Days of our Lives - Monday, March 4, 2024


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
38:56 minutes. The provided summary by Peacock: Destiny offers the sisters a chance to relinquish their powers and lead normal lives.

Outside shot, hospital nighttime, Lani is reading the forms, stating once added to the national organ transplant wait list, you may receive an organ that day or you may wait. Marlena arrives and hugs Lani, welcomes her back. Paulina needs to talk to Marlena.

Ava is in the town square reading her phone. Rafe stops her, no new leads. Ava hasn’t heard anything. Rafe says I know you, I’m guessing you are using your connections to find Tripp.

Replay of Goldman and Harris.

Julie this is at the burnt-out Horton house looking for a key. She’s on the phone with Doug, she knows the time capsule isn’t garden variety. Julie spies a flashlight coming from outside, turns hers off and grabs the fireplace poker as a weapon. It’s dark and all old ladies wander around old burnt-out buildings in the dark, with a flashlight that could be carried on a key chain.

Paulina wants to talk to Marlena alone, so Lani and Abe leave. Marlena asks Paulina what she wants to talk about? Paulina is scared.

Ava and Rafe argue over Tripp missing. Ava is on edge. Officer Goldman runs buy. Rafe calls after her, he gets a 911 text from Harris.

Julie, armed with her poker, watches as the flashlight breaks into the room. They both scare each other and shout at each other. It’s Everett/Bobby. Julie demands to know what he’s doing there? He was driving by and saw a flashlight moving around in the room. He stopped to protect the house. Julie thought he was the arsonist. She explains the time capsule, put together in 1966. Julie and Doug took the box to a locksmith, but Julie needs the key. Her explanation is as stupid as this conversation, she thought she’d find it looking alone in the dark.

Lani and Abe talk about what Paulina might want to talk to Marlena about. Abe admits that this is out of their hands. Paulina is their rock, their core.

Paulina is terrified. She’s not a rock or strong, she’s not feeling strong, she doesn’t want to die. Marlena tells Paulina to know she has a lot of years ahead of her. Strange that Marlena doesn’t mention the heart recipients living in town now. Brady, Julie, Jennifer, all who are living without issue. They chat a bit longer.

Harris is back in bed reattached to the machines. Rafe comes in and Harris tells of how Goldman allowed someone in the room to try to kill him.

Julie and Everett now have a lantern. Everett found it in the garage on a shelf that Julie couldn’t see because she’s short. Everett thinks they are looking for a wanky key. Julie tells Everett he looks like her cousin Nick, who went over to the dark side. Everett talks philosophical about the house. Julie grills him about Stephanie and the future.

Marlena and Paulina continue their conversation. Paulina’s throat bandage is annoying to look at. Marlena has helped Paulina.

Harris explains the hit attack, the hitman ran off, then Goldman allowed him to do this. Rafe can’t believe it’s Goldman. Rafe thinks Xander Cook being the assassin now isn’t making sense.

Goldman in the park stripping off her police uniform. She calls Clyde, gives him the sad news that she’s been made. Goldman asks about Tripp and Wendy? Clyde says that’s her problem, she’d better solve it. He's moving up the timeline.

Julie is now getting the Jada/Bobby, Stephanie/Everett story. Thankfully we miss most of us. Julie says it’s not uncommon, Adrienne Kiriakis and Bonnie Lockhart, only one of which is tolerable. Everett laughs, then explains the fingerprint story. Everett says that the fingerprint says he’s Bobby. He can’t understand how, he can’t miss that much of his life. Julie says it doesn’t make sense unless he is lying.

Lani and Abe talk of being taking away from Paulina and now finding their way back. Inspirational talk of long-lost loves.

Marlena talks of the person who donates their organs is never coerced, they do it because they want to. There isn’t to be guilt to accept an organ. Paulina thanks Marlena for always being there for her. She needs to rest now that she is at peace.

Rafe in Harris’ hospital room putting out a BOLO (be on the lookout) for Rebecca Goldman. They put the pieces together on lots of all the Clyde things.

Ava leaves a long-drawn-out message for Steve as she walks into the shared apartment. Who is running the Bistro? Ava grabs a drink, her phone rings. Not Ava’s phone, so she searches the living room for the phone. It’s in the desk. Ava picks it up, the caller is unknown. She answers it, because of course.

Everett tells Julie he’s not lying. He’s always tried to be a decent, caring, loving person. Please don’t hate me. Julie doesn’t hate him. She is going to tell him a Horton story. She tells of her mother’s twin, Uncle Tommy, who went off to serve in the Korean war, but didn’t come home. We assumed he was dead. Years later he appears in Salem in the company of my Uncle Bill, neither of them knowing they were brothers.

Tommy was a prisoner of war, his face disfigured, and he developed amnesia. Tommy received plastic surgery so he looked different and had a different name, Dr. Mark Brooks. Uncle Mickey and Grandpa Tom started investigating because Grandma Alice saw a tiny birthmark that had been on her son. It worked off well in the end. They talk of Stephanie; Julie tells Everett he has to find out the truth.

In Paulina’s room, Lani brings in a bowl of ice chips, Abe brings Marlena a cup of coffee, but she turns it down. Paulina wants Lani to help her draft her last will and testament.

Rafe is shocked that he missed the signs Goldman was the bad cop. No one else is, Rafe. Harris says we need to talk to her. Rafe is making fake promises.

Ava and Clyde argue and make pointless threats to one another.

Paulina knows she should have made up a will a long time ago. As most people do, she put it off. Abe, Lani, Eli are going to make up wills. Paulina dictates to Lani. I, Paulina Price, declare this to be my last will and testament, I am married to Abe Carver, I have two children, Lani Price and Chanel DuPree.

Julie leaves the burnt house, while Everett put away the lantern. Julie called Doug to let him know Everett was with her and she’d be heading home soon. She tells Everett he is a good guy, then leaves. Everett hangs out in the house with a weird smile.

Rafe doesn’t want to put a guard outside the door. He doesn’t know who to trust. Harris tells Rafe he can take care of himself, just bring me my gun.

Clyde wants Ava to break him out of prison. If Clyde is not out of prison in 24 hours, her bambino will be pushing up daisies. Ava hangs up and screams.

If I missed something in this sleeper of a show, I'm sorry. I was waiting for the sisters to relinquish their powers.

If I missed something in this sleeper of a show, I'm sorry. I was waiting for the sisters to relinquish their powers.
I kept waiting to find out which sisters were relinquishing their powers, too. :sarcasm:

I thought maybe Peacock suddenly added reruns of Passions to their lineup. :rotfl:

Is Charmed on Peacock?
Julie tells Everett he looks like her cousin Nick, who went over to the dark side.
Ohhhh, so now Everett looks like Nick. :rolleyes: I bet this is a rewrite of whatever the original storyline was supposed to be, because you'd think when he first came to town, people would've been saying how much he looked like Nick Fallon. Same as no one tells Alex he's a dead ringer for Ben Weston, or Roman looks like just their old pal, Chris Kositchek, or that Rex looks just like Brady did as a teenager, or Ava looks exactly like Taylor Walker from the last time she was in town.
I think, with Everett, the writers have seen a great many comments online, and just threw it in for the viewers. LOL

It's one thing to use an actor who was another character at one time.......but when you do it so soon..........!!!!!!

Worse was Gwen/Theresa.
Well since Julie said to Everett good thing there are still decent people like you means for sure he is not. And judging from that smile at end when Julie left him in the house, which I found weird, he's up to something. But unbelievable after all this time they say he looks like Nick.

I have never been a Paulina fan. Don't like her with Abe and really tired of all her whining. I know she's "dying" but still tired of it.
Thank you, Robin!

That Bobby/Everett smile at the end spoke volumes. I do think he created Everett as a slimy excuse for everything. He does remember he is Bobby. Stephanie needs to heed Jada's advice. I don't think he is Nick, but who knows with this show? After all, he showed up as Satan's sidekick in Purgatory/the waiting room last year.

I am sure Harris did not tell Rafe the hit man was Stefan so he can work with Ava behind the scenes. He has his own plot brewing.

At least it looks like Rafe is starting to believe that Xander is innocent.

Someone needs to tell Ava ASAP about Goldman. While I don't think she will go to Ava's, as she has to make herself scarce, if they do run into each other, that could be a disaster upon a disaster.

Will Goldman now try to kill Tripp and Wendy?

I admit that I do like Paulina, and her situation really hasn't been on screen for that long (in hospital), but I want it to end soon, too. Not necessarily death, I would like to see her get a heart. But not Clyde's if he is killed somehow, because he is heartless or has a black heart.

Did anyone notice that, no sooner did Paulina request her laptop, it was there? Unless she had it in the hospital all this time, no way could Lani have gone to her home or office and retrieved it, outside of the magical time transporter. That just seemed bizarre to me!
Julie tells Everett he looks like her cousin Nick, who went over to the dark side.
If they're going to have this conversation, let it be with Jada as well. Make the story interesting for goodness' sake.
Julie says it’s not uncommon, Adrienne Kiriakis and Bonnie Lockhart, only one of which is tolerable
OK, I'll give them that one. They're doing something called "lampshading." But I guess I'd prefer it if Nick and Bobby/Everett didn't look alike to Salemites.
Paulina wants Lani to help her draft her last will and testament.
Wait a minute, what kind of bazillionaire doesn't already have a will?
So, no one, including the writers, really knows what’s going on with Nick/Everett/Bobby, but this is strikingly similar to a mix of a re-Ron OLTL story and of course the Days classic Tony/André situation, but I'm starting to wonder if Everett and Nick were long-lost twins and Bobby had plastic surgery to look like Everett. It would be the only way to salvage this inanity.

And Clyde knows about Everett's dirty secrets, so he's blackmailed him to become the arsonist. My speculation.
Watched the episode.

I really want creepy, crummy, crazy, crack-selling Clyde to be taken out as gruesomely as possible.

Feed him to a very hungry python feet first.

Dump him in a school of starving piranhas.

Feed him to the sharks.

Any suggestions?
The best news today was Rafe’s comment that Goldman being the dirty cop could exonerate Xander.

Dumb question: if Ava’s mob relatives could break Clyde out of prison, why can’t they take him out period?

Maybe Julie could help Everett understand his situation by giving him a copy of “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.”

Somebody with as many assets as Paulina should be consulting with a qualified attorney (not Justin) if she wants a will drawn up. Finally, a group known for not having wills is attorneys. Years ago, there was a professor at my old law school who was a recognized expert on wills and estates. When he died, it turned out he had no will. In addition, in class a professor once recalled being on a plane that hit turbulence. One passenger then started seeking people to witness his will. The passenger was a lawyer.
Thanks, robin.

Did the writer's change Everett/Bobby since Julie said he reminded her of Nick? Does Nick have a twin or
a look a like cousin?

Clyde mentioned to Goldman that Harris must have a guardian angel. Actually, he's a Navy seal. :)

Poor Xander, Harris didn't mention it was Stefan who tried to kill him in the hospital and at the Bistro.

Julie mentioned her grandfather like making puzzles. Was the puzzle box that Hope opened made by Tom?
Will we have to wait until Hope returns for the time capsule to be opened?

Everett had a nasty grin at the end.

So, Ava has 24 hours to get Clyde out of prison. How is she supposed to do that on her own? It's Salem, maybe
she can figure it out.