Days of our Lives - Monday, September 11, 2023


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
35 minutes; other than the baby's name, which we all guessed, nothing much happens today.

One of the weirdest things about Victor’s funeral. Brady and Alex are out to pick up the food for the family and according to Alex, the place they are getting the food from hasn’t even started yet. Brady and Alex talk about the service. They think the people may leave before they get back with the food. Brady wants to warn Alex about Theresa.

Theresa is walking by the pub, and flashes back to her kiss with Brady, and Brady telling her not now, not ever. While in mid-thought Stephanie appears and cousin hug, Kayla joins in this fest. They ask why Theresa is in town and she explains for Victor’s funeral. That shocks Kayla, who thought Victor wasn’t a fan of Theresa. Theresa tells everyone it was because of Tate. Victor, by the way, hated that they named his grandson after a root vegetable. But no she didn’t bring Tate to the funeral because he had class. Stephanie says well, I’m sure Brady was happy to see you. Theresa sets them straight.

Vivian is chortling about still being married to Victor.

Replay of the birth of Sarah’s baby, then a replay of Rex being told he isn’t the father, but Xander is the daddy. Rex has finally figured out Sarah is hemorrhaging an they need to get her to the hospital. Which begs the question, just what was he doing with his ungloved hands under the blankets? He has his doctor’s bag from the car, so where are the gloves???? (Writers, it’s stupid stuff like this that annoy us) Chloe is going to call an ambulance, but there is no time. They are going to drive her themselves. Sarah tells Xander that he has to promise to take care of their little girl.

Brandy and Alex are talking about Alex wanting to take out Theresa. Brady wants to tell Alex about EVIL Theresa.

Kayla, Theresa and Stephanie discuss Vivian Alamain, who isn’t in prison. But Vivian was there to only find out what Victor left her in the will. More stupid conversation about how Vivian is the real widow of Victor. Vivian wonders where the food is? Maggie wonders where everyone is? Chloe walks in to tell Maggie she’s a grandma to a baby girl and Sarah is at the hospital. Maggie asks if they are both okay? Chloe takes Maggie to the hospital, leaving Bonnie and Vivian at the house.

Hospital general area, Rex carrying Sarah, explains all to Kayla, who must have finished her girl talk outside the pub because she gets all the information. The baby’s Apgar was 10. Rex knew to do an Apgar but not realize the mother is bleeding in out. Interesting. They put Sarah in room 3 and the baby is taken from Xander

Theresa and Stephanie talk about things that happened off-screen when they were younger. Sounds like they had fun together, even though they both lived in different states and never hung out together. These two are cute together. Theresa may stick around for a while.

Brady is still explaining to Alex how terrible a person Theresa is. Alex thinks Theresa’s being a person who finds trouble to be endearing.

Xander flashes back to sitting at the hospital with Sarah the first time she gave birth. Kayla comes out, Xander asks how is Sarah is doing? Kayla tells him he’s not family so he gets no news. Maggie walks in and tells Kayla that she is family and Xander can hear the news. Sarah had a condition called placenta accreta where the placenta doesn’t fully detach fully after labor. Sarah was in serious condition, but is responding to treatment and had regained consciousness.

Theresa tells Stephanie that while Brady has moved on she, Theresa has found a really hot guy at the funeral. Theresa tells Stephanie about a guy named Alex Kiriakis. Stephanie sits with her mouth open.

Back to Brady bad-mouthing Theresa to Alex. Justin walks into this conversation. Explains that Vivian Alamein is in town. And all that follows. Justin explains the will is missing. Victor died before he could file a new will. Justin tells Brady and Alex that Vivian claims to be the sole heir of the empire.

Bonnie and Vivian chat. They hurl insults at each other. Vivian puts on a great show.

Rex comes out to tell Maggie that Sarah has been given the okay to see visitors so he is going to take her to Sarah and then get the baby. Kayla comes by with Doll-in-Blanket. Chloe loves the baby's eyes. Kayla's pager goes off, she has to go to the ER. So breaking every rule in the world, she hands off the baby to Xander.

Xander delivers the baby girl to Sarah. Sarah won’t let Xander leave. She has something important to say, she wants Xander to hear it. Sarah gives a speech then she starts talking names. And Victoria is this baby’s name. Victoria Margaret is the baby’s name. Xander knows Uncle Vic would be so honored. Maggie tries to get Sarah to spill the last name. Sarah kicks her mom out of the room

Vivian is crying over Victor. Bonnie tells of her things with Victor, then they discuss Cell Block H.

Stephanie and Theresa talk about Alex. Stephanie wonders if Theresa is doing this to make Brady jealous?

Brady and Alex wonder why Victor destroyed the will?

Girl talk, Alex can be a lot.

Brady is now in private detective mode.

Xander brings a candle into the room. Xander reminds Sarah that there was something she had to tell him before she passed out. Sarah claims to not remember what it was. Rex stands and looks very odd throughout this scene.

Maggie comes back home to hear Bonnie and Vivian laughing. Bonnie explains they were discussing their old prison stories. Bonnie asks after Sarah. She’s fine and the baby is perfect. The baby’s name is Victoria. Vivian is rude.

Justin walks in with bad news. Vivian is still Victor’s wife. Per Vivian, she inherits everything.

Brady wasn’t able to get anything from the attorney. Uncle Vic called from Greece, so Brady suggests that they go to Greece now to start figuring out things. Theresa calls, Alex blows her off, tells her that he and Brady are going to Greece.

Chloe and Xander talk about how big the day was and Xander says he couldn’t stop thinking about what happened with little Mackenzie. Chloe tells Xander this is nothing like that, everything is good, everyone knows who the parents are.

Sarah talks of not telling Xander. The pain of bonding with a child that wasn’t hers, never being able to say goodbye to Mickey. Doll-in-Blanket does a great job in this scene. Rex is thrilled to have the both of them in his life. BUT, he wants to be certain Sarah won’t change her mind.

Vivian says that settles that. She then tells Justin, Bonnie and Maggie to pack their things and get the hell out of her house.
So, what was the replay of Rex being told he was not the father? Who said that? And, yes, Sarah telling Xander to take care of THEIR little girl says it all. But, are you saying that NOW, they are going to try to say that Rex is the father? I am confused. And so are these stupid writers. Why would Sarah want Rex to go through the pain of binding with a child who isn't his??? Especially since, once Xander knows, he will at least have shared custody.
@LisaK......Evidently Rex agreed to be the baby's father, Sarah says she know the pain of bonding with a child, only to have it ripped away, and would never ever do that to Rex, she promises. So it appears Rex will raise Victoria with Sarah (are they married, or going to marry??). Rex has known all along he is not the father, agreed long ago to do so, for Sarah. He had odd expressions today at times, as he thought Sarah was going to tell the truth, and he was waiting for it. But tho Sara nearly did, she changed her mind. There are flashbacks to her having delivered MacKenzie, and losing her, references to it all.
Doll-in-Blanket does a great job in this scene.
Doll-in-Blanket likes this.

Rex takes the elevator into hospital? Doesn't go to ER, which I assume doesn't require an elevator? It was an emergency! Weird. And Sarah, aren't you basically ripping this baby away from her father Xander???

I don't remember all bad stuff Theresa did. I always liked Theresa and Brady.

Seriously? Do they think we want to see this Vivian garbage? I hope Brady and Alex figure out stuff. Oh Victor, what did you do?!
With so many things really awful going around Salem and being ONLY in Salem things, Theresa saying she couldn't bring Tate because he has "class" just sounds odd, is it a coast thing? I would say I couldn't bring Tate because he has school. Saying he couldn't come because he has "class" sounds like he's in a program where he can't miss a second. She could also have said he couldn't come because of sports, his team needs him. But to constantly say he has "class" just sounds odd to my ear. And now she plans on staying a while longer, so Grammy Kim gets to take care of him a bit longer I guess?

Yeah, it's a minor irritation but it really bugs me for some reason.
I think Rex feels Sarah should tell Xander the truth.

Right now, no idea what is planned for this, as neither Sarah or Rex are supposed to be around very long, same with Theresa. Hard to visualize Xander caring for a baby, but.......been done before. Maybe the actress who plays Sarah (linsey) got talked into staying longer?????
Thank you, robinsnest.

This has to be Vivian trying to pull one of her schemes. Victor would've made sure he was totally rid of her for good.

Anyone else not caring a bit about the baby Victoria story?

Will Alex and Brady be shown "in Greece", or is this a plot device to give their characters a rest off screen?
Thanks for the write-up.

Redsquirrel, I'm right there with you. Not a fan of Xander and Sarah, and also not a fan of this absurd storyline.

I hope the Greece trip actually produces something useful. I'm happy Vivian is on-screen, but I hate this predictable storyline for her. I wish she came back for another reason.

Theresa and Stephanie, yawn.
@robinsnest The way she refers to Tate's "having class" irks me as well. He's at school, and he could have missed for the funeral of a family member. Should have come up with a better reason for his absence.

And true, Rex can't throw stones, but when Sarah was all "I remember what it's like to get attached to a kid that's not mine and have them ripped away", Rex should have said "like what will likely happen to me?"

Gee whiz, this show is just not making any sense to me these days.
Thanks, robin.

Oh my, someone in Salem is named Pookie. (Bonnie and Vivian mentioned the name since they were in the same cell block with the person)
Did her parents name her after Nicole's dog? It's probably just a nickname, but interesting to hear the name Pookie after all these years.

When did Rex give his keys to Chloe? He had her get his doctor bag. Then later he said to bring his car closer. It could be a keyless
car, but only the owner can open those.

I was hoping when Sarah told Xander "our baby" bells and whistles would have gone off. Guess not. How long will it be before
Xander knows Victoria is his daughter?

I was shocked when Kayla knew about Vivian, but then she said Kate told her.

What will Brady and Alex find out when they go to Greece?

Did Vivian pay someone to make sure the divorce papers weren't filed or changed it so it looks like they weren't?

Where will everyone live if Vivian makes them move out? And will any of them have money to live on?