Days of Our Lives - Thu., May 7, 2015


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
In her office, Nicole is looking at her phone, waiting for it to ring. Xander calls, says he's thinking of her. He's in a bind, wants to see her, but without hurting Daniel. He suggests they meet discreetly. (He's calling from his hotel room and wearing a towel during all this, by the way.) He invites her to his hotel; she agrees after he clarifies he just wants to talk. She reminds us that she's just digging for dirt on Serena. Later, they meet at his hotel room (he's finally dressed); she's glad he called, and he wants to know where she stands. Nicole wonders why he's so protective of Daniel even though they're not close; he says "I owe everything in my life to the Kiriakis family." (Er, isn't he one?) She tells him that Victor is her ex-husband, and hates her. She wants to keep their friendship super-secret because of this. Xander tells her to go...but on second thought.... He tells her if she and Daniel work things out, he'll be happy for her...and not.

Hope & Ciara are laughing in the square, having spent the day at the lake. They're planning to meet Chase & Aiden. Hope has to call "Grandma & Grampa." Gets a call about Clyde, Aiden overhears. Hope tries to explain that she's not acting on info she learned because of Aiden's phone call, he stops her, it's too great a day to talk about work. They kiss, and we hear Ciara say, "See Grandma Julie," and Julie & Hope & Aiden laugh. They go inside, where Doug is singing to Chase ("the old rock candy mountain"), which underwhelms Chase but which Hope loves. (Doug & Julie have been on another cruise.) They talk about how great cruises are, and how great it is to be "just the two of them." Later, they're having sundaes, with Hope & Aiden talking about how the kids brought them together. Julie pulls Hope aside, tells her how natural Hope & Aiden are. Hope talks about how their jobs have been conflicting, Julie tells her what her Zen master taught her, if things get out of balance, find her inner harmony, LOL. Hope is happy Ciara is happy, while Julie is happy Hope is happy. As they're leaving, Doug tells Aiden to sing Hope a song if things get tense. After the kiddos leave, Julie lays a big kiss on Doug, she's glad Doug's gotten over his worries about Aiden.

Daniel visits Jen in her office, asks about Laura, who's fine. She asks him to sit down, wants his advice on something. She thinks Eve's about to go off the rails. They talk about the coat, and Jen mentions she thinks Eve has disturbing feelings for JJ. This is disturbing to Daniel, who suggests that Paige be told the truth. Jen continues not to want to hear this, this will destroy Paige. Daniel has an idea. Eve knows he knows, but he made no promises, so if he goes to her and suggests therapy or he'll go public, she might do it. Jennifer likes this idea, hugs him happily. Now that he's helped her, she asks about Nicole; they're back & forth but he claims he's come to an understanding of how she really feels about him.

At her apartment building, Eve comes out of the elevator, flashes back to her talk with Paige about JJ/Paige/sex, enters the door and sees JJ & Paige going at it...but it's just a daydream, she snaps out quickly. Later, she is beating the couch with a pillow when Cole enters. He likes Paige and thinks JJ's not good enough for her. Eve says they have to work harder to get rid of JJ; Eve reviews their plan, their mutual goal, and their mutual need to stay above suspicion. She goes on a bit, and from her rant, Cole infers that she wants him to plant drugs on JJ. Eve didn't ever say that, Cole gets it, and Eve tells him from this time they must use disposable phones to communicate so they don't get caught; Cole thinks she's overthinking. Cole goes into the hallway and calls his dealer. Later, he shows up at the Student Union with a HUGE bag of oregano. (LOL)

Paige and JJ are in the student union, discussing her options for next year. Stanford wants to know if she's willing to attend next year. JJ also got a letter; she reads it and they kiss. He was accepted to San José State, which is about 30 minutes from Stanford. He wants to leave right away and move in together. She'll think about it; he starts looking for places online, she's not ready. He wants a new start away from Salem & everyone, especially Eve. Round & round about Eve & the loser she hooked up with, Cole shows up. JJ has to talk to somebody, leaves for a minute, but Cole is unable to get his hands on JJ's backpack before he returns. JJ & Paige head off, to go to a movie, which gives Cole an idea. He goes to JJ's house and tries to figure out where to plant the stuff.

Eve is muttering about JJ & Cole. She gets a text from Jeannie T, imploring her to meet her at the hospital, they're about to land. She sends a text asking for details, gulps down some wine from a GIANT glass, then scurries out. She gets to the hospital, asks Daniel if she's seen Jeannie T., Daniel says Jeannie's OK, but not here. Tells her that Jeannie T.'s with Melanie. They hate each other, so Eve wonders why they'd be travelling together. Long story, Daniel says, adding nothing more. He gets a text from Melanie that they've landed, Eve texts Jeannie T as Jen arrives, asking how Eve's day is going. (Eve is being rather civil at first but Jen keeps pushing.) Daniel updates that the Italy bunch are going through customs, can't use their cells, orders Eve to wait here. Eve wants answers about Jeannie T, Daniel has to call his mom :)angry:) then meet Melanie at home, everything else has to wait. Jen goes on, saying waiting can be difficult, Eve snaps, but then actually apologises for her "reflexive" arguing with Jennifer. Eve admits she's been thinking about what Jenn said, has been reflecting on her life/JJ/Paige, and is going to let whatever happens, happen.

Later in the Square, Hope and Aiden discuss their careers again as she suggests that Aiden drop Clyde as a client. Another verbal spar, Aiden calls Chase over, they have to leave. Aiden tells Hope it's a shame such a great day ended like this. Chase & Ciara want to hang more, Aiden says no, they leave. Ciara asks what's wrong, Hope tells Ciara she put her foot in her mouth.

Paige and JJ learn their movie is sold out, decide to head to his place instead. Inside, Cole panics as he hears them approach.

At his hotel, Xander cares about Nicole as a friend, knows she's been having a rough time, wants to help her out. He tells her he'd rather show her than tell her how he feels, and he moves in.
Pretty great cliffhanger, eh? LOL

I really loved the Doug & Julie scenes. Very sweet. They need to stay in Salem as the stable couple.

Daniel...just, stop. Doing everything.

I liked Eve/Jen's today. I just wish Eve'd had some character development in the last year and half since joining the show.

I could like Xander/Nicole if it weren't a fakeout. Too much to hope she develops real feelings for him? And that he turns out NOT to be slimy and sticks around?

I thought Paige looked great today. I'd care a lot more about her if we knew anything about her before she was paired with JJ.
Bless you Jason for doing the summary. What a boring episode. I purposely started watching it a little after 1:30 and still was able to catch up to live on the DVR for the last segment. I FF'd all JJ/Paige/Cole/Eve/Jennifer/Daniel scenes.

Like you said, Nicole and Xander actually could be interesting but I'm sure it will blow up in Nicole's face as usual so why bother investing in it? I did enjoy seeing Doug and Julie too.

I can't believe how much I am looking forward to tomorrow's episode. The Italy crew will be back!
Good job, Jason. Thank you!
I really loved the entire Julie/Doug scenes, with Hope, Aiden, the kids, and again when the were alone for the minute or so. Wonderful family, loving scenes.
A shame that Aiden got upset at Hope and went off in a huff.

Gad, was there really a reason for Xander to be calling Nicole in just a towel, still wet from shower? You males have to let me know if, when taking a shower, you do not dry yourselves off after, just wrap a towel, and parade around your apt., room, etc. Open doors to strangers, ??? LOL

Cole is pretty confident he can plant the drugs so JJ can be blamed. LOL at him managing to get into the house via the back door. Wonder if anyone will notice someone actually broke in???

That is hard to believe that last week was pretty good nearly every day, only to have 4 days of this week be so snooze worthy. This is MID sweeps week, but maybe the writers had a typo and it said "sleeps" instead, so they wrote accordingly.

Methinks Xander should have continued to show Nicole the door. Uncle Victor would not be too pleased to know he is consorting with "that hated woman".
Yes, it was another May sweeps snoozer, but there were a few items that rate comment. For starters, like his old buddy, the Love Doctor, Xander is certainly fond of wearing towels. Maybe they could collaborate on a new line of towel-wear that any guy would be proud to wear while answering the door. Then there's Eve, who certainly needs therapy or a hobby or something. If not, sooner or later, she's going to knock the stuffing out of her poor sofa pillows. Finally, Hope really needs to get a grip about Clyde. Aiden representing him is just a job, and it's one that probably pays better than house closings and slip-and-fall cases. And as pseudo-lawyer Carrie "Princess Hag" Reed demonstrated, finding lost cats isn't exactly the path to legal fame and fortune.
Did you know that Bill Hayes (Doug) will be 90 years old in June? There were some comments about Joe Mascalo (Stefano) being 86 - they are both looking great!

That's awesome! I thought John Aniston (Victor) was 85 as well? All look amazing.:)

Thanks Jason. I watched this but didn't really watch it. I'll probably sift through a few scenes again later.

I did think the scene with Nicole willing the phone to ring was hilarious. She really looked taken aback when it rang.

Doug and Julie: More please. Also, a Shawn-Douglas mention would have been appropriate today.

Will someone please explain to me what Jennifer's hairstyle was all about? Who puts half a braid in their hair?

REALLY REALLY REALLY disappointed that we did not see the Italy crew today. You do NOT spend 2 weeks building up a story only to air it once the following week. This storyline is falling flat just like the Aiden reveal and other recent storylines we have seen. We should have seen the Italy crew AT LEAST 1 other episode this week. And why would Jeannie text Eve to get to the hospital if they weren't even through customs yet? Is Salem International Airport also located next to HTS? :rolleyes:
Heather, not only are they airing one episode of the Italy crew one day this week, but it's at the end of the week as well. What a letdown this week has been. Four days that were absolutely boring. I thought today's show dragged on for some time.

I loved seeing Doug and Julie today. It was a nice family scene with them and Hope and Aiden. They need to bring them on occasionally to show us a stable, loving couple. I was relieved that these writers did not bring them on and give them a story to cause them angst and break them up like they have every other couple in Salem.

LOL at JJ planning for him and Paige to get a place in California for him to go to San Jose State and her to Stanford. I lived in that area for several years (and received my masters degree at San Jose State no less), and that area is one of the most expensive areas to live in the San Francisco Bay Area. They better take lots of money from the Salem money tree before they leave :).

Eve really needs to get a job or something to occupy her mind rather than obsessing over JJ and Paige and conspiring with Cole to break them up. I liked her interaction with Daniel and Jennifer at the hospital. I wonder how she will react tomorrow when Theresa introduces her to her baby nephew.

I wish Xander was a character we could root for with Nicole. Even though this is a fake out, she could eventually fall for him. I like their interactions together, but I did not like how he acted with Serena when he was violent with her when he wanted the diamonds. Another wasted opportunity by these writers:drunk:.
I've noticed an interesting phenomena occur whenever Eve/Paige/JJ/Cole etc, appear on my TV screen I can actually feel my IQ levels drop with every segment they are featured. If they are featured in two segments my IQ drops by two points if they are three that's how much lower it drops so on and so forth. Fortunately I can also feel my IQ is back where it should be within an half hour or so after the show concludes. But I'm starting to worry that if this continues much longer the effects may become permanent. So I'm pleading with the powers that be at the show for the sake of my intellectual well-being to please, please shut. this. down.

Hope/Aidan here's the problem I have with Clyde being a source of conflict for them, until Hope actually has something concrete against him to present to Aidan she has no real argument. Right now she doesn't want Aidan to represent him because he rubs her the wrong way. So all they are doing is having the same argument which Hope can't really back up which leads for boring and repetitious scenes.

So they can do a couple of things to fix this in my oh so very humble opinion they can a) move this along and have Hope actually have SOMETHING on Clyde and have Aidan still insist on representing him, Which would at least give Hope's argument some heft so she wouldn't come across as just a nag; or b) find something else to give them conflict because right now they are just kind of boring.

For the record this post is the last time I'll be referring to Clyde by name after he threatened Gabi and Arianna he shall henceforth be known to me as "pond scum."
It would be nice is the Salem P.D. tailed Clyde for a couple days, checked his cell phone calls, looked into his "trucking" business a bit closer. That is what first drew notice to him by Hope. Especially since he was cutting into Victor's business.
I only tuned in for Doug, Julie, Hope, Aiden, Ciara and Chase!!!:love: And all 6 of them did not disappoint me, as usual!:clap:

Doesn't sound like I'm missing much as far as the rest of the show is concerned. Just reading the recaps of all the other goings on in Salem makes me drowsy. But BIG TIME Thank You to the kind posters who do take the time to do the write ups and save the rest of us the trouble.:hug:
Jason, thanks for the summary.

I enjoyed seeing Doug and Julie. Too bad it might be awhile
before we see them again.

There must something wrong with Eve if she's seeing JJ and
Paige doing it on the couch. Yuck...

Hope did stick her foot in her month if she things Aiden should get
rid of Clyde as a client.

Interesting Jen told Daniel about the jacket and he plans to tell Eve get therapy.
Wouldn't Eve know who told Daniel about the jacket :rolleyes:

I guess the people who were in Italy took the long way to Salem if they
are just getting back to town and going though customs

It's sweeps time when you see a male in Salem without his shirt on.

Not sure if this sweeps should be swept away or we should call it
sleeps since a lot of us are napping when the show is on smiley-sleep027.gif
I almost had a moment, when JJ was bragging about his letter...surely he wasn't accepted to Stanford??? Then, I heard San Jose State. Okay. That was a little plausible.

DaysD...I am also a SDSU grad. I guess one Cal State college really isn't any more posh than the other, but I enjoyed your take on hearing San Diego and noting the distance. JJ might have done better transferring from a California Community College... but I guess Salem U is about the same, lol.