Days of Our Lives - Thu., Jan. 22, 2015


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Kind of jumpy today - some scenes take forever, others are moving about. Hopefully this makes sense.

Melanie tells Daniel she & Brady are dating. Our hero initially thinks this is a joke due to it absurdity [TELL US ABOUT IT], but then realises she's serious. Daniel asks when this happened; lots of babbling from Melanie. Daniel says Brady is like a brother to him, and is worried about what Brady went through while Melanie is in Europe. She knows she's better than Jeannie T and Kristen; he is worried about Brady's sobriety, as well as the age difference. Melanie claims she is older than her age, due to her horrible upbringing. [She's not talking like a toddler here, but it's still hard to buy.] He asks if she loves Brady; she doesn't know, they just want to explore it.

Brady tells Jeannie Theresa good riddance, and as he's leaving, she beings to hyperventilate. He tries to help her. She reports she saw something, but can't explain what, after Eve walks over to help out. After Eve shoos Brady away, she tries to talk to Jeannie T, who of course spits vitriol at her full force. They start to talk about Paige, Jeannie T gloats about how Paige is hung up on JJ. Eve leaves; Jeannie T tries to figure out what spooked her, before Clint comes over and asks her what's going on.

JJ pushes Cole away from Paige, demanding to know what he's doing by her. Cole says he was just talking to her, chill; JJ punches him. Paige gets angry, is not interested in JJ defending her. They fight about Cole, the drugs, and Bev; Paige tells JJ off [if she hadn't been moaning about JJ yesterday, this would be compelling], telling him to worry about the girl he hooked up with. (Lots of extras watching the fight - nice touch.) Paige tells JJ to leave; Cole apologises, he didn't want to make trouble for Paige & her boyfriend. Paige corrects him.

Ben reports to Abby that T is worried about layoffs at Club TBD due to the new club. [EYE ROLL] Abby thinks Ben is safe since Jordan's dating Chad, Ben is not so sure; he also swears off further cash from Clyde. [Poor old Ben, might have to take a loan like the rest of us.] They smooch.

Chad watches Jordan & Rafe kiss, there's mutual passion for a second. Chad storms out, tossing his flowers in the garbage; Jordan pushes Rafe away and reminds him that it's over between them. She's with Chad. Rafe tells her she's making a mistake. She corrects him, nothing Chad could do to her could hurt her like what Rafe did.

John and Abe talk (at Club TBD, of course) about increasing police presence thanks to increased drug violence on the docks. Abe wonders if Marlena's OK with John rejoining the force, John explains she encouraged him. Chad has arrived, watched Abby & Ben smooch, and Abby leave. Chad begins to talk about taking Abby's virginity again. [Can he get hit by a train, please?] He keeps on, finally saying that Abigail wasn't as good as Jordan in bed. Ben punches him, and leaps across the counter to continue pummelling him.

Earlier, Daniel had gone to the Kmansion to tell Brady what's what. He won't stand in their way, but he doesn't want to see his daughter hurt.

Sadly, John & Abe stop Ben's assault on Chad before he has the opportunity to kill him.

Maggie and Melanie talk about her talking with Daniel about Brady. Melanie's back to the baby act as she thinks Brady should get credit for his "good behaviour," rather than follow conventional recovery wisdom and wait a year. Brady is behind Maggie, Daniel, Parker, and Carly on Melanie's list, and she has no intention of hurting him, or the impossible task of disappointing Maggie.

Clint and Jeannie T are strolling through the square, Anne runs up to tell her that she's going to be in trouble if she doesn't get back to work. Anne believes that Jeannie T should be in the mental hospital, for spending more than two minutes with Clint. Back at work, Anne wants to know how Jeannie T could stoop as low as a guy like Clint. He's perfect for her, right now, Jeannie states, Anne wants to know what he does, hopes he doesn't ask to borrow money. The fact that he's different from Brady is perfect for Jeannie T. There's no way he can be worse than Brady, Jeannie T feels, over Anne's objections; meanwhile, Clint lurks in the park, reporting to someone on the phone about making contact with Donovan.

Cole is surprised that JJ and Paige broke up, but not that JJ hooked up with someone else. Lurking behind a crowd, JJ calls EVE and demands to see her, at his house. Meanwhile Cole relays to Paige how he was with Bev, until JJ intervened, even though he didn't really want her. Paige doesn't want to hear this. Cole apologises, admits he was trying to stall from his apology for planting drugs on her (part of the rehab process), and laments not fitting in anywhere anymore. They talk about him making new friends, and an app that makes music from text (or speech). He talks into it, then plays her the music. They laugh. A bit later, he apologises for judging her, for thinking he knew about her.

At the Horton House, Eve has arrived, according to JJ it took a long time. Eve informs him about Paige's ongoing search and chat with Jeannie T, while JJ is freaked about Paige talking with Cole, demanding that she stop them. Eve tells him to calm down, laying her hand on his chest, then pausing. Mercifully, she pulls away, and tries to get out of there. JJ grabs her arm, tells her that Cole is worse news than he is. A dealer, user, fresh out of rehab, but it won't last; he tells Eve about Cole planting drugs on Paige, which Eve was never told. JJ begs Eve to be the mother that Eve says Paige deserves.

At the hospital, Chad is nursing his boo-boos when a concerned Jordan and Abby rush over to him. Jordan instantly buys Chad's baloney, while Abby is curious what Chad said to set Ben off. Abe asks him if he wants to press charges; he pauses, and decides to press charges over Jordan's objections.

At the Club, John has called Rafe. Ben refuses to fess up to what Chad said, John wants to know what Rafe knows. Rafe tells Ben that he needs to find a better way to deal with Chad pressing his buttons, asks if Chad is pressing charges. Of course he is, Ben replies. John arrests Ben, even though he's not thrilled about it.

At the Kmansion, Melanie and Brady talk about Daniel. Meanwhile at Daniel's, Brady and Maggie talk about Brady, with whom he's a little angry, although he's mostly angry at himself. He has failed to protect her in a [harebrained] attempt to make up for missing her youth. Maggie tells him that at some point, you have to let your children make their own mistakes. They hug. [GAG ME with a rotten egg.] Back at the Kmansion, Brady tells Melanie he never thought he'd be happy again, but seeing her makes him happy. They agree to go on a date.

And we end on a happy note. Eve doesn't like JJ, but they both care about Paige; he reiterates the need for her to intervene with Cole/Paige. Don't worry, she says, if he's anything like you, I can handle him. JJ retorts, Will you have sex with him, too? She tries to slap him; he grabs her arm, and they look at each other lustily. [Get out your sick bags for Friday, folks.]
Note: Ben says that Chad is pressing charges BEFORE Chad is asked by Abe if he wants to press charges.

I did like the extras, the new set (great shots of the Horton house from different angles), as well as the "Salem University, established 1965" sign.

Show of hands...who's surprised that Clint was on someone's payroll to clock time with Jeannie T?

Show of hands...who feels that Jordan's repeated statements about Chad's virtue are leading her to ruin??
When junior was killed off I wish DAYS would have made Salem a DiMera free zone. They have Victor and Clyde as the drug leaders in Salem, so Chad is supposed to be angst for Rafe/Jordan and Ben/Abby? This SL is older than dirt on DAYS, just not new and exciting anymore, no matter who the couples are!
I'm curious, because, well I've never done it, but how many folks discuss OTHER people's virginity?? It just seems to be a thing in Salem or perhaps just Perv Chad's thing.

Thanks for watching this. I believe I'll skip it and if Friday goes the way it's hinted, I'll skip parts of Friday's show too.

As for Jordan saying she can't be hurt as badly as Rafe hurt her?? Oh, honey, you have no idea. And sadly, I don't give a rat's patootie either way.
When junior was killed off I wish DAYS would have made Salem a DiMera free zone. They have Victor and Clyde as the drug leaders in Salem, so Chad is supposed to be angst for Rafe/Jordan and Ben/Abby? This SL is older than dirt on DAYS, just not new and exciting anymore, no matter who the couples are!
I don't think EJ is dead...just saying....
On the point of EJ's being dead - a site I used to use for all my Days facts and bios lists him as "Assumed Deceased." I had never seen that before. Needless to say I don't use that site anymore.:back:

I'm not sure how it keeps ending up that JJ/Eve scenes are on Thursdays - LOL. Maybe Ken Corday DOES pay attention to my tweets and he's smiting me? :wink:

I'm all for a DiMera-free zone. Not sure why Victor's organisation needs to be dealing drugs, either. Is this Days of Our Lives or a 1970s Afterschool Special?
I missed some of the show because NBC cut in with a press conference given by New England Patriot's quarterback Tom Brady which I found irritating because I really don't follow tennis. Anyway it looks the main thing I missed was Ben attacking Chad.

My question about that whole thing is who are we supposed sympathize with here? Chad because he got his delicate little feelings hurt when he saw Rafe and Jordan kissing? Well the guy is a total sleeaze and all I felt when I saw that scene was ha ha ha. Ben is a hot headed idiot and Jordan is well just an idiot. So really who are we supposed to root for here?

I have to say I am utterly amazed that this Clint guy is a Dimerra thug. I mean really who would have thought he would have turn out to be a bad guy? I mean I am totally in awe of these writers originality. I have to ask in the history of not just soaps but entertainment in general has there ever been such a twist? How DID they ever come up with this? :sarcasm:

Seriously, the fact that they are trying to be "mysterious" about this by not showing who Clint is talking to is making what is already an insulting storyline even worse. If the writers expect the audience to drop our collective jaws in amazement when it's revealed that this goon works for Mandrake/Kristen I fear they are going to be sorely disappointed.
I figured Chad would press charges...and Ben, thinking he is being a gentleman, won't tell what started the fight. We can see Chad did it all on purpose. This way, he hurts Jordan, hurts Abby, and continues to play "poor me". Too bad Ben is so dense as to let him.
You know, I think Ben should tattle to Daddy dearest as to what Ben said. LOL
Troy42: I almost choked and spit hot chocolate on my keyboard when I read -

I missed some of the show because NBC cut in with a press conference given by New England Patriot's quarterback Tom Brady which I found irritating because I really don't follow tennis.

Was Brady in tennis whites for the news conference or in his white football jersey? Still laughing - thanks!
Melanie proves a point about her maturity..."well, I got thrown out of a casino a couple of months ago, that should count for something!"

JJ provides a cover story for why Eve would be at the House of Horton if anyone comes home..."just tell them you came by to let me have it...they'll totally believe that!"


Forgot to mention- Brady running up to tell Theresa off and remind her "I'm DONE"- and this time it's while she clearly has moved on to some (NOT your business, B) sort of relationship with another guy. Stop it Brady. Just stop it. You're starting to look crazy(er).
I'm always happy to bring a smile to the face of one of my fellow posters Sher, and when I bring the gift of laughter that's an extra bonus. :)

Anyway to answer your question, Tom Brady was keeping it casual with a plain long-sleeved shirt and jeans. I guess he didn't get the memo that press conferences are usually suit and tie affairs. And he was wearing a stocking cap with with the letter P (for Patriots I'm assuming) on it.
I swear if Eve and JJ do it again. I am done.

Chad is so annoying. I don't really like this actor as much as the original Chad so that probably doesn't help. He sure does like to say "I was her first". But he is right about one thing - she has had a lot more experience since him.

I think we all saw it coming that that guy wasn't really interested in Theresa and is working for probably the doctor that stole her baby. What I think will be funny is if the baby ends up not being Brady's and Kristen stole it. I know they never showed Theresa with anyone else but she could have had a one night stand. I think that would be great.
I'm curious, because, well I've never done it, but how many folks discuss OTHER people's virginity?? It just seems to be a thing in Salem or perhaps just Perv Chad's thing.
Who would?? -- an immature guy who wants to start a fight. Speaking of fights, John Black's unlikely stint with the Salem P.D. got off to an inauspicious start -- arresting Ben for landing a few punches, a low-level felony, and an arrest that's sure to impress all the members of the Salem P.D. who were hoping to be promoted to fill the Rafe vacancy (not). Way to go John, a rich older guy taking away a chance at career advancement for somebody who could use the experience and extra pay. As for the many others who filled the air with their pointless blatherings -- JJ-Eve, Paige-JJ-Cole, Brady-Betty Boop, Betty Boop-Maggie, etc., the less said the better. Finally kudos to 1) all the posters who predicted that the thuggish Clint was spying on Jeannie T., and 2) to Jason for today's summary with the appropriate added commentary.
Thanks for the summary Jason. I'll start by saying I'm glad that John and Abe got some airtime. Rafe as well.

Troy42, I completely agree with a point you made above. Just who ARE we supposed to root for? Jordan and Ben are both so stupid and boring that I could care less about what happens. And the fact that Jordan, who's dating Chad, is macking on her cheater ex-boyfriend makes her look even more like a fickle idiot. And Ben lacks self-control, so I'm glad he learned his lesson. On the other hand, while I felt bad for Chad seeing Jordan kissing Rafe (I think he's starting to feel something for her), he was totally rude and out of line with those Abigail comments.

The teen scene is BEYOND dull!! And I'm really hoping we don't see another rompfest between JJ & Eve tomorrow. On the other hand, I like that Cole was on today and bonded a bit with Paige. I don't think I'd mind them in more scenes together as buddies...maybe more, eventually.

Brady bullying Theresa nonstop is just plain dumb. If the dude's as crazy about Melanie as he says he is, he should leave his ex alone and spend time with Melanie. As for the Clint thing, we all saw that coming. The writers need to make more storylines that actually shock the audience for once, a la EJ & Abigail. But I digress...the Melanie-Daniel-Maggie-Brady storyline is so stupid! How many times will we see the same old dumb conversations of Brady and Melanie talking about dating and deciding to go on a date? It's just bland and idiotic, and the babbling doesn't help!
Thanks for the summary, Jason.

I laughed at the end when JJ said that to Eve. I really needed
a laugh today.

Wow, John's first day on the job and he arrested someone.

Anne has some interesting lines today with Theresa.

I wonder how much longer it will be before Theresa
remembers what happened to her. She really freaked
out when she saw the baby.