Days of Our Lives - Thu., Sep. 7, 2017


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Chad and Abby have a moment as he helps her up in the hospital. JJ and Jennifer arrive and are thankful she's going home. Abby asks about Gabi, who will be OK. They discuss how Abe sacrificed his reputation to bring down Raines. Chad and JJ both want to run Raines over, JJ is especially hurt since Raines worked with him after what he did to Abby. They drop the double wedding bomb, Jennifer seems taken aback, but JJ is thankful to have one fewer occasions on which to wear a tie. JJ leaves, Jennifer asks if Abby really wants to share her special day. She's been married before, it's okay (and Chad wants what Abby wants). They also talk about Anjelica, Adrienne, and Lucas (recaps - nice touch). She gets a text about a press conference, has to cover it.

At Teen Loft, Claire is shutting down trolls who have talked poorly of Abe. Theo wishes he'd always known about Abe, like Claire claims she did. Theo recalls how Abe trusted him (re: his job at DiMera) and he should have reciprocated. Claire defends Theo, says sometimes kids let their parents down, he's still a super son. Theo is surprised that Claire defends him even after he didn't believe her (re: the sex tape). Theo wonders why he always thinks the worst about people he cares about. She still props Theo, who's "sweet and adorable," et al. He's still "not" jealous about Tripp, too. (Theo hopes Tripp will change his mind.)

Abe visits Raines in the interrogation room, needles him about how tough prison will be for an ex-cop.

At the DiMansion, André is snarking about Abe's sting on Raines. Kate shuts him up with scones. They play cat-and-mouse over an acquisition. André gets a call from Hattie, who has his psych eval prepared. André returns and needles Kate that he has a surprise deal of his own, will be having a press conference.

Sonny is talking to Gabi on the phone, Paul is distracted. He doesn't think Marlena-(Hattie)'s claim that John is on an ISA mission is on the up-and-up, is waiting for confirmation from Shane. Sonny dismisses the idea that Marlena is lying, unless she "became a totally different person overnight."

In the Square, Hattie runs into Roman, who has hopes that she worked it out with John. She says they're over, what about us? Roman again pours water on her fire. She tries a hard sell, but is interrupted by André, who has called a press conference.

André greets Gail Karp and other members of the Board to the surprise press conference. Kate is peeved, he has no right. Back and forth a bit before André takes the podium, calling Marlena up. He announces his marriage is a fraud. Edited to add: André reveals that Kate and Roman are having an affair; he implies he married Kate for love.

Chad and Abby are back at the DiMansion, she's going to take it easy perusing bridal magasines, while he gets Thomas.

At the Pub, Sonny and Paul talk about their wedding. It's Paul's first, so Sonny declares he gets whatever he wants. Paul gives Sonny his championship ring, which prior to his coming out was the most important thing in Paul's life.

At the police station, Valerie is talking to Lani. Val laments not trusting Eli more. JJ arrives. Abe comes out (after making veiled threats to Raines for his threats against Lani) to applause and kisses from Val and Lani. Lani and JJ go to fill out paperwork to get rid of Raines. Abe thanks Val for standing by him. He again gives her the Sting necklace, the feelings were real even though the sting was a con. She accepts them; they hug.

Back at the Teen Loft, Claire switches subjects from how Theo isn't jealous to Chad & Abby's wedding. She wonders if she will bring a date. She realises it's a bit thick, drops it, says Theo should talk to his dad. Abe arrives, Theo apologises but Abe says there's nothing to forgive.

Sorry folks, but 'important' "news" that just couldn't wait cut off the last 15 minutes of the show here. Help filling out the end would be appreciated.
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Undue credit?: I may be dense, but I fail to see any direct connection between Abe going to jail and the downfall of Raines. It seemed that it was Raines stupidly kidnapping Gabi instead of simply destroying the Dario tape that directly brought on his ruin.

All hail the sanctimonious hero: Abe was really laying it on extra thick with Raines, but should the smug mayor really be so confident that his enemy is truly vanquished? If perpetrators of homicides do very little time, how long will Raines actually serve for mere counterfeiting, attempted murder, and kidnapping. How soon will it be before he's joining forces with the likes of Xander, Ben, Clyde, etc. and returning to Salem to wreck havoc on his enemies?

Police brutality?: Phony tough JJ seemed to be going out of his way to cause Raines pain by jerking on his injured shoulder. Even Bo Brady might not have approved of that little stunt.

Once a fool, always a fool: Poor Andre once again overplayed his hand with his ridiculous press conference. Now he's likely worse off than he was before. He simply should have obtained a written positive diagnosis from "Marlena" and then passed in on to Mr. Shin and his cronies. Trashing Kate could have come later.

Shortage of help: Is the Spectator so short of reporters that Jenny herself had to attend the idiotic Andre event? This would have been the perfect place to use Anne Milbauer. Viewers might have enjoyed watching her address Andre as "snookums" and "bubale."
Thanks Jason.

I wonder if it was Hattie's plan from the start telling everyone Andre was mentally incompetent?
I think she was surprised about Roman when he told everyone it was only one kiss with Kate and
not an affair like Andre thought.

Did everyone see it? Jennifer was working. She made a good a point, "This press conference
is about a kiss??". For Roman, it was big news when it happened.

Sonny didn't use hair gel today. I hope he's done doing that.

I wonder what cartoon Thomas likes watching since Chad found the press conference?

So, Paul finally knows he was lied to where John went. Will he find John in time? Because
this is a new day in Salem, the day John and Marlena are supposed to get zapped.
That was his big bombshell??? That would be like Sami calling a press conference to say John Black ruined her life. :rolleyes:

Such a stupid plot point. There were more people at that press conference than there were at Chad and Abby's wedding.

I'm on board with Claire proving Theo is jealous and can't wait for the triangle to officially commence.

Same here. I think we are headed for Philip/Chloe/Brady 2.0 where Claire and Theo love each other but then she's going to inadvertently fall hard for Tripp. I'm here for it.

Hattie's purse should have been a dead giveaway that she's not Marlena. Good grief.

JJ really needs to shave.

Too bad Belle and Carrie aren't in town to handle a lawsuit for John and Marlena.
Did everyone see it? Jennifer was working. She made a good a point, "This press conferenceis about a kiss??". For Roman, it was big news when it happened.

:rotfl: :rotfl:

You have to be a real man to wear a pink sport coat (JJ), or shirt (Theo!). :) :)

No wheelchair for Abby's hospital release?

Theo should feel no guilt over not believing Claire's video-posting denial. She was notably involved with her social media fan base at the time.

How many times are we going to see Claire smirking, and needling Theo about his jealousy? :sick: :sick: :sick:

Will Paul's mother be attending his wedding? :rolleyes:

Regarding Abe/Valerie's arrival at the teen loft, are we going back to characters opening a door to leave, only to be surprised by someone standing there? :rolleyes:

It seems very common in Salem to see people watching live TV on their tablets.
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And is completely overdone on Days. And of course they have to watch TV on their tablets.........NO ONE has a TV in their homes. Rather amazing!. I know a couple people who do not own a TV, on purpose, but in Salem, they must be taboo. LOL Even their hotel rooms have none.
Thanks for the write-up. I agree, the press conference was silly. I must say, though, that I was surprised at the end (and pleasantly so). I don't now Hattie's past, but I also thought maybe she'd be so mad at Kate for kissing Roman that she would do as Andre says now and deal with him later. I can't wait to see what Kate and the board do Andre. He certainly looks mentally incompetent now.

The teens having a love triangle is expected. I do want Theo and Claire to finally be done. Never was a fan of theirs. I think he belongs with Ciara in the end, and am interested to see what could happen with Claire and Tripp.

It was nice seeing the scenes with Abigail, JJ and Chad, as well as Paul and Sonny. More family or romance-oriented scenes. That's good, especially since the holidays are coming up. I also hope the alarm bells start to go off more for investigator Paul a la Hattie.
If perpetrators of homicides do very little time, how long will Raines actually serve for mere counterfeiting, attempted murder, and kidnapping

Maybe Raines will be sent to a federal prison well out of the range of Salem's orbit, lol.

I know a couple people who do not own a TV, on purpose, but in Salem, they must be taboo. LOL Even their hotel rooms have none.

Unless a TV is needed for the scene or did Bonnie and Hattie watch a dirty movie while projecting in on the wall with a cell phone? LOL