Days of Our Lives - Thu., Apr. 16, 2020


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Salem Inn: Ben and Ciara are at their job - just kidding, they're lounging in bed. They blather on about whether they should boink or be productive citizens. They decide to get up, Ciara has a surprise for him. Later, they meet in the private area. She has brought David.

Square: Hope has a flashback to pushing Jennifer off the balcony, feels guilty about it. Jennifer startles her. They rehash and Hope feels guilty. They have a seat. Hope has also tracked down Eve in New York City, Jennifer has no sympathy for Eve's prison time, but Hope feels guilty. (Eve was not sympathetic, wants to bring legal action against Hope.) She also recalls trying to smother Jennifer and thinking about killing Abby.

Kayla's: Justin wakes up; he is alone. He gets up; turns out Kayla was in the kitchen making breakfast. She wouldn't leave without saying good-by to him. He thinks she wants to go to the hospital, she admits she didn't sleep; a specialist will be checking on Steve's eye. He also didn't sleep well, but couldn't reach out to her. She has to go to the hospital.

Hospital: Steve flashes back to a plane ride with Kayla, right after their wedding. (It's long, and from approximately 7/25/1988.) He then remembers her telling him about Justin. He looks up, happy to see...Sonny. They recap the accident that killed Adrienne; they speculate what Adrienne would have made of the Steve-aNO situation. He feels bad that Adrienne died thinking he was a bum, but Sonny points out that Adrienne always cut him slack. Sonny assures Steve that Rolf is in jail and Stefano is gone. Steve's ready to move out of the hospital. They talk about Kayla's divorce from Steve-when-he-was-controlled-by-Stefano; Sonny pitches Kayla and Justin remaining together.

Police station (odd editing): Rafe hands Lani and Eli their badges. Rafe will remain commissioner. Eli is relieved he's not commissioner. A woman enters, demands to speak to whoever's in charge. She's Zoey Birch (Birge?), representing Christian Maddox. She wants him released, has a deposition from Orpheus taking full responsibility for the kidnapping. Rafe states reasons why Christian should stay in jail; Zoey counters with a defense (Jordan's death an accident, the almost-executed guy was a triple murderer). Provides paperwork that DA Giddons and Judge Cavelli have exonerated Christian for everything but the murder, and he will have his day in court for that. Evan/Christian is brought out, he and Rafe exchange words. Zoey and Evan leave, Lani asks who has David.

Private Area: Ciara gets the call from Rafe, Evan is free and will probably come looking for David. They are about to flee; Evan is already there. He tries to talk to David. Ben chokes him.

Steve's Room: Steve is dangling (his feet over the edge of the bed). This is against his doctor's advice, Kayla warns. They are still waiting on the eye specialist. He admits his heart is broken, and asks about her and Justin. He vows he will never give up on her. She leaves to brief his specialist. Outside at the Nursing Station, Kayla has an emotional one-shot.

Kmansion: Sonny tells Justin about his talk with Steve. Justin understands Steve's position, but feels he and Kayla have a strong relationship. Sonny thinks Justin should fight for her.

Square: Alone at a table, Jennifer's words play in Hope's head. Hope feels that Gina won.

Nursing Station: Jennifer arrives, consoles Kayla, who admits to being a mess.

Steve's Room: Justin arrives. It's time for them to talk.

Police Station: Rafe leaves. Zoey returns and schools Eli on the different degrees of crimes. Eli wants to be enlightened. Zoey says Orpheus is free.

Rafe's: Rafe enters. Orpheus is waiting.
I don't know, but I'm 1000% behind Evan/Christian and Zoey. They're on the side of right here. Eli is an idiot who gets dumber by the day, and Lani's still teetering just over the edge of sanity.

I also found Jennifer shrew-ish in a way I haven't in a long time. Eve and she have a rivalry, but did anything Eve did to Jennifer merit a year in prison? (It's not like she's André DiMera or something.)
I wasn't watching back in the Steve and Kayla heyday but I love them together. Sonny was sticking his nose in where it didn't belong, in my opinion. Guess Steve isn't stepping aside.

Hope sure is remembering a lot of her Gina antics. Worries me. Please let Gina be gone.

Evan and Orpheus out of jail? Wow I want to get arrested in Salem. But not for an accident, they send you to jail for that.
Not Jen's fault Eve was in prison. Jen was in coma for that year. The cops at fault.

Nope, not on Evan's side at all. Jordan's death was no accident. He strangled her, admitted it, then said he was only trying to scare her. Baloney! And while I don't have much use for Eli & Lani, being they are written so badly, am not in favor of what is going on, not one iota. Evan misled the cops, and the man he worked for, using a false name, hiding the fact he was responsible for Jordan's death, and was letting an innocent person be put to death for it. Ben's prior history has no bearing here, even if that lawyer of Evan's brings it up.
Absurdity is a way of life in Salem, but today the writers really outdid themselves.

That the district attorney and a judge would free Evan on the basis of an affidavit from a crazed criminal like Orpheus is beyond ridiculous. Abe should fire D.A. Giddens ASAP and the Salem Bar Association should take steps to have Judge Cavalli removed from the bench. He makes such judicial dunces as Damon Thorpe and Rose Duncan look like leading legal scholars. And Orpheus getting out of jail is beyond belief. What next, Rolf is freed so he can get his spare Stefano chip (why wouldn't he have a back-up?) and start looking for a suitable subject to be the next Phoenix? As for Zoey the snotty lawyer, she's lucky that she's practicing in Salem. Anywhere else, she'd be lucky to get a job cleaning the courthouse rest rooms.

Hope's guilt over Princess Gina's actions has gone over the top. Now she says that she "should be punished for what I did." If she's looking for punishment for things she did when she had no control over her actions, she'd better start emulating those medieval monks who practiced self-flagellation because none of her friends, family, nor the courts is going to do it for her.
Thanks for the summary, Jason.

I'm not in a mood to watch this today. Maybe tomorrow? I don't like Evan at all. Not interested in Orpheus. Have never been a fan of two people fighting over a lover. Is this going to be a repeat of Jennifer waffling between Daniel and Jack? Hope seems too focused on her time as Gina. I too hope Gina is gone for good. Maybe Hope will end up in prison with Maggie and they can commiserate.
Not Jen's fault Eve was in prison. Jen was in coma for that year. The cops at fault
What? Jen specifically said that Eve had done horrible things in order to discount the year she spent in prison. I did not say she was at fault for her imprisonment. It's also a stretch to say the cops were at fault, since Gi-Nope did an excellent job of framing Eve and was the police commissioner who prevented any further investigation.

Elsewhere...I like Justin & Kayla, but Justin wasn't exactly a faithful lover, so it's hard for me to care whether Kayla stays with him or goes with Steve.

And I'm really tired of the show ignoring any sense of reality, but if we're going to keep watching, we have to acknowledge that Ben is a bad person who took drugs to become a romantic hero. Thus anything is possible.
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Thanks, Jason.

It's a new day in Salem.

I was as surprised as Justin that Kayla was still at the apartment. It was nice
of her to make him muffins.

We had shout outs for Eve, Stephanie and Adrienne.

We found out Rolf is in jail. If he's there, why isn't Orpheus?

I enjoyed the flashback Steve had giving Kayla the necklace Does she still
have it?

When will we see Hope with Doug and Julie since she woke up?

Are Kayla and Steve really divorced since he wasn't Steve when he signed
the papers?
I like Justin & Kayla, but Justin wasn't exactly a faithful lover, so it's hard for me to care whether Kayla stays with him or goes with Steve.

I'd been thinking this same thing. It seems like the writers have wanted us to forget that he had cheated on Adrienne. But I guess he was okay after they got back together that last time....and now with Kayla, a little older and maybe wiser, more settled. Still, I think she'll eventually end up with Steve and that's all right with me.