Days of Our Lives - Monday, May 5th, 2008


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Monday, May 5th, 2008

Episode #10,819 Taped 4/8 Director – Kathryn Foster

The immigration hearing is being held in Roman’s office, as he is so busy, it would be easier on him. When Sami & EJ arrive, Roman has already testified, telling them that he told Mr. Burke he would vouch for EJ personally & professionally if need be. John & Marlena arrive, John wants to get this show on the road. And now Nicole breathlessly arrives. Sami is having a fit as Nikki just got back in town, but she claims she has known Sami a long time, & volunteered. She wonders why EJ even needs this hearing, since he was born on American soil to an American mother. (Ah, writers, thank you so much for this, you know everyone has been asking the same questions, lol). EJ says that when he was born, his mother listed a different woman as his birth mother, and when they went to England, they decided to have him be registered as Edmund’s son. This gave him U.K. citizenship, and his American birth sort of got lost in all the process. (which is to cover the fact that Susan Banks WAS American, lol). Nicole wants a drink after that bit of confusing info, but settles for a Danish & coffee. Mr. Burke comes out for John, who is asked why the duo is living in his house. Because they are family. But you have no memory. True, I do not remember Sami or her husband from the past, but I can make observations with the objectivity of an outsider. And are they in love. John agrees they are, and thinks they themselves do not realize how much. Next, Nicole is called in, we do not see what she says, but Mr. Burke kisses her hand on her way out. Sami & EJ ask how it went, she says EJ will be seeing his son in London, then tells Sami she can probably go see Will in Switzerland, and boy, pretty soon she won’t have any family in this country. Cue Sami to rush at Nicole, everyone pulling her back, Nikki saying she was only kidding, egads, Marlena cautioning Sami to remember where she is, yada yada. Next we see Sami & EJ called in, Mr. Burke commenting on EJ having the apt. across the hall, they jokingly mention meeting for the first time with him clad only in a towel. EJ claims he was locked out of his apt. Burke pointedly asks Sami if she loves her husband, she says she does. EJ now interjects that he is a changed man since he met Samantha. That if anyone told him 2 years ago that he would be a husband to a Brady, and a father, he would never have believed them. But they are his family, and implores Mr. Burke to let him have his family, THIS family, it is all he has. Burke packs up his stuff, will review his notes, and let them know. He leaves the station.

Ava’s guard tries to get Martino Vitali to leave, but he has his lawyer out in the hall, with a court order from a judge, and he knows he can be there. Steve tells her to check it out. Martino is worried about his daughter, why is she in restraints. Kayla informs him of how her medication was the wrong stuff, and was causing her to act irrational, and wonders why a father would allow a physician to do this. Martino claims the doctor is highly respected, would never do anything to harm his daughter, ever. Ava asks her dad if it is true, he let Dr. Neusbaum give her the wrong meds. No, no, he will fix everything. She will take her home, she reminds him she is under arrest. Martino looked at Steve, saying he had hoped he would never have to see him again, Steve tells him same goes for him. Martino soothes his daughter, and she begins to be restless in the bed. What is wrong, Kayla only says she is detoxing, and thinks it is time for him to go. He leaves the room, and we see Michael Corleone (yeah, I mean Martino) on the phone telling someone to “take care of it”. Steve overhears this, and each stare at each other. Lexie talks with Dr. Jonas, he promises to return if they ever need him again, she is not too sure that he is not leaving because of feelings for Chelsea Brady.
Later, Lexie tells Ava she is doing very well, is almost through with the detoxing.

Philip is at the Pub bar, talking with Max, who talks of his jobs, only a couple hundred more hours of community service, he will be done, and can look for a 3rd job to earn money. Philip offers him the chance to make extra dough right now, keeping an eye on John at the docks. Max refuses absolutely, he will not be any sort of spy. Morgan has overheard, comes up to Philip, accusing him of trying to bribe Max now. Philip denies, they exchange a few barbs, he offers to buy her a drink, nope, but a game of darts. She asks Max for her darts, Phil says they are on the dartboard, nope she gets special ones. She takes one from a little box, Philip goes to pull the other darts off the board, she throws hers, pinning his shirt sleeve to the board. He hollers she put a hole in her shirt, she says he can afford to buy a new one. LOL

Kate comes in, spots Martino at a table, he rises, hugs all around, both exclaiming how the other has not changed. Small talk. Kate talks of how she happened upon a murder scene, no idea who, cops questioning her. Martino is surprised, such a sleepy town, how could that happen. He hates that sort of thing, very squeamish when it comes murder, etc. Kate comments that he always was that way. They make plans to meet later for drinks & dinner at the hotel, and nothing more, he assures her, walking her out to her car.

Earlier, Kate was visiting with Chelsea, who told her gramma how Daniel took himself off her case. Kate claims that his normal to turn post operative care over to another doctor, but Chelsea felt differently. Kate assures her that even if he is off her case, they can still be friends. Chelsea is not so sure. Knock, knock, Nick has arrived, Kate leaves. Nick talks of taking Uncle Mickey’s boat over to the Horton cabin and having a picnic, when she is feeling better, then suggests that since it is so nice out, they go in back yard in the hammock. Chelsea is less than enthusiastic, Nick takes the hint and leaves. Now Stephanie arrives, all starring eyed over Max, and sympathetic to Chelsea about her feelings in regard to Dr. Dan. Chelsea keeps talking of him having dumped her (?), Stephanie tells her how she talked to the doc after talking to Chelsea on the phone, & Chelsea admits at last that she is in love with Daniel Jonas.

At the Pub, Max is clearing off a table, finds Nick’s notebook, looks at a page, turns another, sits down, and seems to be “fixing” a few things, when Steph comes in. She wonders what he is doing, looks like he is changing some figures. Yes, just helping out a friend. Later, Max, Morgan & Stephanie are talking about Chelsea, how she is reacting to being unable to have children, just chatter. Daniel comes in, sits at another table with NO ONE noticing him, overhears. He leaves.

Back at the Brady house, Chelsea is looking in the mirror, knock at the door, she opens it to find Dr. Dan come to say goodbye. She comments on his lifestyle, riding in on his white horse to save a few people, then paddling out on his surf board to catch the next big wave. He tells her to say goodbye to Bo & Hope, turns to leave, but hesitates at the open door. Chelsea’s back is to him, he turns, strides back in, grabs her, kisses her a few times, and out the door he goes. Chelsea is very surprised……and very happy.

Sami and EJ look so good.....Sami in her purple top and EJ in suit looks great....I like NUJOHN don't realize how much they really do love each true
I can't get over all the people helping EJ....NOW Roman is helping....WOW I didn't expect that one.....NICE surprise.....boy, will LUCAS be MAD when he finds out, John, Roman, Marlena, Mickey, Maggie, and even Nicole are helping EJ stay....

No wonder Lucas is coming back different.....
I just love your write ups Barb. I dont get to watch the shows much at all, but I can just picture everything when I read your posts!!! Thanks so much.
Sounds like a really good show.

It seem like in other posts it says Chelsea pulls Daniel into a kiss....looks like by today's show it was the other way around. Dr Dan pulled her into the kiss!!!

I know a lot of people are disgusted by this pairing. I have not made my mind up just yet...I think they could grow on me??

Glad Max told Philip no & I love that Morgan is turning out to be a strong female character that can take care of herself & stand up to Philip. Seem like a precursor to a Morgan Philip hook up maybe??? Either way its fun!

After Nick checks out his figures and finds they are not what he wrote, but that they are correct, he should ask Max if he made the changes. Then have Max just admit he made the corrections and admit he's a lot smarter than everyone thinks. Sometimes I think Nick just gets too high and mighty about his grant and how important it is. He & Max could collaborate with Max doing the mechanical work on an engine, since he's a "hands-on" guy with cars, using the grant because he seems to understand all the facts and figures.
Can't they just break up Chick already? Why must they treat Nick like this? I still don't see how I'm supposed to root for this pairing in any form, even taking Nick out of the equation. Chelsea does not KNOW Daniel and her comment with him riding in on a white horse and out on a surfboard clearly shows her feelings are rooted in HEROISM. Daniel's feelings back towards her are even more ludicrous which makes me sad because Chelsea deserves for this all to blow up totally in her face (which I guess it still can.)
Dr. Dan

Dr. Dan, NOOOOO! I was really hoping that he would be appropriate, and tell Chelsea that a relationship other than friendship is not going to happen due to their patient-doctor relationship, their age difference, Nick, etc. I should have known the writers would tarnish his integrity. I am anxious to see what is up with Max and the grant. Is he a secret genius? If so, he is being lazy wasting his gifts! What do you guys think?
Dr. Love?

Nope don't like Chelsea with the Doc. Would rather see Ava get straightened out and hooked up with the Doc. She is growing on me and is such a talented actress. Well maybe she just plays crazy well.
Barb Thanks for the write up ....

Barb I know that you don't like EJ or EJAMI - but I got this sense from your write up that EJ get a little emotional when he talks about how he doesn't want to lose his family ... What was your sense?
@CJ.......yes, exactly. He definitely did, and really, I don't always manage as well, I guess, as I think I do, but I really try to relate what is going on. This is definitely an episode that will make those who favor the EJ/Sami relationship very happy.

And just for the record, I like EJ. And have always said, I think James Scott does a wonderful job portraying him.
And so far, I really am enjoying Joe Penny's portrayal of Martino Vitali. Boy, he can give you shivers one second, and the next just smile and be oh, so charming.
Let me tell you, Sami tears up when EJ is talking, and wipes her
eyes when she asks Mr. Burke when they will hear.

When they walk out of the room it is EJ's arms that Sami falls into for comfort

@CJ.......yes, exactly. He definitely did, and really, I don't always manage as well, I guess, as I think I do, but I really try to relate what is going on. This is definitely an episode that will make those who favor the EJ/Sami relationship very happy.

And just for the record, I like EJ. And have always said, I think James Scott does a wonderful job portraying him.

Thank you! - From your write up I could tell that the scene seemed emotional ... I started to tear up just reading it .... Thanks Barb! You did a great job!
And so far, I really am enjoying Joe Penny's portrayal of Martino Vitali. Boy, he can give you shivers one second, and the next just smile and be oh, so charming.

I am sooooooo excited about this casting!!!!! Dang I always like the bad guys! Why is that!
men's egos and younger women!

why wouldn't dr mcstudly want to have a relationship with chelsea? he's a man, isn't he? men's egos must be fed and endure, and one way to do that is to have relationships with women half their ages. that's the way of the world. (NOT THAT I'M BITTER!)

way to write, poirot, you rock!
Can't they just break up Chick already? Why must they treat Nick like this? I still don't see how I'm supposed to root for this pairing in any form, even taking Nick out of the equation. Chelsea does not KNOW Daniel and her comment with him riding in on a white horse and out on a surfboard clearly shows her feelings are rooted in HEROISM. Daniel's feelings back towards her are even more ludicrous which makes me sad because Chelsea deserves for this all to blow up totally in her face (which I guess it still can.)

Yes I feel the same. Get the breakup over with already. I can't stand watching Chelsea string Nick along when she clearly wants to jump Daniel's bones. Chelsea does sound like it's hero worship infatuation and not love for Daniel. It's obvious she hasn't learned what true love is, and why Daniel would be into her is beyond me. What is the attraction? :sick: Maybe Chelsea will finally learn to grow up after she's lost her usefulness for Doc Dan and he dumps her!

I just hate seeing Nick treated so poorly. Why would Nick leave his grant work at the pub. Why would he even be working on it there? Work at home, and the college, not out in public! Stupid, lazy writing. Of course good ole' Max is going to find it and fix it. I cannot stomach that Max is so smart and Nick is suddenly making mistakes all the time. This is wrong and it's just more of the writers dumping on Nick. Why does he have to make everyone else look good, and get nothing in the end? Nick deserves success and happiness too. When will the people he trusts (Max,Chelsea) finally tell him the truth about what's really going on. I hope he gets angry. He certainly has a right to with all the lying going on around him!

Oh and thanks for the great writeup!

When they walk out of the room it is EJ's arms that Sami falls into for comfort

Just to clarify, when they walk out, Sami does not have a tear in her eye. Marlena asks how it went, they have no idea, he will let them know. Nicole comes up saying something about how negative Mr. Burke may be if he saw Sami attacking her. "You are your own worst enemy, Sami". Nicole departs. Sami reflects, looks at her mother, then EJ saying what if she is right. THAT is when she begins to shed a few tears - it over her own actions - and yes, lays her head on EJ's chest, he pats her back.
Yes I feel the same. Get the breakup over with already. I can't stand watching Chelsea string Nick along when she clearly wants to jump Daniel's bones. Chelsea does sound like it's hero worship infatuation and not love for Daniel. It's obvious she hasn't learned what true love is, and why Daniel would be into her is beyond me. What is the attraction? :sick: Maybe Chelsea will finally learn to grow up after she's lost her usefulness for Doc Dan and he dumps her!

I just hate seeing Nick treated so poorly. Why would Nick leave his grant work at the pub. Why would he even be working on it there? Work at home, and the college, not out in public! Stupid, lazy writing. Of course good ole' Max is going to find it and fix it. I cannot stomach that Max is so smart and Nick is suddenly making mistakes all the time. This is wrong and it's just more of the writers dumping on Nick. Why does he have to make everyone else look good, and get nothing in the end? Nick deserves success and happiness too. When will the people he trusts (Max, Chelsea) finally tell him the truth about what's really going on. I hope he gets angry. He certainly has a right to with all the lying going on around him!

Oh and thanks for the great write up!

I agree that Nick deserves better, although he did lie to Chelsea about Lonely Splicer and sleeping with her mom. Chelsea deserves to be happy too, and if she is not totally in love with Nick then she should let him go find happiness elsewhere.

I think Chelsea and the Doc could be good for each other.

As for Max "helping" Nick out with his grant???:rolleyes: I'm not sure what to think about this s/l yet... I do hope that Max and Nick continue to be friend, and maybe work together.

Just to clarify, when they walk out, Sami does not have a tear in her eye. Marlena asks how it went, they have no idea, he will let them know. Nicole comes up saying something about how negative Mr. Burke may be if he saw Sami attacking her. "You are your own worst enemy, Sami". Nicole departs. Sami reflects, looks at her mother, then EJ saying what if she is right. THAT is when she begins to shed a few tears - it over her own actions - and yes, lays her head on EJ's chest, he pats her back.

I am a Lucas and Sami fan, but I am also a Sami fan and an EJ fan, so I think that it is a great thing that Sami has EJ to lean on while Lucas can not be there for her. Also that it seems to me that Sami has learned one thing from her "relationship" with EJ, and that is FORGIVINESS. God knows that Sami has done so many thing in her past and her loved one have forgiven her for all. I hope that when Lucas come home he and Sami will light up there ol' flame, but allow EJ to be a part of the children's lives and Sami will still stay mature about her friendship with EJ. Well that would be in MY perfect world, but this is a soap so the drama must continue.. can't they all just get along???