Days of our Lives - Monday, June 12, 2023


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
It was the best of times it was the worst of times. 46 minutes of joy today.

Chad calls Stephanie to ask about their Zoom meeting. Stephanie is prepared and thinks they are in good shape. Chad is in the cemetery at the headstone for Abigail Johanna Deveraux DiMera, born October 19, 1992, passed away on June 10, 2022. Time jump be darned.

Bonnie is talking to Sarah on the phone, promising to not tell anyone. Justin comes in and asks her to tell him everything.

Chloe comes in with a big ad buy from Saxton (the bistro). This looks like a cube farm set up inside a hotel room set.

Leo and Dimitri have a brief chat about what happened in Phoenix and how it changed Dimitri’s life. Leo says ahh, yes you and Billie Reed were very Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Dimitri pushes his way into the shared room with Gwen. Asking if stolen jewels ring a bell, Leo claims it was a prank.

Chloe asks where the boss Gwen is and Xander tells her about the meeting with Dimitri. Chloe says she’s heard Dimitri is a dirtbag. Talk of keeping it professional in the office and before they break the remaining HR rules, Maggie walks in. Asks Xander if he’s heard about Alex, Xander has and he congratulates Maggie on letting Alex go. Maggie offers Xander the position Alex had minutes, days, hours, weeks ago, who knows how long Alex has been an unemployed guy. IF possible, Chloe’s eyes open to an even more deer in the headlights look.

Knock on the door, Stephanie answers and it’s our favorite glasses on glasses off unemployed bloke, Alex. Stephanie curtly asks what are you doing here? Glasses on glasses off tells Stephanie of his new job at Basic Black.

A tender moment in theory. Chad sits on Benchie and talks to Abby about how they were planning on having a baby. As he is talking, a twig snaps and it’s not Abby, it’s Julie. She asks about Thomas and Charlotte. They flew alone to Boston and Jack and Jennifer picked them up so they will have fun.

Alex gloats about his job at Titan.

Maggie tells Xander that the only person to be on board with this is proposal is you, Xander.

Justin and Bonnie sit on the couch. Justin with a green bottle, a beer perhaps? They are looking at pictures on Bonnie’s phone. She is teaching her 3-year-old granddaughter how to play poker. Something that Mimi nor Rex were thrilled about, Justin questions it but Bonnie defends herself and says well, it is math. Justin then asks about Sarah. Bonnie wants to know why? Bonnie struggles with talking about Sarah, Justin calls her out.

Leo and Dimitri in the room. Dimitri has Leo by the shirt collar, Leo calls for Gwen, who saves the day

Stephanie and Alex talk. Alex wants to leave before Chad shows up. Stephanie tells Alex that Chad is with Abigail today.

Chad and Julie talk of the loss of Abigail and Chad’s hanging out with Stephanie. This is the ONE YEAR anniversary of Abigail’s death and he’s been out with her cousin and abandoned their kids on major holidays for booty calls. Chad tells Julie of meeting Abigail and she gave him permission to love again. This was after they found out Clyde was the one responsible for her death. Yep, the dumbest of reasons to kill a legacy character off. Clyde looking for Belle but settles for Abigail. All to hurt EJ.

Justin and Bonnie talk; Bonnie blames it on jet lag. Justin reminds Bonnie she drove and they are in the same time zone. Bonnie pays Justin a dollar and she tells Justin about Sarah being pregnant with Xander's baby.

Xander worries about what Sarah would think about it. Xander and Chloe make goo-goo eyes. Maggie figures it out that they are a thing. Maggie asks Chloe to tell Parker that she loved the birthday gift he got her.

Gwen and troops. Dimitri gets a text from Mommy reminding him that he has to marry Gwen to unlock his money.

Hey it’s Stephanie and Glasses on Glasses off. Stephanie figured out where Chad will be today. Alex has noticed that Chad still wears his wedding ring. Stephanie understands how hard it is to let go. Alex tries to make this something that it isn’t. But why is Stephanie sharing Chad with Abigail? Stephanie thanks him for being tactful. The music in this section is weird.

Julie quotes Shakespeare while talking with Chad. More things than between heaven and earth. Do you want to move on with your life? Chad feels like he is betraying Abigail. Julie has something to say. There is no timetable with grief. There is no right way or wrong way to grieve. Julie mentions the fact that Chad is still wearing the wedding ring. They discuss the ring. Chad says if he removes the ring it will make it final, Abigail’s gone. Julie tells Chad that survivor’s guilt is real.

Gwen wants to keep things professional. Dimitri thinks that restaurants can be loud and crowded so he will go ahead and order lunch at his expense. Gwen understands his point and agrees to eat in the room.

Xander wants to be part of the family. Xander wants to rub it in Victor’s face that he was wrong when he didn’t believe in him. Xander is going to turn down the job to stay with Chloe. They kiss.

Bon Bon explains the facts of life to Justin, as Sarah’s been gone a long time so how could this baby be Xander’s? Why would she leave? Xander is a career criminal, then a mini discussion on Xander’s faults, Justin wants to know how did she find out? Bonnie says you can’t hide something like this when you are this pregnant. Maggie wants to know who is pregnant. Bonnie says Mimi is pregnant. Maggie claims to be jealous, she’d love to be a grandmother again.

Leo walks in to the office with the kissing Xander and Chloe; he wants is paycheck. They don’t have direct deposit? In Salem?

Gwen’s interview. She tells Dimitri that most of Salem think he’s a James Bond type villain, he chuckles, Gwen wants to know more, she’s like the real Dimitri. Gwen asks about his childhood. Dimitri explains he was an only child, Oscar, his father, was a cold distant man, not a fatherly figure. Dimitri grew up with wealth and privilege. He acknowledges but he would have liked to have had a game of catch. No sorry, he would have traded it all in for a modicum of unconditional love. (Nope game of catch and/or a modicum of unconditional love are the same thing)

Dimitri talks of being deprived of love and how he has developed a "me against the world" mentality. Gwen asks about using the weapon of mass destruction to bend the leaders of the free world to get your way. Dimitri is playing Gwen like a fine violin. He talks of his time in prison and how it gives you lots of time to think and wonder just how he got there. Dimitri’s quest for power was borne from a lifelong desire to just be loved. Gwen tells him that she understands.

Julie and Chad hug, Chad thanks Julie for being so helpful. Julie tells Chad she loves him. Yeah, it was weird. Chad now sits on the ground and stares off into space while playing with his ring. He slips it off and swallows it. Nope, he continues to play with it and he talks with Abby. How he will love her forever, or at least until his wedding to Stephanie, when she reappears.

Chad shows up at Stephanie’s to apologize for missing the meeting. Stephanie tells him that she knew where he was. Client wants to see crunched numbers. Stephanie notices the ring is off his hand.

Gwen has a HUGE sandwich on her plate but she picks at her pasta salad, asks if Dimitri has been in love, is he in love now? There is no one now. He had someone but he kept getting hurt. Dimitri admits to eavesdropping. Gwen is shocked how much they have in common. Dimitri secretly smiles to himself.

Leo and Chloe talk. Leo says that Sarah Horton always loomed large in the Gwen/Xander relationship. Chloe assures Leo that Xander is over and done with Sarah.

Bonnie is mad at Justin, because before she met him, she was a good liar, but now she’s out of practice and she feels guilty for lying to Maggie, who wants to be a grandmother again. Justin thinks that might be a compliment, tells Bon Bon to remind Mimi she has to get pregnant ASAP. Justin thinks eventually Maggie will learn about the baby. Bonnie talks to herself, giving a herself a pep talk, she can do this as long as she stays away from Xander. Bonnie turns to leave the room as Xander walks in.
Well done, Robin, thank you!

Julie quoting from Hamlet was a bit bizarre, but glad to see her and agree it was an odd scene..

Chad should have taken his wedding ring off at home and put it in a safe place. He could easily lose it while walking around.

Stephanie seemed quite pleased when she noticed the ring was gone. I don't see a future for her and Chad.

Dimitri was certainly pulling at Gwen's heartstrings. He was very convincing to her, she was practically swooning, relating to him.

Xander would have bolted from the Spectator to Titan if not for Chloe. He doesn't want to leave her twisting in the wind alone with Gwen.

Was it just me, or was Bonnie's blazer/jacket too big with misshapen shoulder pads? Did not look flattering at all.

We all KNEW Bonnie would spill the beans to Justin. But she should have just said that the woman who does not want her pregnancy revealed is also someone who does not want her identity revealed. The lie will come back to bite her.

I was thinking that Leo got a check because he doesn't have enough money to open a checking account!
Thanks Robin......Overall, I liked most of the show. Thought Julie's talk of bereavement grief with Chad was well done, as was Chad's later conversation to Abby. Have to say, having been widowed myself 18 months now, did not know I was supposed to remove my wedding ring by now. No, thank you, that is something each person decides for themselves. When the time comes for the individual, they will know it, and only then will stop wearing the ring.

I know the glasses are to separate the actor from being character Ben, and character Alex. But it truly is distracting and annoying for the constant removal, and chewing on the earpiece. If Alex has to wear glasses all the time, which he seems to do, then WEAR THEM. If not, then just bring them out for reading or whatever, then put them away.

Dimitri really poured it on to Gwen, didn't he? Megan should give him an Oscar for the performance. LOL You know, I like Greg Rikaart (Leo), but Leo has become somewhat of a cartoon character now. At least to me. Just......tooooo overboard.

I know there has been positive comments about Xander & Chloe.......but so far......just nothing has appealed to me about them. (And yep, in this case, it definitely is the writing for them both)

Bonnie is still a hoot......she loves Justin for sure, but he's a good guy, and it is rubbing off on her, she can't lie convincingly any more. Made me laugh!
I guess I'm dumb, I thought Dimitri and Gwen were truly relating. I think I feel a little different about Leo since he talked about his childhood. Don't care for Chad and Stephanie at all.
The problem with Days many characters are constantly lying, manipulating, etc. you never know if any of them are telling the truth. Dimitri knew about Gwen before he began his "oh, poor me" dialogue. So......inasmuch as we don't really know his background, was he telling the truth, or making up stuff to "get to" Gwen.

He seems very devoted to his mother, so sort of hard to think he had this awful childhood. His dad was rather distant, but seems mommy dearest more than made it up for him. Guess it will be "wait and see".
Thanks for the write-up.

This episode was just sort of meh for me. I liked Chad's conversation with Julie, and I enjoy Chloe and Xander enough. The rest seemed like empty filler, meant to move along storylines that I do not care about. And I also don't care an ounce about Bonnie remaining on the soap, she is SO annoying! Still, this is hardly the worst episode to grace our screens as of late, so I guess I can't complain too much.
It is a shame they killed off Adrienne...........Don't know why........they evidently like the actress, thus keep Bonnie around.....Rather have the personality of Adrienne, but who am I? To have been a fly on the wall back then. So many Salemites have come back to life, but .........well, who knows?
It’s too bad that Xander didn’t walk in when lowlife Dimitri was threatening Leo. If he had, Megan’s slimy son would not have been in any condition to lay his b/s on Gwen.

Poor Xander, he gets his Titan dream job offer right after he recruited the diva to work at the paper. What he should do is accept Maggie’s offer and then give Chloe Charlie Dale’s old job. Surely, any Titan position would pay better than a job at the threadbare Spectator.

Julie was in top form, giving Chad a Salem rarity — truly good advice. For this effort, she deserves to go on a luxury cruise.
Thanks, robin.

Nice to see Julie today.

Glasses on and off Alex was on too. Yippee. Please go back to Ciara <ha,ha>

Bonnie was smart when she looked around the first time to see if anyone behind her. Then she forgot
to look when Maggie showed up.

Maggie mentioned Parker. He's in college now, right? :)

Dimitri must have studied Megan's notes about Gwen well. He knew what to say about a missing
father and needing to find the perfect love.
This looks like a cube farm set up inside a hotel room set.
I appreciate that they're trying.
Asking if stolen jewels ring a bell, Leo claims it was a prank.
I don't understand why this show that will flash back to something from the top of an episode won't show clips from Beyond Salem to illuminate those too stubborn to watch the show.
clips from Beyond Salem to illuminate those too stubborn to watch the show.
Excuse me????? I'm sure you did not mean that. Many were UNABLE to watch Beyond Salem. I believe they did it streaming....and everyone did not have the capability. I certainly didn't, and only can do so now because they offered a special deal. And when this special deal ends.....there will be a lot more who won't even be able to see Days, as the price of the streaming "privilege" is ridiculous, just to watch Days! Regular TV is fine, a shame Days decided to go streaming. Currently, I can watch Days only on my computer, and if anyone thinks I want to watch all TV constantly on the small TV screen, while sitting at my desk.......think again! :sad:
It's fine if someone doesn't want to go back and watch Beyond Salem. Maybe there's no interest or no time. But streaming is a no longer a barrier to watching Beyond Salem for the current population of regular show viewers. If they are paying, it's not like the content is being withheld behind an extra paywall.

Given the state of soaps and network TV overall (day and night), streaming is probably the only way Days was going to survive. As much as I complain about it, I'd rather have it streaming than gone. It still entertains me every other day. A bunch of new reports came out last week about how many people are dumping cable and turning off network television. Network viewing is declining more and more. Without eyeballs, free, over-the-air TV cannot pay for itself.
Beyond Salem was a special series, just 5 episodes each, I have been told..... OUTSIDE of the regular show, different time period, too. No idea why the writers insist on making reference to events that happened on those series, as if they were part of the regular show. I have seen a lot of complaints about it, and those episodes were NOT popular or seen by that many viewers. They were separate stories, using regular Days characters, with a few new ones thrown in here and there.

And at the time, the content WAS separate, & one had to pay extra for it.

And yes, now Days decided to put the regular shows on streaming. And they have lost viewers. It's a shame the network has caused all these difficulties for the show. Actors have taken pay cuts, there are no rehearsals any more. There is more.......but I am off the soapbox.
I'm not saying anyone has to go back and watch - just that they could, but some people are choosing not to. I didn't mean anyone in particular as I've never met anyone who's watching the show who hasn't watched Beyond Salem.

But my major point is that the show constantly flashes back, and yet chooses not to do so with clips from Beyond Salem, and that is incredibly strange, since most of the actors are now on contract and the shows should be owned/controlled by the same entities.
I hadn't noticed the lack of flashbacks to Beyond Salem, but considering how often they reference these events now it seems strange that they aren't. We were introduced to Andrew, Megan, Harris, Dimitri, Wendy, Stephanie, and Joey all in those episodes and they've used all of that material as their backstory to bring them onto the main show. They've referenced the DiMera launch/party in Asia, Johan and Steve being brainwashed by Megan with fighting over the prisms, the vying for Wendy's attention by Joey & Tripp, Andrew and Paul's romance.

When Sonny & Will were still around they referenced the Vegas storyline with Chad and Leo, we've heard about the Alamanian peacock, Dimitri as Agent Kyle with Billie Reed, the whole story with Hope and Harris that a regular viewer would know nothing of. Yet none of that is done as a flashback. Even "nurse Angela" in the hospital with Bo and Hope was a reference to when Bo was watching from heaven with "Angela."

The only story they seem to have actually kept separate was that Christmas special that was in some alternate Salem universe. But if they're going to incorporate all that material into main storylines, at least let the viewers who didn't see it have some more context than a passing line here and there.

I remember having similar issues a few years back when there was that other show they had on the Days app when there was some high school reunion of the "Last Blast" crew and I guess that's how we got Philip and Jan back on the show. But I didn't see any of those and was confused when they referenced things there.
The thing was, kat took the time to find and post the little digital episodes (Chad and Abby in Paris, and the Last Blas reunion) here on the board and we did summaries of them.

We also did basic summaries of what happened in the Beyond Salem episodes to keep everyone here in the loop. And now, as mentioned, if you're currently watching Days, then you can watch the Beyond Salem episodes.
But you should not have to do so. Why should regular loyal and long time viewers feel left out? So....Days has a secret club, separate and special, complete with "insider" references, so they can nod heads, wink at each other, as they are the "favored" ones.