Days of Our Lives - Thu., Jul. 22, 2021


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Eric's: Nicole looks mournfully at the broken picture. Philip knocks, Nicole has a pity party. Philip has something for her. Not booze? Not interested, says Nicole. Philip offers her revenge on Sami. He gives her the letter, which she reads unenthusiastically until Philip encourages her. She is thrilled, but confused as to how he got the letter. Philip dismisses this and they recap the Lucas/Sami affair. Philip tells Nicole Lucas has fallen for Sami again, but he doesn't play dirty.

DiMansion: Lucas is waiting. He flashes back again to the award-winning Match Scene and rescuing the poor letter from the fire. Sami wonders what he's doing here. He wants to talk about Sami's masterful plan, for which she claims no credit. She finally admits it, he asks how she'd feel if someone did that to her. He is having trouble keeping the secret and admits he almost told EJ about them, but backed down because he loves her.

Hope's: Shawn-D is getting yelled at by his sister. He gets a call from Belle, who is held up by DE business. Ciara is actually understanding. Later, Allie arrives with good news about the Square (but Ciara doesn't care), and Ciara yells about nobody talking about her last wedding anymore. Allie promises. Ciara kicks Shawn-D out as Allie helps her prepare. He'll see them at the Church.

Ben's: Ben tells Claire he plans to take Ciara to the cabin. Claire supports this plan because she's worried that when Ciara's memory returns, it will hurt Theo. She will help Ben stop the wedding for Theo's sake. They talk about Bo's dark ages rescue of Hope and Ben has co-opted the plan. Claire thinks it's dangerous. They hatch another plan involving Allie.

Julie's Place: Theo gets a call. Chad's in New York on DE business & can't make the wedding to be his best man. Abe would step in but couldn't officiate. Theo wonders if the wedding shouldn't happen, but is worried about hurting Ciara. Lani suggests Eli step in as best man, and is about to call him when she receives a call from him. He has to testify and can't be at the wedding. Lani offers herself, Theo accepts. Theo steps away, Lani and Abe worry. Lani wants to stand by Theo as he stands by Ciara. Abe will keep quiet.

DE Offices: EJ and Belle talk about the time-sensitive deal. (Chad and Kate are in New York buying them time.) The business is super important but not as important as discussing whether or not Sami was behind Nicole's betrayal. Belle also takes time out to recap the events leading to Jan's release. Belle can't believe such a clinical and calculating man is wooed by Sami. Later, they are finished with business and Belle gets a parting shot about Sami. Moments later, he is talking to Chad on the phone (he has sent the new contracts) when Nicole arrives.

Hope's: Allie thinks Ciara's makeup and hair are perfect, now just for the dress. Ciara cries. She's finally looking forward. She goes to get her dress. Ben calls Allie asking for her help. She agrees to help Ben get Ciara away for awhile. Ciara comes out and wonders to whom Allie had been speaking. Meanwhile at Ben's, Claire suggests a way to stall the wedding. Back at Hope's, Allie explains she has an issue with Henry's sitter but will see Ciara at the wedding. She leaves. Ciara is looking forward to happily ever after.

DiMansion: Lucas isn't pleading his case, he didn't want to hurt Sami. He loathes EJ and can't understand why she wants to be with a man who treats her like property. But he loves her so much, he will not hurt her and will keep their secret. She is teary, asks him to leave so he doesn't run in to EJ. Lucas will always be there for her "if and when" things go wrong with EJ.

DE Offices: Nicole and EJ trade barbs. He thinks she's pathetic, she accuses Sami of masterminding her fall (but also accepts that she herself did wrong). EJ's about to call security when Nicole reveals The Letter. She watches as he reads, and all but weeps. EJ asks if she's read it, she admits to being an adulteress and a snoop. But at least she did it privately. He excuses her and she struts out while smirking that EJ underestimated Lucas's "assets". EJ screams and hits his desk. He calls someone to get Kristen's number.

Chapel: Shawn-D tells Belle that many won't make the wedding. Theo arrives. Shawn-D says Ciara is on the way. A bit later, Allie arrives and Theo asks where Ciara is. She's waiting for Shawn-D to walk her down the aisle.

Hope's: Ciara has a flashback. She then tells her reflection Ben means nothing to her.

Ben's: Ben is in a suit. He looks mournfully at his wedding picture, then leaves.

Pub: Philip has been looking for Lucas, who admits he was with Sami, but didn't tell her about the letter because it's gone. Philip has news.

Eric's: Nicole gazes at a picture of her & Eric and wonders how Sami will like her revenge.

DiMansion: Sami greets EJ, who couldn't wait to get home to his loving faithful wife.

Chapel: The bride marches with Shawn-D down the aisle. Theo lifts the veil. Claire says, "Surprise." Lani and Theo are shocked, I guess Shawn-D's reaction is open to interpretation.

A really convincing simulation of a simulation of a car: Ciara is gazing out the window. She tells the driver they've missed their turn. Ben says we're not going to the church. Happy Anniversary. END
It will be interesting to see how they play this out and if they decide to break up EJ/Sami and actually let Sami and Lucas be together, which many fans would prefer. I guess it also depends on how long Allison Sweeney (Sami) wants to stay on the show, since she spent so much of this year doing Days.
Why does Ben want Ciara? Who would want to live with such a judgemental rhymes with witch???
Theo changed hair styles on the drive over???
Honestly I need a two week plus 1 day break from the sadness and anger Days has been tossing our way.......

Look for the requests to sign up for a day next month.....
EJ: When he angrily confronts Sami about her encounters with Lucas, she ought to go on the offensive. In her case, a major factor was his mistreatment of her. His brief affair with Abigail was only fueled by a raging libido. In addition, his names for Eric (St. Francis of Assisi) and Xander (Beelzebub) were off target. Birds, squirrels, chipmunks, and raccoons have never shown any affinity for the Fallen Father Eric. As for Xander, he's got too many good qualities to qualify as Satan himself.

Belle: She has no tact -- trashing her own sister to EJ's face. Perhaps, Sami was right to try to sell her years ago.

Theo: It's a good thing that he changed his hairstyle for the wedding. If he'd been wearing that man bun, it might have exploded at the sight of Claire under the bridal veil.

Ben: He'd better hope his Ciara plan works. If not, he could be joining Clyde in prison.
I got interrupted with company about 3/4 thru the show, but just now managed to get to see the last quarter. While the show was no where near the fabulous Nicole/Eric scenes, was better than yesterday, & gotta say. Was happy to see Allie & Claire rally up to help Ben. I liked Lucas's comments to Sami. He loves her too much to use the letter or tell EJ. But he hates how EJ treats her like property. & at the end, whatever happens between you & EJ, I will always be there for you. Sami torn, bcause of her love for Lucas, her guilt over how much he cares and what he would do for her, when she would not do the same for him. And of course EJ, who comes home early to see his "loving and faithful wife". Wonder what will be his plan. To fake it all for a bit with her, or sock it to her right away. LOL
And as much as I dislike that man-bun on Theo, letting it all hang out was worse. But the unveiling of the bride made me laugh. And then the very end with Ciara in the limo with the driver missing the turn. I burst out laughing, as that is a steal from Golden Girls episode, where Dorothy is in limo on way to her wedding, and ex-husband Stan is the limo driver, who is not revealed until she says, "driver, you missed the turn". LOLOL
Thank you, Jason, so much.
Thanks, Jason.

Poor Theo. He realized before they left Julie's Place there was something off about the wedding.

I wasn't surprised Lani was going to best woman since no one else was coming to the wedding.

How long will EJ let Sami think their marriage is doing fine, before he lets the angry EJ out?

Ben wants to take Ciara to the cabin where their love started. Is it still standing? Only in Salem.

I'm glad Ben didn't to take Ciara on a motorcycle.
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Thanks for the summary, Jason.

I'm curious as to whether EJ and Sami still have fans, with the new EJ actor, who want to see them continue as a couple. As much as I don't like them, I am interested to see how EJ goes about punishing Sami for what she's done. I also wonder if Lucas is in danger.
I got interrupted with company about 3/4 thru the show, but just now managed to get to see the last quarter. While the show was no where near the fabulous Nicole/Eric scenes, was better than yesterday, & gotta say. Was happy to see Allie & Claire rally up to help Ben. I liked Lucas's comments to Sami. He loves her too much to use the letter or tell EJ. But he hates how EJ treats her like property. & at the end, whatever happens between you & EJ, I will always be there for you. Sami torn, bcause of her love for Lucas, her guilt over how much he cares and what he would do for her, when she would not do the same for him. And of course EJ, who comes home early to see his "loving and faithful wife". Wonder what will be his plan. To fake it all for a bit with her, or sock it to her right away. LOL
And as much as I dislike that man-bun on Theo, letting it all hang out was worse. But the unveiling of the bride made me laugh. And then the very end with Ciara in the limo with the driver missing the turn. I burst out laughing, as that is a steal from Golden Girls episode, where Dorothy is in limo on way to her wedding, and ex-husband Stan is the limo driver, who is not revealed until she says, "driver, you missed the turn". LOLOL
Thank you, Jason, so much.
Thank you for saying that about the Golden Girls. I totally didnt put 2 and 2 together, but you are right...LOL I didnt watch the Golden Girls when it was on, but I have binged the entire show recently and love it. Sophia followed by Dorothy are my favorites.
I don't understand how Lani is so happy about Theo getting married. They seem to question it but ok gotta support him. I'm glad that it seemed Theo was questioning it too!!

Ciara is so awful and when she was yelling at Shawn and said "oh my god. I'm being a total *bleep*." I wanted to scream yes you are!!!

I had to laugh when Allie said she would help and Ben said "Really?" in disbelief. The veil was too funny hiding Claire. I thought he was gonna abduct her on a motorcycle like Bo and Hope. That would be harder but that's what I thought. Hope it works. Tired of this garbage with them. I had honestly thought Ben would have a medical emergency, remember when he kept coughing? And that their psychic connection would come into play.

Thought it was funny too when EJ said you married Francis of Assissi and cheated on him with Beelzebub. I hope Nicole took a copy of that letter!! Wonder what EJ is gonna do. Can't be good!!

Well I am done!! And thank you @Poirot @katmouse and @Old Cowgirl for reading my posts way after the fact!! I am glad I didn't come on here everyday of vacation to read what happened so I didn't know. Ugh now we have a long wait til it's back!!
glad you enjoyed your Days marathon.....yep, gonna be a bit of a wait....meanwhile check out the "While Days is on hiatus" forum...and perhaps we can all try & guess what the Beyond Salem" on Peacock will feature...
Macgyverswife, I also had a hard time swallowing how excited Lani and the others (especially Chad) were about Theo marrying Ciara. I know some people believe "unconditional love" for their loved ones means showing approval for everything they do. That's the only way I can explain this. It seem so obvious that this wedding is not in anybody's best interest.
Thanks for posting your comments, macgyverswife .

You were smart waiting to watch since the show isn't on the next couple of weeks.
I just now watched this last night and had intentionally stayed away from this thread because I'd caught a headline from an article praising how they approached the hiatus.

I'm a little surprised Nicole didn't sit on the letter for a minute. She could have made Sami squirm, but instead she marched straight to EJ and handed it over- which, I guess shows how far Nicole has come in the last few years, because in the past, she would have enjoyed nothing more than to lord this revelation over Sami's head.
Oh, Nicole knows EJ, and Sami has been so cocky and confident her secret was so safe. This was a really better way to out Sami's fling. A public place ??? Nicole would either have to read the letter aloud, which would not have worked.........(some folks might even think Kristen was lying, and of course, Lucas would deny. So, now, Nicole can anticipate and imagine Sami getting hers, or what EJ may do. Heck, EJ could easily wait for a "moment" himself, before he springs his knowledge.
Sami not only shamed Nicole, but embarrassed & hurt her twin brother as well, but gave him no thought. Maybe EJ will confront Sami in public? Maybe he will bide his time, & just continue to make the snarky comments about how loyal & faithful she has been, until time to let loose. And then, maybe he will just do it when they are alone.......we'll see.