Days of Our Lives - Thu., May 14, 2015


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
At his hotel, Xander and Serena are in bed. He says he knew she couldn't resist him, even with all that's happened. She agrees and stabs him...but it's just a fantasy. Serena's actually having lunch in the square, admiring a sharp knife. (She also doesn't know where the heart is on a human, apparently.) She resolves to stop running scared.

In her office, Nicole is thinking about Xander kissing her, and Daniel asking her to "let this go." She frets about her plan to push Daniel away in order to expose Serena/help Eric. She calls Xander, who puts her off. Eric appears at her door, wanting to know why she's calling Xander. She claims it's for the story she's being forced to write, and to get all the info without bugging Brady. Eric doesn't buy it. Nicole claims that she and Daniel aren't on good terms now, so she didn't want to bother him for information. Eric still doesn't buy it, pushes, believes something's going on with Xander that has nothing to do with the Brady story. She admits it, and...she tells the actual truth, she believes Xander/Serena are up to something, tells what she overheard, but has no proof, as Eric yells at her...turns out it's a daydream. She really just passes it off as harmless flirtation, probably to make Daniel jealous, and it'll never be anything because of his closeness to Daniel/blood relation to Victor. Eric had just stopped by to stop her story, which she has to do anyway. She curtly dismisses him and he leaves. (Really loved that part, LOL.)

At the hospital, Xander approaches Daniel, asks about Brady's baby's surgery, ostensibly on Victor's behalf. Then asks about Nicole, claims he didn't want to upset their relationship. Daniel's clearly trying to flee, Xander is being friendly. Xander invites him to coffee, Daniel reluctantly accepts. They chat about Victor/Titus/George, and how close Victor/George were, when Serena saunters up and joins them. Serena talks about how she didn't know much about Xander's past despite their time in Africa, asks Daniel about Xander's past. Daniel tries to excuse himself, Serena wants him to give a message to Melanie, invites everyone to dinner. Daniel leaves; Xander's furious.

At DiMansion, Melanie and Chad are talking about Kristen's death, Chad wants to know everything about how his "sister" died. Melanie waffles, but Chad really wants to know. Later, she's told him, and regrets that her actions led to Kristen's death. Chad wonders what this means for Melanie/Brady. Melanie re-iterates that she has no regrets, Brady had to know. Chad pushes, he wants to know the whole truth, don't be kind. Melanie lowers the boom: Kristen held them all captive, would have pushed Marlena out the window and killed them all. He thinks he's a DiMera "through-and-through" as he rehashes his past misdeeds, but Melanie feels they pale in comparison to the acts of Kristen/Stefano/EJ. They talk about his learning he was a DiMera, how he was such a screwup Mia didn't even tell him about their baby. Melanie finally tells him to make his own choice, don't try to live up to his father's name. He thanks her, apologising for making this all about him.

In his office, Roman tells Abe he has a bad feeling about Marlena, from whom he hasn't heard in over 24 hours. After everything that's recently happened, this is extra suspicious, according to Roman's gut. Later, they discover all her appointments were cancelled by text, this cinches it in Roman's mind, Stefano's responsible. They don't want to wait for a warrant (?), want to act quickly.

In the DiMera Castle, Marlena tells Stefano that this plan is insane; he thinks it would be justice. She claims to know him better than anyone else on Earth, tries to psychoanalyse him, claiming he's just trying to end his obsession with her. They flash back to 1984 (????) when he was holding her in a secret mansion. He reiterates his plan to kill her. She points out how he's threatened her before, she's still here, despite his numerous attempts to kill her/family. Lots more flashbacks (including the famous helicopter scene). She owns him, declaring he's got a textbook obsession with her. He claims his hands are clean, but hers are not (absolutely awesome flashbacks to her shooting him, poisoning him, drugging him, and tossing him around like a pool toy during the Possession storyline). He declares her the Devil.

Second Half
In Xander's hotel room, Serena calls him out. He is nice to women to manipulate them, but nice to men whom he hates. Why does he hate Daniel? He claims he doesn't, she pushes his buttons until he screams at her. He pulls back, claims she's a fool if she thinks she can play on his level, warns her to get out and stay on his side. She leaves... [see next paragraph].

Nicole and Daniel run into each other in the Square. She apologises for going off on him. He apologises, and back and forth, until he invites her to dinner with him & Melanie. They have a lot to talk about. She does want to talk, but they're both too busy now. They part company and she again hopes that this scheme will be worth it. Later she is about to knock on Xander's the exact moment Serena is leaving.

Abe arrives at the DiMera mansion. Chad asks about Theo; Abe expresses condolences for Chad's loss. Abe levels that he's looking for Stefano, and admits he thinks Stefano has Marlena. Based on history, and Stefano's MO. Chad remembers Stefano seeming calmer on their last call, realises something might be up. But what can he do? Abe begs him to persuade Stefano to see Kristen's death as an accident.

Why am I the Devil? Because I do everything to protect my family, Marlena pontificates. She talks of how they couldn't bury the hatchet when EJ/Sami married, but they did love their grandchildren. And Stefano and Marlena are both a part of them, and she wouldn't change that. Would he? Again she talks about losing a child. Would he feel better if he killed her? He thinks he would. How would Johnny/Sydney feel upon learning that their "precious Nono" took their grandmother away forever? He claims they'll never know. Orders his men in, tells them to throw her out the window.

Chad is trying to call Stefano, who ignores the call, while he watches Marlena struggle as the goons try to throw her out the window. Chad's under the delusion that Stefano (who's not like a Mobster or anything) wouldn't hurt her, as Stefano continues to ignore his call. Marlena manages to get free momentarily, and continues to struggle as the episode ends.
WOW I finally got a wonderful show on Thursday!! LOL

Loved Nicole telling Eric to scoot. Really enjoyed Abe & Chad's scenes, and even Melanie and Chad!! (Billy Flynn is terrific, as far as I'm concerned he's officially the only Chad now.)

I really like Xander and Serena's chemistry. And I think I could like both characters if they had more than one note. (Shame, too, Serena had a great intro to Salem.) Too bad they are fillers who have no reason to stick around. And these are characters created by the current writers!!! So much potential, untapped.

Oh- bestill my Days loving heart, those flashbacks were AMAZING. AND lots of talk about past stories, too...wonderful!! :love::love::love::love:

Is it possible someone has been listening to the fans? The scenes were terrific. I could have done without Melanie's black brastrap, Stefano's shifting eyes (did he forget a line or something? distracted from the scene), Daniel (in his entirety or at least his over-acting hands!!), and the stabbing scene, but otherwise...

Thanks Jason!

Aside from the flashbacks, I'm still underwhelmed by the Stefano/Marlena story. It's just not suspenseful at all. And without John is just ridiculous. John would never be too busy to rescue Marlena and I hope he tells Roman where to go when he finds out this was kept from him. Come on we all know Stefano will probably answer the phone and tell his men to stop. Either that or she will be thrown and will hang on to a ledge or something. I'll still probably watch the flashbacks again.

Melanie is just filler at this point. She really is not serving any purpose in any of the scenes she is in. Time for her to move on and out of Salem. And she can take her sanctimonious father with her. And her friend Serena. How awkward was that scene with Serena, Daniel and Xander?

I enjoyed the Nicole and Eric scenes but it also serves as reminder of how many miss-matched couples are on the show right now.
It was wonderfully awkward! Just how Serena wanted it. If only she'd been given the chance.... I wanted so much more for Melissa Archer (Serena) to do in Salem, but it looks like she's relegated to the diamond story ad infinitum.

Truly, the scene with Marlena being pushed toward the window has no real suspense. I don't for a second think they'll kill her. Extra-specially not on a Thursday. But they were still good scenes, terrific acting from two powerhouse actors. Great script, too. I love it when characters talk about their past stories at appropriate times.

What a stark contrast from the rest of the week today's episode was!!! :love:
The Aiden character was a great addition, in the beginning now kinda eh, due to the poor writing. When Billy Flynn first came on as Chad, I didn't think much of his acting. I'm gladly eating my words now and am finding the actor to have brought a lot of depth to the Chad character. And ok, I guess we could really reach and think that Roman doesn't call John because he wants to be the one to save Marlena, but Abe should've and normally would've called John!
Thanks for the summary, JasonD, good job!
Doesn't Serena "work" at the hospital? How doesn't she know where a human heart is??!! In any case, I'm tired of her storyline, and even of Xander and everything. Good actors, terrible-written filler-type scenes for them. I'm so over Nicole being involved with Eric and Daniel. Glad she told Eric to leave, and I really hope she doesn't take him back eventually, or Daniel. She needs to be involved with Rafe.

I enjoyed the Chad-Melanie stuff. Melanie might be pointless, but at least these scenes were well-acted.

Nice to see Abe. The Marlena storyline is pretty good, but I still wish that Roman was more hands-on in her rescue, as well as John. It's ridiculous that they aren't! I laughed when Roman said he didn't hear from her in 24 hours---we've hardly heard from/seen Roman in 24 MONTHS!!:rotfl:
Roman didn't call John, and Abe didn't call John, not because he's "busy" with his new idiot son, as they claimed, but because these writers hate John and I suspect John/Marlena as a couple. My opinion only, folks.

Serena is a medical researcher, but fantasises about stabbing Xander in the heart, on the right side of his chest. Maybe the show is going sci-fi again, and Ms Cook (Xander's mother) is an alien? LOL
I really like Xander and Serena's chemistry. And I think I could like both characters if they had more than one note. (Shame, too, Serena had a great intro to Salem.) Too bad they are fillers who have no reason to stick around. And these are characters created by the current writers!!! So much potential, untapped.

On the Afterbuzz recap show... maybe last weeks episode? I binge watched them on Monday so I'm not sure - they said that head writers continue to get royalties for characters they invent if they stay on the show after the writers move on. They were suggesting that the previous writers were basically throwing poop at a wall to see what sticks, because we've had so many new characters who could have well just been recast old ones. Xander for example would have made way more sense to be Alex.

Does anyone here know if that's true? It would certainly explain Serena and Xander. I agree there was a lot of wasted potential there.
I have heard that new characters created by a writer brings them extra money, but I really don't think that goes on forever. Shows would go broke. Every single character on a soap (or any show) has been created by a writer, over the years. Maggie, Julie, Roman, Stefano, and one can name the entire cast.
I also liked the Chad/Melanie scenes and THIS is the Chad I want to see. Someone who is conflicted who doesn't WANT to follow in his father's poisonous footsteps like his siblings did but also longs for the bonds of family. That's interesting to me not Chad just being Stefano's lapdog which is the direction the character seems to be going in. He doesn't need to reject Stefano outright *although I wouldn't mind it if he did* just as long as we can see that when push comes to shove Chad will oppose him like we did see today.
I don't think Stefano will really have Marlena tossed out the window. Fun to see the flashbacks though!
Agree about the flashbacks. It's hard to imagine TPTB now having the money to hire a helicopter for a scene. As for Roman and Abe, their concern about Marlena is laudable, but as usual, they are closing the henhouse door after Stefano the fox has been there. If they'd had some cops keep an eye on Doc Evans after her return, Stefano's ISA flunkies would be now sharing space in Fake Rafe's old cell. As for Chad, it was good to see that unlike certain Salemites, he can handle the truth, being aware of how sick EJ and Kristen were, how bad Fatha is, and of his own shabby behavior regarding poor little Mia. Finally, will Xander puh-leeze give Bluebird her diamond money so she can go to Hawaii. Honolulu's loss will be Salem's gain.
The flashbacks with Marlena & Stefano were the highlight of today's show for me. I forgot how young Stefano was & looked way back when.

Eric & Nicole didn't seem so bad today. It was a nice continuation of how I have always viewed them. Eric starts to trust Nicole to later find out she was lying. It did get confusing when she went into fantasyland imagining the scenario if she told him the truth right now.

Then there was Serena's fantasyland. I didn't realize she was stabbing Xander in the heart. I thought she was only stabbing him at the closest spot to her.

JasonDiSpeech, Dextrocardia is what it's called when people's heart (& possibly other organs sometimes) is on the right side & it does happen in humans, albeit uncommon, but wouldn't be science fiction.

Aside from the flashbacks & fantasies, the actual present time happenings of today were good, especially Marlena & Stefano. I am liking the new Chad. It's hard to read what really is going on in his head.

Did they rework Melanie's sweaterdress to this new one? I like it better especially with the cute black top underneath.
I fast forwarded most of Serena/Xander/Nicole/Eric/Daniel, so it was a pretty good episode for me.

I loved the flashbacks. Marlena still looks spectacular but my god she was gorgeous. I think I must have forgotten how beautiful she was. Stefano was so young too. I really enjoyed it.

I liked Chad and Melanie too, I liked that the referenced more recent history. And I liked Abe and Chad too. They need to exploit that relationship more.
I enjoyed the flashbacks today since I haven't seen most of them before.

Nice to hear Chad mention Mia and his daughter. We're seeing the softer
side of Chad again.

It was interesting to hear Roman talk to Abe about Marlena. Roman knew
something was going on with her. Why isn't John doing something.

I wonder why Serene thought about Xander in bed when killing him. Does
she like Xander's body more than Eric's......

At the end of today's show, Marlena is at the window's ledge. Chad
keeps calling Stefano.. Will we know tomorrow if Nonno does a no-no :)

Thanks for the summary, Jason.
I rewatched the flashback scenes. Some I have seen live, some not. I really liked the scene where she is seducing Stefano--very well directed in that all you saw were Marlena's face and her leg. Sometimes that is enough.

I completely missed the scene where Chad mentioned Grace. Interesting.