Days of Our Lives - Thu., May 4, 2017


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
(Apologies folks, NBC/my station were glitchy today)
Steve and Kayla meet at the pub, he gives her a flower. Tripp calls, wants to see her alone.

Eric and Chloe meet in the Square. Chloe is mad that nobody's on her side, agrees to continue thinking about Eric's compromise suggestion. He gets a call from Marlena (see below).

Sonny confronts (Ed. Note: that is really a stretch of the term) Deimos in the hospital, Paul is in with Brady. Sonny wonders how Deimos found Nicole so quickly, and about Deimos reporting Xander's death. Sonny reminds Deimos that Deimos cost Nicole custody of Holly, wonders how far Deimos will go to get what he wants. The confrontation goes nowhere.

In the hospital room, Brady wakes up, asks about Holly and Nicole. Paul says the search is on. Marlena rushes in, learns "Xander has Nicole and Holly." Marlena is shocked, gets plot updates from Paul and Brady. Brady has to be restrained by Marlena, who then scolds him for running off. Brady confesses he's in love with Nicole, and the four of them (first oblique mention of Tate this episode) will be a family. Paul goes out, talks to Sonny, he is going to call his dad and Steve for help. Victor appears, wants to see Brady.

Nicole wakes up in a hotel somewhere, Xander walks in with Holly. Xander gives Holly to Nicole. He taunts her about Brady being "dead dead, not river dead" and about stealing Holly from Chloe. Xander reminds Nicole of her manipulating him, running back to Daniel. Deimos calls him, wants Xander to make sure Nicole's happy to see him (Deimos) when he arrives. They're on a Greek isle. Xander tells Nicole that Brady's alive. He menaces her endlessly.

In Brady's hospital room, Marlena will update Brady when she hears from John. Victor comes in, glad to see Brady. Marlena goes to check on Tate. Victor wants to know why Brady feels compelled to rescue Nicole, doesn't want to hear that Brady loves Nicole. Victor will save the lecture, needs to focus on keeping Brady out of jail.

Marlena calls Eric, tells him Brady is in the hospital. He is on his way, Chloe in pursuit. They arrive at the hospital, Chloe confronts Brady wants her daughter back, wants to know where Holly and Nicole are. He updates them on the plot. Chloe acts up, wants her baby back. Marlena gets Chloe out of the room, Brady laments his foul-up in not keeping Nicole safe. A uniform enters to investigate Brady's assistance of Nicole, Eric tries to run interference, Brady wants to keep things moving so he can get back to looking for Holly and Nicole. He tells the cop everything about running off with Holly & Nicole, and Xander not being dead.

Kayla and Tripp meet in the Private area, he wants to know about Ava's suicide attempt. Blah blah blah. Tripp wonders if Ava wanted to kill herself, or just make trouble for Kayla. Kayla wants him to let go of the past, focus on the future, give Steve another chance. Both Kayla and Steve will do anything for their family.

Paul updates Steve at the Pub about Deimos, whom Steve will keep an eye on. Steve will also use his contacts to pick up Xander's trail.

Victor thanks Sonny (lumping him in with Deimos) for finding Brady, Sonny objects, connects the dots about Xander and Deimos, though Victor doubts it. Deimos comes over, is sorry about Brady. Sonny leaves, Victor inquires about Xander's survival.

Sonny and Paul meet in the Square, recap what they've done (audio troubles on this scene, too).

Chloe meets with Deimos, asks for his help.

I don't know anything else because Lester Holt interrupts so that talking heads can speculate. And sorry folks, I don't have the patience to see if the show comes back for the last 3 minutes. Anyone in regular time want to fill us in on the last few minutes of the show?
Another good episode today! Although Tripp and all that was filler and kind of repetitive, everything else went great, I think!

Chloe asked Deimos for help? I thought he was so horrible!? When the truth comes out, it's gonna bite her in the behind!

I hope Brady and Nicole get out of any legal trouble they may be in.
Sonny confronts (Ed. Note: that is really a stretch of the term) Deimos in the hospital,....... The confrontation goes nowhere.

Sort of like the show this super fantastic amazing sweeps month. :sarcasm:

I'll watch in a bit, when it is on in my timezone. But I'm not excited about watching.

:clap::clap::clap::clap: Thank you, Jason, for sticking with the show and writing this up for us.:clap::clap::clap::clap:
Once again, just a few comments about certain people.

Chloe: She actually yelled at a man lying in a hospital bed with tubes in his nose. What next -- over to the Salem cemetery to yell at the Love Doctor for ruining her life by causing her to cheat on Lucas?

Deimos: He tells really big lies so often and so easily. Pinocchio must be jealous that his nose doesn't grow at all.

Brady: Why is a man who was shot in the chest and had a collapsed lung in third-rate University Hospital and not some fine facility in the Winnipeg area? Do his foolish, ignorant friends and family think that at such a hospital he'd be treated by sled dogs, fur trappers, and Bullwinkle the Moose?

Sonny: He called Deimos the "plague incarnate." Somebody should tell him that this is a major understatement.
Thanks, Jason.

Tripp called Angelo at the end and he said Steve is covering up who killed Ava.
Tripp thinks Kayla did it.

Nicole hit Xander with a vase and left the room. I wonder if she really understands
the she's on an island and there are guards all over?

Marlena called someone and found out no one knows where John is.

Deimos told Chloe he was planning to bring Nicole and Holly back to Salem when
he finds them. Chloe believed him. After she left, it looked like Deimos was thinking
there goes another gullible person in Salem
Poor Holly, she's been kidnapped twice before she's a year old.

I wonder what type of plane Xander used to get to Greece when he left Canada?

The Kiriakis men had some funny lines today. They must have learned how from Victor.
Deimos arranged to have Brady flown to Salem. He mentioned it in a scene with Sonny near the beginning of the show.

I really hate the way that this headwriter (Dena Higley) has thrown Chloe's character under the bus twice now, first with the hooker story in her previous regime and now this baby custody story. Where is the drama when everyone in town is taking Nicole's side, despite the fact that she kidnapped Sami's baby in the past? They should have kept Philip on the show as he and Sonny could have teamed up together against Deimos and provided support for Chloe in her custody suit for Holly. It would have also provided more drama and conflict between Brady and Philip and might have made this story more interesting.

The best part of today was no Chad, Abby, Gabi, or Dario.
I missed the Tate mention as well. I actually thought Marlena mentioned him when she initially walked in to Brady's room but didn't see anyone else mention it here.

Brady is in the Salem University hospital? How did he get there from Canada? Was he airlifted? Was he stable to be transferred? I haven't watched all week, so I might have missed this in reading the summaries.

You missed nothing. It wasn't explained very well. The show implied that it was Deimos but even that wasn't spelled out.

Where is the drama

There isn't any. That's been the issue with the show for months now. I agree with you about Philip. He should also be the one battling Deimos for control of Titan instead of Sonny. The show also should have kept Shawn and Belle and put them in the middle of Claire and Ciara. Instead, we get endless talk about Ava, Daniel and the love hexagon with the 20 somethings.

At the end of the show, Deimos actually said to Sonny: "I know you want to take over running the the family from me"

What in the world am I watching?!