Days of our Lives - Monday September 5, 2022


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Mar 24, 2009
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It's a Snarky Victor Day
Jennifer and Maggie sitting talking about Sonny.

Victor is grumbling. Victor has it out for Leo Stark.

Alex wanders into the living room with Victor, Alex is upset he didn’t take care of Leo the night before.

Sloan has been summoned; she is upset. Rafe wants to know where Leo is.

Leo is in bed with a cute night mask, gets a knock at the door. Chad wants in, he gets in and attacks Leo with a knife. Leo claims to be a coward. Chad stabs Leo and Leo melts down the wall. YES, it was a dream.

Non dream Chad comes to the hospital waiting room, to see Stephanie and Justin hugging, he fears the worse. A nurse takes Justin back to see Sonny.

Sloan and Rafe talk knives and places to be. Sloan asks important questions, about witnesses. Rafe has means, motive but they are flimsy at best.

Victor and Alex argue over how terrible Leo Stark is

Leo has a conversation with himself.

Stephanie and Chad talk as Will comes charging in asking where Sonny is located.

Justin is sitting chatting about history of Sonny that we didn’t ever see. Justin sings to Sonny. This ICU has peach or salmon-colored sheets. Will comes into the room, they didn’t reverse the anesthesia so they have to wait for him to come out of it naturally (WHAT?)

Maggie and Jennifer are in the living room. Maggie starts grilling Jennifer. Maggie knows how hard it was to lose a daughter. Jenn insists that she’s okay, she has to be. Jennifer’s cell phone rings she leaves the room. Maggie goes through Jenn’s purse and finds pain killers. A ginormous jar of pain killers.

Victor wants Alex to focus on business. Alex is to take over as interim CEO of Titan.

Justin and Will talk of Sonny’s recovery. Sonny has to pull through is their main thought.

Stephanie brings a bacon, egg and cheese sandwich. Chad won’t leave Sonny. Chad is his normal reasonable self.

Sloan annoys Rafe and everyone. Rafe is going to charge Sloan as an accessory for protecting her client?????

Alex and Victor talk business. Victor wants Stephanie and Alex to stop this PR nightmare.

Justin has left the room, he’s going to the chapel. Chad is going to go check on Will. Stephanie’s phone rings. It’s Alex, he demands she appears like magic.

Jennifer comes back to the room. Maggie confronts Jennifer about the pills. Jennifer lies, Maggie confronts her.

Leo is packing the room and talks to himself. About the frame job. Sloan calls, she claims she’s going to help him. Leo makes statements. Sloan is sure she can help.

Will talks with Sonny. Will brought Ari with him. Ari is still in elementary school. Gabi has taken Ari shopping today. Chad interrupts the conversation. Gabi is going to keep Ari off social media. Will doesn’t want Chad to leave yet. Will thinks Sonny being stabbed is his fault.

Stephanie storms into the K-mansion. She tells them of Will’s arrival. They snark on Will’s being in Los Angeles. Alex shows Stephanie the news. She says “Wow”, Victor jumps on her comment. Victor orders her to work with Alex and put the company back on firm footing.

Jenn confesses, to thinking about taking the drugs, and all she had to do to get the pills. Jennifer has been struggling ever since her mother died. Maggie is helpful. Jack doesn’t have a clue. Maggie is an addict in recovery and she is sorry she didn’t see the clues. Jennifer tells of not wanting to go to a meeting because she’s be a failure. Maggie tells her there is a meeting at the hospital everyday at noon, if we leave now, we can make the meeting. Jennifer tosses the pills but gets second thoughts, eventually Jennifer drops them into a trash can in the container, where Thomas or Charlotte can pick them out easily.

Sloan begs for Leo to tell her where he is. Leo is not thrilled but does give up his location. Sloan wants something from Rafe. Sloan will only give up the information if she can come along. Rafe and Sloan will take Sloan’s car.

Maggie appears in the study with Victor. Gets a brief update on Will. Maggie gives an up date on Jennifer.

Jennifer comes in after the meeting (?) sits on the couch and of course goes for the pills in the trash can.

Stephanie and Alex are at Titan when they get an update on Will, good news. Another boundary discussion takes place and Alex crushes it. Alex has returned to Barfy Alex.

Sloan and Rafe appear at Leo’s room. Rafe kicks in the door. Leo is not in the room.

In Sonny’s ICU room a nurse is attending to Sonny, it’s Leo in a really cute wig. Sonny wakes up and looks really confused.
Anyone tossing a bottle of pills into a pail can easily retrieve them, or someone else can, as stated above. Duh. Maggie should have thrown them down the toilet. For shame!

Does Alex think donning glasses will make him less of an oaf and more of a catch?

Why the heck is Leo in disguise in Sonny's room? As if no one would recognize him? What is his end game here? Foolish move.
My goodness, this was a poor start to the last NBC week for Days...snarky Victor may be fun, but why is hardly anyone concerned about Sonny? Instead we have Victor and Justin talking about business, Alex charming Stephanie and chatting about Leo with Victor, and Maggie bothering Jennifer over signs that the viewers never saw!? It's not that I'm not glad Maggie went to help Jennifer--I very much am! So perhaps bothering was the wrong word. But why didn't the viewers get to see a build-up to Jennifer's relapse in a way that would've made this misplaced part of the episode make sense?

I still can't for the life of me understand why Jennifer had to turn to pills, just a few years after helping her good friend Carly go to rehab following her own pill addiction...the storyline just doesn't make sense for the character, and is even more poorly-written currently due to the lack of build-up.

Sloan is awful and can go now. I hope she's the culprit behind Abby and Sonny, and goes to jail.
Daysd, did you miss the storyline when Jennifer got addicted to pills after her car accident? It was the night Eric was driving drunk and killed Daniel. Jennifer was also on the road that night and sustained a back injury when she went off the road (happened 12/31/2015). It was a big storyline for her to become addicted and eventually overcome her addiction through support and meetings.
I remember it happening; I just mean that in this recent time, while it makes sense for Jennifer to feel the pull of addiction after everything she has gone through, I am upset that we didn't see it. It feels randomly placed into this episode--I blame poor editing.
Leo should hire an attorney who know the words "get a warrant" for heaven's sake.
Leo does need a real lawyer (not Belle or Justin). Apparently, Sloan never learned that in most circumstances she may not reveal information obtained while representing a client. (One of the few exceptions would be if Leo told her he was going over to the hospital to finish off Sonny. That she could tell Rafe.) As for the frustrated police commissioner, he ought to know better than to demand that a lawyer reveal confidential information. Instead of badgering the incompetent Sloan, he ought to be working overtime to find something that would justify the arrest of Orpheus. (A little help from Steve and John would really be helpful here.)

It was another glorious day for University Hospital security -- a man wearing a women's wig (not a black baseball cap) was able to get into the room of a recent crime victim. As for Leo finding Sonny's room so easily, did the hospital post signs saying: "Attention would-be assailants, this way to Sonny's room."

Finally, Jenny picked the wrong day to reveal her pill problem. Who cares about her when Sonny is fighting for his life?
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Thanks, robin.

It's a new day in Salem.

Maggie wasn't smart when she saw Jen put the pills in the trash can. Maggie should have taken them away. FYI, flushing pills in the
toilet isn't a good idea. The pills get in the water system. My area has places to take your pills so they are disposed off properly.

Is there a reason Alex has to take his glasses off like Clark Kent?

Was there a reason Alex and Victor wore the same colored clothing?

Nice to see Will.

Poor Sonny. He woke up and saw Leo wearing a wig.