Days of Our Lives - Monday, July 21st, 2008


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Monday, July 21, 2008

Episode #10,872 Taped 6/16 Director – Herb Stein

Marlena is at DiMansion when Sami comes rushing in, wailing how everything is going wrong. She tells her mom that Lucas is going to maximum security today, no dad did not say why. Marlena cheerfully tells her she will try and find out from Roman. Then Sami bemoans the fact the guy who sublet her apt. has just up and suddenly moved out (how very convenient, huh) which has Marlena commenting that maybe it is a good thing, and perhaps Sami could move back in. Oh, she would in a flash but……..John walks in saying EJ has the court order & Sami could lose Johnny. There is a bit of arguing, Sami thinks John is on EJ’s side, John claims not. Marlena leaves. Now John suggests to Sami she sublet her apt. to Ava, Sami has a fit, Ava is going on trial for killing her grandfather, for cryin out loud. And besides, she would not hurt her mother that way. John assures her there is nothing at all to protect between him & Marlena. Sami just would not hurt her mother that way, so John brings out the ultimate threat, he could have Ava move into the mansion.

We see Ava in the Pub, on the phone with someone about an apt. making an appt. to view it at 2:30. As soon as she tells the person her name, they hang up on her. Pete comes up with a refill, Ava complains about being unable to find an apt. He asks about her her house, she says it is still under investigation into her father’s business, and she doesn’t want to buy a house with this murder trial hanging over her head. She guesses she will just have to stay in the hotel.

Lucas comes into Roman’s office in his orange jump suit, on his way to maximum security. Roman has to make a phone call, but wants to personally escort him. He leaves, Chloe comes in, apologizing to Lucas for causing him this trouble. He says she did not force him to come to the Salem Inn, he needed to talk, so did she, was glad he went, and he is not sorry for what happened. It was amazing, he will never forget it. She leaves, Roman returns telling Lucas it is not too late to back out. Nope, Lucas says, they made a deal, he will stick to it. Yes, he is sure. Roman returns from escorting Lucas to the transport, to find Marlena waiting. She asks why the maximum security, Roman claims she will have to ask the suits about that, out of his hands. Now she shows him the broken disk, wants his help to get it repaired, Rolf could do it, but needs immunity. She refuses to tell him where she got the stolen disk, gave her word, explains how John broke it, & she will not give up on him. After a bit of back & forth, Roman says he will send it to the ISA, see if it can be repaired, and to be sure that what is on it is what she thinks, and not something that might kill John.

Caroline is in Steve & Kayla’s apt, as Maggie arrives with more food. The Johnsons are bringing Joe home, there are balloons on the door and in the apt. The nurse is there, making final adjustments to the apnea monitor, telling Caroline that most preemies have one for a few months after they come home. sSteve & Kayla arrive in the hall, Steve is holding the carrier, covered with this huge blanket.(sigghhh). They are happy to see Caroline & Maggie there, the nurse talks to them about the apnea monitor, Steve wishes she could move in with them for a few months. Maggie has put casseroles in the freezer, the coldcuts and cheese is in the frig….along with Caroline’s chowder, and of course Alice sent a stack of donuts. They leave, Kayla is nervous about taking care of their little guy. Steve assures her all will go well.
Out in the hall, Ava is telling Sami this is a great building, she really likes it, as they go into Sami’s apartment to look it over. Ava likes it, tho she will have to redecorate. Ava goes off to make a phone call & Sami, who has seen the balloons on the door across the way, goes over to knock. Kayla answers, Sami wants to talk to her, she asks about Joe, Steve comes to the door, they ask if she is moving back into her place, no she was just showing it, they ask who…….and here comes Ava. What the hell, says Steve. Ava is shocked, she declares she did not know Steve & Kayla lived across the hall. Sami is trying to apologize, everyone is upset. Steve & Kayla go back inside, Kayla has this flashback of Steve & Ava in bed together at the Vitali compound. And now, finally, Steve & Kayla have it out about that time, how Kayla always thought they had something special, and she finds him naked in bed with Ava. Steve tells her how he was drugged, woke up not knowing what had happened to her, to Bo & to Hope, how Ava threatened to kill them all, he didn’t know where anyone was, how they were, was still groggy, but was only trying to save them all. Kayla asks why he never told her about Ava, he says he never remembered her, never, reminding her that big chunks of memory had not returned to him, and that until he saw her in Ireland, he had no memory of her. Kayla asks why he did not tell her THEN, but Steve only was protecting her. He never has loved anyone but Kayla, she is his whole heart. Steve’s voice is breaking, Kayla is tearful. Now Kayla lashes out that because he didn’t, look what happened with Joey, Steve tells her their son is fine. He loves her, loves his family, that is all that matters to him. He holds her.

Sami arrives at the Pub to find Chloe sipping an iced tea, and lights into her about Lucas going to maximum security and it being all her fault. Nope, Chloe lets her have it right back. If she had not spent so much time playing Lucas and EJ against each other, Lucas never would have broken his house arrest. Sami claims she loves Lucas, but Chloe tells her point blank that her saying she had feelings for EJ is what sent Lucas over the edge, Lucas came to the Salem Inn, and yes, they had sex, she has no one to blame for what happened but herself.

John finds Ava up on the roof, claims he figured he would find her up there. She is sad, had not known Steve & Kayla were living across the way, he says a few comforting words. They kiss a bit, she talks of liking the man he is just fine. She suggests moving in with him, but John says no, that would not be a good idea while he is still married to Blondie. Ava understands, John says he still wants to see her, figures it would be better in HER own place, more privacy. She asks if it bothers him to see her, even if still married. Nope, not in the least. She is about to leave, they begin kissing, and it gets very hot and heavy. (Well, at least it is not an elevator, tho it IS broad daylight. LOL)

Thanks for the write up! So Barb do you think this is as far as the conversation goes with Steve & Kayla about Ava. It seems like it was over as quick as it started!?

I have to say, Chloe is right about Lucas. It is Sami's fault for leading on both guys. I know I am a minority here....but I like Chloe & Lucas together.

Thanks for the write up!
Believe it or not I have always been a big Lumi fan........until Chloe came along. I kind of like that pairing, too! :confused: Go figure.....
I'm sorry but NOTHING or NO ONE can make me find Chloe interesting. Next to Max and Stephanie, I find her one of the most boring characters on the show. JMO.
There is a lot more to Steve & Kayla conversation........I was rather impressed that the show finally has them dealing with this issue....long overdue, as many of us noted.
If Chloe was portrayed better I might not mind her. She's about as interesting as watching paint dry.

I'm a Lumi fan and I definitely agree that Sami has caused the majority of this recent mess, but that doesn't let her rapist off the hook for all of the misery he's caused in Salem since he arrived in 2006.

Thanks for the recap Barb!
Actually, I saw Nadia Bjorline in Redline, and she's not nearly as painful to watch in that movie. I just think that the material in Days is what makes her acting bad. It's a pretty good movie. Y'all should check it out!
Monday show sounds exciting... can't wait to see the scene between Patch & Kayla. Love the fact that they have finally brought Baby Joe home where he belongs.

I was wondering how Roman found out what was on the disc, guess now we know.

Barb - as always thank you so much for such a great write up.
I don't know how anyone else feels, but, I really don't like what is happening with John and Ava. This just isn't right, unless John is "really" John and he is staying behind the scenes to plan something. I don't like the way he's treating Marlena.
Thanks for the write up. Sounds like a great show. At least they show Steve and Kayla dealing with the Ava event. I also like that they show them as real parents worried about caring for a premi.

It makes me sick too to see John with Ava. I hate the fact that they are going to allow him to sleep with her. We all know she's going to start causing trouble, and she is going to try and get Marlena out of her way. I think that is how they will exit her in the end. John protecting Marlena when Ava shows her true colors and tries to do something to Marlena.

And once the disk is repaired and they can tell John it's safe, and Ava is out of the way, I think they will bring Marlena and John back together. Maybe even not tell anyone and have them live there with Stefano when he gets back..LOL to be undercover. That would be interesting.

And Chloe, "yawnnnnnnnnnn". She has no personality. Never changes her expression, and I don't care who they paired her with, I'd be bored out of my mind. I'm like the other poster. Maybe if they recast the character with someone more exciting.
If Chloe was played by a better actress I might not mind her. She's about as interesting as watching paint dry.

I'm a Lumi fan and I definitely agree that Sami has caused the majority of this recent mess, but that doesn't let her rapist off the hook for all of the misery he's caused in Salem since he arrived in 2006.

Thanks for the recap Barb!

Thanks, Barb..."it do look interesting".....:)

I agree Norma, but maybe they are making Chloe this way for a reason???

I don't think Chloe will ever love anyone the way she has loved Brady, nor Lucas anyone but Sami.....could they be on a path to rectifying all this and getting it back to the way it should be???

I heard they were looking for a new Brady, anyone know if there has been any more talk on that???? He should be about ready to come out of "rehab" in a few months....maybe when NuJohn gets back to OldJohn, Brady will be the one to help????
I am a bit confused about the conversation between Steve and Kayla...or actually, more confused about what DID happen between Ava and Steve before Kayla walked in. Did they actually "scrump"? Or did Kayla walk in before any scrumping happened? Is any of this mentioned?

I like Chloe and Lucas together too. I haven't been a big fan of Chloe since she came back to the show, but this storyline is interesting to me.

Can't wait to see this episode tomorrow!
They did not "scrump", but Steve made a deal with Ava that he would stay with her and give her a baby if she let everyone else go. Ava took him up on that and then Kayla walked in and Steve jumped out of bed with undies on.

Portia(SK fans call that eppi BLACK FRIDAY)
Old Stephanie

Has anyone else seen the actress who was the first (grown) Stephanie, on Swingtown?
Poirot wrote:
"Roman says he will send it to the ISA"

I'm glad they still mention the ISA from time to time. I've written here before that it would be nice to see a "full-time" ISA agent on the show again. Why can't Hope,Bo,Abe or Roman become an agent?
Nicole and Brady

I heard they were looking for a new Brady, anyone know if there has been any more talk on that???? He should be about ready to come out of "rehab" in a few months....maybe when NuJohn gets back to OldJohn, Brady will be the one to help????[/QUOTE]

Does anyone know if Adrianne Zucker and the old Brady are still married in real life?
Regarding whether or not Steve and Ava did the deed, that's up for speculation at this point since they didn't show it. Personally, I believe they did.

What I don't understand in Barb's summary is Steve's comment to Kayla that he had been drugged and woke up in Ava's bed. I don't remember his being drugged but admit I didn't pay much attention. He certainly didn't seem drugged when he was getting it on with her.