Days of Our Lives - Thu., Oct. 15, 2015


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Apologies, folks. I had a late day at work and now have to rush out to a Doctor appt for the hubby. Fill in if anything's missing, please. :)

Eve is in the square, hears her phone. Eduardo approaches, Eve didn't hear him. She thought the message was from Paige; it will take a while for her to realise Paige is never contacting her again. Eduardo realised when Arianna died that he didn't even know what she looked like. Eduardo deserved the hate that his kids felt for him, he didn't realise his punishment would be outliving them. Eve says his debt is paid, so he can leave; he has resolved to remain in Salem. Watching Paige lowered into the ground made him realise how much he's thrown away. Maybe he can still do something for Rafe, Gabi. Eve won't call him a hypocrite, feels sorry for him, missing all that time with Paige.

At the Kmansion, Adrienne answers the door and Kayla hugs her. Sonny is upset, Adrienne reports, feeling if he'd not been in Paris, Will mightn't have died. But Kayla wants to talk about Adrienne's genes. What does she want to do? Adrienne is having trouble processing everything, but her mammograms are fine. Sonny returns, Adrienne hugs him. Condolences; Sonny explains he was planning to come before he heard the news, realised he still needed to be with Will & Arianna.

John has met with Louise Rancil at the townhouse. She's going to look for some kid in pictures, John claims they were old friends. Louise leaves, Paul arrives to express his condolences about Will. Paul wonders whom John lost touch with. A piece of his past is all John says, Paul is flummoxed, thought he was the only missing piece from John's past. They start talking about Will, Paul feels guilty, Sonny would have been here if it weren't for him. John points out that Paul saved Sonny's life, he might not have survived without that blood transfusion. The only person responsible is Chad DiMera. Later, Paul looks at the picture (I would swear it was Christopher Gerse, ex-Will), learns it's a young John, and John agrees to lay out the whole story.

When he first came to Salem, he was known only as "The Pawn," talks about how Stefano brought him to town, via Ilya Petrov, how John had been programmed to do whatever Stefano wanted. He found Marlena, who helped him find the strength to fight back. (No mention of how he was Roman.) He was adopted by the Alamains as a toddler, named Forrest, and Forrest supposedly drowned in a swimming pool accident. The coffin was exhumed, full of sand. He's trying to find out what happened to Forrest. Petrov taught at the Winterthorne Academy in Vermont, and Louise has agreed to try to find if Forrest was a student there. Paul wonders if John really wants to know these details, John says he has to. Paul used to imagine his father, sometimes as an astronaut, sometimes as a shortstop. But the real John is better than anything he dreamed; he hopes he gets half as lucky finding his parents as [Paul] was. Paul has a flash, realises he roomed in AAA with a guy from Winterthorne, whose dad also attended the Academy, vows to call him for his dad.

At the police station, Justin comes upon Gabi, who was waiting for him. She wants to go inside Will & Sonny's apartment. Justin okays it, Gabi thinks it will be easier than having Sami or Lucas clean up Will's things. Justin still wants to be Arianna's grandfather, Gabi says he always will be.

At the hospital, Sami demands the comatose Chad wake up and report on murdering Will. She grabs the pillow, holds it in front of him. Talks of Will & Chad doing homework together, she knows how she likes his pancakes. How did this happen to him? She surmises Stefano used Chad to get even with Sami for removing Sydney & Johnny from Stefano. Sami thinks EJ was his own man, and they found true love, despite Stefano. Doesn't actually put the pillow over his face today, drops it, says that's not going to stop him. Then decides she must take justice into her own hands, will be doing him a favour, and puts the pillow over his face. Marlena stops her. Marlena tries to reason with her; Marlena checks Chad's pulse, scolds Sami for not answering Roman's calls. Marlena says that Sami has 3 kids who need her, Sami wants to know what she can do for Will. She's even heard Marlena swear revenge; Marlena says it never gives you the comfort you think it will.

Stefano is waiting outside Chad's room when Sami and Marlena leave. He offers sympathy, Sami lunges for him. Marlena holds her back, but Sami vows to kill Chad if he wriggles out of this. Later in the park, Sami and Marlena lament Will, Sami wonders who will be next...maybe Allie since she's not a DiMera? Marlena is concerned that Sami's not expressing her anger. (I guess suffocating Chad doesn't count.) Sami doesn't want shrink treatment, attempts to bolt; Marlena just wants to be Sami's mom. Admits to feeling hollow sometimes, giving up. She was in denial when she heard of Will's death. Sami doesn't want to be told how to feel, is still mad at Stefano, who kills everything that's good.

At the Kmansion, Justin arrives, hugs Sonny. Sonny laments that he'll never get more time with Will, how can he live with that? Sonny didn't realise he could feel this much hurt; what is he going to do? Find a reason, Justin counters; Adrienne says he will deal with the pain. Adrienne suggests food, or a lie-down. Sonny has to go do something, leaves.

At the nurse station, Daniel and Kayla chat about Will, Caroline, how the experimental drug (which she confidentially confides to him as a friend & colleague) appears to be working, she's back to her old self. Daniel tries to relieve her, she wants to stay close to Caroline. If she goes home, she'll annoy Joey, fight with Steve.

In the Square, Justin runs into Eve, exchange condolences and relief that Chad is in custody. Ignores a call from Adrienne, postpones a coffee with Eve. Justin has to do something he can't avoid any longer.

Sonny arrives at his apartment and finds Gabi. They hug and cry. Sonny cries on the spot where Will's body was found. Gabi offers to let him be alone, goes out, promising to let him see Arianna anytime. Sonny is mournful, there's a knock. Sonny answers the door, it's Paul.

In Chad's room, Stefano sends his goon out, tells Chad, "Poppa is here." Tells him to keep fighting. (He's in a wheelchair and puffing oxygen the whole time.) He can't lose another child.

Later, wandering the Square, Eduardo leaves a message for Rafe (first saying "It's your dad," then "Eduardo"). A reporter approaches "Mr Larson," asks for a statement, he's grateful that no other family will have to go through what he & Eve have been going through, states his name is Hernandez.

Back at the Kmansion, Justin has cancelled his meeting, wants to know what Adrienne needs, apologises for bolting. Adrienne has loved Justin since she was 17, and he's one of the most important people in her life. She has an important decision she can't make without telling him. Tells him of Jo's breast cancer, but she will be OK; talks about the mutation gene, which Adrienne carries. She's now grateful that she knows, it's wonderful that they have these tests. Thus, her decision.

Marlena and Sami return to the Townhouse, John offers his help, but Sami just wants rest. Marlena gives her a pile of mail that got "bounced back" to her.

In her room, Sami opens a letter which she says is from EJ.
Love how Sami said she found true love with EJ and he was his own man she know no man loved her the way EJ and it was her that made him change his ways. EJ is still the man who has her heart after a year since his death you can see it how much she still loves him the way she talked about him today..
Sonny's scenes were good today. Glad he made it back home and got to reunite with his parents. I cried when he spoke of telling his daughter that her daddy was dead. :cry: And then his embrace with Gabi at the apartment and how he just completely broke down crying there. I don't know how many more tears I can cry for this show. Sheesh. I loved when Justin asked Gabi if he could still be Arianna's grandpa. So sweet. I'm glad that Adrienne finally opened up to Justin about her medical issues. It's about time.

I liked the discussion with Sami and Marlena. Very well done. I'm a little perturbed that Roman hasn't been seen yet since Will's murder. At least he was mentioned today. Apparently he's been trying to get a hold of Sami and she's not returning his calls. Gimme a break.

It was nice to see Paul acknowledge Will's death and I look forward to his scenes with Sonny tomorrow.
Today, Sami was the personification of a line in the old song "Somethings Happening Here": "Paranoia strikes deep. Into your life it will creep." She seems to think that everything that happens is Stefano's fault and that she and her children are his chief target. How will she react when she learns that the real killer is psycho Ben and that she wanted to murder an innocent man? (Maybe -- "It was an honest mistake. Anyway, he deserved it. He's a DiMera. And now where is Ben Weston? I'm going to get him.") As for her letter from EJ, if it's the real deal, how long will it be before she starts watching the mail for a letter from Will.
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I was surprised Eve did not mention Will at all. And I am very glad to see Paul involved, & especially that Paul's friend is playing for the Cubs. (LOL, they won that playoff..yayyy, & yes, that is my team!). That also means not far to go to contact the fellow.
Sami is really a piece of work. She actually wants to kill someone, is doing it, her mother stops her, reminding her she has 3 children who need her, but Sami doesn't care, only that there is justice for her oldest. O.K. she is not thinking rationally. Marlena should have asked her who she wanted to raise her children while she is in jail!

thanks, Jason.

P.S. So.......Marlena had sent her a packet of mail, but it "bounced back". How odd the mail ended up in Marlena's hands, since Sami used to live at DiMansion, one would think THEY would have been the ones to send it on???
As it is.....Sami glances at a few pieces, ignores them, but selects a particular one. Just amazing.
Apparently he's been trying to get a hold of Sami and she's not returning his calls. Gimme a break.
Right? I mean, I could see Sami dodging Marlena's calls...but her precious Daddy's? NO WAY!!
It would have been a good show until Sami started reminiscing about Junior!
My sentiments precisely. Her blathering on about his being out of his father's influence (he wasn't), a changed man (he wasn't) and her true love (fill in the blank there by analogy) was enough to make me lose my lunch. I just don't understand the pandering to a fan base that by all alleged accounts jumped ship when their couple stopped airing.
DiMansion, one would think THEY would have been the ones to send it on???
But lest we forget, Marlena's ex-husband is still lost at the post-office...I'm sure he personally delivers her mail (off-camera) and mail for her dislocated kin. LOL
Gabi/Justin's scenes...oh, geez...tears. And Sonny's with his parents, then Gabi. Too much. Very real.

I also loved Eve/Eduardo's scenes. Still waiting for an explanation on the "Larson" thing though, LOL.

I did enjoy the John/Paul scenes. BUT they kinda pulled away from the action of the rest of the episode. They should have been placed before Will was murdered, in my opinion. And I'm still not sure if John thinks he's Forrest, or not. One of the few times I rewound (due to my time crunch) was during his spiel with Paul about his history. He clearly stated HE was adopted and named Forrest as a toddler. But other times, he was talking about Forrest in the third person. LOL Still, this is more time & attention to his backstory then we've had in awhile, so I'll take it.

I would have loved it if Sami had killed Chad. Talk about a twist! And she can go to jail forever.

Sorry, Stefano, I feel nothing for you. You've already buried 8 kids (some of them, more than once). You're also scum. I feel bad for Chad, who got into this situation out of sheer Austin-level stupidity.

Hey, who knew that Sami had a kid named Allie? Who's not a DiMera? I was beginning to wonder.

Can somebody explain how Stefano can keep tabs on Italy, untold islands, and the four corners of the world, but not Los Angeles? Oy gevalt!
So it looks like Paul's thing is going to be helping John look into his past. Well, I'm just glad to see that he's going to have something to do. I also just loved how he just HAPPENED to know somebody who had connections with this Academy. Nope no contrivance there at all. :rolleyes:

By the way how did he know Sonny was in town much less at the apartment?

Speaking of Sonny while I thought his scenes were good and I definitely felt sorry for him I wasn't quite as moved as as I thought I would be. I'm not sure why maybe its just because the last couple of episodes have been set at a fever pitch emotionally speaking and I'm just a little burnt out.

The scene with Justin asking Gabi if it was all right that he still thought of Arianna as a granddaughter was sweet and I wish we got more of Gabi and Sonny, hopefully we will. The good news is she's been on three days this week. :clap: Now if she could just be on more then two short segments, yep the Dream lives on.

After seeing Eduardo's brief interview it looks like Gabi is going to find out her dad's in town via the news. That is definitely the way to endear yourself to Rafe, Pops. *sigh*
Right? I mean, I could see Sami dodging Marlena's calls...but her precious Daddy's? NO WAY!!

My sentiments precisely. Her blathering on about his being out of his father's influence (he wasn't), a changed man (he wasn't) and her true love (fill in the blank there by analogy) was enough to make me lose my lunch. I just don't understand the pandering to a fan base that by all alleged accounts jumped ship when their couple stopped airing.

But lest we forget, Marlena's ex-husband is still lost at the post-office...I'm sure he personally delivers her mail (off-camera) and mail for her dislocated kin. LOL
Gabi/Justin's scenes...oh, geez...tears. And Sonny's with his parents, then Gabi. Too much. Very real.

I also loved Eve/Eduardo's scenes. Still waiting for an explanation on the "Larson" thing though, LOL.

I did enjoy the John/Paul scenes. BUT they kinda pulled away from the action of the rest of the episode. They should have been placed before Will was murdered, in my opinion. And I'm still not sure if John thinks he's Forrest, or not. One of the few times I rewound (due to my time crunch) was during his spiel with Paul about his history. He clearly stated HE was adopted and named Forrest as a toddler. But other times, he was talking about Forrest in the third person. LOL Still, this is more time & attention to his backstory then we've had in awhile, so I'll take it.

I would have loved it if Sami had killed Chad. Talk about a twist! And she can go to jail forever.

Sorry, Stefano, I feel nothing for you. You've already buried 8 kids (some of them, more than once). You're also scum. I feel bad for Chad, who got into this situation out of sheer Austin-level stupidity.

Hey, who knew that Sami had a kid named Allie? Who's not a DiMera? I was beginning to wonder.

Can somebody explain how Stefano can keep tabs on Italy, untold islands, and the four corners of the world, but not Los Angeles? Oy gevalt!

JasonD - I've just gotta say - I love the way you think and write and enjoy your posts. You make me laugh almost all the time. BRAVO
Sami thinks EJ was his own man,
Of course, EJ was his own man! That's the first thing I thought of when Junior bent down to kiss Stefano's ring. sarcasm.jpg

It was nice to see Paul acknowledge Will's death and I look forward to his scenes with Sonny tomorrow.

Was there a preview of tomorrow's show? I'm glad thay started showing it again.
And I'm still not sure if John thinks he's Forrest, or not. One of the few times I rewound (due to my time crunch) was during his spiel with Paul about his history. He clearly stated HE was adopted and named Forrest as a toddler. But other times, he was talking about Forrest in the third person.
Thank you! I am totally confused about this. Is he questioning whether or not he really is that toddler that the Alamains adopted? Or is it his birth parents he is still trying to find?
He wants to find his birth parents. He knows he was taken from that academy by Ilya Petrov, on the orders of Stefano, and subsequently completely brainwashed to erase his memory.
Actually, I thought he knew that his birth mother was Daphne, who gave the baby to her sister, who then adopted him, naming him Forest.
But John also has a huge gap from when he was young, so if there is someone who perhaps knew Forest (this is why he talks in 3rd person, as he no longer goes by that name) at the school, he might gain some info.
Thanks Jason.

I cried again today.

Great scenes Sonny had with everyone.

Sad to Stefano with Chad letting him know he was there. I'm surprised one of
Stefano's doctors isn't on there to help with the coma.

Interesting Kayla told Daniel about the medicine her mom got, but it
wouldn't be on the chart.

So, Paul knew someone who went Winterthorne and his dad might know John.
Only in Salem right

Will Gabi find out her dad is in town before Rafe tells her? I'm sure the news
will have start using the Hernandez name.

Poor Adrienne, her test came out positive for the gene.

How many people saw the woman behind Eduardo with the scarf?
How many more scarves will we see :)
I wish we got more of Gabi and Sonny, hopefully we will.

Better Sonny, than JJ... :rolleyes:

Under the circumstances, Marlena should have checked Chad's pulse before chitchatting with Sami. And, she should have made certain that Sami is under constant supervision.

It didn't take Paul long to resume his stalking of Sonny.

Sami's letter was signed/initialed by EJ.