Days of Our Lives - Thu., Nov. 8, 2018


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
At the Kmansion, Ben asks Chad why he wants his help after everything Ben did to Chad & Abby. Chad needs a monster. Chad plans to exploit Ben's homelessness to get him to do whatever Chad wants. Ben doesn't want to kill anyone. Chad says we'll see. He gives Ben a large deposit, which Gabi oversees and flips out about. Chad keeps her in the dark.

At the DiMansion, Kate wants to talk to Abigail. Abigail is reluctant, but agrees. Kate sticks to her story about "Gabby" attacking her. She wants to have tea with Abby. Abby leaves to get some, Kate fingers the pills. Later, Abby has the tea set. The guard comes in, is angry that Kate got past him. Abby says it's okay, walks him out, affording Kate the opportunity to drug her. Meanwhile in the entryway, Abby tells Frank that she'll keep his secret as long as Mr DiMera doesn't find out that Abby let Kate stay. Deal. Abby goes back to meet with Kate.

Abe talks to Belle about Hattie Adams' marriage to and annulment from John. Later, she has recapped everything from the switch & the breakout. Hattie is back in Statesville - and John and Marlena aren't married. Abe suggests that he marry them today, and enlists Belle's help.

Marlena is wheeled out to Paul and Will by John. They talk about Paul & Will's new apartment as well as the Mummy. The young couple recaps literally every second of their conversation with Susan.

In the Morgue, Susan and Sami face off. Susan doesn't believe Sami's claim about the burn unit because she didn't tell Susan her son was alive. Sami suggests they work together. They blab about how the Mummy will need lots of love, and then hug. Upstairs, Marlena and Paul are worrying about how long John and Will have been gone. Suddenly Susan (no longer in scrubs) comes out arm-in-arm with Will, and she and John say that the Mummy's back in his room. (No, you didn't miss a scene.) Belle comes up, wants Will and Sami to help with something.

Back in the Mummy's room, Sami goes back and forth with Big Zero (too many rapists in this scene) about their deal, which they each felt the other violated. They trade barbs and the upshot is Sami's keeping the money she stole. (How is she walking around free, anyway?) The rapist leaves, Belle enters. She wants Sami's help.

Outside the DiMansion, Chad tries to get in, but Frank keeps him out. Chad moves away and Ben knocks the guard out with a stranglehold. Ben wants to know now what. Chad swipes the guard's gun, gives it to Ben. Says, "Use your imagination." Ben refuses to kill; Chad was just testing him. Chad needs to go in to get Abigail.

Inside the DiMansion, Kate and Abby are babbling away, Kate's phone keeps ringing. She admits she has to take it, suggests Abby start her tea before it gets cold. Once alone, Abby switches the teas. Kate's caller is Gabi, who is frantic, but Kate tells her it's all under control. Abby lures Kate back to the room, laments her situation of being married to her rapist as they each sip their tea. Back outside, Big Zero catches Chad trying to get into the DiMansion. As Chad distracts him, Ben leaps out and strangles Stefan. Meanwhile inside, Kate is getting groggy when Chad rings the doorbell.

Later in the Square, Paul, Will, Abe, and Susan have decorated and Belle has retrieved the rings and tried to invite Eric and Brady, but she doesn't think they'll make it. At the hospital, Sami tells John and Marlena that she is leaving tonight but wants to have a good-bye dinner with them. Sami's even brought clothes. Later, she has taken them to the Square, where Belle and Abe announce the annulment is through, and their original licence is still valid. They agree to marry tonight. John helps Marlena to her feet (she's been in a wheelchair this whole time).

In the Square, John gets the ring from Paul, says he and Marlena have said everything they need to say to each other, but also that he's gained an appreciation of what the vows mean since Marlena's shooting. He says some standard vows, Sami gives Marlena her ring, and she says some lovely words about Tom and Alice, who showed her so much about what a marriage is, and how to work out their problems. (Note to fans: the first episode of DAYS aired November 8, 1965.) She says the standard vows, too, and Abe pronounces them husband and wife. They're going to let Marlena recover before any honeymoon. Susan gives Marlena the Barbie doll to cherish. Sami says good-bye to Will, tells Paul to take care of him, then bids farewell to Belle (with apologies), then John, and finally Marlena.

At the Kmansion, Gabi is trying to reach Kate, who's out cold. Abby has gone to the door, nobody is there. Inside, Chad surprises her, wants to get her help.

Back at the Square, alone, John and Marlena vow to be together forever, no more weddings, but let's do big anniversaries. They seal the agreement with a kiss, the camera pans to the Plaque of Tom & Alice.

An archive clip of Frances Reid talking about the first Days of Our Lives episode (with archive clip included) and thanking the fans for taking them into their homes, then, and now, and all of the days of our lives yet to come.
I'd have rather seen more old clips than Sami blathering about Mr. Charmin Head/smoochy-moochy.

So today, Sami told Susan that EJ had burns over 70% of his body. The other day, Kayla said over 90%. Wow, the healing waters of Salem are already working. :rolleyes:
I really want to know how that mummy can even breathe, how he is fed, why he is not in ICU, Why no doctors or nurses ever check on him, why no monitors, etc. he still alive?

So, Mimi is gone, evidently Hattie & Bonnie are gone, & already back in prison, and today was last day for Sami & Susan!
John already had marriage to Hattie annulled, he & Marlena are married, Paul is discharged from the hospital, & Days honored it's history with a visit from Alice, a long ago memory to boot. That was really nice of them, first time I can remember it being done.
I am not liking they are having Ben be dark again. Yeah, he doesn't want to kill anyone but incapacitating people, that's dark. I can't believe Chad went to Ben.

I watched yesterday this morning. Had to record overnight mine was completely interrupted yesterday. My first thought - really Abigail? Ya just open the door? Then to invite Kate in. I am just so glad she got some sense and switched the teas!! I couldn't believe she even consented to having something to drink with Kate. If she would now just show Chad that Kate is indeed passed out since she switched them that would confirm her suspicions!!! But that makes too much sense for a soap.

Will is kinda making me mad. He appears to really and truly love Paul. But apparently he doesn't.
It almost seemed like an end of a series episode, with everyone kissing, happy, and leaving town at the same time. :clap: Or when new writers come in and quickly tie up storylines and get rid of people. :sarcasm: I don't see any reason to ever bring Sami back unless her kids grow up and they want to bring them back into a storyline.:rotfl: First Sami uses Ben, then Chad. Jordan please come and rescue your brother. :sad: So is the drug supposed to make Kate crazy? :eek: I saw a spoiler that Susan goes to Europe with Sami, guess not. :confused: Security in the hospital and the DiMera Mansion sucks. LOL!:fan:
I saw a spoiler that Susan goes to Europe with Sami, guess not.
Well, Sami did tell Susan she could come to Italy once EJ was all set up in the clinic. I'd imagine Susan will go back to Roger in Memphis until that time. Although, it would've been nice had they mentioned Susan seeing her grandchildren.
Something I did not like, was the absence of Eric, Brady, and Shawn D. ! For heaven's sakes, Belle, Shawn is your husband, and is in town. You text Eric & Brady??? Huh? No, they are your brothers, you call them! This was their parents, and whether or not they are mourning Nicole, they deserved to be there. (Was the 1st thing I noticed, and I did not see the whole show). Loved Marlena's perfect. absolutely perfect makeup (pretty good for a hospital patient, I would say).....and Sami managed to find a white suit in Marlena's closet. Too bad she didn't have a change of blouse/shirt/top for herself.
No complaints here! I was NOT enjoying the new actress as Kristen or Susan. Bye Bye! And, an even BIGGER bye bye to Hattie/Bonnie! I was enjoying Mimi being back - wish it was longer! I forgot how much I liked the character. I also have to say that Rex and Sarah coming to Salem has been enjoyable. Even though they were just brought back I'm already being drawn to their story since they are both good actors. If I can't have him (Kyle Lowder) as Brady I'll take him as Rex! :) Do we know how long they will be on canvas? Short or long term? I like that Sami comes and goes. Until next time...

How much longer do we have Belle/Shawn D?

Zero interest in the Paul/Will/Sonny triangle.

I wish there was more interaction between Rafe and Gabi. There used to be! It would be great if he noticed something has been off with his little sis. I wish JJ would see through Gabi and come to his sister's defense. Oh, and he really needs a story. I hope he has something coming up. Not a big fan of Chad enlisting Ben's help. I'm more interested in a love story developing between Ben and Ciara and his redemption.

If I were Jen I would be a mess. Not only did she lose someone she loved but has had to realize Eric only cared for her because Nicole wasn't available. And, she feels guilty that she didn't tell Eric sooner. At least she has bigger fish to fry knowing her daughter married Stefan and believing that her DID is baaaaack.

While it wasn't the wedding it should have been for John/Marlena at least they are married and it's done. Loved seeing Alice!

deleted spoiler in non-spoiler forum - P.
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Have to say, I have loved Stacey Haiduk playing Susan. She was fine as Kristen, but stood out, for me, as Susan. Good for her. She proved casting made a good decision. I have to say I am surprised that all these temp visitors left at same time. Wow.
but incapacitating people
By my count, he only incapacitated one person, and then also that rapist guy. One was certainly justified.
If she would now just show Chad that Kate is indeed passed out since she switched them that would confirm her suspicions!!!
Knowing dopey - er, Chad - he'll probably just think "Gabby" emerged and drugged Kate. He's a dolt lately.
Again, not a moment too soon!
About a year too late in my opinion. Wait - she hasn't been here a year? Seems like it.
No, they are your brothers, you call them!
Sorry if this wasn't clear, but she called & left a message for them.
She was fine as Kristen, but stood out, for me, as Susan
Me, too. She did a great job. I'd not mind a return where Eileen Davidson plays Penelope ("it didn't take") or Thomas or Mary Moira while Haiduk plays Susan.
Chad: What's he thinking? He goes to great lengths to get into the DiMansion and all he has to offer Abigail is a chance to be treated like a mental patient. Good luck with that.

Abigail: Apparently, by switching teacups on Kate, she's out to show up all viewers who thought she was a blockhead. And if Abigail really wants revenge on Lucas's loving mother, she should dye her hair fire-engine red or shocking pink while she's passed out.

Ben: Unforgiving, hard-hearted Salemites have driven him to help rude, insulting Chad. Things must be pretty bad when he goes to work for somebody who describes him as a "monster."

John: He was right to say: "We did it" at the successful end of his wedding. They actually got through the entire ceremony without gunshots, outbursts by unwanted guests, or the showing of an embarrassing sex tape. In Salem, that's a remarkable accomplishment.

EJ: It's too bad that Susan's mad plan to get him out of the hospital was interrupted by Sami. It might have made for a good scene if Susan was seen wheeling her Charmin-headed, mummy-like son through the Town Square while passersby typically take no notice.
They actually got through the entire ceremony without gunshots, outbursts by unwanted guests, or the showing of an embarrassing sex tape.
I was expecting Chad to burst in and announce that John was not Paul's father.

DrBakerFan , if Hattie and John had no marriage licence, would their marriage even need to be annulled?
Thanks, Jason.

I'm glad Abby was smart enough to switch the cups. But how did
Kate go from the chair to the couch?

I guess Stefan hired his henchman where Stefano did because
Frank didn't try to break away from Ben.

Does Chad know EJ is in the hospital? Does Stefan know Abigail
slept with EJ?

Great ending with Frances Reid (Alice) and the scene from the first show.
DrBakerFan , if Hattie and John had no marriage licence, would their marriage even need to be annulled?
Jason, if John and Hattie did not have a license, the marriage would not be valid. Even if they actually had obtained one, John could have easily obtained an annulment because he was coerced into marrying the jailbird.
How long has the show been renewed for. I found it very odd to do an anniversary tribute on the 53rd. Pretty random and makes me think they might not be around long. It was nice though and made me remember how good the show was. And I loved the normal and funny banter between Alice and Tom. Not enough of that stuff now.