Days of Our Lives - Thu., Oct. 5, 2017


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Lucas goes to Club TBD, where a party is set up, but not happening. He takes a bottle of champagne (he apparently does not care for it, LOL). Meanwhile outside, Chloe arrives, sees the sign ("Doug's Place"), gets upset. She goes in, Lucas asks where's the party. She avoids answering, tells him to give her the bottle, get him home. He wants to stay to apologize and wish them well. Chloe says there was no wedding, updates him that Abby/Chad married quietly (she spoke with Jennifer). Paul/Sonny are still together, but not married. Ben Weston busted out of Bayview and announced Will was alive. Lucas wants answers that Chloe doesn't have.

Nicole and Brady are walking with a stroller through the Square, recapping Ben Weston blowing up his brother Paul's wedding to Sonny with the horrible lie that Will is alive. Later, he's flummoxed that employees are refusing to work for Titan, despite his generous offers, over the way Sonny fired them. He laments that these employees who "worked for Titan for years" won't return. (Let's all forget that the people Sonny fired were hired by Deimos, who took over Titan in 2016.) Nicole sympathizes with Sonny, angering Brady for a moment. She is on his side, but feels he was talking about "us" during his speech at the wedding. He admits he's been rough on her (has a flashback to confronting Eric about his feelings), but they are through the bad part. Brady thanks Nicole for putting up with him, and now he has to run to the office to put out fires. They kiss. Brady leaves; Nicole has an Eric-related flashback, thinks she sees him in the Square. Of course it's not, she then calms Holly by telling her that they are a family with Brady and Tate.

At Eric's cabin, he is fixing a leaky roof when he gets an urgent call from Roman, who wanted to be the one to tell Eric about Ben's lie. Sami has not been told, because there is no basis for the claim.

In the Private area, Gabi has sent Arianna off with "Miss Amanda" and asks Eli if Arianna senses anything. Eli questions whether or not there could be truth to psycho Ben's statements. Gabi says no way, and she has a flashback of seeing Will's corpse (although we only see his legs). As much as Gabi wants it to be true, it can't be. She then speaks of growing up without a father, and only meeting him when he came to town for her sister Paige's funeral, who she didn't know was her sister until after she died. She wishes Will could still be a part of her daughter's life. Eli talks about his "dad" Terrence dying when he was 6, and his bio dad dying before he met him. Eli is sure that Ari will admire Gabi's tenacity the way he admires Valerie's. Then they do some self-defense stuff, since Gabi never learned to defend herself in formal wear. She flattens him, they kiss.

At the Kmansion, Sonny realizes that Will is dead with the rational part of his brain, but needs to exhume his body to appease that inkling of doubt. He is imploring Justin for help. Sonny can't because he and Will were "legally separated" when Will died. Apparently they filed paperwork (news to me). Later, Sonny and Paul are reviewing this decision when Lucas enters, wants info. How can this be? Lucas and Sonny more or less clear the air, Lucas knows Sonny and Will loved each other. Sonny implores Lucas to authorize the exhumation. How could Sonny asks that? Lucas saw his son's lifeless body, the marks on his neck. Nothing can make him forget that. He failed Will in life, will not fail him in death. He wants his son to rest in peace; leaves. Outside, he breaks down. Back inside, Sonny realizes Lucas is right: Will is gone. Paul won't give up that easily.

Back in the Square, Chloe comes upon Nicole and Holly, who is growing so fast. They recount the wedding disaster and its effect on Lucas. Nicole is thankful for Brady's sobriety, but Chloe's reaction gives something away. Meanwhile at the Pub, Brady eyes booze but orders a Club Soda. He has a flashback of stalking Nicole and Eric and he and Roman discuss recent plot points. Roman goes to the back, and Brady goes to a table with an open bottle and pours himself some vodka, downs it.

Back outside in the Square, Chloe has covered, claims she thought Brady was drinking but it was water. They discuss how Eric left town, which stymies Nicole because he could have done so much more. Meanwhile at the farm, Eric pauses from his roof task to look at a box (the letter box, I believe). Back at the Square, Chloe tells Nicole that Eric left town because of his feelings for Nic.
Lucas's scenes were amazing. HOW IS HE NOT ON CONTRACT!?!?!?

I have no use for Brady anymore. Eric is more interesting to watch when he's examining a leaky roof than Rafe and Hope are any time.

I don't like the stupidity of the Titan story. It is not tracking with what we were shown and told. I realize this is a mess that we're fixing from Dena Higley's era, but why bother?

I also don't like that Will and Sonny were "legally separated" during Sonny's absence from the show. This is unnecessarily dragging out this story, and worse, I fear that screechy bad twin might return to town because of it.
Lucas's scenes were amazing. HOW IS HE NOT ON CONTRACT!?!?!?
Completely agree. Viewers may yawn at certain scenes, but everyone pays attention when Lucas is on screen. Also on the subject of Lucas, who knew that he could do the chicken dance? As for certain other characters:

Eric: More rain on his parade today -- now his roof leaks. His new theme song could be the Drifters' old Drip Drop, with its lyrics, "the roof is leaking, the rain's falling on my head, drip, drip drippity drop."

Justin: As usual, he's probably off the mark with his legal analysis. The separation agreement didn't end the Will-Sonny marriage and the Big Boy Hamburger Kid look-a-like was still Will's spouse at the time of his death. This means he should be able to request an exhumation. There is, however, a sticking point. The cemetery has to give its permission too. Generally, they require a good reason, and the ravings of madman Ben Weston might not cut it.

Chloe & Roman: They both seemed baffled about how anyone could escape Bayview. Given the security levels at Salem institutions, the real question should be why Ben hadn't escaped much sooner. Could it be that both the diva and Roman think that because the mighty John Black failed to escape from Bayview, they believe that the place is sort of an Alcatraz in the middle of the Illinois cornfields?
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Justin: As usual, he's probably off the mark with his legal analysis. The separation agreement didn't end the Will-Sonny marriage and the Big Boy Hamburger Kid look-a-like was still Will's spouse at the time of his death. This means he should be able to request an exhumation.
Thank you for this! That is what I suspected.
Thanks Jason.

Why does everyone wonder how Ben got out of Bayview? Abby escaped from there too.

Today I noticed Sonny's hair looking more like Big Boy again.

Brady must be drinking more than we know. He didn't remember Sonny only
fired the employees Deimos hired.

Chloe told Lucas about Will, and Nicole why Eric left Salem today. Shane and
Steve should be glad she didn't know what they did to have people believe
Stefano was still alive.

What a surprise to learn that Sonny and Will signed separation papers. Lucas
said no to having the body exhumed. What's going to happen now?
Why are people acting Eric has moved to Timbuktu? Marlena was able to drive to see him and get back before Paul's bachelor party in order to deliver John's box of cigars to Brady. I bet Eric is no more than an hour away from Salem, tops. Yet we have Nicole and a guilt-ridden Brady moping about as if Eric was now living on the far side of the moon. Give me a break.

For a second there I thought Lucas might agree to the exhumation but Sonny. Should have known it wouldn't be that easy. I can't say I blame Lucas. If I were in his shoes I would need much more than psycho Ben's claim that Will was alive as well, especially since he's refusing to elaborate.

Gabi and Eli, what can I say other than :love::love::love:.

I got a kick out of Gabi laying Eli out. I've long suspected she's more capable than she sometimes lets on. I mean, she once gave Sami a ringing slap across the face, for crying out loud. I kind of suspect that the self-defense lessons may have been Gabi's excuse for spending time with Eli. Not that she would need one. But if that the case all I can say is that playful little minx. :love:
Justin: As usual, he's probably off the mark with his legal analysis.
Thanks for weighing in. Aside from the ridiculousness of the sudden "oh yeah we signed papers but forgot to mention it on-screen in a front burner story" nonsense, I questioned whether or not a "legal separation" would end Sonny's legal spousal rights. It's not a divorce, and I didn't think so, but again, Salem's professionals must be incompetent for any story to work. :rolleyes:
Brady must be drinking more than we know. He didn't remember Sonny only
fired the employees Deimos hired.
Either that or Ron Carlivati hit the sauce, too. LOL - I am just kidding about that one.

It's important to note both the retcons/mistakes in today's episode are cleaning up Higley's messes. (Dena Higley, ex-head writer.)
I can't say I blame Lucas. If I were in his shoes I would need much more than psycho Ben's claim that Will was alive as well, especially since he's refusing to elaborate.
Not me. I would do anything and everything I could if there was a possibility one of my loved ones was still alive.

...[Gabi] once gave Sami a ringing slap across the face for crying out loud.
Sami was always crying out loud about something, and probably deserved it.
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Just was surprising to see Gabi doing "defense" lessons in that too short, too tight thing she was wearing.

People do seem to escape easily don't they? Xander, Clyde, Orpheus, Abby, Ben, Dario, Eduardo....probably several more. Heck Bo has managed with Steve, tho that wasn't around Salem. LOL
Justin: I'm beginning to think Carrie might even be able to put Justin to shame in the law department. Justin can't even speak on behalf of most of his clients because they and friends and family are all given the floor to present opening and closing arguments on behalf of Justin THE LAWYER most of the time.

Sonny/Paul/Will - I'm torn. I like Sonny and Paul together and liked Sonny and WIll together but hated the way Will's character changed when Guy Wilson took over the role. I think the end game will be Sonny and Will so hope that manipulative Will does not return but the more kinder and compassionate Will.

Brady: Done with this guy unless his character comes back to his sense in being the good guy to his friends and family. Why the change of heart???? Oh yeah, right, this is your third!! LOL!
Just for you DrBakerFan
Katmouse, thanks for posting the link to this song. I hadn't heard it in decades. After listening to the lyrics, I thought another reason why it would make a good theme song for the perpetually-morose Eric is the line, "cried so hard, teardrops on my face." It might also be a theme song for poor Lucas and foolish, jealous Brady because of its words "sitting here drinking, wondering what I'm gonna do."
Why does everyone wonder how Ben got out of Bayview? Abby escaped from there too.
If memory serves Abigail escaped from Shady Hills after setting a fire, but it hardly matters because whatever the Salem institution, it's always as badly run as the plot requires.
Justin: I'm beginning to think Carrie might even be able to put Justin to shame in the law department. Justin can't even speak on behalf of most of his clients because they and friends and family are all given the floor to present opening and closing arguments on behalf of Justin THE LAWYER most of the time.
Like Salem's institutions, its lawyers are as bad as the plot requires. Justin's latest bad advice is clearly designed to force Lucas to confront the issue of exhumation. If it was only up to Sonny, Lucas would be limited to sitting on a bar stool and fuming over the stupidity and insensitivity of the Big Boy. Similarly, the writers wanted to send Hope and John to Alamania and to bring back the Pawn and Princess Gina, so they had Carrie look like a legal moron by telling them that they had to go there to get a divorce. Thus, thanks to "da plot," it's a close race between Justin and ice-cube Carrie over who most deserves to be disbarred.