Days of Our Lives - Thu., Dec. 27, 2018


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Western Wisconsin
At the hospital, Kate runs into Sarah. Kate didn't know Sarah was taking a job here; she learns Rex moved Mimi & Emily to Chicago. She apologizes for Rex's misdeeds, knows Rex loved her. They part after agreeing new year, new start. Sarah runs into Dr Henry Shah, they chat about how she's Jennifer's cousin and he welcomes her to the staff. Sarah tells Shah that Jennifer and Eric aren't engaged anymore; he should act quickly.

At the police station, Hope has had Ted brought in from the island. He's worried he's not safe. Hope tells him that they spoke with Stefan, he's focused on his daughter, not revenge. Ted doesn't believe this. Hope's not sure she believes Stefan, but there's nothing more the stretched Salem PD can do. Ted asks if she's doing this because he couldn't get Ben's confession. Hope denies and then the whole thing is dropped so Ted can play counselor; he thinks Hope and Rafe are trying to pretend they're not broken.

At Dimansion, Stefan0 is offering breakfast to someone off-screen. Pan over to a bound and gagged Gabi. He starts to eat, releases her gag, she screams for help. Everyone's gone, and you picked the wrong crazy guy to mess with. (Ben's been given time off.) He blah blahs about his pity-me life this year in Salem, Kate murdering his mother, and Gabby/Charlotte were his only rays of hope. Gabi is not sympathetic, teases him about falling in love with someone who didn't exist, and framing [Gabi] for a fake happy ending. They spar verbally, she knew exactly how horrible it would feel to lose his 'child', because that is what they did to her. (Good scenes, I must say.) Gabi's not afraid, and she's not sorry. Stefan admires her moves, can understand why she did it, but revenge is a cycle and he can't kill people (even though Vivian and Kate asked him to kill people). He does think she needs to suffer, warms a poker and holds it toward her face. Knows she values her appearance, wants her to be as ugly on the outside as on the inside. She knows, she knows she's ugly inside, she feels it. She lives with it every day. Go ahead, she dares him. He inches closer and closer, then cuts the ties that bind her. He steps away, tells her to go. She flees.

At the Horton House, Abby comes downstairs, Jennifer tries to make nice, Abby is steamed still. (Rightfully so in my opinion.) Jennifer recaps everything except her part in Abby's downfall, Abby is elated that her baby's not connected to Stefan, but she's furious that everyone stabbed her in the back. After a few rounds, Jennifer does apologize for being wrong, but she felt bad for not seeing Abby's DID the first time. Jennifer didn't know of Chad's plan, which resulted in Charlotte's being ripped from Abby's arms hours after her birth. Jennifer begs forgiveness. Abby can't assure she'll forget, but she wants her daughter to see forgiveness. She forgives Jen; she can't forgive Chad.

At Kmansion, Chad remembers Abby handing him Charlotte yesterday. Rafe interrupts him, Chad had called him. Chad tells Rafe to go upstairs and arrest [Rafe's] sister. Later, he's recapped how Gabi switched DNA results. Rafe recaps interviewing Gabi after initial accusations, is ready to move forward. Later, they are flummoxed by Gabi's absence, wonder if she has help. Rafe leaves to search; Chad flashes back to Kate's swearing that "Gabby" attacked her.

At the Pub, Roman and Eric are talking about Holly and Chloe. Roman throws his support behind Eric, but tells him for now, he wants Eric to live life. He gives Eric his tickets for a holiday party. Later, Sarah comes in for lunch, and also orders her dinner to go. Eric's surprised she is ordering her "New Year's Eve" dinner now. They talk about the Horton Center benefit at Doug's Place (the tickets Roman gave him), he gives her the tickets. She accepts on condition he go with her. (Frequent mentions of how he still works for the Horton Center.) He doesn't want to go, it's Jennifer's night, and Chloe runs the place. He tells her to go and be prepared for the unexpected.

Kate is in her room, looking at a crumpled letter. Later, Chad arrives, tells her Gabi has admitted everything. Kate acts surprised, Chad says she had to know, wants to know why she lied. Chad recaps; Kate admits. Finally admits Gabi was blackmailing Kate over Kate's feeding Stefan information about Titan/Chad. Later, Chad recaps: Stefan blackmailed Kate, then Gabi blackmailed Kate about that, all to "protect" Chad from looking guilty for going after Sonny's job because Kate was behind the harassment charges. She says she's sorry. Chad says, no, you're not, you are who you are. He embraces her, then says, "Stay the hell out of my life." He struts off.

At the Police Station, Rafe enters Hope's office, she is updating him on Ted, she notices Rafe's hangdog expression and he updates her on Gabi.

Dr Shah calls Jennifer, she thinks she's calling about Julie, who's resting comfortably at home. Shah asks her to the Benefit, she is shocked, but accepts. (She will be giving a speech in Julie's stead.) The doorbell rings, Abby gets it. Chad is there, tells her about Gabi's absconding from the law. He wants to see Charlotte, too, but she's sleeping. He asks to talk to Abby. She reads his list of crimes, including ripping Charlotte from her, believing Gabi, committing her, and almost moving in with Gabi. She slams the door in his face.

Big Z is talking to Stefano's portrait about how he's not as ruthless as him. Kate struts in, admits she came clean to Chad, whom she's lost, and tells him Vivian's death was no accident, and she deserved it.

Back at the Police Station, Hope and Rafe discuss Gabi, who appears to have skipped town. They decide to put out an APB. No need, says Gabi from the door. "I'm here to turn myself in."
Haven’t really been posting on the daily summaries, because .... well these episodes have been really bad especially for Christmas week. Today I just couldn’t keep quiet though. Why is Kate apologizing to Sarah? She has never cared about her kids hurting anyone in the past. I’m so tired of the Sarah propping. Sarah trying to force Eric to do something he didn’t want to also irked me. I need her to become a crazy stalker ASAP.

The writers don’t care about Kate’s kids, so why should I care about her relationship with her ”adoptive” son Chad. Chad will forgive her in a week, so this whole thing is pointless.

We couldn’t even get some crocodile tears out of Gabi to go with those pathetic speeches. I’m not even going to go into too much detail about the Stefan and Gabi scenes because I don’t like them and I’m sure I’ll have plenty of time to complain about them in the future.

Abby needs to back off of Jen now. She said her worst and it was entertaining, but she does have a history of mental illness. She’s not Marlena post-sanitarium. On the other hand, Abby slamming the door in the face of a very vulnerable Chad was just too tasty.
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Hmm, thank you, Jason. So, Hope has pulled away from "protecting" Ted, & he wonders if it is because he failed to deliver Ben to her. Meanwhile, Stefan figures he will scare the you know what out of Gabi, only she calls his bluff, so he lets her go. Abby rightly forgives her mom, but won't forget, and I truly loved Abby slamming the door in Chad's face!
(Another rather lackluster performance from Chad, who should have been more furious at Kate, and definitely more pleading with Abby). Then there is Kate, who expression or demeanor doesn't change, whether admitting her guilt to her beloved "like a son", or sockin' it to the hated Stefan with her final admission. That coat she was wearing or whatever it was .........Dreadful!
It was funny when Dr. Shah said he saw the resemblance between Sarah and Jennifer. Sarah could've called him on it since they're not biologically related.

Then she could've said she was Neil Curtis' daughter and Shah could've looked at her, all shocked, and said "you mean the doctor who went off to make rounds and was never seen again??? Doesn't he secretly live in the hospital basement????"
Why am I beginning to have a sinking feeling Stefan and Gabi will end up somehow becoming a team?'

because to do that requires no imagination which is exactly what this writing team has shown us...... boring repetitive stories...

Thanks Jason for writing this up.....
So Ben did kidnap Gabi. He can go to jail for that! I want Ben redeemed! and with Ciara!

I loved loved loved Abigail telling Chad off and slamming the door in his face. Especially liked "and you were ready to move with that *bleep*!" and Chad just stands there mumbling. Yes Chad, you have been an idiot!! I know i'm in the minority but I have never been a big Billy Flynn (Chad) fan. He's ok but when he found Abby/Gabby in bed with Stefan he was phenomenal! But overall I have just always thought he was ok.
I enjoyed seeing Gabi be a little gangster while tied up at Stefan's. It reminded me how much I like the actress. One of my favorite scenes on the show is the one with her confessing to shooting Nick. I hope the writers find a way to redeem her after this mess.

I also enjoyed Kate, who, yes, would eat her own young to save herself, but when she told Stefan that she murdered Vivian and she deserved it, I laughed.

I understand Abigail's being mad, but everyone believed her last time--not that long ago--and she'd murdered someone, so she's going to need to cut them some slack. I am enjoying having the old Abigail back. The other actress was fine, but she didn't have a believable edge to her. Kate Mansi has more of an edge to pull off the anger and the plotting.

Rafe should feel bad. Maybe when your sister almost gets beaten to death while in prison for a crime she didn't commit and she gets out and is obviously struggling and feeling alone, you could spend a little more time helping her than embroiled with freaking Hope drama. I know they're married, but I hate them as a couple.

At least all these tangles with her Kate, Stefan, Chad, Titan, etc. are unraveling. Maybe we can finally move on. RIP stupid black wig.

Enough with Sarah. It seemed weird to have the stuff hitting the fan and then have it intercut with her and silly Eric. It's total fast-forward material.
We couldn’t even get some crocodile tears out of Gabi to go with those pathetic speeches.
I think they would have been out of place. This is a classic General Hospital "bigger bad" type of scene. You take a 'bad' character and have someone 'worse' treat them terribly. StefaNO treating Gabi this way is supposed to increase our sympathy without weakening her as a character.

As much as I hate that trope, I thought she did a fantastic job under pressure. I think crying would have been out of place. I also liked that she said she didn't feel bad about what she did to Stefan.
Abby slamming the door in the face of a very vulnerable Chad was just too tasty.
Chad, who should have been more furious at Kate
This had the smell of a godfather-esque "kiss of death" scene to me - I think that might have been what the actor was going for in this scene. The rest of his performances though, were way too flat. (So maybe I'm just hoping the Chad/Kate lack of emotion was intentional.)
Sarah could've called him on it since they're not biologically related.
Since they can't stop gassing on about her 'dad' Neil, I was surprised they didn't do this - but in a good way, because there's too much bio BS on the show lately (Rex, Abby yesterday, Chad's whole story). I choose to think that even people who grow up in the same family do have a resemblance - often it is in the carriage, demeanour, and attitude department (i.e., greeting everyone with a smile, etc).
Shah could've looked at her, all shocked, and said
"I just found his body in the janitor's closet!"
Am guessing that we are going into a few new stories for January, which will lead into Feb. sweeps........????
Today and yesterday felt like "left turn" episodes. Almost as though the writing team saw reactions to spoilers and ended things more quickly than planned (not here, but anywhere). Or perhaps the dailies were bad. After months of dragging, suddenly BOOM BOOM everyone knows what Gabi did. Also all the setups for New Year's (Eric's comment made it sound like that's tonight), the re-intro of Shah, & the "I killed Viv" confession, have the earmarks of a hastily closed chapter.
I enjoyed seeing Gabi be a little gangster while tied up at Stefan's. It reminded me how much I like the actress. One of my favorite scenes on the show is the one with her confessing to shooting Nick. I hope the writers find a way to redeem her after this mess.
Contrary to mine own opinion (, yesterday), today's episode had me rooting for Gabi. (Yes, I fell for the GH trick.) I think she can be redeemed but might be a pariah. I want repercussions. I want her to lose custody of Arianna for endangering Abby and her children (Thomas was with her one of the times she was drugged). I want her cleaning up trash on the road. I want her penitent and hating herself a bit.

Either that or she needs to double down on the gangster attitude and become a full-blown Bond villain. Master plan. Evil lair. Fiery end with possible but not definitive improbable escape. The whole nine.
RIP stupid black wig.
:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: A prop that won't make it to the honourary Days cast - unlike Towel, Benchie, and Pinky (Ciara's backpack).
I myself wondered about the timeline of today's story. Eric did say that "today" was New Year's Eve. Wasn't only yesterday Christmas day? And where did all the holiday decorations go? since when do they take down the Christmas décor before New Year's Day?

I have to say I felt NOTHING for Gabi. As someone said she couldn't even muster up a few tears. She was still defensive and so sure that she was the only one hurt in all of her scheming. On her behalf though, she is the only one who feels Abigail should have been held responsible in spite of her mental illness. No one is willing to extend even an iota of that courtesy to Ben, however, even though he also was diagnosed with some form of mental illness. Every time Hope says he couldn't possibly be better on his meds I want to scream. Does she fell the same about Abigail?
Stefan Zero: If he was being graded by the Phoenix, he'd get a big fat F. Not only did Gabi do her best to ruin his life, but when a captive at his mercy all she did was spit defiance, and lived to tell the tale. At the very least, her many sins rated a stay on a secret island or the DiMansion dungeon/tunnels. The same goes for Kate. She felt free to invade the hallowed DiMansion living room to tell the Big Zero that she'd been messing with him in a big way and she too walked away unscathed.

Gabi: Now that she's escaped the feeble claws of Pervy O. McPerv, she probably has little to fear from Salem's hopeless justice system. In the end, she's sure to get off because of a lack of evidence or the failure of her various victims to press charges. At worst, she'll have to endure Julie's snark and dirty looks.

Abigail: Yes, Jenny and Chad made a big mistake in shipping her off to a padded cell, but before getting all high-and-mighty, she should keep in mind her mental health history, which isn't exactly anything to write home about. That said, it was good to see ranting, righteous Jenny getting a taste of her own medicine.

Dr. Shah: Why did this man come back to University Hospital? Is he trying to commit career suicide? And why is he trying to date Jenny? Can't he get a better date by going to one of Salem's bars and clubs, sidling up to some hottie, and saying: "Hi, I'm a handsome, suave doctor. How about it?"

Ben: He'd better be careful. When he kidnapped Gabi, he committed a serious felony. He should be aware that DiMera immunity definitely does not apply to the family flunkies. Recall the sad fate of Sergio, Ricardo, and Fake Rafe.
Thanks, Jason.

Why was Abby packing the pink backpack (same one as Ciara's)? I kept thinking
was going to leave the Horton house with Charlotte. Maybe it's easier to carry all

the baby things in it.

Kate's hotel has lousy service. The letter she put in the trash last week was
still there today.

Roman gave Eric the tickets and said he was doing a busman's holiday. I had to look
it up. He also, said what you have at the end of the year goes into next year. I hope
that's not true.

Stefano would probably call Stefan chicken since he didn't hurt Gabi.
Kate's hotel has lousy service. The letter she put in the trash last week was
still there today.
Not to:beat:, but this whole thing of people living at the inn or in these tiny spaces with no kitchens is driving me crazy. If Kate's so powerful, why doesn't she have her own place? I know she's going through hard times, but wasn't she in the hotel when Will came to ask her to pay off Ted? She ended up not doing it, right? Use that money for first month's rent and a deposit, lady!
Who ordered StefanNo every single day of Christmas week? Where is everybody else? And why has every episode this week had only a handful of characters on with no extras? This stuff is noticeable.

More lackluster Chad pulling a Lucas with Mother Kate. I need more anger and emotion. I'm sure they'll reconcile again. I did like the final scene with Chad and Abby though. Chad is at his best when he's longing for and fighting for Abby.

Hated Kate's coat

Sarah is on my last nerve. She hasn't lived in Salem in almost 30 years but is meddling in Jennifer's love life??? NO. And Kate practically groveling to her. Also NO. Aside from Carrie, how often does Kate get along with one of her son's partners?

I do like Dr. Henry Shah and am glad he's back. Let's keep him on recurring and not turn him into a villain a la Detective Raines.
Something so odd.......Gabi is tied to that chair in DiMansion, pale pink lipstick. She is freed, runs out, evidently stopping to get her purse, apply bright red lipstick, then show up at the cop shop to turn herself in. Ahhhh, don't you love it? Just like every single homeowner, shop owner, etc. taking down their Christmas decorations immediately on the same day, which is day after Christmas. Amazing!