Days of Our Lives - Thu., Apr. 19, 2018


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
In jail, Gabi gets a visit from Eli. He had to see her, but she doesn't want to see him, despite his love for her. Despite her rejection, he will continue to work to prove her innocence. She doesn't want to be his cause, doesn't know how he and Abby sleep at night after what they did to her. He gives her a note from Justin re: her appeal. It was a picture from Ari, who still believes Gabi's on a trip. Having a kid changes everything. Eli knows, especially now; but he backs down from telling a concerned Gabi anything.

At the station, Rafe is going over pictures from the Hong Kong hotel (an FBI contact helped procure them) hoping to ID the mystery woman. He wants Hope to work with him. She won't, but she will do everything in her power as Commissioner to clear Gabi. He pleads with her to put their personal stuff aside, she's the best at dealing with the DiMeras. Hope acquiesces, calls Shawn-D to get his help since the security guy is probably on Big Z's payroll.

At the DiMansion, Chad calls Abby and offers to take her to her appointment with Marlena. He speaks with one of the alters who says he doesn't need to be there, everything's covered, but she's worried about the appointment. After "Abby" repeatedly puts him off, Chad says he'll go to the police station. She has made the call from Stefan0's bedroom. They are planning to abscond before Chad returns. Big Zero laments that they have to flee town (Marlena's been missing since yesterday) and how his original plan to strand André was foiled. "Gabby" and Stefan0 plan their private life away from Salem, and are thankful Chad is clueless but worried that Chad and Marlena will catch on to them.

In the DiMansion, Kate and Vivian spar over who really killed André. Chad comes downstairs, wants to talk to Kate, just recaps his worries about Abby.

Vivian barges into her son's bedroom and demands the nonsense stop. She will not let her son flee Salem with "this mental case." "Gabby" tries to tell her off, gets a slap across the face. Big Zero is really pleading, pondering faking his own death to keep the DiMeras off his tail. Vivian tells them that they will not ruin her plan and stalks off; "Gabby" is planning to terminate her, zips after her in the hallway. Stefan0 talks her down, gets her back in the bedroom, goes to deal with Vivian. Kate is watching.

Lani and JJ have a run-in at the hospital. She wants to try to be friends, but recognizes that that's not possible. She will always look back on this as the worst mistake of her life. He has basically forgiven her and doesn't want her beating herself up, and is sorry for his being so judgmental. She admits she's worried about the pregnancy, which she could lose. She tells him about her condition, and he wonders why Eli's not there. Lots of back and forth about whether they should or shouldn't talk about this; she gives him back her ring as Eli enters. He apologizes for being late, was visiting Gabi. Lani thanks JJ for keeping her company, and she and Eli go off to her appointment. JJ looks at the ring, flashes back to proposing.

At the police station, Hope has called Shawn-D, no luck with that route. Chad rushes in, he worked with a DiMera account to get Stefan0's expense report for the trip. Meanwhile at the mansion, Kate calls Chad and says the woman from the tape is in Stefan0's bedroom, while Vivian lambastes Stefano's portrait. Stefan0 comes downstairs, she says she doesn't want to lose him after a lifetime of being alone. He assures her that she can run DiMera alone.

Upstairs, Kate knocks on the door, says the game is up. At the police station, Chad says that Stefan0 has admitted to paying off the guard, leaves to see Gabi. Rafe and Hope get an idea; although they know that Chad wasn't wearing a wire during Stefan's confession, the security guy at the hotel in Hong Kong doesn't. Meanwhile back downstairs at DiMansion, Vivian threatens to go to the police. Zero says he'll figure something out. His love for "Gabby" has changed him. He says he's sorry, then picks some woman in a red wig up and carries her to the secret room. (Note: I was being sarcastic, obviously StefanNo puts Vivian in the secret room. It was just really badly done stunt work with a really awful voice-over.)

Upstairs, Kate pounds on the door, comes face-to-face with "Gabby."
Am I crazy, or is the Abby storyline starting to actually get pretty interesting? I've been sad since Kate Mansi (former Abigail) left the show; I loved her so much. But this Abigail is also very good at playing the disturbed personality role. I'm starting to enjoy her scenes a lot more.

I wish the writers would put Jennifer into the story more. I don't like her pairing with Eric at all.

I also don't like the storyline with Brady; then again, I'm still stuck in the early 2000s and want him to get back together with Chloe.

This goes without saying, but I miss Steve and Kayla. I hope they are back in scenes very soon.
I would also love to see the teens get into something super crazy. Maybe they are sent out on a quest to find something. Maybe Steve's antidote is on another island somewhere! I think it would give them more of a chance to really show us what the next generation can do.
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Seems Gabby has quite the temper, and a tendency to violence. She smacked Marlena with the poker, was ready to take out Vivian...and is now facing off with Kate.

Chad has seemingly lost whatever brain cells he ever had, believed the idiotic put offs that Gabby fed him on the phone, did not go to the hospital after leaving the cop shop, or even home. Went to see Gabi, sigghhhh. No idea what would possess Kate not to just wait for Chad.....who, by the way, always has his phone on.......we see all the calls he has to answer right now.....but now he has his evidently turned off.

What good will it do to tell the hotel guard in Hong Kong some story, when they have no jurisdiction? What the blazes is going on.

Thank you, Jason!
Thank you, Jason.

I get upset every time I see Stefan and Gabby together. Stefan is just sick, sick, sick. I don't know how he can justify his actions when he knows that Gabby isn't a real person but just a coping mechanism of a person who needs professional help. I can't wait for Chad to find out the truth because he'll defend his Abby at all cost.
I'm still stuck in the early 2000s and want him to get back together with Chloe.

Many of us are as well

Seems Gabby has quite the temper, and a tendency to violence. She smacked Marlena with the poker, was ready to take out Vivian...and is now facing off with Kate.

This coupled with adding Marlena to the story is what has made it more interesting for me. We basically had weeks of 3 different similar personalities talking to the same guy in the bedroom. Now there are actual stakes to the story. I too am excited for Chad, Jennifer and JJ to get involved.

I get Rafe wanting to work with Hope but his justification was really stupid. Eli isn't as experienced? Umm he was FBI just like you were. All he had to say was that Hope was more experienced with the Dimeras. I do still enjoy them as police partners. It made sense for him to want to talk to Hope because she had seen the woman more recently. I liked the call to Shawn but would have preferred to have actually seen Shawn instead.

I agree with Jason that the scene with the stunt double was very poorly done. Everyone was tweeting about it today too.

Also, after today's episode, I no longer believe that Vivian and Stefan are actually related. I do like him double crossing Vivian BUT she also specifically said "Chad and his family" would come after you to Stefan. Unless that was snafu, I think that may have been an anvil.
Stefan carrying Vivian out to the tunnels was absolutely such an awesome scene, he didn't become weak evidently lol. Chad I am disappointed by, "Abby" didn't even sound like herself much on the phone call with him, that should have been a clue there. I hope down the line Abby gives it to Chad about how he abandoned her for Gabi. Rafe and Hope got it, back off!

I figured that was a stunt double!! The wig of Vivian's was half way falling off when Stefan had her.
It does seem, KL, that a lot of viewers are unable to watch the show without commenting blow by blow on Twitter. It has surprised me. O.K. if they did it during commercials, that would be one thing, but, it doesn't read that way at all.

Anyway, guess those are who Heather was referring to......
Eli and Gabi: Those scenes went pretty much the way I expected they would. With Gabi being hostile at first, being the little firecracker she is, with her softening when Eli pulled out the the picture Arianna had drawn. I, of course, loved every bit of it. Then there was the moment when the single tear fell down Gabi's cheek. :cry::cry:

I'm not sure what's going on with the Baby Bunch. It would be easy to to assume they are going to go with Eli and Lani bonding over the baby and all. And Lani giving the ring back to JJ seemed to cement that impression. But I don't know I just didn't get the feeling of finality I would expect if JJ/Lani and Eli/Gabi were really over. But maybe that's just me. :confused:

I found myself cheering when Vivian burst in on "Gabby" and What's-His-Face. I'm with Jason and Heather, I don't believe he is a DiMera and I never have. I said "That is enough of this nonsense", tell how it is, sister! When Vivian is the voice of reason, you have to know things have gone very wrong indeed.

I've come to the conclusion that Chad must be seeing something we in the audience are not, since he seems convinced that that the answer to what "Stefan (pours Holy Water on keyboard) did to Abigail" can be found at Statesville. Considering the way Gabi greeted him, it's clear the audience aren't the only ones getting tired of his constant droning on about "getting answers" and "making this right" instead of you know, actually doing it. :rotfl:

Call me crazy, but shouldn't Gabi be hearing about Justin's strategy for her appeal from Justin instead of Rafe or Eli? I mean, since he's representing her, after all. But this is just me spit-balling.
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This was just an OK episode. Not a great fan of this storyline, but I'm glad to see it moving. I also think it's ridiculous that Rafe claimed Hope is "more experienced" than his fellow ex-FBI partner. For anyone to suggest the Salem PD has experience, especially more than the FBI, is surely a late April Fool's Day joke.
Thanks, Jason. I love your new name for Stefan. Big Zero. LOL

So Shawn, couldn't get the security to give him more video. Did he take the time to walk around
hotel to see if there were more cameras?

Do they have hair braiding classes in prison? I don't think Gabi did her hair herself. And I had
no idea she could sew. Maybe she learned that when she was in prison last time :)

And why did Eli visit Gabi instead of Justin? He should have brought Ari's picture.
Maybe Justin knew Gabi is still upset with him too.

I think it was interesting Stefan mentioned to Vivian he could make Gabby and him disappear.
They could fake a plane crash. Probably not a good idea. Abigail did that when she disappeared.
I found myself cheering when Vivian burst in on "Gabby" and What's-His-Face. I'm with Jason and Heather, I don't believe he is a DiMera and I never have. I said "That is enough of this nonsense", tell how it is, sister! When Vivian is the voice of reason, you have to know things have gone very wrong indeed.
Stefan Zero is certainly no DiMera. This family may be rough on siblings, children, and the rest of the world in general, but they respect their mothers. Stefano most assuredly loved his mother, EJ never had a bad word about batty Susan, and Chad was very attached to Maddie. None of them would have dumped their mothers in some DiMansion dungeon. Apart from his lack of respect for his mommy dearest, Mr. Slime really isn't very smart. Let us count the ways.
  • 1) He wants to run off to a private island with a demented alter who has a demonstrated capacity for violence. How long would it be before Vivian's spawn is on the receiving end of a fireplace poker? In addition, if this island has the same type of demon goats that terrorized Lani, "Gabby" might be driven even crazier than she is now.
  • 2) He actually told Vivian that: "I have everything under control." In Salem, these are usually famous last words uttered before the world caves in.
  • 3) He thinks that Vivian can run DiMera Enterprises. He should guess again. Mr. Shin and the rest of the idiots on the DiMera board always insist that the company be run by a real DiMera.
  • 4) He's crossed Vivian, which is usually a bad idea unless a person is a Kiriakis. When Vivian gets out of the dungeon, a poisoned comb may be in "Gabby's" future, while her sleazy son ends of up in a magic sarcophagus to keep him away from unsuitable women.
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Call me crazy, but shouldn't Gabi be hearing about Justin's strategy for her appeal from Justin instead of Rafe or Eli? I mean, since he's representing her, after all. But this is just me spit-balling.
Ordinarily, this would be true, but the sad truth is, Justin probably has no strategy other than to go into court and bluster. As noted in another post, he never preserved for the record any legal errors made by that judicial hack, Griffin Sims, so he really has no grounds for an appeal. Speaking of Gabi, why can't she understand Eli the cheat? Hasn't she been paying attention? Cheating is so common in Salem that it can be regarded as the city's most popular outdoor and indoor sport. When she finally gets out, Gabi could stand in the Town Square and get numerous rationales for cheating from almost anyone she meets.
Also, after today's episode, I no longer believe that Vivian and Stefan are actually related.
I'm sure he's no DiMera, but I think they must be mother and son, but I'd have to re-watch today's dialogue because today convinced me that Vivian thinks Stefan's her son. However they also have said there are bugs everywhere, so it's easy to erase if so.
I love your new name for Stefan. Big Zero
I think DrBakerFan came up with this.
He wants to run off to a private island with a demented alter who has a demonstrated capacity for violence. How long would it be before Vivian's spawn is on the receiving end of a fireplace poker?
Only one way to find out!
I'm glad to see it moving
Me too. I don't like it but it's not as grating when anyone's involved beyond the sleazo and the wigged-out stereotype.