Days of Our Lives - Thu., Dec. 6, 2018


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Lucas comes to Doug's Place to see Chloe. She's excited and has missed him for the past few days. He bluntly states that he only came to thank her and say good-bye: he's moving to Italy. He is worried because Allie got drunk on Thanksgiving (he did allow her to have a glass of wine at dinner but she must have gone behind his back for more). He feels he must protect her given his history. Chloe is upset, but supports this 100%, even though she's taken aback that he'll be semi-permanently-mostly relocating (though Salem will always be his home). He doesn't expect her to wait for him. She's upset, but they work quickly through it as he again thanks her for saving his life and apologizes for not being able to be there for her & Parker.

At the Pub, Marlena is counseling Eric on how to tell Holly about Nicole.

At the Kmansion, Maggie gushes over Holly's presents. Sarah wants to talk about Holly moving in with Eric. She's mainly concerned that he's an alcoholic (though so is she) who's one slip away from relapsing. Sarah implores her mother to talk to Eric for Nicole.

At Eli's room at the Martin House, Sheila, freshly showered, lets Lani in. Eli comes out of the shower. Sheila gushes about Eli and implies they had sex; Lani gets mad and stomps out. Eli scolds Sheila, but she points out he didn't correct her quickly enough because he wanted to see if Lani got jealous.

In the Square, John and Marlena talk about Eric and make plans for fantastic shopping. They postpone it to eat with Abe, who normally would have breakfast with Valerie. Later, they're eating, and they talk about Val with whom Abe's in regular contact. Sheila calls to tell Abe she's running late, Marlena and John are shocked at the mayor's connection to a friend of Bonnie Lockhart's. He explains about Lani, Eli, etc. They leave, Sheila comes up with a gift for the mayor. She has organized his papers and receipts, which angers him. They make up, he admits he's angry because Val's staying in DC and not visiting this weekend as they had planned.

Brady comes in to the Pub. He wants to arrange a memorial service for Nicole. Eric's already planning one because of Brady. Eric holds a grudge about Brady's role in Nicole's exile, while Brady turns it around and points out that Eric killed Daniel and slept with Nicole while she was with Brady. Brady states Eric is the reason Holly's an orphan and gets punched. Brady lunges and the scene cuts. Later, Sarah and Maggie enter as Eric is choking Brady. They shoo Brady away and Maggie has several glares reserved for Eric.

At the police station, Lani is upset when Eli arrives. She's mad that he didn't correct Sheila and he admits he wanted to see if she was jealous. She tries to avoid it, but Eli says they must talk about what's going on between them. They rehash their history and he admits that not starting a relationship after David's death was the right choice. She admits that she likes it when they're together, and misses him when they're apart. She apologizes for all of the mixed signals, and he says he'll just hang with Sheila until Lani's ready. She pulls him in and kisses him.

Back at the Pub, Eric is talking with Maggie and Sarah about Holly's Christmas, making it special, and telling Holly about Nicole now. They admit they're there to talk about Holly also. Eric's worried, but Sarah explains that she brought Maggie here to talk about Eric's taking Holly in. Maggie knows it was Nicole's wish, but doesn't feel based on Eric's antics today that he's emotionally prepared to take Holly in. Eric says that he loves Holly so much, more every day, and she means the world to him. Maggie knows that, but is worried that he'll slip again and Holly could be harmed. Sarah sends Maggie out.

In the Private Area, Marlena and John recap Brady and Eric's rivalry. They state the case for each of their biological children but vow to be there for the whole family. John especially laments how Brady has lost Tate and Nicole. He wants Brady to have someone he can count on.

At Doug's Place, Brady arrives and Chloe gets an update on the Eric situation. Chloe thinks Brady should stay away from him, he agrees he's not willing to try to make peace until Eric admits his culpability in the Nicole fiasco. Later, she's icing his bruises as he admits she's his only friend in town. He says Lucas is a lucky man; she says Lucas just broke up with her to be with his daughter in Italy. Brady thinks Lucas is an idiot, and thanks Chloe for being in his corner.

At the Pub, Sarah tells Eric Maggie may cool down. She supports him because he supported her after the Rex incident. They hug.
Pros: Lucas was on! Doug's Place looked busy. Chloe looks great with anybody.

Cons: Lucas is leaving. Sarah/Maggie/Eric/Brady are all awful.

Neutrals: Overdone dialogue on the John/Marlena/kids recap. We know that Marlena is on both kids' side no matter what, John too. I'm hoping they stick to the idea that John/Marlena are a united front with ALL their kids.

AND no news on how old Allie is. She's 11 by birth year, but one year older than Joey and 1 year younger than Ciara. So perhaps she's old enough to drink? We'll have to wait and see.
Unless rules have changed there, over in Europe, they can drink at 14-16. When my daughter was a junior, her class went, she brought back a bottle of wine for her parents. At the airport HERE, when the customs inspector opened her suitcase, he was going to confiscate the bottle, til she pointed to her mother up on the next level, watching thru a window, I waved (did not know what was going on) but since I was an adult......he let it go. That entire class was checked by OUR customs inspectors, but the ones over there, as it is legal, did not say boo.
Considering Allie's mother is Sami, a brainless twit who can only think about her rapist-lover, who can blame Lucas?

And yes, Brady is an idiot. Though I must say there was some truth to what he said to Eric. Eric does act like a Saint, and he is certainly not. It does not excuse Brady, but Eric is no prize catch either.
I thought today was a pretty good episode. I enjoyed everything minus Maggie and Sarah. Maggie does make good points, but she annoys me. I also thought Brady’s comments about Lucas were uncalled for. Lucas has the same exit every time. So unfair. Hopefully we get to meet teen/young adult Allie sometime next year
Eric does act like a Saint, and he is certainly not. It does not excuse Brady, but Eric is no prize catch either.
I agreed with Brady on this. It made me feel icky. I was actually hoping for a twist like the roof collapsing on them during their fight.
Hopefully we get to meet teen/young adult Allie sometime next year
Only if her dad comes back to Salem.
That was definitely a poorly written line. I especially checked the writer for the episode (always listed last in the credits, after Fran Meyers) and it was Dave Kreisman. For some reason, he is always the writer when there is anything violent on the show. Punch, fight, murder, etc. I figured he was the writer since the brothers were battling, sure enough!
Again, as someone, in fact several someones, have noted, editing was not up to par. Eric & Brady are at each other, standing up, headed toward door area, and next they are on the floor, battling each other, both bloody, etc. Not that I want to see the violence, but what WE saw was Eric give Brady a punch, and then Brady pushing Eric across the room. Bingo, on the floor with Sarah pulling them apart. Just did not mesh well, to me, anyway.
Hate to agree with Brady but Eric was the one who started it with Nicole, by lying going behind Brady's back. Though Eric ruined his chances to raise Holly. As for Allie, I am no surprised she inherited Lucas' alcohol addiction, usually is inherited. I remember an episode where Sami fantasizes about Allie and Johnny as adults, Johnny was a mobster and Allie had weight and alcohol issues.

Shelia once again was hilarious! Loved John and Marlena's reactions when they overheard her talking on Abe's phone!
Maggie: she was right on target today when she refused to allow Holly to become sourpuss Eric's "therapy kid" (thanks for that one Lil0). Here are a few other things that she could have said.
  • "Sorry, but I don't think it's a good idea for a child to be raised in a saloon. That's the kind of thing Sami did when she always brought her kids to the Pub and dumped them on Caroline. It was a bad idea then and it's a bad idea now."
  • "No child should be in the custody of an angry barroom brawler. Eric should be in an anger management group."
  • "And how can Eric raise a child with that awful, scruffy beard? He'd give the poor child whisker burn."
Lucas: He was right to worry about Allie being around an inebriated Sami. That said, his story would have been more dramatic if he'd said something like: "OMG, Chloe, she actually brings Mummy EJ to the dinner table! I felt as though I was living in a horror movie!"

Eric: The sourpuss has appeared to have forgotten all about the concept of forgiveness. Imagine if he had remained a priest and had the same inflexible, unforgiving attitude. E.g., St. Luke's Academy child: "Don't go to confession with that Father Eric. He won't give you absolution for anything -- not even for simple fibbing."
Thanks, Jason.

It's a new day in Salem and i
t's Christmas time in Salem.
Holiday music played at the square and Doug's Place.

Will Lucas leave town without saying goodbye to Will?

Sorry to see Lucas leave. Allie needs him there
since Sami
is probably concerned about only one person.

Nice to see John and Marlena two days in a row.

Sheila is trying to be an executive assistant helping Abe
organize his papers, but Abe didn't appreciate it.
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Sami has neglected Allie terribly (Johnny & Sydney, too), dragging her kids all over Europe, shoving them into boarding schools, dumping them at various baby sitters, & now, dragging them to Italy................all of it because of her idiotic belief that her dead husband might still be alive. She found him dead, laid next to his cold dead body on the slab in the morgue, but just insists he is alive. Poor kids. Wish Lucas could have custody of Allie, and Sami LOSE custody of Johnny & Sydney because of neglect.
Pros: Lucas was on! Doug's Place looked busy. Chloe looks great with anybody.

Cons: Lucas is leaving. Sarah/Maggie/Eric/Brady are all awful.

Neutrals: Overdone dialogue on the John/Marlena/kids recap. We know that Marlena is on both kids' side no matter what, John too. I'm hoping they stick to the idea that John/Marlena are a united front with ALL their kids.

AND no news on how old Allie is. She's 11 by birth year, but one year older than Joey and 1 year younger than Ciara. So perhaps she's old enough to drink? We'll have to wait and see.

Yeah pretty much all of this

Eric should tidy himself up. He looked cruddy and unkempt on today’s episode.

Yes this too

Once again Marlena walking around outside in December without a coat. Then all 3 of them had their coats off at breakfast. So are we supposed to believe HTS is indoors? If so, they really need a throwaway line about the roof.

I hated that Maggie and Sarah broke up the fight on an episode that included John and Marlena.

I'll take Chloe with Brady anytime. Maybe she can convince him to shave.

I guess we should forget about Lucas attending Horton Christmas too. I guess we traded him for Sarah. Too bad.

I wonder if Eric knows his cousin Ciara now works for the Pub. Just our luck we will keep seeing them on alternating episodes.

Nice to see Lani and Eli finally get together. Hoping for some good story for them.