DAYS OF OUR LIVES - Monday, May 26th, 2008


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Monday, May 26, 2008

Episode #10,834 Taped 4/23 Director – Albert Alarr

Another emotional episode today, as we go into the last week of May sweeps. The Pub is all abuzz with the news that a huge shipment of drugs was found on the docks. Stephanie has come in, is immediately fearful for Max who is supposed to be working down there, but he shows up, saying his boss called him and told him to stay home. Nicole comes waltzing into the Pub, still hung over from her night of partying with her little Pookie, who is home at last and all well. She joins EJ & Philip, wanting to buy drinks for the house, then says it will be pretty cheap, no one is there. LOL. Phil wonders what she will use for money, she says, oh, yeah, and then says he can buy, Mr. rich boy. She wants a dirty martini, with 3 olives, then looks at EJ with lustful eyes, changing it to a dirty, dirty, dirty martini. LOLOL. Chloe comes back inside, talking of there may have been a shooting, but she is not sure, and of course, she & Nicole trade barbs. Philips is constantly pulling Chloe aside, while EJ tries the same with Nicole. Finally EJ tells her to go home, she doesn’t want to go without him, he is adamant that is not going to happen between them. Max gets Philip on the side, wondering if he had something to do with what is going down, as he remembers how Phil wanted him to spy for him. Philip denies that, claiming he just wanted him to keep his eyes and ears open. Yeah, replies Max…..Spy! Now in comes Abe with some questions for Philip. They go outside, where Philip vehemently denies having anything to do with any drug shipment. Abe knows his father’s history with drugs, but Phil says Kiriakis business is legit, has been for years, and everyone knows it. He keeps repeating he had nothing to do with this, and Abe thinks he doth protest too much. LOL. He leaves. Inside, Stephanie has been cozing up with Max, hoping none of the customers return so they can have time together alone.

At the DiMera house, Sami & Lucas are still kissing. She asks if this is truly what he thought of every night. Of course. He tells her he loves her, always has, never stopped, and probably always will. But he certainly never knew she was in love with EJ. She denies that, reminding him she did not say that. She admitted to having feelings, and again talks of how EJ has changed, how supportive he was, how much he helped her with the twins. Lucas doesn’t think EJ has changed one iota, but only has managed to worm his way into Sami’s life. He reminds Sami she has lots of family, lots of friends, all of whom could have helped her with the children. She could have managed very well all by herself. Now she talks of the long time she spent in the safe house with EJ to keep them safe from Stefano, how EJ helped when Allie was so sick, and was so kind, considerate. Lucas tells her he did not know any of that. That he had such high hopes and expectations when he got released, and had no idea she had moved in here, that Marlena had moved in, too with John, that the mad scientist was around them all, and never expected to see EJ there. He dreamt of coming home to her, holding her, making love to her all night long, and instead, finds her in bed with him. Sami again protests, talks of how lonely she was, he would not see her, etc. then asks what if she had been in bed with someone else. Lucas admits he still would have been hurt, but not like this. He warned her about EJ, how manipulative he is. Sami denies he manipulated her, tells Lucas EJ has changed, then answers the ringing phone. She hangs up, telling him that was Uncle Mickey, who informed her of what EJ did to get Lucas put on the house arrest release list. He told the court he bore no grudge against Lucas for shooting him, and would testify in court for him. Lucas thinks that was very clever of EJ. Sami points out that she & Lucas have forgiven each other a lot of things, and that her family has forgiven her, too. So she thinks EJ should be given a second chance, that he has changed. Lucas mentions her being in love with EJ, she denies it, but yes, she has feelings for him. They just came because of how helpful he was, but she is not in love with him. Only with Lucas, the love of her life & she wants to start over. He does, too, but cannot forget walking in on her in bed with EJ. He tells her he never told her to have sex with EJ now. And in fact, never told her to have sex with him the first time. The first time? . Sami is shocked. Lucas tells her she is a resourceful person, could have done something else. Sami goes to the door, opens it, telling Lucas to leave. He does, she is crying on the bed when he comes back in, apologizing, he did not mean what he said, he was just lashing out, wanting to hurt her. Mission accomplished she snaps back. She assures him she loves him and only him. Lucas doesn’t think that all 5 of them can be one happy family, but Sami thinks they can work it all out. She wants to start over with Lucas, he does, too. She again talks of the changed man that EJ is, how helpful he was, and that with Lucas gone, he was her rock.. with Lucas saying no, EJ is the same he always was. Lying, manipulating, worming his way into Sami’s life. Once a DiMera, always a DiMera. And no, he does not think he can ever forgive her for sleeping with the enemy. He walks out.

Roman & John are having a face off. A half million in drugs were found in one of John’s containers on the docks. John is indignant that anyone would think he was drug dealing, and is bound and determined to go down to the docks and prove it. This is war. He knows this is Philip’s doing. Roman wants him to stay right there at the house, but John is very angry. Roman grabs his arm, saying he is not going anywhere. John says, do NOT touch me, as he smacks Roman in the jaw and down Roman goes. Marlena is trying to calm him down, but John is quietly seething. Roman tells him that was a mistake, and now he is under arrest for assaulting a police officer. He pulls out the handcuffs, and John says, no, no, no cuffs, as he flashes back to being restrained by cuffs in the lab. Marlena has gone quietly behind John, taking a hypo from her medical bag. John & Roman are arguing, Roman puts the cuffs back in his pocket, telling John, O.k. they will stay right there. John is rather agitated, and suddenly Marlena plunges the needle into his arm. A startled John turns, asking what has she done? He trusted her, let her move into his home, and she pays him by giving him drugs? He begins to sink to the floor, Marlena is holding him, crying that she wanted him safe, did not want him hurt. She cradles his head in her arms.

Sounds like a good show again.

I'm just confused about Sami and Lucas they both say they want to work it out but then Lucas says he can never forgive her then walks out.

Just curious if Sami's feelings for EJ are much stronger than she is telling or willing to admit.

I personally think Lucas needs anger management classes.

I guess this means you do get the new satellite feed.... AND that you found it!!


Thank you for all that you do for this board. I am sure you were stressing about the satellite switch and delivering the Days Ahead to all of us very needy board members who have come to rely so much on you.

With much appreciation,

Thanks so much for the show info!
I can understand that Lucas is mad, he should be. But I also think he & Sami do way to much yelling & I think Samis feelings for EJ are more than she is letting on. She definately defends EJ multiple times.
I just think its time for Lucas to move on from Sami & not be so angry all the time. But this is up to the writers not him! :)
I am a Lucas fan & I am just ready for him to have a story outside of Sami.
To tell the truth, HGF, I really did stress out yesterday over it all. And I slept on the sofa, in order to be awake when the show was to come on.....and guess what? It was back where it had been originally? So at 3 a.m. I was awake and waiting to see if they would return to whereever. If they keep hopping around like this, it is going to be very difficult.

That said....there was no yelling between Lucas & Sami today. They both talked in normal voices. And in my own opinion, Sami honestly loves Lucas, but is struggling because of whatever it is she feels for EJ. Lucas is very hurt........& as much as he loves Sami, he is right now unable to get past her "sleeping with the enemy". He does not trust EJ, warned her time and time again, and yet she fell into bed with the one man he never thought she would....her rapist, and yes, the word is used today.
And struggle Sami is doing. On Friday, her flipping out when the wine arrives from Nicole for very telling. Here she is, trying to tell Lucas how she loves him, and right in front of him, she is immediately the jealous and indignant wife to EJ. LOL
Thanks! I'm looking forward to the John/Marlena/Roman stuff. It sounds good.
Thanks Poirot for what you do, it is very much appreciated!! The write-up is great as usual and I'm looking forward to watching.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
To tell the truth, HGF, I really did stress out yesterday over it all. And I slept on the sofa, in order to be awake when the show was to come on.....and guess what? It was back where it had been originally? So at 3 a.m. I was awake and waiting to see if they would return to whereever. If they keep hopping around like this, it is going to be very difficult.

That said....there was no yelling between Lucas & Sami today. They both talked in normal voices. And in my own opinion, Sami honestly loves Lucas, but is struggling because of whatever it is she feels for EJ. Lucas is very hurt........& as much as he loves Sami, he is right now unable to get past her "sleeping with the enemy". He does not trust EJ, warned her time and time again, and yet she fell into bed with the one man he never thought she would....her rapist, and yes, the word is used today.
And struggle Sami is doing. On Friday, her flipping out when the wine arrives from Nicole for very telling. Here she is, trying to tell Lucas how she loves him, and right in front of him, she is immediately the jealous and indignant wife to EJ. LOL

I don't want anyone to take this as me bashing the actors because I'm not. But...I wonder sometimes if the actors don't get the memo as far as who the character loves. Sometimes I feel like the writing is pulling the story toward the EJAMI pairing but maybe the actors are still playing it LUMI. USually you can tell which couple is the end game, but it's really hard to tell with this particular triangle. I just feel like the acting doesn't necessarily go with the writing. If EJAMI were where they were headed, I don't think LUMI would be having civil conversations about EJAMI sleeping together, and I don't think we would feel like Sami really does love Lucas. He would seem more like an obligation. Sami being jealous of Nicole and EJ doesn't mean much to me. Sami is jealous of any woman that's with a man. She always has been.
I think all the actors involved in any story have had a struggle, and all have admitted as much. They are actors, and are given scripts, and they may feel differently about story direction at times, but must go with whatever. They do have a director, and ED Scott oversees things very closely.

This is my first time posting, but I want to thank you for the enlightening conversations about each Days Ahead posting. I do get to watch everyday and this just helps me to look forward to the next show.
NuJohn vs Philip

I am sure Phil had the drugs planted to get back at John because of the Kiriakis shipments being held up. I really feel that John found out somehow those shipments and maybe others contained illegal stuff. By Phil planting the drugs it takes the heat off him and he can continue to ship whatever because they'll be gunning for John.
You know... Sometimes I wonder if the writers even know where they are going to take the s/l... One minute EJ/Sami are civil and caring then the next it's Lucas/Sami. I'll bet they (the writers) are trying to see how much feedback they get on either pairing. Then they will decide where to take it. Who knows... It is Salemville..... Where anything goes.....
Thanks Poirot for the write up!!! You are wonderful as usual!!!!:clap:
Barb - thanks for all of your write ups.

I'm glad that I got to read the days ahead for yesterday's show. I did not get to see it at all.

It was preempted for coverage on a wildfire that is going on in the Santa Cruz Mountains right now.

With all the wind, the fire has been out of control and had already burned down 12 structures, so it was very important that coverage of it be broadcast.

But, I sure did miss my days. I didn't get to see the whole Lucas "yelling" at Sami thing that was such a debate the other day, but hopefully I'll get to catch it on Soapnet this weekend.

Anyway, sounds like this is going to be a great episode. I hope that the writers really keep this momentum going.
I know that Sami says she loves Lucas and I know she does, but the way Lucas treats her, he is going to push her right towards EJ. Calling her a whore and bringing up the fact that she wanted it the first time or whatever is going to just push her away from him. I actually hope this happens. I am kind of tired of the Lucas and Sami thing. I think Sami needs something new, a new adventure of sorts without pining for Lucas and I think EJ is a way to do that. Sounds like a good show though!
This is my first time posting, but I want to thank you for the enlightening conversations about each Days Ahead posting. I do get to watch everyday and this just helps me to look forward to the next show.

Welcome to the board! Poriot does a great job everyday of writing up the shows for us. Not to mention the mediation she has to do on the post! (we tend to get a little fired up and times, she's there to straighten us out)! :OT:
As much as I hate to admit it Lucas needs to find another place to go, I know I would be very hurt if I found my love in bed with another woman exspecially someone that i despise.

Sami is just a bit fickle IMHO, poop or get off the pot, pick and choose, she is playing both of them with pity.

IMHO Sami needs to be by herself for awhile, and worry about her babies, and call her Son more often, instead she's playing the poor pitiful me syndrome, stop thinking of yourself and think of your children and who would be a good and loving Father.
R/M/J Triangle Redux?

Thanks! I'm looking forward to the John/Marlena/Roman stuff. It sounds good.

Anyone else think we're headed for a replay of the Roman/Marlena/John triangle? Seems like all of a sudden recently John's been all 'he's your ex-husband' about Roman, and now he gets physical with Roman and Roman instead of being his usual nice guy understanding self, gets all I'm the Man on John's *** and arrests him! AND Marlena, in what to me is a bizarre twist, injects John with a sedative - KNOWING how awful that idea is to him!! And all just to allow Roman to handcuff him - the OTHER thing that's awful to him! I would normally expect Marlena to be mediating and calming everyone down and defusing the situation between them, and normally that would happen. So I am WAY suspicious of this whole scenario, with John clearly feeling betrayed by her actions. Let's just say I won't be surprised if it turns out to be 'once again, with feeling' for this venerable triangle...
I think the actors do a wonderful job portraying the characters they have written for them. I don't know if the writers have written Lucas so "over the top" or if Brian plays him that way, but you know, some people in real life really are that way, so I think Brian does a good job. And I love to hate Lucas, and that's good because we can't love ALL the characters ALL of the time. It's what makes the Soap interesting!

And Sami is so wonderfully wishy-washy - she's such an amazing actress. And I believe in real life, she and EJ have some chemistry and it plays so well on-screen. And she and Brian seem so much like brother and sister to me and they don't jive for me, so that's why I don't really root for them on the show.

And poor John. From the way Barb wrote the last scene with him and Marlena, I could feel his betrayal. I'm thinking she shouldn't have drugged him, either. I didn't see the show, but it sounds to me like Marlena's stepping over the line a bit here. And who just carries around drug-filled needles anyway? Ready when needed, LOL! Oh, well.

Thanks, Barb for all you do! I love, love, love this site! Couldn't make it thru my day w/o you.
Anyone else think we're headed for a replay of the Roman/Marlena/John triangle? Seems like all of a sudden recently John's been all 'he's your ex-husband' about Roman, and now he gets physical with Roman and Roman instead of being his usual nice guy understanding self, gets all I'm the Man on John's *** and arrests him! AND Marlena, in what to me is a bizarre twist, injects John with a sedative - KNOWING how awful that idea is to him!! And all just to allow Roman to handcuff him - the OTHER thing that's awful to him! I would normally expect Marlena to be mediating and calming everyone down and defusing the situation between them, and normally that would happen. So I am WAY suspicious of this whole scenario, with John clearly feeling betrayed by her actions. Let's just say I won't be surprised if it turns out to be 'once again, with feeling' for this venerable triangle...

I don't think so. John can call him Marlena's ex all day long and there can be tension between John and Roman for whatever reason, but there's nothing going on between Marlena and Roman. It's all between John and Roman, and John and Marlena. Marlena seems to focused on John to give Roman the time of day. I've never seen any chemistry between them anyway, but that JMO.
I think I mentioned in another thread....John showing some humanity....and that is definitely the green eyed monster. LOL. On Friday, he spots Roman looking at Marlena's picture on the wall, asking him if he wants it.....then smiling that weird smile, putting arm around Marlena and saying " Well, you can't have it, it is part of my private collection". LOL
So in this Monday show, he asks Marlena which side she is on, Kiriakis or his. She replies something like "if there is no evidence showing Kiriakis had anything to do with this, of course I am on yours. But then a few minutes later, she plunges the hypo. I think she was only trying to avoid John being hurt in the long run. Cuz John was becoming almost like a bull in a china shop.......and if Roman then called for reinforcements.....well. It would have gotten very ugly.