Days of Our Lives - Thu., May 3, 2018


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
At the Police Station, Kate finishes a call with Marlena. Chad comes out, having spent the night in jail. Recaps ensue. Kate sends him to the interrogation room, where he sees the bagged wig and flashes back to finding the gruesome scene. Chad places all the blame on Stefan0, Kate says Abigail is sick. She has DID; recaps "Dr Laura," "Gabby," etc, as well as Marlena's idea that André's death was the impetus for the DID. There's a bit of back and forth about whether it could have been "Gabby" or "Dr Laura" that actually killed André with no actual plot movement. Chad does feel guilty; Kate won't let him give up.

At Marlena's office, John is trying to convince her to take the day off since she almost died last night. Marlena is steadfast in her refusal; she needs to get Abigail back to the people who love her. John suggests Abby was brainwashed, Marlena wishes it were that simple because breaking the DiMera's style of conditioning is a specialty of hers. John worries that Abby/Gabby/whoever tried to kill Doc. "Dr Laura" enters, confesses because she has immunity. Marlena has filled John in on all of the details. Abigail is here for treatment. Marlena sends John away to check on Brady, and as he departs John tells Abigail he loves her but won't let her hurt Marlena again. Alone, "Dr Laura" stalls as Marlena recaps, allegedly to get to the bottom of Abigail's split, including how "Dr Laura" arranged to help frame Gabi. Again, lots of talk, no movement as Marlena wants to fix Abby by telling her the truth. "Dr Laura" says the session is over, and she will leave in 24 hours and keep Abigail safe from everyone including Stefan0 unless the police find evidence linking Abby to the murder.

In the Hospital, at Brady's bedside, Maggie weeps. Brady, in a coma, has a flashback of Eve telling him off. Meanwhile outside, Eve is apparently having the same flashback when Lucas comes in, worried about Chloe. Eve has no time for this drama, recaps Brady's "relapse." Lucas doubts it was a relapse. After about 200 scenes, it comes out that Miguel was with Chloe last night. Lucas resolves to go to Mexico City to bring Chloe back. Eve questions this.

Meanwhile at Brady's bedside, Brady comes to, tells about Ciara's claim of cheating in the contest. Maggie believes his innocence re: the contest, learns Eve dumped him again, thinks that started his drinking. He swears he hasn't been drinking. She wants to call Victor to tell him Brady'll be all right. Before she leaves, he wants to know she believes he didn't relapse; he's grown since his dumpings by Jeannie T and Nicole. She says she believes him, hopes Eve will too.

Mexico City. (That's important enough to be written on the screen, so I used bold type.) Chloe comes to, locked in a room. Later, Miguel enters, holding a gun on her. They also engage in a recap-a-thon about Brady's apparent relapse and Miguel's lies have separated her and Eve from the men they love. Chloe is resolute in her belief that Lucas will come for her. She's not sure she'll do a great job as Salomé if she's a captive. Miguel informs her she'll have an audience of 1.

Back at the hospital/nurses' station, Maggie comes out, interrupting Eve's attempts to convince Lucas not to go to Mexico City. Lucas takes the opportunity to bolt. Maggie and Eve discuss Brady's guilt and her feelings. Eve then apparently stalks about for awhile, because John comes out, having visited Brady, who is asking for Eve. John asks her to consider giving Brady a second chance.

Lucas storms into Club TBD looking for Chloe. She's not there, he scolds himself. After a long look at the liquor behind the bar, he re-reads her letter. Later, Maggie comes upon him as he's staring at a drink (he's removed his jacket). He agrees, pushes it away, and admits he doesn't believe the letter.

In Chloe's captivity chamber, she is trying to escape. There are bars on the windows. Someone shocking opens the door.

Back at Marlena's office, John enters, learns Marlena's session was a bust.

Kate re-enters the interrogation room, having spoken with Marlena; the only person who can bring Abigail back is Chad. "Dr Laura" is brought in. END
After about 200 scenes,

Oh gosh, I hate how the writers love to drag out stupid little things like this. Letting Lucas know that Miguel was at the club without being coy would not have changed anything, other than stare-into-space looks. And interrupted conversations. :fan:

Thank you for writing up this space holder of a show for us.
I would agree that some scenes were really dragged out........Kate stumbled all over the place telling Chad about Abby, that was asinine. Took wayyy too long. Chad did well on reacting, but Kate's explanations and delays were extremely annoying.

I think when Lucas talked to Eve, she wasn't even thinking about who was there with Chloe when she stopped there. Actually, she ignored Miguel for the most part, until I think he said something, which sent Eve finally on her way. Eve is very self absorbed right now, plus torn about Brady. But it did seem like a mostly filler episode. Marlena & Dr. Laura facing off was rather odd......
The whole show could have happened in 5 minutes. At least there was no gross-ness or teen-ness. LOL
And no Mr. Sleaze! :):)Elsewhere Salemites were showing themselves to be stuck in the past or ignorant of inconvenient facts.

Eve & John: Yes, in the past Abigail could be a victim of DiMera brainwashing and Brady probably would have drink Doug's Place dry, but these days it's schizophrenia and evil drug lord plots. The days when everything bad could be blamed on Stefano DiMera are over forever.

Lucas: Before he goes charging off to Mexico City, somebody should remind him that it has 573 sq. miles and 8.84 million people, and that speaking Spanish would be a major plus.

"Dr. Laura": She keeps blathering about immunity. However, as noted in another post, immunity extorted by a schizophrenic's alter is no immunity at all.
Thanks, Jason.

Finally a new day in Salem.

I guess Maggie is a member of the Salem alcohol police. She's always around when
someone is drinking who's not supposed to.

I'm glad Lucas is suspicious of why Chloe left.

I was surprised when Chloe mentioned the man she loved. Is that Lucas?

Why couldn't we have seen John with Brady?
Lucas: Before he goes charging off to Mexico City, somebody should remind him that it has 573 sq. miles and 8.84 million people, and that speaking Spanish would be a major plus.
Yeah, I was going to mention to him that Mexico City is kinda big and maybe he should have a plan.
I wonder what Dr. Laura's purpose is going to be? She's trying to protect Abby and wants her happy, yet she's keeping her away from her husband, son, and the rest of her family and friends. Also, she told Marlena that after the police finish holding her, she's going to leave Salem. Um, can't Marlena restrain her by reason of insanity? If nothing else, she can invoke a 5150 and hold her for 72 hours as she presents a danger to herself and others around her.
Horrible head scratcher of an episode

I don't mind Marlena being concerned about Abby but Marlena being concerned Abby over her son Brady? Really? You know if that were Eric she would have been at his bedside.

And why am I subjected to a John/Eve scene when I can't see John/Brady? Was something cut? Because John disappeared for most of the episode.

Everything Eve was fast forwarded. Even Lucas can't save those scenes for me.

I was disappointed that Chloe didn't leave a clue for Lucas in that letter. I know they're not a supercouple but come on.

Beyond tired of seeing scenes with Kate/Chad and Maggie/Brady. These are not their mothers! The Chad scenes could have easily been done with Hope or even Marlena while saying that Jennifer paid the bail offscreen. She could have been signing paperwork. And someone please just give Maggie Chez Rouge back and let her meddle that way instead of taking air time away from rightful family connections on this show.

I don't understand Dr. Laura's motives either, especially since Gabby was just out for days. I almost feel like Dr. Laura is ready to split too.
don't mind Marlena being concerned about Abby but Marlena being concerned Abby over her son Brady? Really? You know if that were Eric she would have been at his bedside.

And at other times, she has been at Brady's side, mentor, mother etc. There is no consistency with many family relationships. It's like Days cannot write mothers, father, siblings of being capable of being there for more than one family member at a time.