Days of Our Lives - Thu., Jan. 4, 2018


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
At the hospital/nurses' station, Kate threatens Kayla with carnage if the DNA test is tampered with. (Kayla remarks that she had to break up a fight between André and Vivian.) Kayla says that today is a holiday, and they're busy; the DiMera DNA test is not a priority. Kate threatens to cut funding unless the test is expedited. Kayla will see what she can do.

At the Commissioner's office, Rafe has stopped by on his day off to see Hope. She muses that with Stefan O in town, their business might pick up. They talk about Ciara, whose last bender was after her rape by Chase. Hope worries that her daughter won't open up to her, Rafe flashes back to a convo with Ciara. Hope mentions how much Ciara used to look up to Rafe, what changed? Hope takes a call, Rafe has two flashbacks (the bush confession and Ciara at the party). Later, Hope has pinpointed the problem to Rafe's taking the bike, plans to leave to see Ciara, but Rafe stops her. He thinks he knows what Ciara has against him. Kate enters. (See below.)

In his hospital room, Theo talks with Abe about Stefan O, for whom Theo will be working, and how Theo told a lie. Theo, the boy who would not say is was 7:30 at 7:29, told Abe it was his idea to break into the warehouse, in order to cover for Kate. Theo admits what he did, was not happy about it, but the DiMeras, including Kate, are his family. Please don't turn her in. Abe says the case is closed, but Theo's done working for the DiMeras. He has convinced André and Kate to (more or less) fire him. Theo disagrees. Claire enters, asks if she should come back later. Theo says no, Abe says yes. Claire enters, learns that Theo was fired from DiMera at Abe's behest. Abe concedes that Theo can make his own decision when he is released. Kayla comes in with a negative expression. She explains that his recovery/walking will be more complicated than they originally thought; it is not just atrophy from the coma. But there is an experimental trial in South Africa. He could be there up to a year. Kayla leaves so Theo and Abe can talk, Theo asks Claire to stay. Theo worries about being so far from his friends and family, worried that it will hamper his recovery. Abe has made the decision for him, but Theo is reluctant to accept it. Theo doesn't want to leave Claire. Claire will go with him. They cry together.

Stefan O tells Chad and Abby that he's moving in with his mother to the DiMansion. Stefan O has done his homework, bought the bank that gave Chad a line of credit when Sami stole money from them. If Stefan O calls it in, Chad's out; but he won't if he's allowed to live in Chad's home. He just wants to get to know his family. Chad says that's too much to ask. Back and forth, and back and forth, and back and forth again about Stefan O wanting in the family/company, Chad stalwart in his refusal. Chad accuses Stefan O of being the saboteur, Stefan O says he isn't. Later Chad makes a call to off-screen Belle, wants her to look into Sam's holding company (CFR Enterprises). (Sam is Stefan's previous name.)

At Teen Loft, Ciara wakes up, hungover. Claire purposefully makes a lot of noise while getting ready to go to the hospital. They have a mature conversation. Tripp hangs back, watching from the shadows. More back and forth between the aunt/niece dyad; Claire says she loves Theo, he's her everything (cue reaction shot from Tripp) and slams the door. Later, Ciara is complaining to Tripp about Claire, and then she talks about how Rafe cheated on Hope with "his skanky ex-wife." Tripp questions Ciara's intentions, and tries to talk her down by relaying his failed attempt at revenge. He suspects that Ciara wants to hurt Hope.

At Hope's office, Kate wants Vivian arrested, but there are no outstanding warrants on Vivian. Back and forth. Kate leaves, making her usual threats. Hope wants to know what Rafe was about to tell her, then gets a call from Trask, has to leave.

Kate comes to the Nurses Station, demands Kayla give her the results. They are ready, Kayla reports, you saved me a trip to André. As she hands the envelope over, she remarks Kate hasn't asked about Theo.

Rafe goes to the Teen Loft, wants to know what Ciara had to say to Hope.

At DiMansion, Stefan O likes Chad and Abby's room (he scoped out rooms apparently). Chad makes more threats. Kate comes in with the unopened test results.
So Andre & Vivian go to the hospital, not letting that DNA sample out of their sight, leaving Kate to stand guard in case Viv has goons around.........but the results get handed to her, and she shows up at DiMansion sans either Andre or Vivian??? Huh?

Would Andre not be on guard outside that lab, and bugging Kayla???

Ciara still won't get off her bratmobile, glad Tripp made her face the why of what she tried to do at the NY party. But gonna be interesting to hear the conversation between Rafe & Ciara on Friday.
Okay, may I say BLECH regarding this new introduction of Stefan O?

As if the DNA results will be anything but he is the spawn of Stefano, with the put together name of Stefan O. At least for now. Maybe in a few weeks/months/years it can will change (see John Black).

This was the most original thing they could come up with?? :beat::beat::beat::beat:
I’ve been a fan of DOOL since its infancy in 1965. I missed a chunk before VCR’s were our lifesavers due to work. Over the years there have been silly, ridiculous, and bizarre stories but we all tolerate and muddled through.

With the latest introduction of another DiMera, Stefan, I will repeat that I am thoroughly disappointed with this direction. I never thought I’d get to this point but I actually turn the channel. It saddens me to say I don’t want to watch anymore.
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Yea, I can't figure out how Kate got her hands on the DNA results either. I also thought that Andre and Vivian were camped outside the lab.

Kayla told Kate that the hospital was understaffed because of the holiday. Since when has that ever made a difference? That hospital is always understaffed. Usually only one nurse at the nurses' station, a handful of doctors who can each perform a myriad of surgeries, no ICU nurses (for that matter, no ICU). But, then I guess when you only have one hospital room, who needs a lot of staff?
Thanks, Jason.

It looks like not many people watched or enjoyed the episode. I wasn't too happy
it with it either.

The only thing that interested me was the stem cells to make Theo heal. Will it work?
Will it also fix his autism?

When Kate was talking to Rafe and Hope about Vivian, I thought it was funny when
Hope said is Kate the kettle or the pot.

Is Rafe going to tell Hope himself what happened with Sami? He better hurry
someone else might tell her first.
Did anyone else just want the slap the you know what out of Kate today? She was so annoying. Prancing in to see Hope and Rafe, then the way she was talking to Kayla, then showing up at DiMansion with the DNA results with that look on her face. So annoying today!

Theo to South Africa. Didn't see that coming! Abe really needs to treat Theo like an adult. It is stupid for him to say he's done with the DiMeras. Umm, that's his family.

Ridiculous how much Rafe and Hope got interrupted when he was maybe gonna confess. He should before someone else tells her. But now he's gonna try to keep Ciara quiet.
Colour me just as confused as to why Vivian and André weren't shown or the dumb DNA test wasn't held off a day. Also count me as someone who was disappointed Kayla only stood up to Kate for about 30 seconds.

I'm already sick of Stefan. This actor didn't annoy me much for most of his GH run, in fact he was very talented as a younger actor. Thus I blame the lousy, trope-laden writing ("stillborn baby comes back with no backstory and no timeline consistency and ope, now he owns the house!").

Henceforth I will refer to Stefan as Stefan-No. Except in Summaries, when as per DrBakerFan's suggestion I will call him Stefan0.
I was also confused about the lack of Andre and Vivian. Bad continuity. Heaven forbid Kate get a day off. She's aired for almost 2 weeks straight now and seems like she will be on again tomorrow.

The South Africa thing is really random and confusing to me. It sounds like a ticket off the show just like they did with Chad in Boston for heart surgery recovery. I don't understand why the show would do such a thing when the teen set is building up again rather nicely.

Ciara: Rafe's skank ex-wife is also your cousin.

Tripp is fast becoming my favorite Salemite. He has good chemistry with every character he works with.

I was pleasantly surprised that Kayla was on for the full episode instead of as the 30 second pop up doctor.
With the latest introduction of another DiMera, Stefan, I will repeat that I am thoroughly disappointed with this direction. I never thought I’d get to this point but I actually turn the channel. It saddens me to say I don’t want to watch anymore.
I'm near that, too. This seems like a grafted character to give Tyler Christopher (Stefan-No) a safe easy job from a former head writer (current head writer Ron Carlivati used to write for General Hospital, where Tyler played a long-lost child and heir apparent for 20ish years). Just my opinion. I really think this isn't the best that Mr Carlivati can do.
I like the storyline of a corporate raider, I like the storyline of the person owning the bank that had Chad's loan. There was no need for that person to be a DiMera.
The South Africa thing is really random and confusing to me.
Me too. It had to be far enough away to keep Claire from visiting frequently and isolate Theo. My prediction: Theo will feel bad, break up with Claire, and magically walk again 2 hours after Claire moves on. (I'm guessing with Tripp.)
Oh, if only this South Africa thing was how we would get rid of Claire too. Makes me wonder though.

With all the magical things that happen in Salem, I've always wondered if they would do something really stupid and thoughtless. Kayla says they're going to implant stem cells in Theo's brain. Why do I think that the recast will not be an autistic adult Theo, and this stem cell thing had a magical side effect and "cured" him. Yes, I am aware that there are stem cell therapies that can help, but they will never "cure" someone of autism.

Disclaimer: sister of an adult autistic on the severe end of the spectrum; have dealt with the thought of "miracle cures" my entire life due to a hopeful parent.
Hear hear, Heather. Considering how long he was in that coma with stories revolving around him, couldn't he just be in Chicago for rehab for a while? Still just as angsty for family and friends, and it would give us a reason not to see Abe or Claire for several weeks on end.

Given what we now know, who wants to take bets that André and Vivian were off making another future secret DiMera heir? LOLOL