Days of Our Lives - Thu., July 30, 2015


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Western Wisconsin
At the Horton House, JJ calls Kyle (who's with Paige), tells him he has a thank you from "his brother." Kyle puts him off because he's busy. Agent Watts tells him to play it cool, the less he interacts with Kyle before training, the better. Jennifer arrives, wonders what's going on; Watts leaves, and Jenn is worried but proud of JJ. Wants to make sure he's really thought about the risks involved, after she assures him that she's not concerned about what others think, only his safety. She is proud of what he's trying to do, etc etc. One rule: No drugs in this house.

Meanwhile, Kyle and Paige are on their date, talking about where to go, when Eve walks up. She explains that she's not on speaking terms with her mother, he offers to help get rid of her. He goes over to her, introduces himself, lays on the sweet talk about how Paige isn't ready, but Eve will always be Paige's mom, and she'll need her someday. Eve thanks him, and scoots away. Later, Paige marvels at Kyle's getting rid of Eve so quickly, he says sometimes being nice pays off. Later, they kiss awkwardly and say goodby as JJ sees them.

At Club TBD, Derrick arrives, confused by Will's text (to meet at "the Club"). Wonders if the guys are just hanging out, or if this is a double date. Derrick is concerned Paul still has feelings for Sonny.

In the park, replay of Will running in to Ben, flashing back to talking to her in the apartment when he learns Ben's about to call her. From Club TBD, Rafe calls Ben, begging him to come in because "Frank got in another car accident," ending his attempt to call Abigail. Will says he'll see Ben there; Ben leaves.

At Will & Sonny's, Abby makes it clear she didn't want to see Chad. Chad doesn't want to upset her. He can't trust many people, but he talked confidentially to Marlena, who urged him to be honest. He tells her he's in love with her. She becomes enraged, thinks this is another lie, as he pours his heart out about how he screwed things up. No one has ever hurt her this way, even worse than Sami; they rehash the Sami/EJ/Chad revenge. She remembers what he said in the Garden; he explains that he heard her tell Ben she loved him. She realises he was jealous, tells him to get out. He won't leave until she hears him out; she goes to leave, he jumps and slams the door. Won't let her leave; what happened between them in the Garden & later was amazing, he watched her the next morning, thought she was perfect. He messed up, and would do anything to make it up to her. Before he could act on how he felt, Stefano came back to town, he was worried about the effect it would have on her, and Stefano. Talks about Kristen and EJ, how things turned out for them, how he was becoming more of a DiMera, and how, when he heard her tell Ben she loved him, that he realised she deserved a "good guy" who wouldn't hurt her, like Ben. He can't protect her from his family, Stefano. Everything he said was to protect her, was lies. She asks if that's true, what's changed? He says he couldn't do it, he can't help himself, has never loved anyone the way he's loved her. He hopes she feels the same about him.

At Daniel & Nicole's, replay of Nicole tearily asking if she's forgiven, or if she & Daniel are over. He is silent. She turns to leave, he takes her hand firmly, "Don' dare." He won't let her walk out of his life, wants her to answer a question. Flashes back to Serena's recording, goes in a circle, why didn't you tell me. He believes her, understands how it happened, and why he didn't want to tell her. She's told him everything...what more could he ask for? Reaffirms he loves her. Don't walk out that door, don't take off the ring. Kiss. Strip, fall on couch. Kinda graphic couch boink. (Avert your eyes.) Later, they're sentimental, remember Parker, scramble to get their clothes.

At Edge of the Square, Ben texts Abby to tell her he's working late. Will arrives, sits with Paul, who mentions that he's glad they're all trying to be friends. Derrick and Sonny arrive, Will sees his copy editor, says he's going to go say hi; Sonny and Paul go to get drinks as Will exchanges a look with Derrick. Later, they're joking, talking, laughing, Rafe comes over to check on things, mentions he has a gift for Ari. Derrick is brought up to speed, talks about how remarkable Will & Sonny are. Derrick's not ready for that, they weren't either, etc. Talk about changing the cologne name to Narita, Paul thinks Will should get royalties, hopes it sells, etc. Derrick likes the name, would buy it. Paul would be "honoured" if Derrick bought his cologne. Sonny looks uncomfortable. Later, Derrick is marvelling that Ari has "nieces and a nephew" that are older than she is. Wild, Will agrees. Derrick was born in Salem, was disowned by his parents when he came out. He hasn't talked to them in over a year. Has no family, basically. Paul says he does, holds his hand, as Will watches Sonny looking a bit forlorn. Meanwhile, two guys at the bar shake their heads.

Also at Edge of the Square, behind the bar, Rafe is talking to Tim (his FBI friend) about Weston when Ben walks up, Frank's here, may he go? Rafe excuses him awkwardly. Rafe goes back to talking to Tim, asking about the case in Florida (the death of that witness in prison).

At Club TBD, Eve is having coffee, Jennifer enters. They have an awkward glance, move apart, Jenn goes to the counter, Eve rubs it in about Paige being over JJ, Kyle is so great, etc. Jennifer and Eve bicker. (The usual stuff.) Jennifer leaves, Eve hurls insults, vows to find a way to get back at her.

Later, at Daniel & Nicole's, Daniel says good-by to the invisible Maggie, goes inside, where Parker enthuses about seeing a movie with "Gramma Maggie and Grampa Victor." Nicole cracks a joke, Parker wants to do it again. Daniel says they will have fun, tomorrow, tries to put the sleepy Parker to bed, tells him a story.

In the park, Ben calls Abby, tells her he's on the way home, he loves her. Looks pensively at his phone, assures himself she's at work, then wonders, "What the h- are you doing there?"

At Edge of the Square, Sonny laments that Will knows everyone in town, Derrick goes to rescue Will from another hello session. Sonny and Paul talk about Derrick, Sonny asks if Paul & Derrick are just friends. Aside, Derrick and Will talk about the "story about [Derrick]'s parents and how it worked." Will thinks their plan is going well. Back at the table, the two head-shakers lament that Paul is hanging with (gay slur), which is what he is.

In the Square, JJ approaches Kyle to make their exchange (covered in a magasine), Kyle wonders if JJ saw him with Paige. "Your problem, not mine," JJ says, claiming Paige is high-maintenance. Maybe tomorrow they'll do more business.

At Will & Sonny's, Chad knows Abby and Ben are good, but it's not what they have. They can't deny it; he caresses her face. Outside, Ben has tracked her to the apartment, wonders what she's doing there.
Ridiculous that Ben tracks Abigail. I haven't watched the show consistently enough the last 2-3 months, so I'm sure it was some stupid plot point, but now that I am watching regularly again, I despise him.

The Jen/Eve scenes were predictable and probably repetitive of the last several months, but catty Jen makes me laugh sometimes, and today was one of those days.

I think Abigail is going to sneak around with Chad behind Ben's back after she decides she can never forgive him. Until, of course, she finds out Ben is stalking her, and then she won't be able to get with Chad fast enough. Wake me up when something interesting happens.
Slow as molasses in some as a bullet in others.

Daniel and Nicole went from :beat: to :love: to :sick: to :sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick: to :rotfl:during their scenes.

I loved the JJ/Jen scenes (could have been shortened a bit, but not too bad). I despised the Jen/Eve scenes. Honestly, I was hoping Eve never came back and we'd hear she went back to Africa or Chicago at some point. LOL

So, Derrick's "story"... partially true or complete Horton forgery? If Will came up with that all on his own, it's the most clever and creative thing he's done.

I hate how Sonny acts all gushy with Will, like the scum didn't cheat twice and spend the rest of his time scheming/lying. THEN to make matters worse, he makes his sad-puppy eyes every time Derrick interacts with Paul. :angry:

I felt the same about the Chad/Abby scenes. We know where this is going. Let's move it along.

I'm wondering how the DNA test will turn out. What if Ben's the father, and we ALL THINK Martin changed the results...but he didn't? I'm okay if I don't know that the results were/n't changed.

I heard my words coming from Kyle's mouth. I'm not sure how to feel about that.

I wouldn't have minded a gay-bashing story back in '12, or even '13. But just seems, why? But here we appear to be.
Daniel to Nicole: "We've come a long way baby"

Where???? From where have you come?

This is what peeves me. Nicole hasn't changed in the last few months. She's the same person he made accusations against and repeatedly told he couldn't trust. Nicole hasn't come from anywhere. She's been there doing the same thing all along.

So, I ask, from where have they come? Daniel is the one who had a hell of a trip to make to finally get his head out of his butt.

I hate this pairing LOL.
Daniel to Nicole: "We've come a long way baby"

Where???? From where have you come?

This is what peeves me. Nicole hasn't changed in the last few months. She's the same person he made accusations against and repeatedly told he couldn't trust. Nicole hasn't come from anywhere. She's been there doing the same thing all along.

So, I ask, from where have they come? Daniel is the one who had a hell of a trip to make to finally get his head out of his butt.

I hate this pairing LOL.
Maybe it's the new writers, deciding to change things.
It does seem like Daniel has turned on a dime, but I think the whole furnace thing opened his eyes. I don't like them as a couple, but I don't hate them when he's not being sanctimonious.

I agree though, cryin4days, HE has come far, Nicole's where she's been for ages.

There's truth in JJ's cover story about Paige. She is rather high-maintenance, at least lately, with all her stalking JJ telling him to leave her alone!
@gramcracker, Even if it is the new writers, they should avoid making blatantly false statements like this which history does not support and which make me want to snatch strands of hair from my scalp.

If we'd seen Daniel fighting to get Nicole back, or Nicole struggling to forgive him for his treatment of her, or an ounce of regret from Daniel prior to Nicole almost dying, then yeah, you could make a passing comment about the small hurdles they've overcome; but "we've come a long way" given that it's been mostly Daniel piling on Nicole because she didn't live up to expectations is hardly a change I can just roll with.
I'm willing to give the writers some leeway here re: Daniel/Nicole. If you think about it they have come a long way from where they've been in how this current situation was handled. In the past Daniel would have gotten in Nicole's face telling her what a horrible person she is and how he can't trust her and throw her out on her rear and Nicole would have continued lying saying there was nothing standing between them until she was actually caught in the act or confronted with evidence. So, given that Daniel gave her a chance to come clean and she took the opportunity to do so and he then immediately forgave her, I'd say that's coming a long way. But I know I'm not going to convince you of anything when it comes to Daniel, cryin. LOL. :wink:
Nicole hasn't told a self-serving lie since shred-gate. She's grown a lot as a person in the last year. And it's like I said, the Nicole we see is the Nicole that's been here all along the last year. Daniel, however, threw everyone for a loop when he didn't act like the righteous jack-butt he usually is in situations like this. I'd hardly say he's come a long way. Rather, he decided to give his rear end a break and kept his head on his shoulders this time.
I don't necessarily disagree with your premise but from the writers point of view this was a big change. Perhaps "come a long way" gives the connotation of gradual growth but I'm thinking it was just to show a different course of action than the one we're accustomed to.
I was not impressed with his reaction at all. Nicole was ready to walk away, with the look on his face, the no reply to her question. I know it probably was done that way for dramatic effect, but Daniel looked like a jerk right then, and was acting like one as well. Nicole was obviously in great distress, but he just let her wallow in dispair, before he made his grand gesture of holding on to her hand, not wanting her to leave. I just do not think there was anything to forgive Nicole for.....unless it that she did not tell him about how she & Eric were saying goodbye to each other as they began to die.
Thanks for the summary.

I'm glad that Daniel didn't throw out Nicole---would've been predictable and dumb. But I'm still so indifferent about their relationship. Why couldn't the writers just pair her up with Rafe? It's simple!

So over Ben and Clyde My goodness, why anyone would like Abigail with obsessive Ben is beyond me. Her chemistry with Chad is unparalleled. I'm also sick of Eve and Paige. Why are they still on the soap? Please, someone take them to CA and have them drag Ben with them!

I enjoyed the scenes with Jennifer and JJ, but also with Will/Sonny/Paul/Derrick. I don't want to see the bashing, but it is a realistic (and sad) thing that happens, so maybe the soap will do something useful for once and shine a light on a real topic. Plus, perhaps it will give Rafe something to do (save them), unless Daniel swoops in from out of nowhere and saves the day.
The Daniel/Nicole scenes disgusted me as usual. At the end of the day, Nicole was still in the position of having to justify her actions to that sanctimonious pig. I wonder what Nicole will think when she finds out about Daniel and Kristen. Yet who wants to take bets on how long it is before Jennifer confides in him about JJ and swears him to secrecy from Nicole?

Jen and Eve both need to move on. I have no use for Eve. At this point, she is superfluous.

The Abby/Chad scenes were well done but took a bit too long. Ben needs to be redeemed quickly.

I'm done with Sonny too. Only on a soap can a guy and 2 of his exes who happen to be married to one another have a night out. Go figure.

Yawn to the rest of this episode. Boring.