be occupied.. just wondering?
guarantee you if I wasn't sick, I would be out shopping.......Have not been to a mall since........I think, September!
I will be in school--yipee! not. Ill have more time to get my homework done though so maybe tomorrow Ill get a good nights sleep for once in my life.
I'll certainly be glued to my TV. I'm going to record it on DVD. It'll be nice to have something historic that I lived through to pass on.
I'll certainly be glued to my TV. I'm going to record it on DVD. It'll be nice to have something historic that I lived through to pass on.

I agree Jenafreaka...even my grandkids are looking forward to the historic's a good day all around....:D
Now for today's episode...!!
Did you guys just love John's scene on the computer during his hypnotherapy session...??
John: "I can't let her die. I can't leave her children without their mother. Please, God, give me the strength!"
Was that the true John Black or what...??? Talk about overacting...?? I backed it up and watched it again....!!! It brought back all those times with John over the years, when it was like, "wow, is this guy off the wall or what...???" This John I will truly miss (but of course, I've been missing him for over a year now)....the new John, not so much....!!!