Days of Our Lives - Thu., July 20, 2017


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
At the DiMansion, André is talking to Thomas about Stefano (who André thinks is alive). Sometimes he thinks Stefano's watching them closely, other times...Kate catches this choked-up moment. (André stepped in because the Nanny had a family emergency.) Kate jokes about André the babysitter, André likes carrying on DiMera values to the next generation. He's worried about the hacking, and the weakness it exposed. Kate drops the mic, Chad knows who did it. They bicker about getting the info from him, Kate helps feed Thomas (Lucas was a fussy eater as a baby - by the way they are feeding him homemade applesauce by spoon for breakfast, which is pretty inappropriate for an 18-19 month old). This angers André, who wants the info, he insults Kate and gets slapped. He throws applesauce on her blouse (although we don't see it happen, we see the aftermath).

At the police station, Hope is looking at Stefano's case file when Rafe enters. Deimos's murder has brought up the memory of her killing someone. She suggests they go to Greece, Rafe doesn't believe that Raines will approve it. Eli enters; he was supposed to meet Lani. He is peeved by her tardiness. Later, Rafe leaves to go to the family breakfast and Eli has received a text from Lani, who is on her way, and he and Hope discuss Myron Raddatz, whose account the FBI cyber-crimes unit identified as the one that received some of the hacked money, before it disappeared. Hope's reaction gives her away.

Lani and JJ are rolling around under the covers as he's amazed at her beauty; she realizes she's late. She dresses hastily and bolts.

At Club TBD, Myron and Dario are admiring their handiwork on some counterfeit money. Dario shoos Myron to the back when he gets a call from his silent partner. Gabi enters (it's time for a family breakfast) in order to overhear enough to make her suspicious. Dario evades; Gabi is tense because she was up all night comforting Arianna, as the visit with Sonny made her worry. Gabi worries about the solid case against Sonny; Dario says Sonny didn't do it. Then he backs up, evades, suggests maybe JJ did it. Gabi snaps; Dario wonders if she still has a thing for him. They worry about the late Rafe, but Gabi's deflection fails; she admits that they danced when they were "out of their minds." Rafe enters and Gabi asks about the lead, will it help Sonny. Didn't pan out the way we thought, Rafe says, but kiboshes further talk of an active investigation.

At the Martin House, Abby recalls yesterday's conversation with Dario. Chad knocks on her door, wants to know what happened with Dario. It takes about a decade (she lies about offshore accounts, he calls her on it; she claims it would hurt the woman Chad loves {Gabi}, Chad calls her on it, and round and round), no advancement. He leaves, plans to go to the cops. Downstairs, JJ asks Chad to sit down, he wants to know what's up. They go round and round, he is concerned about both Gabi and Abby is the gist of it.

Back at the station, Lani arrives and Eli berates her, how can he trust her to have his back if she can't be on time. They quibble about whose work led to the break. Lani looks to Hope to referee, Hope is too worried that Myron will lead them right to Dario. Later, they are interrogating Myron, who clams up. They play good-cop-bad-FBI-agent to try to get Myron to give up his boss. (Hope watches through the window; Eli explicitly states that he's not Salem PD, he's FBI, just in case we were wondering.)

At the Hernandez family breakfast, they talk and laugh and hug. Gabi leaves; Rafe asks how Dario's doing, and is worried that Abby will break his heart. Dario reminds him that it's a business arrangement, but Rafe remembers that Dario actually loves her. Dario claims he will show her what kind of husband he can be, convince her to fall in love with. Rafe doesn't seem to buy it, but wishes him well and scoots.

Back at the DiMansion, Kate is about to throw food at André when Abby enters. Kate is embarrassed, scoots out with Thomas. Abby tells André she thinks Chad killed Deimos. André finds this implausible.

In the Square, Chad flashes back to his Halo-induced vow renewal with Abby. He runs into Gabi, who appears miffed that he skipped a hospital board meeting to meet with Abby.

At the police station, Grant and Price have finished with Myron, the DA is on his way. Myron will help them nab Dario in return for immunity. Hope is dismayed. Later, JJ has joined them so he can take responsibility for Lani's tardiness, spends some time pumping Lani's credentials.

Myron has returned to Club TBD, tells Dario the police have nothing and he didn't say anything. Dario is glad, they will both be very rich soon.

At the police station, Rafe is flying high from the breakfast and thinks Dario will be OK. Hope somberly corrects this erroneous assumption.

In the Square, Chad and Gabi talk about Dario. Gabi is sure that Dario is heading in the right direction. Chad is elsewhere.

At the DiMansion, Abby says Dario's proof is enough to send Chad to prison for life. Kate enters and shouts, "No!"
Kate and Andre's food fight was funny. Why, when Abby came in to see the applesauce fight, did she not even acknowledge her son??

I really hope that Dario goes away forever.

Poor Arianna, first her Mommy in prison, then Daddy Will dies. Now she sees Daddy Sonny in jail. The only stable person in her life is Grandpa Lucas.

So far I like the stuff that the new writer is doing.
Thank you for the writeup, Jason. The entire show was pre-empted here for the O.J. parole hearing. :angry: It's hard for me to believe that many people are interested in anything about O.J. at this point in time but I suppose there must be a lot. I wasn't very interested in him the first and second times around, so sure am not now.
Once again, the pixies were busy, sprinkling Salem stupid dust on assorted characters.

1) Abigail: To borrow a line from the movie Animal House, "Gee, you're dumb." Despite all the evidence that Dario is a total and complete sleaze, she appears to be standing by him. Almost as bad, she thinks that the photo of Chad would be enough to send him to jail. Not by a long-shot: all it shows is Chad crouching by the body, touching the knife handle. As evidence, it's in the same class as the waiter saying he saw Sonny standing over Deimos's body. Right now darling Melinda hasn't got enough evidence to convict anyone of the Deimos killing.

2) Myron: What kind of computer criminal uses his own name when hacking? And then he compounds his stupidity by falling for the clumsy Eli-Lani good cop-bad cop routine. If Dario starts to smell a rat about the tech geek, he may be in for an Nick-Fallon-style unscheduled dip in the Salem River.

3) Lani: She gets her big break by being asked to work with Eli on the Dario case, but then is later than late because she was trysting with JJ. How typical of the Salem P.D. officers: personal business (especially the "luv" variety) always comes first.

Finally, Dario better hope that the Salem P.D. gets to him before food-fighter Kate. Hell hath no fury like an angry, protective Ms. Roberts.
I cracked up with Dario showing the pic to Abby, saying, "Chad did it, with a knife, in the living room". Maybe they SHOULD add that line into the game of Clue. (I know some here have had fun with the "who dun it", using Colonet Mustard, in various places. LOL
Since I can't watch this episode, I'm just enjoying reading the summary and all the comments and don't have much to say about it myself. It sounds like an okay episode.

So here's an off-topic thing I've been meaning to say: I think several of the men have been wearing Untuckit shirts lately. :)

I wonder if finding out about Dario's illegal dealings will have much of an impact on Rafe. He is so giddy over being engaged to Hope, I'm not sure anything will faze him at this point.
You know, I am glad Rafe & Hope are so happy, but the workplace is not where they should constantly be carrying on. They have been caught smooching more than once already, they do need to tone it down.

Don't think the episode had as much snap, crackle & pop as Wed. show, but, vast improvement over the pablum we had been getting over the past months.

That said, the angst is all there for Chad & Abby, isn't it. He doesn't want to see anyone he loves be hurt, and she feels the same. Of course he is talking about her, and she about him, but instead, she just says Dario is her husband, and talks to Chad about he should not want to hurt Gabi (if he goes to the police).

And meanwhile, Could there be more "distance" between Gabi & Chad when they met up?

I liked Myron evidently agreeing to testify for immunity, but then telling Dario he kept his lips zipped.

Who is Dario's "silent partner"? Andre? Kate? LOLOL
Once the OJ nonsense (getting coverage for a parole hearing, give me a break) anyway, I enjoyed the twinkle in Andre and Kate's eyes when they were tossing food around and over Thomas' head.

I had just said, oh God, love that top, when splat Andre spattered it. Nice scene between them. Thanks .
Thanks, Jason. I'm glad your station showed Days instead of the other.

I wish TV shows wouldn't do food fights. There are so many people around the
world who don't have food to eat.

A new day in Salem since Rafe and his family had breakfast. Did anyone have OJ?

Anyone else notice the new music here and there during the show?

Who is Dario's silent partner? Someone in Salem now?

So Myron turned state's evidence against Dario. Will Dario get arrested? Will
he try to get charges dropped because he has Chad's picture in his phone?

Nice to see Thomas today.
Not to mention, Grammy Sami is on the run after stealing the DiMera fortune and Great-Grandpa Eduardo is in the pokey, too.
He's really not that great, or Great. LOL
Who is Dario's "silent partner"? Andre? Kate? LOLOL
I'm intrigued, as well. I suspect it's Victor, but it will lead to the DiMeras.
You know, I am glad Rafe & Hope are so happy
I found them less irritating than usual today. I can accept them as a couple when their whole coupling isn't the focus, and we're not being told by better characters (e.g., Steve and Kayla) how awesome they are as a couple.

For those who couldn't see the show, it wasn't really a "food fight." I guess the one-take rule made that impractical. I said on twitter that I could live with a slow burn on Kate & André if they're going to be romantically paired; but I will not buy them with fake cutesy scenes. I'm glad some folks enjoyed it.

Today wasn't as snappy as yesterday and Chad/Abby's storyline is ridiculous. I have a feeling Dario is the do-er of Deimos and he'll go to jail and draaaaaag out a divorce so we can have more "soapy" :sick::sick::sick: angst for the couple we all know is eventually going to wind up together.

Fun fact: This was my most-edited summary ever. I made several snarky comments about scenes in the teaser and first act, only to have to erase them when the second act eased us out of the mistake. The only one correction they missed was the pointless and redundant Chad/Abby scenes.
but the workplace is not where they should constantly be carrying on.
That has never mattered to the couples in good ol' Salem, USA. Case in point: Does anyone remember when Lexi and Tek had sex in the bathroom of Abe's hospital room with the clueless Commissioner in the bed?