Days of Our Lives - Monday, July 7, 2008(completed)


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Monday, July 7, 2008

Episode 10,862 Taped 6/2 Director – Noel Maxam

Bad news this morning, folks. And I cannot believe this myself. My tape is set to automatically tape every day at the same time, and it did not dawn on me to check it with the two days of no shows. Well, seems my tape only had about 7 or 8 minutes left, after the 2 hours of nothing..... so that is all the show I got this morning. If any of our Canadian viewers would like to fill in “the rest of the story” after viewing later today, please feel free. Meanwhile, here is how the show starts…….

At the Brady house, everyone is staring at the kissing couple, Daniel & Chelsea, as their lights come back on. Doug & Julie say nothing, just turn away. Chelsea comments to Daniel that the lights are back on, he says it was probably just a fuse or something. Bo is not a happy camper, as Hope notes. He says he knows he said he would take a step back from the situation, but she notes his clenched jaw & the bulging vein in his forehead. Caroline says to Victor that his talk with Daniel really seems to have done a lot of good. (with her tongue planted firmly in cheek). Just then, Kate walks in, spots Dan & Chelsea kissing, murmurs “Oh, No”, and faints dead away.

At DiMansion, Marlena is at the lab door, John opens it, quotes something about the past & the future (from George Bernard Shaw) saying he has been reading a lot. She asks what he has done, he says reprogram the door so he could let her in. That is not what I mean, she snaps at him. He moves aside, she surveys the room (we don’t see it) and says oh, oh…….no). Upstairs, Sami is calling for Lucas, using a flashlight to search the room. When she gets no answer, she tells herself she hopes he did not do something stupid.

And of course that take us over to the elevators at the Salem Inn, where Lucas & Chloe have ended their kiss. She says she is glad he is there, she doesn’t feel as claustropbic. He thinks the power will return in a few minutes. She is sorry she called him, making him take a risk. He says she did not make him do anything. And they kiss again. However, next door, EJ & Nicole are goin at it, hot and heavy. (have a fan handy, lol). They are removing each other’s clothes, kissing body parts, and in the midst of all this wild passion, EJ whispers, “Oh, Samantha”……..effectively halting everything. Nicole pulls back, EJ is apologizing. Nicole says she is not a cheap piece of garbage, promised herself she would never let herself be used again. EJ is apologizing profusely, is genuinely ashamed of himself, is sorry, he would never hurt her like that. Nicole eventually seems to forgive him, as they resume kissing, but this time much more tenderly, he picks her up, I guess to go to the other side of the elevator floor.

And at the Brady Pub, Max is finishing up in order to get over to the Bradys. Stephanie is being her usual pain in the butt, & he tells her if she would stop distracting him, he could get finished faster. Nick comes in, seems Max called him, needs his help. Max tells him that Trent has something he wants, and needs Nick to help him get it.

And my tape ran out.

and now back to the action. Max evidently tells Nick all about the picture of the girl he has (we don't see it), wants to find out who it is, Trent won't tell him, but he trusts Nick, so they hatch a plan. Nick calls Trent claiming he needs a ride, his car broke down. Trent is going to the campus anyway to help with the power outage, Nick offers to help, too. He goes back inside the Pub to "get his stuff", accidentally bumping into Trent. He comes back out, they leave, and out comes Max with Trent's cell phone, that Nick evidently lifted and passed on. Later, Nick returns, having told Trent he had to take a cab back to the Pub to get some papers from his car. Max tells him thanks, he checked the phone out, there is one number Trent has called quite frequently the past few weeks. It is out of the country. Nick has to take off, Max thanks him again, then punches in the number on the phone, with an anxious Stephanie hanging on every breath he takes. We hear a couple of rings, and then the call is answered. A girl's voice says "Dad? Dad??"

Got to tell you, one needs more than a fan for Nicole & EJ. LOL. We eventually see them completely naked, (just shoulders, etc. closely embraced, and they go for round 2. Meanwhile, Chloe & Lucas are having 2nd thoughts about their emotions, trying to decided should they or shouldn't they. He is still hung up on Sami, she feels guilty about Philip. He mentions being tired of Sami & Ej prancing around doing their mating dance, she claims she loves only Lucas, but he isn't buying it any more. He is sick of watching them. Chloe is equally upset that Philip is making goo goo eyes with Morgan. They get more emotional, and clothes begin to come off (tho I think EJ & Nicole are already finishing up their second round. She tell EJ how classy he is, what a gentleman, thoughtful and caring. He asks her for another kiss. chloe & Lucas are tearing each other's clothes off, kissing up a storm, and later we see them getting dressed, worried about what happens when power is restored. Lucas talks of wishing he could head off to South America or something, Chloe knows he would never leave his daughter. True. He knows he will be sent away to serve out his 10 years. They are dresed and kissing. Ej asks what just happened. Nicole says it is called revenge sex, better than makeup sex. He wonders how she turns from someone so vulnerable and then so flippant. They have some sweet conversation, and tho they are getting dressed, bingo into round 3. Later, EJ and Nicole are curled up on the floor of their elevator, half naked, enjoying just being together. He says it is getting very hot in there, hope they will be rescued soon. She agrees, but a part of her wishes it would never happen.

Kate is on a chaise, everyone around her, worrying , she is just lightheaded. Lexie comes up (evidently having arrived with Abe & Theo) asking if Daniel needs help. Nope. Kate comes to, it is insisted she go inside to rest, she insists Chelsea come alone. Inside the house, Kate is giving Chelsea orders not to see Daniel again, he will only hurt her, yada yada. Victor is there, but really not saying much, if anything. Meanwhile Lexie is chastizing Daniel, telling him that this is a mistake, she is only reacting as a friend, since he had confided in her his reservations about this. He claims he knows this is right, it feels right, so he is taking the plunge.

Marlena sees the destroyed lab and lights into John. She is furious. He has ended all hope of ever regaining his memories. He says old John is dead and gone. Memories are nothing. She tells him he used to be a kind, loving and caring man. And now he is not even a shell of his former self. She goes upstairs, interupting Sami who is looking all over for Lucas's ankle monitor, realizing he is gone out. Sami claims it is just an earring she is looking for. Sami realizes her mom is upset, Marlena says she has lost john. He & Ava come in, Sami lights into him for breaking her mother's heart. He says none of her business. Oh, yes, her mother is her business. Marlena tells him that what he has done to himself is worse than anything his captors did to him, and she feels sorry for him. He has no idea who he was, who he loved, he could have had the help of his friends at the ISA, his family and friends in Salem, and instead turned to a stranger. John feels it is his life, his choice, and he has a clean slate. He decides he needs a change of clothes, and Ava wants to freshen up. John announces they will be upstairs.
Sami wants to go somewhere cool, marlena thinks Salem Inn may have generator power, Sami decides to go there with the twins. But Marlena wants to stay. they hug, Sami leaves.

Marlena goes down to the lab, looks around, and eventually spots half the broken disk. She picks it up, saying aloud that she is not giving up on him. HE may have given up, but she won't There is too much at stake. John & Ava come down, noting Marlena & Sami are gone. She likes the idea of candles and champagne, sort of sets the mood. He toasts to a new era. And what era is that, she asks. The era of John Black DiMera, as he takes a sip.

Sami arrives at the Salem in. And in spite on how hot it is claimed to be, has blankets draped over those poor twins stroller. She wants a room.......Harrington tells her no such luck. The Inn is in lockdown cuz of the blackout, and they only have auxiliary electricity for the lights. Nothing else, sooooooo no a/c, which is what Sami was hoping for. He make a call on his cell to the fire dept., then tells her they have additional problems, people trapped in the elevators.

And in the Brady back yard, various guests are watching fireworks, oohing and aahing on occasion. And for some reason everyone is sitting seperately. Abe, Lexie & Theo at one table, Doug & Julie at another, Bo, Hope & Ciara at another, Mickey & Maggie at still another, Victor and Caroline sitting in front of one, Chelsea walking off in one direction, while Daniel goes back into the house.

Thank you Barb for everything you do!!! You deserve a metal for writing up these summaries everyday!!! Hope you have a Happy 4th of July!!!
LOL! Sounds like something that I would do because of my CRS (Can't Remember ****). Thanks for taking the time each day to do an amazing job of keeping us informed. Hope you have a great 4th! God bless our troops!
Thank YOU!

O.K. I will be getting a video of the show this afternoon. So...will finish up the summary very late this afternoon.

Meanwhile.....enjoy your holiday.......your family, the beach, picnics, friends, pool, whatever. We will still be here tomorrow and Sunday. LOL

Thank you very much for making the time each day to watch the show and type up the summary so those of us may keep up with it and I hope you have a Happy 4th of July.

To all the military service men and women out there, I salute you and May God Bless all of you!

Now, just a few comments about the show........I know some of you like the "new" John and some don't. I'm one of the ones who don't. Yes, he's very funny, but I do not like the way he treats Marlena at all. Must be pretty bad for Kate to faint when she saw Chelsea & Daniel kissing!
Sorry Poirot, with all I had to do this morning I have not seen the show yet. I did not even remember to tape it, but will set the timer for 4.30 on 227. Will only get to watch it after work tonight.
Thank you for all you do for us.
Thank you, Barb. What you've already written is enough to make me want to watch the show, which I would do anyway, but some I look forward to more than others, based your writeups! I don't usually read Days Ahead until evening anyway because I like to watch the episode for the present day before I read previews for the next.
Oooh, E.J., bad slip of the tongue, to call out the wrong woman's name! Sounds like Nicole gets over it pretty quick though.
I wonder what Max wants Nick to get for him. Sounds like there could be some sneaking around to get into Trent's belongings.
Poor Marlena!
Am going to fill in now. You won't believe what happened. I got 3/4 thru the show, got called away, so stopped the player, and when I came back to resume, it started all over from the beginning. So while it is catching up........I am going to add to the original summary. Hopefully this will be up within the next hour.

And a big thank you to Marylina who did her best to get a video to me.

Thanks Barb - always check what's happening tomorrow before I shut down for the evening.
I used to have the same problem with tapes until we got a DVR thru our cable company - - now I NEVER worry about how much tape - or which tape I taped any show on. IT IS WONDERFUL!
just popping in

Hi Poirot,
Thank you for always taking the time and effort to keep Salem Spectator going. I've been watching Days since Marlena was married to Don.
Any way I want to thank you . Anne
What gives with Kate??

I don't understand this Kate not going along with Chelsea and Daniel?? When he showed up I can remember that Kate was asking her wasn't she falling for Daniel? Also, she was actually encouraging Chelsea and Daniel. Something either happened between her and Daniel that they are going to write in or either she found out something that they are going to change and add in. I don't like this Chelsea and Daniel or Sami and EJ, but can't wait to see EJ and Nicole:over18::EJ::hot:. I think this is really going to be good with these two. I also don't like Lucas and CHloe, but if they do get together Chloe is probably going to get preg and then not know if it is Philips or Lucas kid. I just wish they would start using Condoms and practicing safer sex. This is just too much that they all hop in the sack and get preg all the time. Did they ever hear about STD's or AIDS? Iwish the writers would get real and not just hop around with the storylines. Keep consistency.
Thank you Poirot for the days ahead...what a lot you go through just to give all of us Days Junkies our "fix." It is really appreciated. :clap:
For your enjoyment.....

Monday July 7th

Today Is My First Response Since Signing On To Spectator. Enjoying So Far All Of The Different Comments And Views Of Everyone. Thank You For Monday's Update. I'm Getting A Bored With Saint Marlena Tryng To Bring Back Old John Don't (mean To Offend Marlena Fans). I Personally Like The New John And Think He And Ava Are A Good Match. Wish Sami Would Make Up Her Mind, Lucas Or E.j. Making Me Dizzy Just Watching Her. Talk To You All Soon. Thank You.
Thanks for the posting Barb!

Even though I am a huge EJAMI fan ... I'm just keeping it real James and Ari knocked it out the park .... Dang it! Just saw the clips from both elevators and I have to say Elevator # 2 EJ and Nicole brought by far better than elevator # 1 Chloe and Lucas. I just got the feeling that alot of Bryan's and Nadia's scene got cut.... Bryan said it was one the most physcial scenes he has ever done and it just didn't seem all the physical to me. However the other elevator was very physical but it also was very touching too. Alot of cuddling, lot of dialogue - just very well done... Dang it! I'm not giving up on my EJAMI - but James and Ari did a good job.