Days of Our Lives - Thu., July 30, 2015

I wonder if they even do table readings
No, due to the budget cuts, they no longer have table reads or rehearsals. Apparently they get their scripts, come into the studio, do the blocking, then tape the scene. I remember reading an article about how the actors get together on their own (at the studio) to work on scenes.
It's bad enough that Ben is secretly tracking Abby, but how is he going to explain his pop-up appearance at Will and Sonny's apartment? Why go there? Why not just call? Him randomly popping up at the Horton house when he first began stalking Abby roused her suspicions a little bit, so this should definitely raise her eyebrows. And I have to wonder once again, why would you want to be with someone you clearly don't trust. Is he going to whip out his trusty stalking app every time Abby goes off the grid? I think this has become less about his feelings for Abby and more about him not wanting Chad to have her. He's a possessive jerk! Chad has his faults sure enough, but he at least has the decency to not strap a homing device to Abby.

Sonny's so jealous of Derrick LOL. Will is clearly missing the fact that the problem in his marriage isn't Paul, it's his husband and his feelings which are running amok at the moment. LOL at him asking Paul if he and Derrick were still just friends. Oh boy Sonny! :rotfl:
I haven't seen this yet, but Abby and Chad are at Will and Sonny's? Is that right? Or did I misunderstand it? Because I can't work out why Ben would have his knickers in a knot over Abby being at Will and Sonny's house. He knows she's Arianna's godmother and they are friends of hers, so why would it be a big deal? I must have misunderstood.
Yes, Abby and Chad are at Will and Sonny's house but Ben believes she is working late at the hospital. Plus, Ben ran into Will (who knows that Abby and Chad are at his house) and he told Ben that he was going out with Sonny and that he ran into Abby and she said she was working late. So Ben had red flags going up when he couldn't get a hold of Abby and then checked out his app that had her located at Will and Sonny's.
Yep, and she's Arianna's godmother as well. Three good reasons why she could be there, or, better yet, have left her phone there (as far as Ben knows).

I'm still holding out hope that Ben will start to see what Clyde is, confess EVERYTHING to Abby, talk about believing his dad was a good guy and buying his bull line, and apologise. They go through a rough patch, but work it out. Just so we have an actual, viable triangle.

As to Sonny - It was bad enough we had to just accept that he had PROPOSED to someone before Will, when he said he hadn't (when he proposed), and that the show never addressed that. It was bad enough we needed to forget they had other gay friends. It was bad enough when Sonny was making puppy eyes at Paul every chance he got, while telling him it was over. But NOW we have him getting JEALOUS of Paul and Derrick? :sick::sick::sick::sick: That is not in character for Sonny.
I'm also disappointed in Sonny. If he loves and wants Paul so much, then why didn't he divorce Will as soon as he learned about the affair (including the one in LA) and go back to Paul, who made it clear he wants him? It makes ZERO sense, and is not true to his character anyways! I was also confused about Ben showing up at the apartment. I know Abigail said she was working late, but if she was at Will/Sonny's place, why wouldn't he just give them a call? Or figure that maybe something was going on with her goddaughter, or her cousins, where she needed to be there to help? Makes no sense other than to show what a creep Ben is!

HelplessRomantic, it's good to see ya back!:hug:
DaysD, Sonny is probably afraid of the tantrum Willie boy is sure to throw and being a good person that Sonny is, wants to give that fool a second chance. That is why I cannot wait for everything to blow up in his little pout-filled face.:rotfl::fan: :hug:
LOL... I am getting caught up on episodes again, and while watching this one, I heard Derrick say the thing about Ari's nieces and nephew. I replayed it to be sure of what I heard, then spent about 5 minutes trying to make sense of it, then came straight here to see if I was crazy. The whole first page of replies to this episode's summary, and I was beginning to think i was crazy! Thanks to you all for confirming (finally!!) that I am not crazy.

I also noticed the Rafe/Ben thing, and thought that was strange. Not only did Ben not react, but Rafe didn't react either. I wonder if the actor playing Ben walked up too soon and wasn't supposed to hear it, or if something just didn't come across well. Because if I was in that situation, I think I would have reacted because I wouldn't have wanted Ben to know I was asking about his dad.

OR... maybe Ben (who is now officially a Weston) thought Rafe was inquiring about his situation (it did have to do with his Florida incident and getting off the hook, but now has recent inquiries about it again) so he didn't need to react. Maybe that's why Rafe didn't react? It's actually about Ben, not Clyde? I actually paused it after that scene because I had to check on the Ari thing right away! Maybe I'm just missing something.