Days of Our Lives - Thu., June 16, 2016


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Western Wisconsin
At the DiMansion, Chad stumbles into the study, groggy. Ciara is sitting at the chessboard. Chad hasn't slept. Ciara has something on her mind. Ciara talks of how depressed Chad is whenever he gets back from visiting Abigail, how he should be happy now, but isn't. Chad is sure that Abby will recover and come back. Later, they are playing chess, with Chad worried that he didn't do enough for Abby. Ciara posits that Abby feels she let Chad down, but that Chad did everything he could for her. Ciara wishes she had a love like Chad has for Abby. Chad tells her she's great with Thomas, and him. She says she cares for Thomas, and him. He breaks the skeevy moment by asking about her dating Theo, whom she likes but he's just not the guy for her. (Creep factor: 20000.) Thomas cries, Chad goes to check on him. Later, Ciara fantasises that she tells Chad she loves him, is mercifully pulled out of it when Chad enters the room, bidding Ciara to go get some sleep.

At the LA hospital, Steve, Kayla, and Jade are pacing. They've been waiting 22 minutes. Jade thinks they blame her for Joey's mess; Kayla goes to talk to a nurse. Jade frets that Joey got shot saving her; she'll never forgive herself if he doesn't make it. Kayla returns, updates that they are going to open Joey up to find the bullet. Kayla asks Jade to give them a moment, Jade starts to cry and moves to the side of the room (kind of a little window cubby; as she walks by, Steve touches her hand). Kayla is angry that Jade's making this about her, Steve worries about the blood loss. Kayla says the big thing is finding the bullet. Steve kicks himself for not getting the situation under control, cries that they can't lose him. Later, Kayla decides to go get a report. Steve is getting his composure back when Simone shows up, wondering how Joey is doing. Steve tells her she has a lot of nerve, that Joey's wound is on him for her indoctrination of those kids. Simone attempts to defend herself, Jade steps in and tells her off, orders her out of the room. Simone turns to Steve, wants to be told...Steve loses it, screams GET OUT. Simone leaves; Steve comforts Jade. Kayla comes back in, Joey's in the clear, only some minor damage to some muscles (no vital organs, nerves, etc. hit). He'll be in recovery soon. They tearfully hug. Steve directs Kayla's attention to Jade, who has moved from the window cubby to a chair, and is crying. Kayla hugs her.

At the Townhouse, John arrives and is glad to see Marlena. They hug. They recap the hostage situation and the shooting; they hope Joey pulls through. Later, he's talked with Paul on the phone, Paul's doing well. They make plans to meet tomorrow. John thanks Marlena for keeping an eye on Paul, is grateful Paul pulled through. Later, Marlena has gotten some wine as John laments no word from Steve. He wants to touch base with Brady and Belle, is going to call Belle at her office (she's still living there). He realises he hasn't asked her what's up. Marlena says she'll tell him after...then leads him to the bedroom. John does a cheer as he follows her. Later, John's about to sneak some Ice Cream, Marlena catches him, he claims he was going to share it. She calls him a lousy liar, they chuckle; it's a good thing she loves him so much. Enough to marry me again? John asks. He's serious, the Joey/Steve/Kayla situation made him rethink their love. She doesn't want to ruin a good thing; she's single, but not available. They've exchanged vows, even if it wasn't official. John reminds her that she promised if he could prove their issues were in the past, they would make it official. He wants it in writing that they'll spend the rest of their lives together. She writes "YES" on a legal pad, shows it off to him. They embrace, she gets a call. She expects it's Kayla, but it's not. The caller's words seem to worry her.

In the Kmansion, Nicole and Dario are trying to be quiet while Kate is pacing outside their door. Philip enters, shocking Kate. He wants to know the kind of mess she's gotten into. Kate puts on the show, talks about how she loved Deimos, married him in Vegas, was the first time in her life she had everything she wanted. But now, life goes on, asks him to be co-CEO of Titan. If she trusts him, tell the truth: Did you kill Deimos? She continues her sob story, Philip notices its holes (e.g., she dropped her phone exactly when the murder happened and then when she got it back they were both gone). She needs her family around her, he calls her out, won't be part of it. He pushes her to admit she killed Deimos for his money as Nicole and Dario listen intently. She shrieks for him to get out, laments her broken heart. He's not sure she has one; he tells her to enjoy the money. Philip leaves. Kate makes a call and tells someone to come to 13201 Glen Oaks Drive. Then she tells Nicole to come out. Kate could smell her perfume. Kate says Nicole had a lot of gall to try to frame her, Nicole was looking for evidence. Nicole jokes that Philip's more perceptive than she thought, even he didn't buy her b/s load. Nicole tries to play Kate, says that she thinks in Kate's own way, Kate loved Deimos. She 'admits' that she found Deimos charismatic, etc. Nicole pleads, one woman to another, tell Roman she made a mistake. Don't ruin (Nicole's) life. Kate tells Nicole the police are here. Dario reveals himself. They are both arrested.

In Joey's hospital room, Joey apologises to Kayla and Steve, who love him no matter the mess he's caused. They promise to get him home. He sees Jade, asks Steve and Kayla for a second with her. She's glad he's all right, he'd save her life again. Not necessary, Jade says, we'll never do anything that stupid again. She's going back to Salem with him to face the consequences (parents, judge). She curls up on his bed with him.

Outside, Steve takes Kayla's hand, asks, "So now what?" Kayla dodges, but Steve persists. Kayla notes that Steve makes it so hard to push him away. Steve reminds her that she doesn't really want to push him away, embracing her as they both face the camera. Kayla admits that he's cocky and reckless, and trouble finds him every day. That she should run in the other direction, but can't. They hug and kiss.

At the station while they are handcuffed (having been waiting a while), Nicole laments her getting Dario involved in this situation. He likes it, and lays a kiss on her. This enrages the uniform, who tells him to cut it out, then takes him to a cell.

At the DiMansion, Chad looks at a picture of Thomas and Abby. He gets a call from Marlena, telling him to zip to Shady Hills.
:cry:No and more no on Jade. She can face the music, get her life straightened out, and move on to some other guy. She needs to not be with Joey.

Dario was likeable first go round. This angry Latino machismo is wearing thin. Nicole needs someone not so volatile.

Good for Philip for once. Now Lucas can repeat the same sentiment.
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It was good to see true love reassert itself with long-time fan favorites John & Marlena and Steve & Kayla. Elsewhere, things were far more typically Salem.

Kate: This professional liar should join the Salem Drama Club. She can really lay it on thick -- even to own son. Is there anyone she won't lie to? (Yes, that's a dumb question.)

Philly K: He should have known better than to ask Mommy Kate to "tell the truth." He'd have better luck asking a group of pigs to fly barrel-rolls around the spire of St. Luke's.

Steve: Great job in getting rid of the truly awful Aunt Simone. Too bad he wasn't this forceful and effective when Ava showed up again.

Joey: He's a real Salemite now. He's been shot, and the good news is that after a few weeks of drinking Salem water, he'll have no scar.

Roman's cop: Yes, as a member of the Salem P.D., he rarely makes an arrest, but he ought to take it down a notch. Dario and Nicole were guilty of a trespass for unlawfully entering a dwelling, which is a misdemeanor, not a major crime. And why did he put his "catch of the day" in Roman's conference room? Didn't Mayor Abe's government provide enough money to build a few holding cells?
How much longer is the Salem High School production of "Jane Eyre" going to go on? It was very nice of Chad to agree to fill in for the role of Rochester but he's got some grown-up stuff to attend to now.
*In other words it's way past time to move on*

Steve/Kayla/Jade/Joey: I'm glad to see that Joey will recover and live to smother another psycho to death if need be. But there are still some questions like will this experience make Jade drop the "I'm a wild child and you need to live on the edge to hang with me" nonsense and wise up a bit? It's possible I suppose. Do I care? Still not so much.

Dario and Nicole: I stand firm on this, I like these two together and I liked the kiss. Although I was a bit disappointed that he didn't take the opportunity to ask Kate if her job offer still stands.

John and Marlena: I may be off base here but I think John may have been fibbing when he said he was going to bring the ice cream into the bedroom to share with Marlena. It was nice to see a little levity again today.
Jade did seem genuinely remorseful to me. And she told Joey she was done with all this, she wants to return to Salem, deal with whatever her parents come up with, and to face the music with the judge.

There were a lot of tears being shed in that L.A. hospital, Steve, Kayla & Jade all crying, and we could see the tears.

Ciara w/Chad......I am going to be charitable and say nothing.

Loved John coming home to marlena and all that ensued.

Kate...oh, she really did put on a show, didn't she. Horrible woman, cannot wait for her downfall.
I remarked on twitter that I'm hopeful the show is leading up to a whodunit with Kate as a real victim. Otherwise, yuck.

I had to break editorial character to comment on Chad/Ciara. I believe that stands. LOL

Loved the John/Marlena scenes. Loved the Jade/Kayla/Patch scenes, too. I have always liked Jade except for that day in the commune (which seemed Out of character given her treatment of Ciara in jail). I want to see more of this young character - Salem needs new blood!!

I liked that John spoke with Paul, and was about to call Belle and Brady, too.

Basically, a very good show, aside from the above-mentioned yuck.
Thanks Jason.

Dario and Nicole should be glad Roman didn't catch them kissing. He might
have thrown a book at them. LOL

I'm glad Philip figured out what Kate did. I was surprised Kate offered Philip the
job as co-CEO. Maybe Victor assumed Kate would let him have Titan back and
that's why he threw Nicole under the bus yesterday.

I wondered yesterday if Kate knew someone was in the house because the box
was left out... She must have known Nicole was there the whole time listening
since she smelled her perfume.

I enjoyed the scenes with Steve/Kayla and John/Marlena. It was nice Kayla
hugged Jade when they found out Joey was ok.

There are no nice words for Ciara's daydream. Will she tell Chad? If so, I hope
he fires her.
Thanks Jason

Loved the John/Marlena scenes and how they've come full circle from the Fall. Don't Belle and Claire live with John and Marlena? I was confused by her comment saying Belle hasn't come up yet? Didn't we see Shawn bring her home already? And then later on they said they were upstairs in the bedroom. Just how many floors are in that townhouse?

No surprise about Steve and Kayla. Nice scenes though. I still don't care for Jade though.

How many days has Kate been on this week? 3? Too many! She needs to get her comeuppance big time. I was glad to see Philip in scenes that didn't involve Belle though. I hope that Kate doesn't try to hurt her as revenge against Philip.

Ciara/Chad: No comment

A bit off subject here but I'm wondering if the actress portraying Jade's aunt is expecting. In the waiting room scene there was a brief moment where it appeared to look like it.
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I was confused by her comment saying Belle hasn't come up yet?
The Joey hospital scenes were so quiet, I had to turn my CC on. Marlena said that Belle hadn't come home yet.

Heather, I applaud your ability to keep up with the timeline. I gave up months ago when Ciara and Chase switched ages.

I'm taking tomorrow off from Days as the preview looks atrocious. I'll binge on some Dark Shadows instead (though often I go to bed early on Friday...end of the week meltdown). :)
Thanks for the summary, Jason. I missed the last 15 minutes of the show as the President broke in with a press conference. It doesn't look like I missed much.

I was glad Philip stood up to Mommie Dearest. Kate will probably work on Lucas next as she always tries to get one of them on her side. Hopefully Lucas tells her off, too.

Too bad Nicole and Dario got caught by Kate. I did like Dario stepping up with Nicole. If Dario stopped his association with Summer and started accepting Eduardo back in his life, I could get behind a friendship, if not more, with Dario and Nicole. I can't stand Deimos and do not want him with either Nicole or Chloe.

I liked the scenes with John and Marlena. I mentioned in another thread that I like the thought that they will be getting married. They are one of the very few happy couples on this show. Doug and Julie are another, but they are already married. It was cute when Marlena caught John sneaking ice cream.

I liked the hospital scene in California. Steve and Jade telling Simone off was good. I also liked Kayla hugging her after she found out Joey was okay and Jade was upset. I hope Jade has learned her lesson and will be a better person. I like the actress playing her and think she does a good job, so I would have hated to see her go.

The less said about Chad and Ciara, the better. I did like it that Chad spoke up and said he would tend to Thomas when he cried. I want Chad to be a good single father while Abby is not able to be there.
Thanks for the summary, Jason. I wasn't crazy about this episode. I simply can't take Ciara. Try to skip what I can of her or else ignore her when she's on.

All I want for Dario is for him to SHAVE. No, I need for him to shave. Well, I do also need for him to get over his anger toward his father. And to stay away from Summer. Okay, I guess I want a lot from him, but shaving comes first.
Thanks for the summary. Sounds like a good show all around, besides the obviously-gross Ciara/Chad thing.