Days of Our Lives - Monday, July 7, 2008(completed)

Okay, I just finished watching today's episode, and and want to ask, what the heck is Ava's problem?!? I get that she is interested in John, but really, she is standing there, can see how upset Marlena is, who happens to be John's wife. Then she has the cajones to not only give her opinion about John and Marlena, but sashays off with him to his room? How can anyone who has any self-respect or a even a thread of decency in them do what she did?

Did anyone else feel like Kate out on her fainting act, not only to break up the kiss fest between Dr. Surferdude and Chelsea, but to have a reason to get Chelsea alone? And I'm sorry, but did he make (Dr. Surferdude) make a total jerk out of himself? Someone needed to take his butt outside for a whoopin' for being such an insentsitive jerk by sucking face with Chelsea in front of her family. Simple manners tell you not to make out with the host daughter, when your an invited guest in the home. Personally, I thought Bo, Victor, and Doug needed to take him to the woodshed and knock some sense into him.

Lucas and Chloe, felt to me like two very hurt people trying to find comfort with another. I liked their scenes, not as tender as the ones between EJ and Nicole, but for good reason. Their needs, Lucas and Chloe's are so much different. IMO both have had their egos bruised and battered, by people they care for, and they are trying to find not only comfort, but someone that makes each of them feel good about themselves.

Sorry to rant, but Days has to be really good to make me care this much.
AMEN to your thoughts on Dr Dan - He needs a kick in the butt!:clap:
Has Lucas been in prison to long??????????

I just got to watch the show right before midnight tonight (Monday) and didn't get a chance to read Day Ahead 'til just now w/everyone's comments. First of all, I can see how Lucas had to be physical - he lifted Chloe up by the thighs before he got on w/business. Second and I just can't help myself, when they started getting on with it and he flipped Chloe around w/her face against the elevator wall and started undressing her from her back, did anyone besides myself think.....I can't believe they are going to show this style of sex right here on daytime television and on DOOL and of course, I thought Lucas must have been in prison tooooooooooooooooooooooooo long. LOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!
I totally agree

I was a bit surprised by how detailed the Chloe/Lucas seen was. I've been a pretty big EJami fan since the beginning, but even I'm starting to pull for EJ and Nicole. They were really good together. He brings out what good there is in her. I've never really liked Nicole but I'm starting to see her as a wounded person lashing out instead of a hateful bi**h.

As far as Dan and Chelsea. She started the makeout session when the lights were out so I see that as more Chelsea's fault than his. I felt so sorry for them and all of the crap that they took from her family. She's not 16--and age shouldn't be such a big issue. They are on the same level mentally! And I loved how he defended himself to Lexi. Go Daniel!:smile:

I think Kate totally faked the fainting spell and Daniel knew it. She is soooooo jealous of Chelsea and Daniel; which leads me to really hope that he told her their fling was a mistake and that his heart was with Chelsea! He probably only done it because he was trying to get his mind off of Chelsea anyway. I may eat my words on this, but time will tell once we finally see the shows that they discuss it on.

John/Ava--don't even get me started. If I was Marlena I would have laid that girl out!! She continues to show that she is much more classy than either of them. Why would she even want to be with him after the way he is acting. I'll be glad when he realizes what he's doing and gets on his hands and knees and begs for forgiveness!! Even then I think I'd kick him straight in his pretty little face!

Nuff' Said!:mad: