Days of Our Lives - Thu., Jan. 26, 2017


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
At the DiMansion, Abby and Chad arrive to talk about their relationship. Abby says she and Gabi are good, she knows Gabi's not a homewrecker; Abby is ready to stand at Chad's side in the family war. They get kissy; he's still mad at her, but not as much. She wants to work on that, tonight. He tells her he wants his wife back, more kissing; André bursts in (see below).

In the Square, Kate and André discuss the war which is flaring up. He updates her on the failed hit ordered by Dario on Deimos; André is confident they will recover their technology. Later they go to the DiMansion, calling for a family meeting. André wants to step up the war, Chad notes sinking a Titan ship is up enough. Kate is shocked; Chad declares no more violence and threatens to remove André from the company. Chad and Abby leave.

At a hotel (?), Chad and Abby are getting close, talking about their journey. Abby knows everything Chad's done for her was to protect her, from himself, from Ben, etc. They kiss gently and look at the bed. Next up, a montage of smooches and doffing clothes, replete with theme music. Meanwhile downstairs, André ships Chad and Abby while Kate defends Gabi and Chad, remarking on their shared chemistry from their modelling days. Later, Chad and Abby are eating fries in bed; Abby wonders if they should have left Thomas with "those two characters at the house." Chad notes the nanny won't let them near Thomas. Abby gets a text asking for a Myron update from Gabi (but lies to Chad and says it's from her mom). Abby admits to being worried for Chad.

At the Pub, Lucas is reading the Spectator when Adrienne arrives. Adrienne is not letting cancer beat her, she's still working at the paper. Lucas loves her feistiness; that's why he wants to marry her. Adrienne laments holding off on her choice, which she had made before passing out. It'll be awhile before she commits to one of them. Adrienne tells Lucas she'd have no hard feelings if he moved on. A bit later, she's on the phone with someone who's not checked a prospective employee's references. She needs someone to help out when she's not up to getting out of bed; Lucas suggests he has someone, and goes over to the just-entered Anne.

In Prague, Kayla, Steve, and Marlena update Rafe about the search for Stefano. They've shown his picture all over (Paul is out retracing steps). The ISA is looking at abandoned DiMera properties, but if they find nothing, they'll call off the search. Rafe laments that all they can do is wait and pray for a miracle and gets snippy when Steve wonders why Rafe wants him to check his phone every five minutes. Steve/Kayla and Marlena decide to go out for ice cream, they have their phones if any news comes in. Rafe doesn't want ice cream. Steve tells Rafe that this is not his first ISA mission, he knows the drill. Rafe doesn't give a damn, Steve suggests Rafe take a step back, maybe go back to Salem. Marlena and Kayla separate the men, Kayla and Steve take a walk.

At Café Dvorak, Steve pulls out Kayla's chair, and as he sits, she says Rafe should get some slack. She points out that in Rafe's shoes, Steve would be worse than Rafe is. Steve agrees; later, they're smooching and thinking about taking whipped cream back to their room when a fortuneteller offers her services. The teller speaks of their love, and that there's a wedding coming up. But she also sees darkness and fire. And a Phoenix.

At the Pub, Anne tries to sell herself for marketing, talking about her experience with DJ Wear. Adrienne is looking for an office manager, Lucas is supportive and Anne is willing; Adrienne points out that Jennifer would be her supervisor. Lucas vouches for her.

Adrienne runs into Kate in the square, apologises for accidentally blowing her off, has been busy with work. Kate is more worried about Adrienne's style, suggests a trip to Jan's boutique and gives her a referral to "the best manicurist west of Chicago."

Back at the Prague base, Steve and Rafe make quick amends. Rafe gets a call from Shane, who is on his way to update them.

At Eric's house, Hope is weak. Eric gives her another hypo using his "mad skills." They talk about their crimes; Hope prays Stefano is alive. Eric says, and I quote, "If you killed anyone, you killed a monster; I killed a saint." (Ed. Note: :sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick:) Hope says Eric's a good person who made the wrong decision. She says he needs to find redemption before passing out; Eric laments there's no redemption for him. Later, she's hallucinating as her fever spikes. He takes her outside and she drops a picture she was holding. He brings her back later, and wraps her up in blankets.
I tried really hard to pay attention and rewind stuff but this one is terrible. I think Lisa Connor and David Kreizman are the worst scriptwriters on the staff right now. This was a Lisa Connor episode.

I've given up on paying attention to Hope and Eric. Now it's just overkill. MOVE ON.

The Prague stuff is just set up all wrong. Shane should have either been the active leader of the investigation or he, Rafe and Steve should have been an equal team. Instead we have Rafe trying to be the leader over characters who have way more history with Stefano and experience with international law enforcement than he has. It doesn't work that way. Even when you watch the scenes, he is physically separated from Marlena, Kayla and Steve and/or they are in the background. These are 30+ year vets. It just comes across really badly. I actually think Shawn should have gone too but I'm willing to overlook that since Belle is back and he has been looking for Hope.

They also seemed to cut out some Rafe/Marlena stuff today where she helped him meditate. They were off air for almost 30 minutes.

Chad and Abby were cute but need a new theme song. I also wonder if Abby will end up pregnant now just as Chad finds out what she is doing with Gabi.

Steve and Kayla: Cute but don't need them wasting dialogue to prop Rafe and Hope as a couple. I would have preferred to hear about their wedding plans. Loving Kayla's coat.

Never thought I'd say this but Amen Kate! Talk your friend into a style makeover. Too bad Adrienne can't hire Gabi.

I hope we actually see a Spectator set too with Jennifer, Anne, Adrienne, and hopefully Abby and Eric.
Actually, that "picture" Hope was holding is a holy picture, I think it is the Blessed Mother Mary.

Also, the scenes of Abby/Chad in that bedroom. Pretty long, and some would say definitely hot. There was supposed to be a scene of Marlena giving Rafe "relaxtion" techniques after his meltdown with Steve & he & Kayla left that room in Prague. But it was cut....perhaps to extend this reuniting of Chad & Abby??? LOL

Did Kate really tell Adrienne she was looking bad and to get a new wardrobe?? Egads!
I had to laugh when Eric said he killed a saint. I knew we'd all be rolling our eyes at that! :rotfl: Really time for Hope to get better; this is dragging. And correct me if I'm wrong, but even IF Stefano is alive, she did kill someone right? There was a body that she and Rafe dragged to that building. There was a body found right? That they took the apparently fraudulent DNA from? There was still a dead body or am I forgetting something?

Anne working for Jen, that should be fun! Lucas is a big Anne fan now.
Oh, am sure the writers can fix that easily. Stefano himself wore body armor & had convenient blood capsules spurting away. He was rolled up, taken to the warehouse, where his minions came with a body they got from somewhere, a morgue, even a newly dug grave, they put that body into the rolled up rug, replaced it, making sure Stefano's ring was on the finger.

Then, of course, there are a couple other scenarios. A doppleganger, yes, it has already been done, but Days has not hesitated to recycle, have they. LOL Thus Stefano is not really dead.

And then, there is the one where he IS dead, but planned this one last fun thing to him before that. Yep, made all the arrangements to make it look like he was alive, well, and running around Prague, loving the idea the Salemites would be chasing what amounted to a smoke screen. His body was switched at the Salem morgue, so he could be buried in his beloved Italian crypt with other family, all planned out before he died.

He may have given someone else the way to extract funds from DiMera holdings, or maybe sneaky, wily Andre has been the author of this huge plan to have folks think perhaps Stefano is alive, just to cover up his own nefarious doings.
Thanks, Jason.

I laughed when Hope and Eric talked about the monster and the saint.

When Eric said he had to cool Hope down, I thought he meant a tub
full of ice. I was surprised he took her outside and put her in water.

Anyone else think about Celeste when Kayla had her fortune read? Does
she work with Stefano?

I liked Kayla's dress.

Nice to see Lucas and Anne. It was interesting to see Adrienne and Kate
being so nice to each other.
Did Kate really tell Adrienne she was looking bad
She didn't say bad, but she didn't like Adrienne's style; something about not working with her colouring.
maybe sneaky, wily Andre has been the author of this huge plan to have folks think perhaps Stefano is alive, just to cover up his own nefarious doings.
This is my fervent hope.

I can't repost my tweets about Rafe (formerly one of my favourites) here because of the choice language I used. But it made me sick to see the writers comparing the epic love of supercouple Steve & Kayla to the decided-over-a-mouldy-ham-sandwich half-romance of Rafe and Hope. :sick::sick::sick:
Actually, that "picture" Hope was holding is a holy picture, I think it is the Blessed Mother Mary.

I didn't read this or realize what the picture was until I watched the show tonight. I misunderstood when I read the summary and thought she had dropped a picture outside, and I assumed it was a picture of some of her family or of Rafe. The whole thing about Eric taking her outside was a little confusing to me, even when I watched it. I agree with Heather.....time to move this thing along!
So now it's official, the Love Doctor is a saint. :sick::sick::sick: The former Father Eric should notify Bishop Wright so that the Vatican can be informed and formal canonization can begin. St. Daniel can then become the patron saint of spray tan aficionados, men who dislike shaving, and fetishists who have a thing for hospital gowns.

As for Rafe, he's fretting about all the wrong things. The Stefano hunt is a sideshow. The real threat to Hope is the amateur doctoring of sourpuss Eric.

Finally, Anne should have stressed her most important workplace attribute -- she actually shows up for work. While Jenny, Ms. Perfect, and Dr. McScruffy were absenting themselves from the hospital to take care of the nonsense personal issue of the moment, Ms. Milbauer was on the job, taking care of business.
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Dear Lord what an awful show. In fact, I think the only bright spot here was Lucas and Anne, as well as Kate & Adrienne.

Rafe is annoying, and his whole relationship with Hope is so forced it's unbelievable! I miss the old Rafe. Why couldn't the writers take this opportunity to put him back with Carrie!? I know many of you loathed that idea of them, but I'd dare say it's far more interesting than him and Hope being watered down.

Eric's return is nice but I can't even remember how Hope got sick to begin with. More importantly, why has she been sick for so long!? Fix this NOW!

Chad and Abigail sounds nice. I still think he needs to be with Gabi right now though. For once, I agree with Kate.
Kate is more worried about Adrienne's style, suggests a trip to Jan's boutique and gives her a referral to "the best manicurist west of Chicago."

So now we can narrow down Salem's location. It must be just around the corner from Chicago and a tad to the west. LOL An exclusive subdivision/gated community?

Finally, Anne should have stressed her most important workplace attribute -- she actually shows up for work.

:rotfl: Good one!
I misunderstood when I read the summary and thought she had dropped a picture outside
Sorry, I lapsed into a John-Black-style coma during these scenes. They were so repetitive and boring. To clarify: she had held the picture the whole time, but dropped it on the bed when Eric picked her up to take her outside. There's a washout effect, and then Eric places her on the bed (and I did not see the picture when he put her on the bed, but it may have been there) and wraps her in blankets. In my opinion, a very lame ending to what was not the worst episode lately.
This is the issue with not having a medical staff on the show. Kayla and Marlena are in Prague and Eric doesn't know Valerie. So even if he wanted to call someone on the down low, he can't. I guarantee you if St. Daniel were alive Eric would have called him to save the day and Nicole would have been angry that he helped Eric.
Eric can't/won't call anyone, because Hope is a fugitive.

@Daysdg, Hope was knifed in prison, was in the infirmary, had surgery. When kidnapped and taken out, she got into battle with the man who helped take her from prison, and ripped the stitches open. Infection set in. Eric found her, brought her to his place. He is using skills he learned in Africa to try and help, knows how to give shots because he administered a lot of typhoid shots to the kids there.

Hope was running such a high fever, he figured he could not get it down with just the cold cloths, so took her outside, apparently into the snow, then brought her in, wrapped her in blankets. He made some comment about having to keep her on ice to bring down the fever.
Thanks, everybody, for the explanations. Somehow I must have missed some of the dialogue when I watched. I saw Eric take Hope out to cool her down, then next up he was putting her back on the bed and wrapping her with blankets. But I didn't see or hear him say anything about snow or ice, etc.

My great-grandfather was crossing our river in a wagon with supplies in 1892 in winter. Supplies fell into the water, he got wet and chilled trying to retrieve them. Got pneumonia, lingered some days before dying. My great-grandmother had the children gather snow, which they used to try to bring the fever down but it didn't help. I hope Eric's attempts with Hope are more successful.