Days of Our Lives - Thu., Oct. 20, 2016

Tate's meant to be what, 18 months old? I'm guessing based on the blonde child they had playing him last. Pumpkin costume on a toddler would still be cute.

I'm ok with him supposedly being in the upright stroller with the hood up, but if he's meant to be awake then can the actors occasionally interact with him? I mean, pass him a toy or a drink bottle, speak to him, adjust his blanket or the hood or rock the stroller if he's meant to be sleeping. I know he's not really there, but pretending he is works better if you actually act like he is.

The whole Chloe's babydaddy drama is dumb. All Chloe had to do was say that she had a second test and its not Deimos or Philip's kid and that she was leaving to see her parents and that's that. Instead she's let Nicole believe that Deimos is the father, causing unnecessary drama, and making Chloe seem dumb. But Nicole also looks dumb here for not asking Philip to confirm before blabbing to Deimos, who is dumb for not having the samples IN HIS POSSESSION retested. He doesn't trust Chloe, never did, so why wouldn't he have done that when the doctor gave him the esky* of blood?

(Esky: Australian word for what you call a cooler I think? You know, a container for keeping drinks cold).