Days of Our Lives - Thu., Mar. 1, 2018


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
In Stefan0's bedroom, Stefan tells "Gabby" that they will frame someone else for the murder. He just needs the coat, which she loves. She reluctantly hands it over; she just has to promise not to pop out of passageways and not to swing pokers at people. She leaves. Later, Vivian knocks on his door so he stashes the evidence. She wants to know what's going on with Abigail. He shows her the lid. She figures it out and wants to call the cops, Stefan0 stops her with the information that "Gabby" saw them with the body. They flash back to Stefan0 finding Vivian over the body, and each suspecting the other. (Vivian was planning to shoot him, Stefan0 to keep him late and have some thugs kidnap him.) He thought they were in the clear because it was during the security footage gap, but "Gabby" saw them. Vivian has deduced that Abigail killed André as Gabby; Stefan0 clarifies that Abby thinks she is Gabby. He wants to protect her, Vivian thinks Stefan's in love with her and could be the next victim. He just purports it's for the board. He wants to frame someone for the crime, and orders Viv to help him. Vivian is worried about being caught.

In the Square, Tripp is working, Ciara comes up, upset that he didn't get someone to cover so he could attend the wedding. He is downtrodden because of Steve's condition. He tells her his dad could go blind. He's worried and thinks Kayla and Steve (who apparently have gone to Chicago) are just protecting him when they stay positive. She tries to cheer him up, mentions Theo's doing great in his program, and at one point, it appeared he wouldn't come out of a coma. They talk about Rafe, he's not a womanizer, the thing with Sami was a one-off. He agrees to rep the Johnsons at the wedding, then teases her about her outfit.

At the Teen Loft, Claire is fussing with a dress hanging on the door, and listens to her recording of Tripp and Ciara's conversation. Later, Eve stops by, wants to make sure she's still interested in the contest for Bella, which is generating interest all over the country. Claire has just been distracted. Eve offers to help, sees the dress, learns it's for Grandma Hope and Rafe's wedding. They talk about Rafe's dad Eduardo and brother Dario, who were less than stellar folks, but Rafe's the exception. Claire's eyes give her away, but she deflects to Eve/Brady, and talks about how Eve was married to "Brady's uncle Deimos". Eve talks about her bad choices, but now she and Brady have slowed it down, and it's been nice. She admits the pain of losing Paige, and the loneliness of her marriage to Deimos. They talk about how Brady's a great dad, and how painful Jeannie Theresa's leaving was. Eve says people think she's like her sister, Claire says to stand strong.

At Doug's Place, Julie is practicing what she'll say at Hope's wedding when Maggie comes in. She gives her Hope's present, since she won't be at the wedding. She tries to get Maggie to open up to her, she won't; Julie laments nobody will tell her their problems to get her advice, and confides about Claire's private torment that she also wouldn't share. They talk about Marriages having ups and downs, and Maggie finally confides that Victor is so ruthless that she worries she's not just a supportive wife, but a co-conspirator. Julie accepts that Maggie can't make the wedding. Julie insists that Maggie stay with her & Doug & Jennifer "at our house" rather than the Salem Inn. Victor can stew! Maggie appears to agree. Victor calls her, Julie says stand your ground and leaves. [See below.]

At the Kmansion, Victor is looking at a picture of him with Maggie. Brady comes in, demands to know what Victor did to Maggie. All marriages have trouble, Victor says. Brady deduces it's about the Eve plot, and how he redirected after his talk with Maggie. He kept the secret, but now has second thoughts about doing to Eve what was done to him by previous lovers. Vic thinks Maggie will be back because she didn't tell Eve what was going on, then orders Brady to marry Eve. Later, he calls Maggie, she's made her point. Come home. She wants to know if he's fessed up to Eve. Victor insists it's the only way. Maggie won't return to him.

At the DiMansion, Chad is pacing about the study and goes to examine the secret room. "Gabby" (the wigged-out Gabi) comes in and stops him. He looks at her and says, "Abby"? But of course she's doffed the wig in the three seconds off camera. He thought she was going to lie down; she took an aspirin and feels better. Why was he going into the tunnels? He tells her about Vivian's being there, and wanting to investigate her deeds. She warns him against going, there's traps, etc. He notices her dress, he likes it, gets affectionate with her (as over his shoulder, she winces). She says it was a gift from Gabi, he's bummed it wasn't for him. They talk about the plan to prove Stefan0 is the killer, get rid of him and Vivian. Abby (clearly taken over by another alter) calls her an evil b-word, gets another embrace after Chad asks who she is (jokingly) and what she did with his wife. Abby talks about handling Vivian. More awkward embracing as the camera pans down to the Gabby wig. She stops the makeout by first suggesting they move, then switching to reminding him he made Thomas a promise. Chad goes upstairs after Abby promises to pick up later. Chad goes up the stairs; Abby picks up the wig and scolds Gabi. Again, she's clearly a new alter.

Eve comes rushing in to the Pub, tells Brady she basically told Claire she wanted her to be the face of the new Bella magazine. Brady tells Eve about Maggie's leaving Victor. Eve says good for Maggie. Brady feels responsible, but doesn't fess up. He misses Maggie. He tells her Victor doesn't deserve Maggie. Eve worries that Claire hasn't turned in her headshot yet, feels something's weighing on her mind. Brady changes the subject (I had to go back to see if there was a smooth transition; there wasn't.) Brady recalls Victor's telling him to marry Eve, suggests they have a drink together. Eve questions this, he insists it's a great idea.

Back at the Teen Loft, a shirtless Tripp asks Ciara to pick from two shirts he's chosen. She picks a lavender one, then goes back to her video. She doesn't like the song, remembers Claire has one she was working on on her phone. Tripp tries to stop her, Ciara suggests that a great way for her to bury the hatchet with Claire will be using her song, even if it stinks. She sees "yesterday's" recording, is about to play it. END.
LOL, thanks, Jason. Due to a slight hearing problem, and feeling sometimes characters mumble, I always turn my CC on, (if I remember) and the CC said, whenever Abby spoke to Chad, that it was Dr. Laura speaking.

So, it seems like this alternate personality is modeled on Jennifer's mother, Laura Horton, who happens to be a psychologist (or psychiatrist) and who helped Abby when she had her breakdown and ran away from the hospital.

She really ditched that wig fast, lol, but while Chad was so turned on by the ugly dress (my opinion) he did not seem to notice the bright red lipstick......which Abby never wears. Hmmm.

I have such a feeling Ciara is not going to be hearing any new song.....unless she actually will hear nothing at all, if Claire walks in. ??
It was a pretty good show today.

I don't like StefanNo at all. I never will. I'll say it now. I don't care how many people I hate he frames, or how many people I like he protects. He's a smarm and a sleaze and he touches his mother's face and neck too much. Ewww.

Abby's new alter, according to CC, was Dr. Laura. LOLOL

But also - snore/boo. I've seen this story before (United States of Tara did it, and Ron Carlivati did it on General Hospital and One Life to Live). Marci Miller (Abby) is doing a bang-up job, it was easy to tell she wasn't "really" Abby and I pinned her as the "gatekeeper" even before the final scene. (In case you're wondering, that is the term that One Life used for the alter who kept the others in check. I'll lay $10 we'll hear it here sometime in the future.)

I love Claire. A LOT. She's the most talented of the younger set and the most connected and versatile. She should be the star. She shines in her scenes with every character. I loved her with Eve today. But her parents should be on the show, at its core, and Eve should be helping her with her music (maybe own her own studio or something) and mentoring her. Claire shouldn't be running with the teen set, even though she is a teen.

I have no use for Ciara. I do like Tripp and I like that multiple stories are mentioned by characters not involved in them. It adds a level of realism while also keeping anyone who maybe lapsed into a coma during a slow episode in the loop. (I'm not even sure I watched yesterday!)

I really liked the Julie/Maggie scenes.

I like that I don't know if Brady is falling for Eve, or playing her, or falling but fighting it.
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I don't know why they keep showing so much of the day before's ending. Ugh, knew she was going to toss the wig. Poirot, I also had closed captions on just because and was very confused with the Dr. Laura until I realized, ok they know this is another alter that we hadn't met yet!

Man, Abigail is really plagued by mental issues. Going to be interesting where this goes. But good thing it was an alter or else Abigail would get a complex since Chad was so turned on by her in Gabi's dress.

Please just get on with the wedding and secret reveal already!!!
Laura Horton, who happens to be a psychologist (or psychiatrist)
Since she is authorized to prescribe medication, among other things medical, Laura is a psychiatrist. :)

[StefaNo] touches his mother's face and neck too much.
C'mon, Jason, give the guy a break. Maybe he's only admiring the handiwork. :)
I really hate how Ciara acts like Steve is just "Tripp's father" and not her Uncle Steve. Heck, she's known Steve far longer than Tripp has.
I hate that too! I also hate that Claire called Deimos "Brady's uncle". A twitter friend pointed out that he was also Claire's uncle. (Technically half-great-granduncle, but still, in common language, "Uncle".)

I think the Tripp/Ciara/Steve thing is another distancing like they do sometimes with Will/Paul and John. If they're too family, their eventual horizontal activities might be more questionable. LOL
Maybe a fun thing on the show would be to have someone relate to the young people, or some newbie perhaps, how related everyone is. Stefan would have been ideal, but the louse did all his homework, researched past history, relatives, etc. He knows all the back, I do think a gossip session is in order. And I think Henderson & Harold would be perfect, go have a meal, some drinks and diss their bosses. Could be a couple nurses at the hospital, since the Salemites seem to congregate there and are able to go anywhere without a problem. LOL
I think it was a relatively interesting show, and certainly edited in an interesting way. I will say I'm eager to get on with the reveal in the wedding already. We've waited long enough! I'm also curious as to what will happen with Victor, with both Maggie and whatever Brady is plotting. The Eve scenes were also nice.
Thanks, Jason. I hope your work tomorrow will be better than today.

I like Dr Laura. I loved her excuse to Chad why she was wearing the
sexy dress. And I think Dr Laura understands it would be wrong
for her to sleep with Chad.

Vivian agrees with me that Abigail is batty. I like Vivian's new hair do.

So, who is going to be framed by Stefan and Vivian for Andre's murder? Will it be
the real Gabi?
Maybe Kate. I think they should frame Julie :)
I was also annoyed that Claire referred to Hope as her Grandma but then referred to Brady and Deimos as if they were only Eve's love interests rather than her uncles. Jeannie Theresa is also Claire's 2nd cousin. That said, I liked the beat of Eve talking to Claire about Eduardo, Rafe and Dario. Too bad we couldn't see Claire build a stronger relationship with Hope so that her sudden concern actually makes sense.

I love Claire. A LOT. She's the most talented of the younger set and the most connected and versatile. She should be the star. She shines in her scenes with every character. I loved her with Eve today. But her parents should be on the show, at its core, and Eve should be helping her with her music (maybe own her own studio or something) and mentoring her. Claire shouldn't be running with the teen set, even though she is a teen.

Agreed on all counts though I do like Claire and Tripp.

Marci Miller (Abby) did a stellar job today. I think this was the best episode since the alters showed up.

So we still don't know who killed Andre.

I love that they're using a multiple personality disorder book written by Kimberly and that Stefan found it on the bookshelf at the DiMansion. Nice shout out to Donovan Manor, the mansion's former name.
At the Teen Loft, Claire is fussing with a dress hanging on the door .... At Doug's Place, Julie is practicing what she'll say at Hope's wedding.... But of course she's doffed the wig in the three seconds off camera.
Based on the past history of Salem weddings, Claire should be fussing over what bullet-proof vest to wear, and Julie should be practicing dialing 911. As for the wig, it might make for a good scene if a near-sighted Vivian sees it in the corner, mistakes it for some critter, and shrieks: "Stefan, call the exterminator!"