Days of Our Lives - Monday, Oct 27th, 2008


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Monday, October 27, 2008

Episode #10,941 Director – Albert Alarr

Chelsea sits down at the Java Café with her laptop, researching metastatic carcinoma. The fellow that works there comes and sits down, listening as Chelsea has a pity party over what she said to her grandmother, just before the test results arrived.

Melanie reads the note slipped under her door aloud. I saw you at the cemetery, I know what you did. She crumples it in her hand, gets matches out (conveniently in the nightstand drawer) lights one and is about to burn the paper, when knock, knock at the door. She blows out the match, stuffs the note in the drawer, opens the door to Nick, who was worried about her. He smells smoke, she evades, then says she had a cigarette. (Hey, Nick, a burnt match smells a lot different than a cigarette). He spies her suitcase, she tells him she is leaving town, everyone thinks she killed her father, Max deserted her, yada, yada. (Sheesh, another pity party). Nick assures her he will stand by her side, defend her to everyone, etc. & talks her into going with him to Java Café. Melanie goes off to the ladies room.

Chelsea comes over to Nick, wanting to talk for a few minutes, Nick says he is busy. She goes back to her table, starts packing up her belongings, Melanie comes by, Chelsea begins reading her a riot act, Nick comes up. Chelsea talks of how Melanie killed her father, everyone knows it, yada yada. Melanie retorts that Chelsea killed her brother, then left him in the road to die, and gets a huge slap across the face from Chelsea for that crack. Chelsea takes off, Melanie wants to go home, Nick talks her into staying and having some Salem tea. He sits her down, leaves, and she takes out her cell, pressing buttons and talking of the first flight out of Salem.

EJ persistently questions Sami about why Johnny said Baby, and touched her. Sami covers by mentioning how Johnny is learning all these new words, but EJ keeps questioning. Sami finally says maybe he was talking to his sister, twins do talk to each other in code, she and Eric would do it all the time. Roman confirms that, saying how Eric could not say Sami’s name for the longest time, and would refer to her as Baby. This seems to satisfy EJ. Sami is trying to snuggle her babies as much as she can, makes EJ & Lucas promise to have the twins spend time together as much as possible. EJ walks over, slipping an envelope in Sami’s purse. Roman tells Sami it is time. She kisses Johnny as EJ takes him, hands Allie to Lucas, asking him to take good care of her. She leaves with her dad, and outside, Roman assures her they will catch this guy. He introduces her to Darrell, who will be her guard.

Nicole lays on the sofa, reading some manual on pregnancy, satifying herself that her pains were just from her tummy expanding. She begins reading about varicose veins, stretch marks, is not too happy, and when she gets to episiotomy, she ewwwwws, and throws the book aside. Now she picks up Pookie, paces and talks to herself about the whereabouts of EJ, who on cue, walks in the door. (O.K. I have to say, all these scenes with Nicole are hilarious, and you are going to enjoy them, trust me). She pretends to not recognize him, saying he is vaguely familiar, and then remembering that he is the father of the baby she is carrying. EJ looks solemn, Nicole not too happy he told her he was going to the office, and then went to see Sami. He says he went to make sure his son was safe (ah, but EJ, you had no idea what was about to happen). He relates how they were just talking, and the sniper fired, etc. Nicole is concerned about Johnny, EJ says he is safe, upstairs asleep. He explains that Sami is gone, and then says he needs some air, wants to go for a walk, asking her to keep an eye on Johnny as the nanny is not there. Sure, no problem. She babbles at how it will be good practice, she will be fine. He hands her the baby monitor, and no sooner closes the door behind him, when the sound of a baby crying causes Nicole to jump. Later we see Johnny in his playpen, wailing away, (bet there are a lot of readers out there who can relate to all this). Nicole is frantic, saying she gave him juice, milk, something to eat, maybe she should sing. She is holding Pookie, talking to him, too, as she starts singing Rock a Bye Baby. Johnny cries hard, Nicole apologizes saying it is a lousy song, babies falling to the ground and all. She finally decides to check his diaper (lololol) and whewwww, therein lies the problem, quite a surprise in there. She picks him up, holding him at arm’s length, as she takes him away for the change, then returns with him, saying she is sorry for the upside down diaper, but he insisted on standing. Now he begins to cry and scream again, she finds his sippy cup, gives it to him, smiles as she asks if that is good, and is rewarded with a splash of mile in her face. (Man, these scenes are so funny). She turns around, goes out into the foyer, and closes the door, and screams. LOL. Now we see EJ returning, finding Nicole in a chair, with Pookie and Johnny on lap, sound asleep. He smiles, takes Johnny. She wakes up, panics with Johnny gone, calling and looking under the sofa, lol, as EJ walks in, asking what she has done with his son. He laughs, telling her he took Johnny to bed, cannot imagine how she fell asleep in that uncomfortable chair. He obviously is in a much better mood, informs her that Sami will not be back for quite some time.

Sami is gone, Chloe & Lucas have a chat about the situation. Outside, the killer moves around in the bushes. (see, the Salem PD could not find him, and he is still there!) Chloe claims to love Allie, berates Lucas for all he has taken from Sami over the years, she is chattering non-stop, and he finally manages to shut her up, saying he agrees with her.Allie is down for the night, they both mention how great it is she sleeps straight thru now. They exchange a few kisses.

Sami & Darrell arrive at the safe house. She is hungry, wants a burger, he is a vegan, lol, tells her he does all the shopping, she stays put. She is appalled at not even being able to visit a mall…..maybe wearing dark glasses & a scarf.Nope. Now he wants to smoke a cigar, nope, she is allergic, go outside. (By the way, Darrell sort of reminds me of that cute guy from C H I PS, Eric Estrada, & has a real Brooklyn accent. Definitely a cutie pie). While he is outside, she goes to her purse for a deck of cards, finds the envelope, with pictures of the twins. She realizes EJ must have put them there. Darrell comes in, confiscates the pictures, and they hear a noise, a thump. He goes out to investigate. Now we see the killer in the bushes calling someone on his cell, saying Sami disappeared, but not to worry, he will find her, and take care of her. Fade out on the killer and Sami side by side.

Poirot said:
Chelsea talks of how Melanie killed her father, everyone knows it, yada yada. Melanie retorts that Chelsea killed her brother, then left him in the road to die,...

WOW! That is the absolute first time I have ever liked Melanie. Go girl!!

Poirot said:
Sami is gone...
:clap: :clap:
Thanks for the recap.
Wow Melamie sure let Chelsea have it, you go girl.
Sami may be gone but not forgotten. Everyone still going to argue about her.
The write up sounded so good that I just jumped on line and watched Monday's show (between youth football games...!!!) and holy moly, what in the world is up with Chelsea, she's moved way beyong self centered twit, she's a mean, vicious, psycho...!!! I've never been a fan of hers but I just can't believe her behavior with Melanie....and whether you like Melanie or not, Chelsea was so far out of line that someone, anyone, PLEASE, needs to rap her in the mouth...!!!
And Sami and the cigar smoking vegan are hilarious...!!! He's a great character, not a very good cop, but a great character...!!!! And Poirot's right, you'll get a kick out of Nicole and Johnny...very funny...!!!
Wow, this is up already? Thanks so much, Poirot! I am looking forward to watching Nicole's adventure with baby Jonny and Pookie - sounds just hilarious! But I wish Chelsea would somehow lose her ability to speak!:rolleyes:
I don't care if she put Chelsea in her place. Neither one had good manners bringing up each others faults. I know I am not a paragon of virtue (I know, big shock) but one of the two could have risen above the other by being nice instead of retaliating. That's something that few of the vets have learned so why should I expect it from Melanie..... I still don't care for her.
Thanks for the write up. I sure missed good shows while I was away. I bet Johnny and Nicole were so funny together.
But Melanie is 17 years old....she reacted just like a teen....well, at least this week she's 17...she could be 24 next week....!
Chelsea is jealous of Melanie!

I don't care if she put Chelsea in her place. Neither one had good manners bringing up each others faults. I know I am not a paragon of virtue (I know, big shock) but one of the two could have risen above the other by being nice instead of retaliating. That's something that few of the vets have learned so why should I expect it from Melanie..... I still don't care for her.

I agree Chelsea is out of control- maybe heading for a breakdown even! I think even she doesn't see that she is JEALOUS of Melanie! Melanie is confused & scared imo- making her act out. With her past, & her not sure she didn't kill her dad- being a "suspect" in his murder & in a strange place... trying to change her image (in her own mind also imo)- any teenager would act irrationally.

Just my own observations & opinion.
I agree Chelsea is out of control- maybe heading for a breakdown even! I think even she doesn't see that she is JEALOUS of Melanie! Melanie is confused & scared imo- making her act out. With her past, & her not sure she didn't kill her dad- being a "suspect" in his murder & in a strange place... trying to change her image (in her own mind also imo)- any teenager would act irrationally.

Just my own observations & opinion.

And my observations and opinion also...!!!!
I am so glad that EJ was not suspicious of Johnny touching Sami’s stomach and saying “Baby”!!! I was curious as to how they were going to handle it. Sounds like Roman and Sami did a great job convincing him it was nothing more than baby talk. Now if Chloe can just stay quite about Sami being pj w/EJ’s child. I mean, what purpose does it serve to tell Nicole but to upset her!!! Of course, EJ would be elated!

I think Sami is going to have the baby at the safe house, but what happens from there is still a mystery to me. I know she couldn’t give the baby up, not even to protect it from Stefano, unless maybe it was to Austin and Carrie – they already have Will and since Carrie can’t have children, it would be wonderful for them. We all know Sami is not that big hearted!!!!! I hope she falls for the guard and falls hard and Nicole and EJ can finally have a life together like they deserve.
Giving the baby to Austin and Carrie sounds like a wonderful idea to me. It would be protected from Stefano, EJ and Sami!
Sami is gone, Chloe & Lucas have a chat about the situation. Outside, the killer moves around in the bushes. (see, the Salem PD could not find him, and he is still there!)

He could have come back after the PD left.

she goes to her purse for a deck of cards, finds the envelope, with pictures of the twins....Darrell comes in, confiscates the pictures

Huh? Why would he confiscate her pictures? That doesn't make sense.
She wasn't allowed to keep her photo album either. Nothing that would identify her in the witness protection program.
"Chloe claims to love Allie, berates Lucas for all he has taken from Sami over the years"

Am I missing something? Since when did Chloe start defending Sami?!!! and EJ sneaking in the sweet!!!
EJ sneaking in the sweet!!!
How sweet? What was he thinking? He could have put her in more danger if someone else found the pictures.
I would love to see Nicole with Johnny. I know Will was older when she was married to Lucas but didn't she avoid him at all cost? Guess impending motherhood can change a girl.
"Chloe claims to love Allie, berates Lucas for all he has taken from Sami over the years"

Am I missing something? Since when did Chloe start defending Sami?!!! and EJ sneaking in the sweet!!!

I found the phrase, "berates Lucas for all he has taken from Sami" confusing. At first, it seemed to say Lucas had taken things away from Sami, but that didn't make sense so I figured maybe it meant Lucas has taken a lot off of Sami--or endured at lot at her hands. :confused: Maybe there could have been a better wording for the sentence or that part of it?
"Chloe claims to love Allie, berates Lucas for all he has taken from Sami over the years"

Am I missing something? Since when did Chloe start defending Sami?!!! and EJ sneaking in the sweet!!!

My opinion, Chloe only loves herself. Allie interferes with her Lucas time.