Days of Our Lives - Monday, June 30th, 2008


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Monday, June 30, 2008

Episode #10,859 Taped 6/2 Director – Albert Alarr

Still the same night in Salem, as Bo arrives at the Cop Shop, & Roman comments he did not have to get all dressed up to come see him. LOL. He is sorry to have interrupted Bo & Hope’s evening, but something came up. That’s o.k. Bo got into a disagreement with Hope over Chelsea anyway. Bo tells of running into Chelsea at chez Rouge with her date, Dr. Jonas. Roman thinks he is kind of old for her, thank you sez Bo. And what would you do as a father. Roman says since she is a grown woman, nothing. Let her handle it. That takes Bo down a peg. Now Roman tells him how Paul Hollingsworth has been reported missing by his daughter, how he bought a plane ticket to South America, checked his luggage and never got on the plane. They decide to go check out his apartment, returning later having found nothing. A cop brings in Paul’s suitcase. Morgan arrives, still worried about her dad, spots the suitcase, they are still investigating. They advise her to go home, get some rest, they will let her know if anything turns up. She leaves. They go thru the suitcase, and eventually find a letter in a side pocket, addressed to Morgan.

Stephanie arrives at the Brady house, Chelsea tells her to use “library voices” as Hope & Ciara are sleeping. Stephanie is all upset about Max, but suddenly realizes she has not asked about Chelsea’s date with Dr. Dan. Soon both girls are gushing like 15 yr olds, questions flying from Steph, but Chelsea just smiling, only answering a few. She really tells her very little, then they launch into Max confronting his father tonight, and how worried Stephanie is about him. Soon Morgan arrives, Stephanie leaves, Chelsea seems to lend Morgan some casual clothes so she could get out of her cocktail dress, & evidently she is spending the night. Morgan is very worried about her dad, don’t worry, Chelsea’s dad will find him. Chelsea suggests they watch infomercials, or play checkers but Morgan decides to just go to bed.

Trent arrives at the closed up Pub, where Max is cleaning up. They exchange a few angry words as to why Trent did not come earlier when he was supposed to. Trent claims he is there to try and make amends. Now they just go back and forth, as the chip on Max’s shoulder seems to just get bigger and bigger. Max says he abandoned him and his mother, Trent claims to have returned once, watched little Max and Pop Shawn with cars, crayons and paper (they would draw streets and a town on the paper, then race the cars on the streets) and figured Max was very happy with the Bradys. And tho he intended to take Max with him, because he traveled so much, etc. felt it better to leave him where he was. Now Trent wants Max to keep their relationship a secret, Max says too late, others know and not just his girlfriend. He is spitting out words as he angrily mops the floor (and can someone tell him that you wring a mop out before mopping the floor, not just fling water all over the floor? LOL) Max threatens to let Trent’s colleagues know what a deadbeat dad he is, Trent doesn’t think they would believe a word Max says….he himself is a respected member of the community. Max says he is, too. Back & forth they go. Max whips out the picture of the young girl, still wanting to know who this is, if it his sister, Trent refuses to tell him, and leaves as Stephanie comes in. Max clams up to her, she tells him not to shut her out.

John is still contemplating with Ava what to do with the disk, when a scruffy faced EJ bops in. Oops, didn’t know John had company, just was coming down for a bottle for a fussy Johnny. He is about to leave, when John calls him back, asking him just how long he is going to keep up with pretending he & Samantha are still married. EJ says of course they are still married. Nope, says John, your marriage was annulled some time ago, and you have been lying to Sami. And of course, Sami walks in at the tail end, rather startled, asking if this is true. EJ is silent, she asks John who tells her that Nicole seems to think so. Sami laughs, figuring Nicole is such a liar, turns to EJ, but the look on his face and his silence tells the tale. She wonders how long John intended to keep this from her, he says is was none of his business. Now she faces off with EJ, as John & Ava leave. She is furious, he claims to just want to keep his family together. She retorts that for two people to do that, they have to love each other. Exactly, replies EJ. Sami is disgusted, turns away, muttering that he probably set up the whole immigration farce as well. And Elvis confesses that yes, he did exactly that. His visa HAD expired, but when immigration learned the circumstances of his birth, they decided he was eligible for dual citizenship. So he made a generous offer to Mr. Burke to keep up the pretense. Sami is horrified he went to such lengths to keep her and Lucas apart. She will never ever forgive him. He reminds her she has done a lot of things in her past and has been forgiven. She tells him that she had already forgiven him for a lot, & it is apparent what she means. She says one thing Lucas taught her was to be open & honest in a relationship, & she will never trust EJ again. He now reminds her of what she has done to Lucas, how Lucas feels, how he must have felt walking in on them in bed. She is furious, takes off her wedding ring, he begs her not to, and she shoves it against his chest, telling him he is the same evil, manipulative jerk he has always been, and is ready to walk off. But EJ confronts her about the feelings she has for him. He talks and pressures, and Sami’s face is torn. He wants her to admit that she does have some, their faces are close, Sami is crying as she tears away from him, saying she does…….and runs off.

John & Ava go down into the lab, where lights flash, pulsate, & Ava remarks all they need now is Han Solo. (Personally, I would have said Igor, lolol) She wonders if pressing this certain button will destroy the Death Star. John warns her to leave it alone, they don’t know what anything does. He now figures to find out what is on the disk putting it into this machine. He has a flashback of being in that chair, and Stefano (yes we see Stefano) telling him that all his memories are on this disk). He is all ready to give it a go, when Ava tells him she knows he is doing this because of Marlena. Yes, probably. She then goes on about liking the man he is now, how he likes himself, and that he should not do that. She wants him to destroy the disk. Break it into little pieces, and remain how he is now. John decides to put the disk into a drawer, which he locks with a key in his pocket. He and Ava kiss.

Oooh...I'm looking forward to seeing scruffy-faced EJ! This sounds like a really great episode, and it's good we finally learn about his meeting with Mr. Burke.

Thanks, Poirot!
As always....thanks for the write up! So Sami finally fessed up to EJ she has feeling for him. Good for her. I cant wait to see that confrontation!
Ava & John sould pretty funny today as well.
Hope they mover the Max & trent story along quickly. I like the story, but I dont want it to drag out!
Wish they would give us a little more to go on with Nicole and Trent, more to speculate on. I am bumming because my apartment flooded and I won't be able to see Days for a week or more as we are going to be traveling while it is being repaired. I know many of you like Stafano, but I'm not ready for him to come back yet, but I am ready for some of the OldJohn to come back. Curious as to what the rest of you think about Paul's disappearance, i.e. Philip, Ava or John? Who dunnit???????
Yahoo, I don't have to see Chelsea and Dr Letch together Monday!! That in itself makes it a good show for me.

I'm getting tired of the Max / Trent and Nocole / Trent sls. The repetitive dialogue is BORING. Move these along already.

Can't wait to see Sami's face when she finds out that EJ was, is, and always will be a nasty, manipulative, etc., s-o-b. He's a Dimera through and through.
Thanks for the write up Barb ... I love this director so I think this should be a good epi!
Well you know what they say, what goes around comes around, and Sami is experiencing the same thing that she did to Austin. She said she has feelings for EJ, which sucks because I want her with Lucas, so I hope that his confession and his manipulation overrules her feelings for him. The only person she will be happy with is Lucas, but now that he and EJ both have a baby with her, true happiness will never be hers to find. Oh the tangled webs we weave.
I think it is Ava. If I'm not mistaken, in the Comings & Goings it said Ava was leaving sometime this summer. Maybe that will be her down fall and exit.:clap:

I too want some of the old John back. I really don't like how he treats Marlena. But I like his new sense of humor.

I'm so bored with Max/Stephanie/Trent/Nick storyline lets get on with it.

Once again Barb Thanks for the write ups. I take care of my 85 year old dad and can't see the show every day and you help me stay up with the happenings.
Well you know what they say, what goes around comes around, and Sami is experiencing the same thing that she did to Austin. She said she has feelings for EJ, which sucks because I want her with Lucas, so I hope that his confession and his manipulation overrules her feelings for him. The only person she will be happy with is Lucas, but now that he and EJ both have a baby with her, true happiness will never be hers to find. Oh the tangled webs we weave.

I'm a big fan of Lucas and Sami too. Would it be nice if some illness came up for Johnny and we found out Ej was at work there too and Johnny is not EJ but Lucas too. I for one would be very happy to get Ej out of thier lives for good.
I think that EJ and Sami are over for now ... But someone said it is "always darkest before the dawn".
I still maintain that Lucas is both babies father EJ had that set up too! Let Sami have EJ, I am really liking Lucas and Chloe together.
I think that EJAMI are over for now ... But someone said it is "always darkest before the dawn".

The funny thing about the cliche of "it's always darkest before the dawn" is that it's not actually true, and anyone who has ever spent much time outdoors at night, or even thinks about it for awhile, knows it. It does make a good pacifier though, lol, and I use it with my friends when I'm being sarcastic.

I'm not pleased about Sami having any feelings for the man who forced her to have sex other than hatred, but she's still missing one fact about him that the rest of us know: that being that he tried to kill Lucas in the freezer truck. I think the writers are deliberately saving that little detail, so that if Sami ever warms up to him again, they can have the truth come out and totally destroy her world. That seems to be their goal: the complete and utter destruction of Sami Brady. What a shame.
Wish they would give us a little more to go on with Nicole and Trent, more to speculate on. I am bumming because my apartment flooded and I won't be able to see Days for a week or more as we are going to be traveling while it is being repaired. I know many of you like Stefano, but I'm not ready for him to come back yet, but I am ready for some of the OldJohn to come back. Curious as to what the rest of you think about Paul's disappearance, i.e. Philip, Ava or John? Who dunnit???????

I'm hoping Ava had her goons get rid of Paul, it makes sense because she is leaving the show. i like the nu john, but i like the old one too - if he remembers being in the chair why can't they have him remember Marlena? i just love the one liners the nu john delivers, he is so funny.:rotfl:
Two things: I wonder if the child in the photo is a daughter of Nicole and Trant.
and -- I wonder if Sami is pregnant again. This time no doubt the father is EJ. [I'm suggesting this since Ali is pregnant.]

I know it has already been said, but she is bordering on crazy. She needs to give angry Max some space. These scenes are so irritating to watch. "Dont shut me out" (in the winiest voice ever) AAAHHHH so frustrating. Just let him deal with things chic! Ok I feel better now:)

Thanks Pirot:D
What is WTD? I have problems figuring out some of these shortcuts. Eventually I get them but I decided not to wait on this one.
Whose the daddy.....(and I had to sit and think about it for a bit myself. I try so hard not to use shortcuts for this very reason. So many are at a loss to understand. :)
I'm not pleased about Sami having any feelings for...........(edited out) they can have the truth come out and totally destroy her world. That seems to be their goal: the complete and utter destruction of Sami Brady. What a shame.

ITA with you but for the sake of keeping the peace it's a good idea to avoid the "R" word at all cost on this site. EJ has done so many things that need to be brought to light and he needs to pay for those crimes!
ej knows from samis reaction that she does love him..then she throws in his face how she learned from lucas how honesty is so important in a relationship..but sami does not know that lucas is taking off the bracelet and meeting up with chloe..the audience knows..she does not know that he has told ej the fact that she had sex with ej is a dealbreaker..the audience knows..she does not know that lucas has told john the only reason he is there is to get custody of allie..the audience knows...

when sami rushes away from him after pushing the wedding ring she has CONTINUED to wear, even after Lucas returning, it is another symbol of what EJ tries to force her to admit..she loves EJ..that is the plain and simple truth.

and what is really heartbreaking to an ejami here,,it is not lucas that comes between them is themselves! lucas is as sami once said to ej..irrelevant..
I still maintain that Lucas is both babies father EJ had that set up too! Let Sami have EJ, I am really liking Lucas and Chloe together.

I think he is Johnny's father just b/c of the way he is with that baby. But that's JMO.