Days of Our Lives - Thu., Aug. 31, 2017


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
At the Pub, Steve is mournfully looking at pics of him with Kayla & Joe on his phone. Tripp arrives, but immediately chooses to bolt; Steve stops him, says he'll always love him, he IS his son. They sit down; Tripp laments that he's here, and Joey's not, but Steve tells him he is not the cause. Back and forth, bottom line is Tripp doesn't feel Steve should have to choose between Kayla & him. Tripp worries that he'll be a constant reminder and prevent the eventual reunion of Steve & Kayla. Steve wants him to stay, believes that Kayla will eventually forgive him if Tripp does the work. Tripp thinks the first step is giving all the Vitali blood money he possesses to Salem University Hospital, in partial penance for how he hurt Kayla and the hospital.

At the hospital, Valerie and Kayla talk shop. Kayla helped Valerie with an operation which went more smoothly than average. Kayla offers her ear over Abe's injustice. Valerie can't bear the thought of Abe behind bars...oops, sorry; Kayla is not offended, and confides her worries about Joey's present and future. (She hasn't been allowed to see him yet, and he can't yet make phone calls.) Valerie thinks Joe's actions are admirable, and that Kayla has a fine son. Valerie envies that Steve & Kayla have each other; Kayla's face gives her away, she admits she and Steve were at loggerheads (and remain so) because of Joe's confession. Val invites Kayla to dinner, Kayla declines. Val implores her to give Steve a break.

At Teen Loft 1, Claire comes upon a distressed Theo, who is reading the Intruder. Claire tries to give him a pep talk, she believes in Abe's innocence because Theo does. She tries to get him to play a game, but Theo won't be able to think about anything for fear of losing his dad. Claire reminds him he won't be alone if Abe does go to jail, which he won't. (She even name drops Brandon.) She quotes her grandma (which one, who knows) and says that if they clean up, things will start to seem better. They see Joe's hat, worry about him. They discuss rent, which was to be split by 4 but is now just the two of them (they haven't heard from Ciara, who had planned to return in the fall). Claire suggests Tripp move in with them, has clearly given it much thought. Theo balks, but is absolutely totally not jealous in any way, because he & Claire are just friends. There's a knock on the door.

At the police station, Lani is hiding out in the interrogation room, unable to look Raines in the face while the case is built against him as she and JJ recap the actions of Hope/Rafe and Myron. JJ has planned a picnic, hiding out. She is grateful to be with a guy who is not selfish and mistreating her. He wishes they could just delete what happened in Miami, so they consider alternate stories for their start.

Over at Judge Thorp's chambers, the boom is lowered that Nicole approached Holly in the park, and the judge knows this. Brady defends her, knows she would never do that. Nicole admits she did, in fact, do it. She recaps the date, how she planned to just look at Holly. She admits she was wrong. The Judge appreciates Nicole's apology but won't give Holly back. Brady and Eric defend her as Justin does the bad-TV-lawyer thing. The judge will decide in 30 minutes.

Nicole, Eric, and Brady have wandered to the Private Area of the Square. Nicole apologises for not telling Brady, who then learns that Eric was there as well. Brady excuses himself to go threaten the judge ("You're going to give Nicole Walker back her daughter, or I will destroy you," Brady says before revealing he will expose Thorp's involvement with Deimos) while Nicole laments that she's being paid back for all the lies she told and all the people she's hurt. Eric thinks this is not the case, Nicole says she will confess something she's kept from him to her, flashes back to realising she killed Deimos, but stops short. Justin appears, a decision is imminent.

Valerie has shown up at the Teen Loft, she felt that Theo could use a home cooked meal. Claire thinks it's a lovely idea, but will have to suffice with leftovers as she is off to work. She and Theo table the discussion about Tripp; Claire leaves, and Valerie gets the dirt that Theo's not sure she's jealous about Tripp. Seconds later Claire has a scene in the Private Area (just how many of these are in Salem, anyway!?!?) in which she calls "grandma" who is probably with a patient and leaves a message about how her advice to be friends worked.

Kayla goes to the Pub, but sees Steve congratulating Tripp on his decision to give away the Vitali money and halts.

Judge Thorp has convened Justin, Eric, Nicole, and Brady to his chambers. He scolds her felony but says Holly will be returned to her. Nicole is thrilled, hugs Brady while looking at Eric.
but says Holly will be returned to her.

It finally hit me today where I'd seen the actor who plays Judge Thorpe before. He's in the episode of Friends "The One With the Soap Opera Party" where Ross has to show the 2 professors around NYC, one being Charlie (Aisha Tyler) and the other one, Professor Spafford, who is super annoying to them. They ditch him in a restaurant. He's Professor Spafford.

Matthew Ashford (Jack), Kyle Lowder (ex-Brady), Farah Fath (Mimi) and Alexis Thorpe (Cassie) all make appearances in that episode.
I am very happy that Nicole is finally getting Holly though I worry that something will happen since Brady threatened the judge. I realize he's unethical but knowing Nicole's luck something might happen.

I really do like Claire now since she isn't so frigging annoying. I don't think she's even been on social media. And yes, Theo, you are jealous.
Nicole: She got her baby back!!:clap::drunk::clap:With Higley gone, could this be the start of a winning streak for the long-suffering Ms. Walker?

Brady: Victor would be proud -- his grandson made quick, blunt, effective use of Kiriakis power, although he probably wouldn't think helping Nicole was the best cause.

Judge Damon Thorpe: This crook in black robes shouldn't feel too bad. He did get his head handed to him by Brady, but he gets to keep Deimos's dirty money, and unlike another dishonest Salem public servant, Commissioner Raines, he doesn't seem headed for the slammer.

Dr. Valerie Grant: She actually showed up for work today -- amazing. Even no-show Jenny at her worst seems to have had a better attendance record than this pretender to the vacant throne of Dr. Feely-Gropey.

Theo: How unlucky is he? He seems to be the only Salemite who doesn't have access to the Salem money tree. When he gets out of jail, Mayor Abe should do something about this.

Lani: Her fantasy was falling off a fishing boat? Why not JJ saving her from a herd of demon goats with blazing red eyes and drooling fangs?
Thanks, Jason.

Yippee. Nicole gets her "baby back, baby back".

Nicole said in front of Eric that they knew Deimos paid the judge
to keep Holly away Nicole. Will Eric ever ask how they knew that?

I was surprised Brady threatened the judge to give Holly back to Nicole.
Maybe the jacket he wore made him act that way.

Will Tripp move in with Claire and Theo? Probably, because right now
his apartment is invisible
Brady was incredibly annoying today. I'm not sure if he's becoming the new Deimos or the new Daniel but writing him as the lead hero doesn't work. He functions better as part of an ensemble. I'd like to see Eric written as the lead hero.
Nicole and Eric: :love::love::love: I really want Holly to be Eric's now.

I could get behind a Theo/Claire/Tripp triangle. Claire has chemistry with both guys and all are rootable. If and when Ciara returns, add her to the mix too.

Didn't Ciara say she was paying her portion of the rent before she left? If anything, why didn't Claire reach out to "Gran" for Ciara's portion? And why wouldn't she just call her parents? That line about not hearing from Ciara made no sense.

I don't mind Kayla and Valerie being friends but I feel she should have confided about Steve to Hope or Jen. Both can relate.
Thanks Jason!

I wondered which "grandma" Claire was calling. I assume she was calling Grandma Marlena. What would Hattie think of the message? Maybe it will be Claire that catches on to the switch!

So loving that Nicole gets Holly back!:clap::clap::clap::):love: For the writers finally getting this right:hug:

I was surprised (SURPRISE) when Brady called the Judge out - good going Brady! I don't know what I think/feel about the Brady/Nicole/Eric situation - I just know I am thrilled that Nicole gets to raise Holly!
I don't mind Kayla and Valerie being friends but I feel she should have confided about Steve to Hope or Jen.
On the other hand, I liked that they played the stories off each other. I guess you and I can disagree every once in a while, right?
I could get behind a Theo/Claire/Tripp triangle.
I know I'm the only one hoping this, but how about a third angle to the triangle (or a fourth angle?)? We can have Claire/Tripp, Claire/Theo, and Theo/Tripp all as potential couplings. LOLOL
Thanks for the summary. Good episode! So glad Nicole got her baby back and really happy about Brady going after that judge in a fair way! :clap:

Kayla and Valerie was unexpected but interesting. Keep building this friendship! And the teens today weren't annoying! Kudos to the writers. I do think it's high time that Kayla and Patch worked things out. Let's not drag this out too long either. This couple in particular has been through enough these past two years.