Days of Our Lives - Thu., Apr. 2, 2020


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Square: Gabi, hands full of bags, runs into Lani and Eli. She is mad until she seems them, then she apologizes, and wants to speak privately with Eli. Lani says it's OK. Gabi tells Eli that she really loved him, which she wasn't expecting, and she hopes someday to be forgiven. He says, "Never." He says it's sad, he loved the woman she thought she was.

Marlena's Hospital Room: Kristen brings Brady a beverage. (John is at the police station trying to convince Rolf to reverse/remove Doc's chip.) They worry about their parents, while Marlena mutters, "Stefano."

Police Station: John tells Rolf that they have Marlena, and Steve-aNO is in the hospital. Rolf wants to help his boss, John has the power to release him.

Nurses Station: Sarah and Eric coo over Mickey, who is growing well. He leaves to call Nicole.

Pub/Shrub: Abe (in the Pub) and Nicole (by a NY Shrub) talk about her plans to find out about Mickey's paternity. She receives Eric's call, and lies about her purpose in NY. She reiterates how important their family is to her before they recap the Marlena/Steve-aNO story.

Pub: Lani meets Abe, wonders what she was thinking to let Gabi meet with Eli. She's OK with Eli getting closure.

Nurses Station: Sarah talks by phone with Xander, delivering good news about Mickey. Kristen comes up, worried about Mickey, who's fine. They talk about Kristen's donation and her plans to volunteer holding babies.

Marlena's Room: Eric drops in, recaps with Brady, mentions Nicole's in New York on business. Brady is surprised, they have no operations in New York. Eric deduces that Nicole has lied to him, she is in New York on personal business. He flashes back to the blood-work-envelope. As they are speculating, they get a beep, and postpone their own story advancement because Rolf is in the hospital with John.

New York Apartment: Dr Raynor is relaxing. Nicole arrives, pushes her way in and refuses to leave until she gets the truth about Mackenzie Horton's parents. She flashes back to her unlawful seizure of Mickey's DNA, and Kristen's. She also flashes back to talking to the lab tech, then has another flashback to talking with Abe about not believing the test results. She tells Raynor that Kristen and Mackenzie are a match, how is that possible?

Pub: Eli arrives. Abe has official business to conduct with them in their rescue of David and capture of Orpheus. The PD wants both of them to rejoin the force. They are reluctant since they "left the PD in the lurch" when they individually left. He claims they're talented and have a calling for police work.

Nurses Station: John brings Rolf through. Rolf wants to know why Kristen is not with Stefano. John and Kristen exchange glances. Brady and Eric join them, get updates, Rolf will be allowed to see Steve-aNO after fixing Marlena. John tells Sarah to get Kayla, she takes Rolf with her. Eric will watch Mickey, but Brady offers so Eric can figure out what's wrong with Nicole.

Ms. "Smith"'s apartment: Raynor continues to state she isn't involved in whatever happened. Nicole continues to threaten her, and won't let the doctor remove her banana bread from the oven. Raynor implores her to leave it alone. Nicole threatens to call the medical board. Raynor breaks down, Sarah's baby died.

Marlena's room: John talks to Doc. She is worried about the impact this will have on their relationship. He tells her Rolf will remove the chip, and Kayla will watch him carefully.

Gabi's Room: Gabi looks at a picture of Stefan, and flashes back to Eli's words from earlier (she only cares about herself, that's why she'll always be alone).

JJ's Apartment: Eli and Lani talk about how they are unemployed, living rent-free in JJ's apartment. They discuss going back to the force, effectively resetting their lost year.

Waiting Room: Brady plays with Mickey, notices her birthmark.
This episode seemed to take 2 hours of my life. Even though it was over at 1:27 pm local time. (I think those Black Credits with the low-grade music mean the show was short. My speculation only.)

I was on Raynor's team until she gave in to Nicole's threats in a second. Like any medical review board would believe a fight-starting, baby-switching, DNA-stealing kidnapper, murderer, and twice attempted murderer over someone who spent 10 years building a career in medicine.
Thanks, Jason........Those credits at the end are because the network no longer is showing previews, coming attractions, etc. of prime time, so the credits get to have their own space.
Tho, maybe the show was shorter with the plethora of flashbacks that were shown.

Well, in a nutshell, what you saw..... John got Rolf to agree to remove the chip, Eric realized Nicole lied about reason to go to NY, Nik got Raynor to admit to the switch, & Brady spied the telltale heart (birthmark). DId I miss anything? Oh, yeah, Abe got Eli & Lani back to the P.D. ??????
I liked Brady watching Marlena. Their relationship is the highlight of the week for me.

I also liked that Eric's reaction to finding that Nicole lied to him is to worry about her and not to get mad. Progress. Nicole is great in investigating mode. It's far better than when she's crying.

Gabi was throwing a lying pity party as usual. She absolutely intended and attempted to kill Julie. The writers always try super hard to make the audience feel bad for this shrew. It doesn't work on me.
I agree about Gabi. Yep, if she had to, Julie was going to be a gonner. She is not over Stefan at all, so her blather about "loving Eli" was just that. Glad Eli was on to her 100%. Even the "threat" to kill his grandmother was too much for anyone. And how did Gabi know- when she ran her "tests" on Julie that either one might have have been too much, and she died? Stupid!
As they are speculating, they get a beep, and postpone their own story advancement because Rolf is in the hospital with John.

Yes because God forbid this story move or end before May sweeps.

Raynor breaks down, Sarah's baby died.

The baby just died? Was no one looking in on her? It was born on the side of the road it should have been in a nicu or something. Or did it commit suicide realizing who her parents were?

Brady plays with Mickey, notices her birthmark.

One brain cell from the Salem brain migrated to the top of Brady's head, but noticing the birthmark won't go anywhere for another 3 weeks. And the brain cell will die from lack of use.
Does anyone know why they don’t do the ending credits with the hourglass in the background and the classic Days theme song? I used to like it. It’s been a long time. Just a creative choice or cost? The credits they do now with that awful music looks very cheap.
This particular style of credits started a few weeks ago. They look awful. No reason has been given as to the black background with the weird/spooky music. As noted before, looks like they were done by kids for a class project back in the day.
As far as Gabi saying she never intended to use the app, didn't she even try to zap Julie at the wedding before she knew they had replaced it and that is how they caught her?

I am glad they are making some very slow progress on the baby switch, but I am still thinking that Sarah's baby might be the third baby born that night. Unfortunately, I guess that does mean that Mickey is Rachel.

And I am having a hard time believing that Rolf will truly remove the Stefano chip from Steve.
They don't have the previews from prime time that usually are in that space, with credits at the bottom. And all the filming of everything is on hiatus. Lucky they have people able to put whatever we see on the TV!
Cluelessness abounded in Salem today.

Gabi: OMG, she actually thought that she could talk her way back into Eli's good graces? And why is that GabiChic store still open? After everything that's happened, who'd buy Gabi's tacky stuff?

Brady: Why is he allowing creepy Kristen anywhere near Marlena's bedside?. He may think that the sicko is now the cat's meow, but the last thing that the ailing Doc needs is to open her eyes and see the monster who tormented her for years hovering by her bedside..

Eli & Lani: The Salem P.D. wants them back? Why? They'd be better off hiring Ben and Ciara. Ben knows the legal system inside out and his ex-convict status shouldn't be a problem. After all, Salem once had an ex-convict as commissioner. As for Ciara, she'd bring a free-wheeling, rule-breaking attitude that's been missing since Bo Brady died.

Raynor: She's not made of very stern stuff. Has she forgotten what Xander said about Victor? And why did she even talk to the old babyswitcher? She should have immediately called building security and have Eric's true love pitched into the street.
Sometimes comments here bother me more than the show. Everyone seems to be very unforgiving.
I also liked that Eric's reaction to finding that Nicole lied to him is to worry about her and not to get mad
I liked this too; but it was only written this way, realistically, because then Eric can make frowny faces when the truth comes out.
it was born on the side of the road it should have been in a nicu or something.
Not in Salem! All units are the same! And civilians can enter them at any time to assist a mad scientist or drug-addled doc.
but I am still thinking that Sarah's baby might be the third baby born that night.
There were 4 babies born that night: Rachel Isabella, Mackenzie, Baby Williams and Baby McCloud. (those were the names on the other 2 bassinets)
They don't have the previews from prime time that usually are in that space, with credits at the bottom. And all the filming of everything is on hiatus.
My local station still shows primetime previews. NBC still has new episodes of some shows they're promoting. In my area, those previews run after the weird credits now. Like today, it was a preview for a new episode of The Voice.
Thanks, Jason.

It's a new day in Salem.

There were too many flashbacks with Nicole and getting items for the DNA test.

I hope Dr Raynor's banana bread doesn't burn.

It was funny when Lani talked to Abe about looking at the menu since
he would have it memorized.

I hope Lani and Eli won't get dumber since they are going back to the Salem PD.

Interesting to see John try to wink at Kristen when he was trying to convince Rolf
how bad Stevano was and Marlena had to be fixed first before he saw him.

Brady noticed Mickey's birthmark. What's he going to do next?
Brady is too pushy about trying to get people to accept Kristen. He persists in forcing her on his family.

Gabi never really thinks she did anything so bad. She makes a feeble attempt at convincing people she's sorry, and then she gets angry and starts plotting her next revenge when they don't believe her.
Brady noticed Mickey's birthmark. What's he going to do next?

Try to tell someone about it. Hey, I want to tell you something about Mickey. Yes, I know she's...." and then they will talk in circles thinking each knows what the other is trying to say.

Until the viewers pull out all of their remaining hair.