Days of Our Lives - Thu., Feb. 28, 2019


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
DiMansion: Chloe wants to beat Stefan at chess. She does, a vase breaks, Stefan pulls Gabi in by the arm and yells at her. Chloe leaves to check on the kids. Later, much later, we see Stefan ending a call with Shin, learns that Gabi went behind his back to Shin, they have a physical confrontation that Chloe witnesses. Chloe intercedes, Gabi's fine, will see Stefan at the office. She leaves, hopes Chloe knows what she's getting into. Chloe accepts that Stefan doesn't want to talk about it.

Kmansion: Replay of Sonny witnessing Diana and Victor's hand caress post-deal. Brady asks what's up. He recaps his release, they discuss Diana. They wonder what Victor is up to, Brady says Vic will tell him the truth because of their deal. Meanwhile Victor and Diana have sniped about their past, and secretly exchanged information. Victor has to "pull the trigger" and this apparently means calling Marlena. Sonny and Brady want to talk to Victor, who tells them nothing.

Square: Marlena wants to know why John's defending Leo as Will blankly watches on. Leo thanks John and leaves after Will makes empty threats. John wants to keep things from getting out of hand. Will whines and stomps off. Later, Marlena regrets losing her cool and John questions the boys' attempt to cover up what they thought was Leo's death. She gets Victor's call (from above), he has to see her about Will & Sonny. Before she leaves, John tells her about Leo's abusive father.

Hospital: Eric watches Rex propose to Sarah. Sarah's surprised, but says no. Alone later, she tells Rex she doesn't want to rub their reunion in Eric's face since he lost Nicole. She appreciates the effort though, he'll wait until she's ready.

Pub: Eric meets with Will, recaps Justin's demands from yesterday and his pleasure at punching Leo. He tells Eric to worry about Marlena, then complains that John defended Leo. Eric seems to understand, recaps the Rex/Sarah story, seems moved when Will suggests Sarah knows deep down "uncle" Rex isn't for her. Rex enters, Will leaves. Rex recaps Sarah's delay is Eric-related, affirms his deep and unending determination to prove his love to Sarah.

Hotel: Diana doesn't tell Leo what she and Victor discussed. They make their usual threats and blah blahs before she sends him out the door.

Kmansion: Vic tells Brady/Sonny he's doing everything he can for his family. Marlena arrives. Vic boots the males, who gripe in the foyer while Vic tells Marlena about John/Diana.

Square: Gabi meets briefly with Brady, shares her success. She's not on board with a team up yet though.

Dimansion: Stefan has recapped Gabi's moves. Chloe gives him a temple massage as someone watches through the window.

Hospital: Sarah flashes back to telling Eric he might close himself off too much.

Pub: Eric warns Rex that if he pushes too hard, he might push Sarah away. Rex agrees to back off, wants Eric to sell him to her.

Hotel: John tells Diana he's going to tell Leo everything, hopefully it will calm Leo down, and he wants to be a part of his son's life. Diana predicts disaster.

Kmansion/Square: Sonny calls Will, tells him Vic made a deal with Diana that somehow involves Marlena.

Kmansion: Vic says he's been keeping tabs on Diana, John is Leo's father.
I don't believe Leo is John's son.
I don't either! On both counts!! I hope the first thing Marlena suggests is a DNA test - not in Salem!!! I'm sure John not telling her will put a crimp in their relationship but it certainly won't send him running to Diana. I read the Diana Colville history so things make more sense for me.

I wish they would show a flashback of Chloe playing chess with Stefano. I cannot think of any reason why that ever would have happened.
I don't know about playing chess together, but there was a period where Stefano was sort of "mentoring" Chloe with opera. I swear they were teasing, at the time, that he was going to be her father, then decided not to go that route. (this was obviously way before they decided to make Craig her father)
I liked when Leo called Marlena "Super Grandma". (for those not aware, Deidre Hall/Marlena played a super heroine named Electra Woman on a 70's Saturday morning kiddie show)

I hate the Eric/Sarah/Rex storyline.

I hate that the reason she gave for saying no was because Eric just lost someone, and I hate that Rex believed her.

And I hate that Rex, knowing that she said no because of Eric's so-called sensitivity to people in love, is now begging him to be his advocate to prove how in love they are meant to be. Ugh.
I cannot believe that Rex can recite his lines with a straight face. Now, he is begging Eric, once again, as his brother to help him obtain this perfect woman he must have. Seriously? And how are these two so close as brothers???? Just how stupid and immature is this storyline.

And, as Gabi was threatening Stefan not to try to stop her, I kept picturing her wearing a super-hero cape, Captain Invincible. She can do/say anything and never has any consequences and I hate that. Well, except for getting beaten up in prison and not being able to have children, except that we know she will as soon as she and Stefan have hate sex.
John & Victor: These two have turned into a pair of fools.
  • The hard-headed businessman and intrepid private detective are both accepting deceitful Diana's claims about slimy Leo's paternity without checking.
  • Vic actually accepts bumbling Justin's opinion about Will and Sonny's legal chances. If he'd spend a few dollars on a real lawyer, he'd learn that the case against the two lovebirds is built on sand.
  • Vic is actually entering into a deal with an unscrupulous woman? Doesn't he remember how things turned out when he tried to do business with Vivian Alamain?
  • Why isn't John coming clean to Marlena about the Leo issue? Are the effects of his comas kicking in? After all these two have been through, Leo is a big nothing.
Maxine: If only she was around today to put a quick stop to the Rexy-Sarah nonsense at the nurses station. She could have ordered the former cheat out of the hospital and suggested to big-mouth Sarah that she do a little work for a change.

Stefan Zero & Chloe: Pervy McPerv actually thinks he's a chess whiz? If so, viewers might have to start calling him Grandmaster Slime. And if Chloe can beat the creep after a few sessions with Chess for Dummies, Stefano might just come down off the living-room wall and upbraid McPerv for ruining the family reputation for chess prowess.

Gabi: Doesn't she have anything better to do than appear where she's not wanted? Doesn't she have a child who needs motherly attention?
I agree OC. Rex/Sarah reminds me of middle schoolers; Will/Sonny reminds me of lobotomised apes. And once again everyone around them is dumbed down.

Marlena is supposed to be one of the smartest people in Salem and she can't figure out why John would defend Leo? (Also she's kinder to BEN WHO MURDERED WILL than she is to Leo.)

Also wasn't Rex supposed to be a genius-level kid at one point? He's too dumb to see what's happening with Eric, or how stupid it is to have someone else pressure Sarah for him? (or is it a master plan?)

Diana isn't tracking for me. Poor use of the history of the show.
Thanks, Jason.

I agree about Marlena. She's smart. She should have figured out on her
own that Leo might be John's son.... It's Salem

And John dug a bigger hole for himself today talking about Leo's father when
he's been told he's the daddy.

Something must have happened to Rex to make him so stupid. He thinks it's a
good idea Sarah and Eric spend time together... It's Salem you don't do things
like that :)

I enjoyed Leo's remarks today about Super Grandma and the silver fox being
his knight in shining armor.

It was funny when Brady caught Sonny peeping "Tom"
Did we miss where Rex had some kind of head injury? His behavior makes no sense. Proposing makes no sense. They've been back together for two weeks. And he HAS to stop begging another man to intercede for him. It's not like Eric and Sarah have been friends for decades. That's been maybe two months. I can't stand this storyline.

I'm really hoping Victor has some side plan working. He's never gotten away with anything, so he has to know that breaking up John and Marlena is going to come out and ruin his relationships with Brady and with his own wife.

I still like Gabi. I'm glad she's using her wickedness somewhat for good. But, hey, I have to cling to something these days.

The scenes with Chloe getting better in one day from some chess app or whatever made me laugh. Who's up for another love triangle -- Stefan/Gabi/Chloe?