Days of Our Lives - Thu., Apr. 23, 2020


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
The show is running (14 minutes in here) and my DVR is recording. But alas, I will not be able to watch until 4 (if I get a work break) or 6 tonight.

So I will post when I get 40 minutes to watch by editing this space. Unless some kind hearted person is available to post before me, in which case this thread is active for your use!

Kind regards, JDS
Admittedly, I did not get to see all the show, but.....Li Shin chooses Chad to head up the company, causing Gabi to go into overdrive about the travesty this is, huge mistake, etc. She then decides to remove her company from DiMera conglomerate, only to learn from Mr. Shin that she was removed as head of it, (they anticipated her meltdown). She goes to her storefront, somehow Julie arrives, they have words.

Sarah sits in an apt, visited by downstairs neighbor, Jeanne Marie, who thinks she is Abby, and Sarah gloms onto that. She says she & hubby had fight, so are separated from each other right now.

Julie visits Maggie in jail, is so sorry about Sarah, Will arrives, stops Julie from saying more, sends her away, talks to Maggie himself. He does say Sarah is not married, but not the why.

Brady visits Victor, tells him off about what he did, finally saying he is no longer family, never wants to see him again.

Kristen finds Xander, reads him a riot act, whining and moaning about her daughter with no sympathy at all for Sarah or Eric. She realizes finally Victor was at the bottom of it, goes to see him.
(hey, I just got bits and pieces) Xander has been frantically trying to get hold of Sarah, she finally answers (tho Maggie had to leave a message) he wants to know where she is, promising to help her.

Kristen goes to Victor, does all her accusations, picks up a knife off the table, is going to make Vic pay, and shoves it into him. He seems to look at her in shock.
Preach Brother Xander, preach, hit that hypocritical witch with the truth, although it won't do any good. This is the most I've enjoyed Days in years.

Brady is a pathetic loser. Victor should be thankful Brady disavowed him, I know I would be.

Haha haha, and Kristen claimed while a nun she isn't a murderer Girl, please. Considering how easily she stabbed Victor while enraged, and given her legendary bad temper, there is no way she hasn't killed before. I seriously doubt poor Haley was her first "accident".

Wow, these "writers" have made Kristen such a sympathetic character I was so rooting for her to violently murder Xander and Victor. I guess one out of two ain't bad, nice job.:sarcasm:
Why did Sarah move into Chad and Abby's apartment in Paris if she wanted to hide out? And how did she get the keys? Did they move out to come back to Salem or do they still own that place? And the nosy neighbor couldn't remember Abigail's name, but she sure remembered Chad? And, LOL, the neighbor looked like she could have been Jennifer!!!
I think it was mentioned in the digital series that the apartment was owned by DiMera Enterprises. I wondered about the key, too. Maybe Chad and Abby left one under the mat when they went back to Salem. :rolleyes:

They should've re-dressed the set to make it a different apartment.

They could've also had Sarah meet up with cousin Steven Olson (Julie and Hope's brother). He was a criminal, so he'd have been fine with hiding her and Rachel. :sarcasm:
I really had forgotten that Kristen was going to take Sarah's baby from her womb. Boy, if that little tidbit doesn't change Brady's mind about how she has changed then he 's an idiot. Stabbing Victor ought to do it too.

I know Gabi is a horrible person now, but Julie was pretty mean pointing out how she is alone. I mean her husband was killed. Or was he? Definitely his reflection. More Rolf magic? Then whose heart does Julie have?? Or is this Stefan's twin? Or was that Stefan's twin that was shot? So many questions.

I really don't like Chad or Abby. Never liked them together now just don't like them. Remember, short leash Chad, so don't mess up.
Xander: He did a great job sticking creepy Kristen with some very inconvenient truths. It's too bad that he didn't conclude his performance by wringing the vicious witch's neck.

Victor: If Xander's partner in crime is going to keep involving himself in dirty deals, he ought to start keeping a gun by his comfy armchair. Awful Kristen might have taken a different attitude if when she walked into the K-mansion living room she saw a sawed-off, pump-action shotgun pointed at her face.

Li Shin: Finally, a new character with some common sense -- giving the felonious. loudmouthed Gabi her walking papers. And now that he's had a full dose of Gabi's nastiness, he ought to put a finishing touch on her corporate elimination by renaming her old company AbbyChic.

Maggie: She ought to be careful what she asks for. If she hears the full truth about her fatal car trip, she'll cry so many tears that it will spoil the make-up application that she seems to have just received at the prison beauty shop.

Sarah: This one should have consulted with Xander before fleeing. She clearly doesn't know the first thing about disappearing. What's she doing in what seems to be Chad and Abigail's old apartment, which comes complete with a busybody neighbor? She ought to blow town immediately and head for a French city that geographically-challenged Salemites have probably never heard of, such as Bordeaux, Lyons, Toulouse, or Strasbourg.
You mention that Kristen stabbing Victor should change Brady's mind, along with wanting to steal Sarah's embryo, which he doesn't know about. Pushing Haley down the stairs, attacking a pilot for flying someone who he planned on taking someplace that day can be added to the but she's changed, "NOT" sheet. I'm not really sure this girl has many ticks on her "YES" side. I don't even believe she loves the baby, that she loves the idea of a baby, yes. An actual baby, nope.
I'll add in some details, although Poirot's summary looks pretty thorough.

Sarah mentions to Mickey that cousin Abigail mentioned the place was empty, but doesn't say how she got the keys. She is terrified when the neighbor rings, thinking she's been caught. (I'm thankful they didn't try to explain too much about why Sarah chose Abby's apartment - it's obviously so the neighbor could fake her out with her "I know who you are!" statements.)

Kristen is completely unsympathetic and for some reason Xander doesn't eliminate her or toss her into a crawlspace. He did point out that she tried to steal Sarah's embryo. The "changed" Kristen doesn't believe Xander has changed because Mickey wasn't his. His support of Maggie is suspicious to Kristen, who figures out Victor was behind it.

Victor is read the riot act by Brady, but has no regrets because he was protecting Maggie. (Brady uses his crying voice, but I feel no sympathy for him.)

Poirot got everything with the Julie/Maggie/Will nonsense, which I think was intended as a comic slapstick farce.

Kristen's confrontation of Victor includes her deciding that Victor's motives were to separate Brady from Kristen, not protect Maggie. He wants her to stop ranting. She's done talking. She walks to the fruit plate and grabs the paring knife, which she holds for a while before declaring, "For what you did to me, you deserve to die, you son of a *bleep*."

Final Act.
Julie, Chad, and Abby talk at the Brady Pub to gloat about Gabi's defeat.

Gabi regrets giving Stefan's heart to Julie. She's still outside Gabi Chic, regretting her losses. She sees Stefan's reflection in the glass.

Maggie leaves a message for Sarah, wants to talk to her.

In Paris, a nervous Sarah answers Xander's call.

At Xander's hotel room, Brady calls Kristen. She doesn't answer.

Back at the Kmansion, Victor questions Kristen's intent. She plans to kill him, won't put the knife down. She stabs him (from the position of their arms, looks like just under the heart was the implication). Victor reacts, drops his glass.
Thanks Poirot and Jason.

It will be interesting to see how Sarah got into the apartment. Did she talk to
Abby first or did she just go there on her own?

The neighbor, Jeanne Marie, is a strange one. She couldn't tell the difference
between Abby and Sarah. Maybe she got new glasses after Abby left.

Will saved the day when he got to Maggie before blabbermouth Julie said
something about the baby.

Why hasn't anyone tried to find Sarah using the GPS on her phone?

Kristen knew Xander hasn't changed because she hadn't either.

I thought it was odd Brady said half brother Eric. He usually doesn't
do that.

Li said Chad was Stefano's favorite child. I thought it was EJ. Things
change in Salem depending on what day, month, or year it is :)
It was so weird they threw in the "half". It makes no sense; they've been saying 'brother' for several years (since Brady blackmailed Nicole into skipping town). I think it was a flub.

I just want to make it clear - there should be no escaping Kristen's act. It was not heat of the moment. It was cold and methodical.
Sarah's new neighbor sure is nosy and pushy! Not someone I'd want for a friend.
She reminds of Nicole and Brady's nosy neighbor in Manitoba. If they were going to give Sarah a neighbor, I'd have preferred something that would be different for Days -- a person who has little interest in her new American neighbor, who is annoyed by her total ignorance of the French language, and who won't stoop to addressing her in English.