Days of Our Lives - Thu., Nov. 8, 2018

Susan & Sami scenes would’ve been sweet if they weren’t bonding over EJ.

Why can’t Sami ever have a healthy relationship with her family and be in a healthy relationship at the same time ? It’s always one or the other.

How is that Sami can still hold resentment towards Abby for something that happened years ago, but fails to remember that EJ was a willing participant? I never thought I would say this but I hope she doesn’t come back until the 55th (2020) if the show last that long. Maybe by then we’ll have someone in charge who doesn’t care for EJ and Sami or will at least write a decent Sami story.

Loved Marlena and John. This should’ve been their episode with the family, and they should’ve wrapped everything else tomorrow

Poor Abby and Chad fans. At least this baby really is Chad’s unlike the EJ, Lucas & Sami situation (which can still be fixed by the way)

Seeing Alice Horton made me so sad. I don’t think she would’ve been proud of what the show has become overall. I stumbled across a 90s Days commercial the other day with her, the actor who plays Jennifer and one other character. She was preaching safe sex and waiting until you are ready and for the right person. I LOL’d. No one on this show uses protection, if they ever did, and definitely no one waits for the right person anymore. We”ll be lucky if two characters get to know their names before jumping into bed.
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I'd have rather seen more old clips than Sami blathering about Mr. Charmin Head/smoochy-moochy.
The show flooded the new Days app with classic clips in high quality, so I kind of understand why they didn’t show any during today’s show, but yes that would’ve been better than a lot of the filler today
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I've said it bugs me no end to hear Sami gush over the man who raped her at gunpoint, who kidnapped her daughter, faked ransom to bring her back, cheated on her and more than once, dealt drugs, joyfully toasted success when she was was raped again by the doppleganger he & his father put in her bed, while they held her husband, Rafe, prisoner. She runs all over the world looking for this man, who she saw dead in the morgue,
not caring how it all affected her children..........and now talks of how Johnny has been such a rock! Puleeze! Sami needs to wake up, stop living in her dream world, face reality.
Her kids will resent all this, get to be of age...and reject her.
DrBakerFan , if Hattie and John had no marriage licence, would their marriage even need to be annulled?
Jason, if John and Hattie did not have a license, the marriage would not be valid. Even if they actually had obtained one, John could have easily obtained an annulment because he was coerced into marrying the jailbird.
They did have a marriage license and somehow Hattie managed to have her name on it and not Marlena's. We never learned exactly how she accomplished this. Then when Abe signed it after their hospital bed wedding, Hattie used a piece of paper or envelope to cover up the part that said "Hattie Adams" so he didn't see it.

Later, John had Roman schmooze Hattie and pretend he had the hots for her. She wanted him to have sex with her in the hospital bed and he said it was against his faith to do that with a married woman. John came in with the divorce papers and Hattie acted like she was going to sign them, then tore them up, saying she was on to their scheme.
I've said it bugs me no end to hear Sami gush over the man who raped her at gunpoint, who kidnapped her daughter, faked ransom to bring her back, cheated on her and more than once, dealt drugs, joyfully toasted success when she was was raped again by the doppleganger he & his father put in her bed, while they held her husband, Rafe, prisoner. She runs all over the world looking for this man, who she saw dead in the morgue,
not caring how it all affected her children..........and now talks of how Johnny has been such a rock! Puleeze! Sami needs to wake up, stop living in her dream world, face reality.
Her kids will resent all this, get to be of age...and reject her.
I think Alison Sweeney (Sami) has a lot to do with this EJ storyline. I really tried not to think that way, but it just doesn’t make sense that she would keep coming back doing the same thing over and over again unless this is what SHE wants especially when the character used to have such good storylines and she talked about how much fun it was to play Sami. I think she is afraid of alienating EJ and Sami fans and I think the show is too. We haven’t heard one bad word about him in soooo long, and at this point I’m not sure we ever will again. I can hear Allie now “you were never here for me. Too busy chasing the man who raped you“ :clap:
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I have a question or two. Is a burn patient ever wound up in bandages like a mummy? Not anywhere I've seen the real thing. No. 2 Why must they always have to be sent to Timbuktu for treatment? There are plenty of excellent places in the good old USA. I thought the episode was pretty good and I was very touched seeing Frances Reid (Alice) at the end.
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Is a burn patient ever wound up in bandages like a mummy? Not anywhere I've seen the real thing.
I googled pictures of real burn victims and they were bandaged the same way, other than EJ's face/head.
Why must they always have to be sent to Timbuktu for treatment?
It's probably easier for the writers to say they're in other countries to "explain" why the characters are no longer on the show, and also why the current characters rarely go to visit them.
I remember, at the time, wondering who was getting Hattie all these items she kept pulling out from under her sheet....even a bridal veil, and not a single person questioned it?
I can see how it's going to stir the pot to add some interest, but I'm not liking that they're getting Ben involved in physical violence. Even though he says he won't participate in killing, this episode gives the appearance of him becoming a Dimera hit man.

It was good to see Abigail catching on to Kate and switching the cups on her. I wish Chad or somebody else would see the result and believe Abby but I'm not to hopeful it will happen.
But she will also know that Abby was on to her. Kate is just way too smart and cunning to let Gabi or Stefan blackmail her, I so want her to turn the tables on them, even tho I think Kate badly needs a comedown.
She supposedly is soooo attached to Chad, cares about him so much, hard to believe she could not wiggle her way out of harming someone Chad loves.....even allowing that person to be gaslighted. But then, Kate's kids have all suffered from her kind of "love". Just ask Lucas. No wonder Austin & Billie stay out of town. Rex's turn next.