Days of Our Lives - Thu., Aug. 1, 2019


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Eric and Dr Sarah are talking about a patient she referred to the Horton Center. She asks if he has dinner plans. They talk about dogs. (Eric wants one, Sarah always has, Rex doesn't like them.) Eric has left later, and Rex needles Sarah about her apparently "intimate" talk with Eric. He then backtracks and asks to take her home.

Will and Sonny are discussing Will's story and he recaps his suspicions about Ted Laurent. Sonny wonders why Hope's falling for Ted, Will thinks his aunt is investigating Ted.

Ted gives Hope the necklace, as a symbol of his love and commitment. They kiss and make plans for adult adventures that start with shopping and cooking; later, she admires Ted's apartment and art. They start cooking, but Hope forgot the basil. It's important enough for Ted to go out to get, so Hope can look around his place. She finds stacks of money in a drawer. Later, Ted enters because he forgot his wallet; he wants Hope to explain.

Gabi and Stefan wait at the DiMansion for word from Shin. Meanwhile in Chicago, Brady, Tony, and Nicole-who's-actually-Kristen (still, ugh) also wait word. Brady goes out to get the car, Tony chides Nicole-who's-actually-Kristen about how much she loves Brady. He calls her Kristen, she scolds him, Brady overhears the name drop but it's no big deal. They get a call from Shin's assistant; Shin is en route to Salem. They must go.

Back at the DiMansion, Gabi worries about Nicole-who's-actually-Kristen's plots, Stefan is sure their scheme will work. They talk about their feelings and whether or not this is an act. Shin arrives.

Back in Salem at the Square, Tony needles Nicole-who's-actually-Kristen after Brady goes to check if Shin's at the Inn yet. Eric comes upon them, shocked at André, make that Tony, is alive, and slightly more so that Nicole has married Tony. Eric is upset and furrows his brow a lot, Brady comes along and admits he helped. Eric blasts them all, and attacks Brady. Rex and Sarah pull them apart and get a shouting recap. Nicole-who's-actually-Kristen, Brady, and Tony leave. Sarah invites Eric to spend time with them, which upsets Rex temporarily.

Shin is invited into the DiMansion study, who wants to speak with Stefan alone, but Gabi stays with Stefan's permission. Stefan is fired. They need to look for a new DiMera, which will be difficult. Gabi offers herself up.

Will and Sonny are planning a private Chinese feast with all his favorites when Rex, Eric, and Sarah enter. They all decide to eat together, and later look at fortune cookies. Eric sends Sarah and Rex up for married couple time, and helps Will and Sonny clean up. Sarah looks longingly at Eric as she walks by.

On that little bench by the Pub, Nicole-who's-actually-Kristen sits with Tony. Brady comes up, wants her to look for Shin. He's worried about Eric. Brady leaves. Tony scolds her for her lusting after Brady. Nicole-who's-actually-Kristen is convinced she's getting closer to Brady.

Upstairs at the Kmansion, Rex has drawn Sarah, who's resting on the bed, a bath. He kisses her, says he loves her. She says, "I love you too, Eric."

Downstairs, Eric leaves as Brady enters. Eric will not speak to Brady.

Back at the DiMansion, Gabi tells Shin she's married Stefan, explains it's not a stunt, and lays out a solid (at least for Days and DiMera) case. Plus, she's the only Mrs DiMera available; Nicole-who's-actually-Kristen enters, saying that's not the case. Lots of stalling until Tony is re-re-re-introduced.
Eric the insufferable was back. He might be my least favorite character. "Nicole" is a grown woman. How dare he scream at Brady for her choices, and then attack him. How is he still considered a good guy? Hopefully, this storyline is coming to an end soon, and Rex can get away from both Eric and Sarah.

Does anyone else wonder if Tony is really Andre?

Why does anyone look surprised when people come back from the dead? It's a steady stream of zombies coming back to Salem. There might be more people in Salem who've come back from the dead than steadily alive people.
I think Eric has held on to a tiny bit of hope that eventually Nicole would get over her grief, and they might possibly be together again. He knows she has not been acting like her normal self (as does Brady), so yelling at Brady for not remembering Nicole is not acting normally was normal for Eric.

Personally, I think this entire storyline is ridiculous, far fetched, and so over the top, anything anyone says or does has not bothered me. There is no common sense, there is no brainwork. People accept whatever is said and done much too easily. (O.K. give Will credit for checking the dock's film footage. ) Those doing the pretending make tons of mistakes, and those who catch or overhear accept excuses much too easily.
Honestly, I hope Mr. Shin fools both those women, and insists Chad take over, run the company from Paris if he doesn't want to leave there.
Stefan wants to consummate his marriage, and is about to do so when Shin arrives. Fake Nicole has had a reluctant Tony agree to the "in name only" marriage, as she consistently flirts with Brady. I honestly want Tony to expose the sham and go after his beloved Anna. And if he is too chicken, Anna would do it in a nano second.
Speaking of Anna, Thaao Penghlis (Tony/Andre) once said in an interview that he purposely pronounces Anna's name differently as each character. He said as Tony, he says it as "Ahh-na", and as Andre, he says it as "Ann-na". I thought that was interesting.
So when Rex questioned that Sarah and Eric's conversation looked intimate, why didn't they say, "oh we were talking about him getting a dog too! You know I love dogs"?

I was absolutely expecting Rafe to walk up on Hope and Ted. How is he going to explain all that money? Just doesn't believe in banks?

It is quick from Chicago to Salem!! I went and read about Tony's "death" because I didn't remember. Apparently Nicole was witness. Has that been mentioned at all? I keep wondering since they keep showing AD. Is it going to Andre? I know it can be Antony DiMera, but I keep wondering.

Sarah pulled a Ross. She could I think easily blow it off by just saying, "oh my god! What did I say?! I guess that's because I'm just worried about him!" But will it be the end of Sarah and Rex and the start of Eric and Sarah, ya know they are soul mates!! :sarcasm:

NOTE: On the TV show Friends, when Ross married Emily, the minister said "I Ross, take thee, Emily..." and Ross said "I Ross, take thee, Rachel..." - JS
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I just got a kick out of Stefan's insistence on consummating the marriage, and then fake Nicole trying to make this "grand entrance", declaring she is also Mrs. DiMera, but leaving Tony out in the hall. That was asinine, in my opinion. And too bad Tony didn't just leave when she left him there, go out the front door and leave her with egg on her face.
Animal abuse? Eric now wants a dog? All Salem area breeders, kennels, and the local SCPA should be notified lest some poor pooch be subjected to life with the Salem sourpuss.

Dinner for one? It might have made for a good scene if the writers had shown Eric sitting in the darkness in his apartment sucking down dinner from a bottle of ketchup instead of invading the Chinese take-out feast at the K-mansion.

Fourth-rate Sir Galahad? When is the pathetic sourpuss going to learn that squawking at and/or assaulting Brady won't win him the affections of "Nicole?" All he ever gets for his trouble is: "You killed Holly!!"

How about a third option, Part I? Sarah should give up on her dog-hating, cheating, dull husband, Rexy, and the insufferable Eric and choose an available third option, Xander. Sure the X-Man has takes a casual approach toward the laws and morality, but he's a lot more interesting company than either Rexy or Eric. (He also looks good in his fetching towel.)

How about a third option, Part II? Pity poor Mr. Shin. His current options for the CEO position are a convicted murderer (Gabi) and a convicted kidnapper (and babyswitcher) who blackmailed the governor to get her release ("Nicole.") He really should think outside the box and consider Theo, Johnny, or Sydney. If he and the board think that they're too young, they can always be SORASed.
(O.K. give Will credit for checking the dock's film footage. )

Yes - the Salem PD is steeped in ineptitude once again. Checking video around the docks (or cellphone records to see if any of their devices were near the docks at the time of the alleged kidnapping) something Lani and Eli should have done. They have suspicions but haven't done anything to verify the stories they were told other than talk to the same witnesses over and over.

This scheme is bound to fail. I hope the writers don't string it out much longer. Kristen needs to be unmasked, and then they can make up some way for her to avoid prosecution for Marlena's near murder. And maybe we can find out where the real Nicole is and where Holly is. I have a feeling they are going to save that until Eric and Sarah are dating. :rolleyes:

By the way, if people haven't looked at the Days of Our Lives app, there are scenes with Chad and Abby in Paris.
Thanks, Jason.

Will Eric get a dog? Will he call it Rex?

Brady is a dope believing everything "Nicole" says.

We finally get to see Mr Shin.

How will Hope explain to Ted about the money? Maybe she can
tell him she was looking for a tablecloth or napkins.

Sarah said "I love you Eric" to Rex. What will Rex do? Will it move
out of the K mansion and go to the pub?