Days of Our Lives - Thu., Jan. 18, 2018


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
John and Marlena are in the Square, finishing a meal. Marlena and John have to part; she is going to see Roman against her better judgment.

Abby and Gabi are in Gabi's office talking about business. They disagree about how to spin the press release. (Gack, these scenes are terrible.) They also compare notes on the psychos they use to love.

Vivian and Stefan-0 are in his office. She's going to check some things out, and leaves. He looks at Abby's photo ID. Then he stalks to her office and gets the press release, while returning the ID badge and asking his female employee to dinner. (Replay of Abby refusing and the smarmy sexual harasser saying he'd been asking Gabi.) He claims to be turned on by her spirit, despite her insistence that she can barely stand ham. They talk about Gabi's policeman boyfriend, and Stefan-0 slams the Salem PD and the "trigger happy cop" that put "my nephew" in the hospital. Abby steps up, says the hacker is actually responsible. Stefan-0 wonders if she thinks he's guilty now; she backs down, he retracts his offer until Gabi's single. Gabi leaves to meet Kate and André. Abby asks Stefan-0 what is wrong with him. Back and forth between the smarmer and Abby talking about sexual harassment. The disgusting upshot is that Stefan-0 thinks Abby is jealous because he didn't sexually harass her. She slaps him. He tries to joke his way out of it. Back and forth until I'm sick.

Anna meets Roman at the Pub. She's upset and wants to eat dinner elsewhere than Doug's Place, because of André. She fixates on André's being alive while Tony is dead. Roman tables DiMera talk; Anna agrees and needs to polish Tony. Marlena arrives and they discuss the dust-up in Prague, for which Anna apologizes. Marlena gently counsels Anna on the Tony's urn thing, suggesting that Anna scatter Tony's ashes someplace special to them. Anna figures them out, tells them off, scoots. Marlena steps back; Roman apologizes, he just wanted to help Anna move past Tony. Anna says Tony is a part of her life, he needs to accept that, or they should end their relationship. She wants someone who accepts her flaws, and they end their dalliance. She stalks away.

Chad and John meet at the Private Area, where Vivian is lurking. John thinks he has the goods to prove Stefan-0 was behind the corporate hacking. John has figured out that the warehouse was a front, and the hacking wasn't a hacking, but an inside job. He's closing in on the suspect, Chad also has a suspicion. Vivian drops her purse, alerting the private talkers. They apprehend her; she claims to have been examining the local flora when she heard her nephew's voice. (Some funny lines here.) Chad and John cover (badly) by talking about John's daughter who works for DiMera; she invites John to meet her son, then scoots away. Chad wants to take care of some things before he tells John his suspicions. John reminds the viewers that whoever the inside person is, is culpable for Theo's shooting.

At Theo's room, Kate and André are flummoxed that Theo has been spirited away before they could see him. André tries to absolve Kate by blaming his own actions starting with the press conference, which caused Kate & Chad to lose trust in him. André wants Kate to lean on him, and offers to take some duties for her because Lucas is getting out of rehab today.

At André's office (which is amazingly swank and huge), André is finishing up a secret call when Vivian arrives, alerting him that John is closing in on him. André can't cool Chad's jets, it would arouse suspicion; André and Vivian worry about their plan. They are concerned about stopping the flow of cash from Gabi's IPO, which is expected to bring in millions. (André is miffed that Gabi gets 60%.) André has a plan for that, and is glad Kate's not around, because he's about to put the hammer down on Gabi. Gabi arrives; Vivian introduces herself, then leaves. André fires Gabi.

Chad calls Abby, wants to meet. They meet in the private area, he updates her on the inside job. It was a classic move from the DiMera playbook, and he suspects André.

Back in the Square, John calls Steve, they need to meet. Marlena comes up. Their meetings were both bust.

Anna leaves the pub, and once outside finds a note from someone in her purse. Somebody is watching her.

In Stefan-0's office, he reports he's smoothed things over with Abby. Vivian says they have to neutralize André permanently. END
Vivian: I know our genealogy's been revised, but I still think of you as my nephew. Wasn't your father Yo-Yo Ma?
John: Yo Ling.
Vivian: Ah, the basketball player.
John: That's Yao Ming.

Anna: We took vows!
Roman: Till death do you part. He's dead, you parted.

Vivian: He's just like his father.
John: I'm sorry to hear that.

Vivian: We'll have dinner sometime. Chinese. Your treat.
:eek::eek:Stefan O.: If there was an award for the least respected, least feared CEO, the Big Zero would win hands down. All he gets is defiance, criticism, and threats from his supposed employees. What's next, he asks Harold to bring him a drink only to be told to get it himself?

:eek:Gabi: What kind of idiotic contract did she sign with DiMera Enterprises? Even a lawyer as clueless as Justin would have advised her never to enter into any agreement that allowed her to be fired from her own company. And if she's really fired, this raises the question of how chic Gabi Chic is without Gabi.

:eek:Anna: She should be more careful when she handles Tony's sacred urn. Sooner or later, she's going to drop it and then might be in the position of having to ask somebody to sweep up Tony.

:sick:Vivian: As demonstrated today with John, she's good with the one liners. Unfortunately for her, she's awful as a conspirator. With John already closing in, it seems as if Vivian's little DiMera adventure will end as badly as the magic sarcophagus and her abortive takeover of Titan.
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Andre: *sputter* This, this is an outrage!!! How dare he fire Gabi just because he doesn't want to pay her??!!! She has spent months (apparently) building up "Gabi Chic" (so we've been told), building this brand up from the ground floor and making it the success it is (at whatever it does). This is an atrocity!!!

It's a good thing he's not a real person because I wanted to hit him so hard that his grandchildren would have born bruised!!

*continues to sputter and starts to boil tar and rip apart pillows for feathers."
:eek:Gabi: What kind of idiotic contract did she sign with DiMera Enterprises? Even a lawyer as clueless as Justin would have advised her never to enter into any agreement that allowed her to be fired from her own company. And if she's really fired, this raises the question of how chic Gabi Chic is without Gabi.

I have the sinking suspicion that since Gabi trusted Kate and Chad to have her back she may have signed with DiMera Enterprises without consulting a lawyer. I have a feeling that's how Andre is able to do what he did. My business acumen is non-existent and even I know that's not how to do things in the business world but that seems to be how they do it on on the show. Oh Gabi :cry:
Now Andre can't just fire Gabi and steal her company, can he? I still don't understand this company of hers. She doesn't make any of this, does she? So what, she buys it and sells it under GabiChic. Kinda like Oprah's favorite things. :rotfl:I just don't understand it. And why did they replay SO MUCH from yesterday! At first I thought maybe I started the wrong day.

@JasonDíSpeech Those were all great!!

I am sorry but Anna is a fruit loop!! How many years has she been carrying Tony around?

Trigger happy cop comment from Stefan made me mad!!! JJ was doing his job!! Even he has said he shot an innocent person. No he didn't!! That person was breaking into a building and running from the police!! Yes, he was unarmed but it did not appear that way in the split second JJ had to react. And how about we stop trying to blame everyone else for Theo getting shot when it was Theo's fault.
Anna: She should be more careful when she handles Tony's sacred urn. Sooner or later, she's going to drop it and then might be in the position of having to ask somebody to sweep up Tony.
Awww, c'mon, DBF. Imagine the product placement they could do with some vacuum company.

Anna: Oh dear, I seemed to have spilled Tony.

Roman: Don't worry, I have a new Dyson cordless vacuum. You can use it as an upright or hand-held. And it has so much power, it can clean up Tony in mere seconds. Nothing sucks as good as Dyson, not even the DiMeras!

Thanks, Jason.

Poor Roman, looks like his fun time with Anna is over.

I enjoyed the conversation that went on with Roman,
Marlena and Anna.

Vivian is losing her touch as Salem's best peeper. She got found
out. I enjoyed her funny lines too.

Gabi got fired. I don't think that will work because doesn't she have to
be at the IPO meeting the next day? And I'm sure Kate will do
something to fix what Andre did.

So, Theo left Salem before Kate could say good bye. They said he left
on the DiMera jet. Why didn't the pilot let them know he was leaving?
So, now we can add Gabi to the list of suspects??
No. She and Abby are excluded because of today's talk of past violence, which was to remind newer viewers that they could kill/be violent. She's officially a red herring.

StefanNo turned in another cringeworthy performance, and I felt the need to shower after his scene suggesting Abby wanted to be sexually harassed by him. :sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick:
I just don't understand it. And why did they replay SO MUCH from yesterday! At first I thought maybe I started the wrong day. I am sorry but Anna is a fruit loop!!

I actually started the video 3 time in different places because I thought it was yesterday's episode also!

And yes, Anna is bonkers!
They sure did replay a lot today. And it wasn't like it was exciting Friday-to-Monday stuff, either.

Meanwhile it bugged me that Vivian acted like John isn't actually her nephew anymore, when he was legally adopted and (for all intents and purposes) raised by the Alamains. He is still her nephew! He probably has more of a legal relationship with her than Quinn or StefanNo - or would, anywhere but Salem.